/* * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.keylesspalace.tusky.util; import androidx.annotation.AnyThread; import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /** * A helper class for {@link androidx.paging.PagedList.BoundaryCallback BoundaryCallback}s and * {@link DataSource}s to help with tracking network requests. *
* It is designed to support 3 types of requests, {@link RequestType#INITIAL INITIAL}, * {@link RequestType#BEFORE BEFORE} and {@link RequestType#AFTER AFTER} and runs only 1 request * for each of them via {@link #runIfNotRunning(RequestType, Request)}. *
* It tracks a {@link Status} and an {@code error} for each {@link RequestType}. *
* A sample usage of this class to limit requests looks like this: *
* class PagingBoundaryCallback extends PagedList.BoundaryCallback<MyItem> { * // TODO replace with an executor from your application * Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); * PagingRequestHelper helper = new PagingRequestHelper(executor); * // imaginary API service, using Retrofit * MyApi api; * * {@literal @}Override * public void onItemAtFrontLoaded({@literal @}NonNull MyItem itemAtFront) { * helper.runIfNotRunning(PagingRequestHelper.RequestType.BEFORE, * helperCallback -> api.getTopBefore(itemAtFront.getName(), 10).enqueue( * new Callback<ApiResponse>() { * {@literal @}Override * public void onResponse(Call<ApiResponse> call, * Response<ApiResponse> response) { * // TODO insert new records into database * helperCallback.recordSuccess(); * } * * {@literal @}Override * public void onFailure(Call<ApiResponse> call, Throwable t) { * helperCallback.recordFailure(t); * } * })); * } * * {@literal @}Override * public void onItemAtEndLoaded({@literal @}NonNull MyItem itemAtEnd) { * helper.runIfNotRunning(PagingRequestHelper.RequestType.AFTER, * helperCallback -> api.getTopBefore(itemAtEnd.getName(), 10).enqueue( * new Callback<ApiResponse>() { * {@literal @}Override * public void onResponse(Call<ApiResponse> call, * Response<ApiResponse> response) { * // TODO insert new records into database * helperCallback.recordSuccess(); * } * * {@literal @}Override * public void onFailure(Call<ApiResponse> call, Throwable t) { * helperCallback.recordFailure(t); * } * })); * } * } **
* The helper provides an API to observe combined request status, which can be reported back to the * application based on your business rules. *
* MutableLiveData<PagingRequestHelper.Status> combined = new MutableLiveData<>(); * helper.addListener(status -> { * // merge multiple states per request type into one, or dispatch separately depending on * // your application logic. * if (status.hasRunning()) { * combined.postValue(PagingRequestHelper.Status.RUNNING); * } else if (status.hasError()) { * // can also obtain the error via {@link StatusReport#getErrorFor(RequestType)} * combined.postValue(PagingRequestHelper.Status.FAILED); * } else { * combined.postValue(PagingRequestHelper.Status.SUCCESS); * } * }); **/ // THIS class is likely to be moved into the library in a future release. Feel free to copy it // from this sample. public class PagingRequestHelper { private final Object mLock = new Object(); private final Executor mRetryService; @GuardedBy("mLock") private final RequestQueue[] mRequestQueues = new RequestQueue[] {new RequestQueue(RequestType.INITIAL), new RequestQueue(RequestType.BEFORE), new RequestQueue(RequestType.AFTER)}; @NonNull final CopyOnWriteArrayList
* If run, the request will be run in the current thread. * * @param type The type of the request. * @param request The request to run. * @return True if the request is run, false otherwise. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @AnyThread public boolean runIfNotRunning(@NonNull RequestType type, @NonNull Request request) { boolean hasListeners = !mListeners.isEmpty(); StatusReport report = null; synchronized (mLock) { RequestQueue queue = mRequestQueues[type.ordinal()]; if (queue.mRunning != null) { return false; } queue.mRunning = request; queue.mStatus = Status.RUNNING; queue.mFailed = null; queue.mLastError = null; if (hasListeners) { report = prepareStatusReportLocked(); } } if (report != null) { dispatchReport(report); } final RequestWrapper wrapper = new RequestWrapper(request, this, type); wrapper.run(); return true; } @GuardedBy("mLock") private StatusReport prepareStatusReportLocked() { Throwable[] errors = new Throwable[]{ mRequestQueues[0].mLastError, mRequestQueues[1].mLastError, mRequestQueues[2].mLastError }; return new StatusReport( getStatusForLocked(RequestType.INITIAL), getStatusForLocked(RequestType.BEFORE), getStatusForLocked(RequestType.AFTER), errors ); } @GuardedBy("mLock") private Status getStatusForLocked(RequestType type) { return mRequestQueues[type.ordinal()].mStatus; } @AnyThread @VisibleForTesting void recordResult(@NonNull RequestWrapper wrapper, @Nullable Throwable throwable) { StatusReport report = null; final boolean success = throwable == null; boolean hasListeners = !mListeners.isEmpty(); synchronized (mLock) { RequestQueue queue = mRequestQueues[wrapper.mType.ordinal()]; queue.mRunning = null; queue.mLastError = throwable; if (success) { queue.mFailed = null; queue.mStatus = Status.SUCCESS; } else { queue.mFailed = wrapper; queue.mStatus = Status.FAILED; } if (hasListeners) { report = prepareStatusReportLocked(); } } if (report != null) { dispatchReport(report); } } private void dispatchReport(StatusReport report) { for (Listener listener : mListeners) { listener.onStatusChange(report); } } /** * Retries all failed requests. * * @return True if any request is retried, false otherwise. */ public boolean retryAllFailed() { final RequestWrapper[] toBeRetried = new RequestWrapper[RequestType.values().length]; boolean retried = false; synchronized (mLock) { for (int i = 0; i < RequestType.values().length; i++) { toBeRetried[i] = mRequestQueues[i].mFailed; mRequestQueues[i].mFailed = null; } } for (RequestWrapper failed : toBeRetried) { if (failed != null) { failed.retry(mRetryService); retried = true; } } return retried; } static class RequestWrapper implements Runnable { @NonNull final Request mRequest; @NonNull final PagingRequestHelper mHelper; @NonNull final RequestType mType; RequestWrapper(@NonNull Request request, @NonNull PagingRequestHelper helper, @NonNull RequestType type) { mRequest = request; mHelper = helper; mType = type; } @Override public void run() { mRequest.run(new Request.Callback(this, mHelper)); } void retry(Executor service) { service.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mHelper.runIfNotRunning(mType, mRequest); } }); } } /** * Runner class that runs a request tracked by the {@link PagingRequestHelper}. *
