/* Copyright 2019 Conny Duck * * This file is a part of Tusky. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not, * see . */ package com.keylesspalace.tusky import android.content.Context import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import androidx.annotation.StringRes import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.conversation.ConversationsFragment import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline.TimelineFragment import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline.viewmodel.TimelineViewModel import com.keylesspalace.tusky.fragment.NotificationsFragment /** this would be a good case for a sealed class, but that does not work nice with Room */ const val HOME = "Home" const val NOTIFICATIONS = "Notifications" const val LOCAL = "Local" const val FEDERATED = "Federated" const val DIRECT = "Direct" const val HASHTAG = "Hashtag" const val LIST = "List" data class TabData( val id: String, @StringRes val text: Int, @DrawableRes val icon: Int, val fragment: (List) -> Fragment, val arguments: List = emptyList(), val title: (Context) -> String = { context -> context.getString(text) } ) fun createTabDataFromId(id: String, arguments: List = emptyList()): TabData { return when (id) { HOME -> TabData( HOME, R.string.title_home, R.drawable.ic_home_24dp, { TimelineFragment.newInstance(TimelineViewModel.Kind.HOME) } ) NOTIFICATIONS -> TabData( NOTIFICATIONS, R.string.title_notifications, R.drawable.ic_notifications_24dp, { NotificationsFragment.newInstance() } ) LOCAL -> TabData( LOCAL, R.string.title_public_local, R.drawable.ic_local_24dp, { TimelineFragment.newInstance(TimelineViewModel.Kind.PUBLIC_LOCAL) } ) FEDERATED -> TabData( FEDERATED, R.string.title_public_federated, R.drawable.ic_public_24dp, { TimelineFragment.newInstance(TimelineViewModel.Kind.PUBLIC_FEDERATED) } ) DIRECT -> TabData( DIRECT, R.string.title_direct_messages, R.drawable.ic_reblog_direct_24dp, { ConversationsFragment.newInstance() } ) HASHTAG -> TabData( HASHTAG, R.string.hashtags, R.drawable.ic_hashtag, { args -> TimelineFragment.newHashtagInstance(args) }, arguments, { context -> arguments.joinToString(separator = " ") { context.getString(R.string.title_tag, it) } } ) LIST -> TabData( LIST, R.string.list, R.drawable.ic_list, { args -> TimelineFragment.newInstance(TimelineViewModel.Kind.LIST, args.getOrNull(0).orEmpty()) }, arguments, { arguments.getOrNull(1).orEmpty() } ) else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("unknown tab type") } } fun defaultTabs(): List { return listOf( createTabDataFromId(HOME), createTabDataFromId(NOTIFICATIONS), createTabDataFromId(LOCAL), createTabDataFromId(DIRECT) ) }