* When a request is invoked, it must call one of {@link Callback#recordFailure(Throwable)} * or {@link Callback#recordSuccess()} once and only once. This call * can be made any time. Until that method call is made, {@link PagingRequestHelper} will * consider the request is running. */ @FunctionalInterface public interface Request { /** * Should run the request and call the given {@link Callback} with the result of the * request. * * @param callback The callback that should be invoked with the result. */ void run(Callback callback); /** * Callback class provided to the {@link #run(Callback)} method to report the result. */ class Callback { private final AtomicBoolean mCalled = new AtomicBoolean(); private final RequestWrapper mWrapper; private final PagingRequestHelper mHelper; Callback(RequestWrapper wrapper, PagingRequestHelper helper) { mWrapper = wrapper; mHelper = helper; } /** * Call this method when the request succeeds and new data is fetched. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public final void recordSuccess() { if (mCalled.compareAndSet(false, true)) { mHelper.recordResult(mWrapper, null); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "already called recordSuccess or recordFailure"); } } /** * Call this method with the failure message and the request can be retried via * {@link #retryAllFailed()}. * * @param throwable The error that occured while carrying out the request. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public final void recordFailure(@NonNull Throwable throwable) { //noinspection ConstantConditions if (throwable == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must provide a throwable describing" + " the error to record the failure"); } if (mCalled.compareAndSet(false, true)) { mHelper.recordResult(mWrapper, throwable); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "already called recordSuccess or recordFailure"); } } } } /** * Data class that holds the information about the current status of the ongoing requests * using this helper. */ public static final class StatusReport { /** * Status of the latest request that were submitted with {@link RequestType#INITIAL}. */ @NonNull public final Status initial; /** * Status of the latest request that were submitted with {@link RequestType#BEFORE}. */ @NonNull public final Status before; /** * Status of the latest request that were submitted with {@link RequestType#AFTER}. */ @NonNull public final Status after; @NonNull private final Throwable[] mErrors; StatusReport(@NonNull Status initial, @NonNull Status before, @NonNull Status after, @NonNull Throwable[] errors) { this.initial = initial; this.before = before; this.after = after; this.mErrors = errors; } /** * Convenience method to check if there are any running requests. * * @return True if there are any running requests, false otherwise. */ public boolean hasRunning() { return initial == Status.RUNNING || before == Status.RUNNING || after == Status.RUNNING; } /** * Convenience method to check if there are any requests that resulted in an error. * * @return True if there are any requests that finished with error, false otherwise. */ public boolean hasError() { return initial == Status.FAILED || before == Status.FAILED || after == Status.FAILED; } /** * Returns the error for the given request type. * * @param type The request type for which the error should be returned. * @return The {@link Throwable} returned by the failing request with the given type or * {@code null} if the request for the given type did not fail. */ @Nullable public Throwable getErrorFor(@NonNull RequestType type) { return mErrors[type.ordinal()]; } @Override public String toString() { return "StatusReport{" + "initial=" + initial + ", before=" + before + ", after=" + after + ", mErrors=" + Arrays.toString(mErrors) + '}'; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; StatusReport that = (StatusReport) o; if (initial != that.initial) return false; if (before != that.before) return false; if (after != that.after) return false; // Probably incorrect - comparing Object[] arrays with Arrays.equals return Arrays.equals(mErrors, that.mErrors); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = initial.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + before.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + after.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(mErrors); return result; } } /** * Listener interface to get notified by request status changes. */ public interface Listener { /** * Called when the status for any of the requests has changed. * * @param report The current status report that has all the information about the requests. */ void onStatusChange(@NonNull StatusReport report); } /** * Represents the status of a Request for each {@link RequestType}. */ public enum Status { /** * There is current a running request. */ RUNNING, /** * The last request has succeeded or no such requests have ever been run. */ SUCCESS, /** * The last request has failed. */ FAILED } /** * Available request types. */ public enum RequestType { /** * Corresponds to an initial request made to a {@link DataSource} or the empty state for * a {@link androidx.paging.PagedList.BoundaryCallback BoundaryCallback}. */ INITIAL, /** * Corresponds to the {@code loadBefore} calls in {@link DataSource} or * {@code onItemAtFrontLoaded} in * {@link androidx.paging.PagedList.BoundaryCallback BoundaryCallback}. */ BEFORE, /** * Corresponds to the {@code loadAfter} calls in {@link DataSource} or * {@code onItemAtEndLoaded} in * {@link androidx.paging.PagedList.BoundaryCallback BoundaryCallback}. */ AFTER } class RequestQueue { @NonNull final RequestType mRequestType; @Nullable RequestWrapper mFailed; @Nullable Request mRunning; @Nullable Throwable mLastError; @NonNull Status mStatus = Status.SUCCESS; RequestQueue(@NonNull RequestType requestType) { mRequestType = requestType; } } }