package com.keylesspalace.tusky.db import import import import import import import io.reactivex.Single @Dao abstract class TimelineDao { @Insert(onConflict = REPLACE) abstract fun insertAccount(timelineAccountEntity: TimelineAccountEntity): Long @Insert(onConflict = REPLACE) abstract fun insertStatus(timelineAccountEntity: TimelineStatusEntity): Long @Insert(onConflict = IGNORE) abstract fun insertStatusIfNotThere(timelineAccountEntity: TimelineStatusEntity): Long @Query(""" SELECT s.serverId, s.url, s.timelineUserId, s.authorServerId, s.inReplyToId, s.inReplyToAccountId, s.createdAt, s.emojis, s.reblogsCount, s.favouritesCount, s.reblogged, s.favourited, s.sensitive, s.spoilerText, s.visibility, s.mentions, s.application, s.reblogServerId,s.reblogAccountId, s.content, s.attachments, s.poll, a.serverId as 'a_serverId', a.timelineUserId as 'a_timelineUserId', a.localUsername as 'a_localUsername', a.username as 'a_username', a.displayName as 'a_displayName', a.url as 'a_url', a.avatar as 'a_avatar', a.emojis as 'a_emojis', as 'a_bot', rb.serverId as 'rb_serverId', rb.timelineUserId 'rb_timelineUserId', rb.localUsername as 'rb_localUsername', rb.username as 'rb_username', rb.displayName as 'rb_displayName', rb.url as 'rb_url', rb.avatar as 'rb_avatar', rb.emojis as'rb_emojis', as 'rb_bot' FROM TimelineStatusEntity s LEFT JOIN TimelineAccountEntity a ON (s.timelineUserId = a.timelineUserId AND s.authorServerId = a.serverId) LEFT JOIN TimelineAccountEntity rb ON (s.timelineUserId = rb.timelineUserId AND s.reblogAccountId = rb.serverId) WHERE s.timelineUserId = :account AND (CASE WHEN :maxId IS NOT NULL THEN (LENGTH(s.serverId) < LENGTH(:maxId) OR LENGTH(s.serverId) == LENGTH(:maxId) AND s.serverId < :maxId) ELSE 1 END) AND (CASE WHEN :sinceId IS NOT NULL THEN (LENGTH(s.serverId) > LENGTH(:sinceId) OR LENGTH(s.serverId) == LENGTH(:sinceId) AND s.serverId > :sinceId) ELSE 1 END) ORDER BY LENGTH(s.serverId) DESC, s.serverId DESC LIMIT :limit""") abstract fun getStatusesForAccount(account: Long, maxId: String?, sinceId: String?, limit: Int): Single> @Transaction open fun insertInTransaction(status: TimelineStatusEntity, account: TimelineAccountEntity, reblogAccount: TimelineAccountEntity?) { insertAccount(account) reblogAccount?.let(this::insertAccount) insertStatus(status) } @Query("""DELETE FROM TimelineStatusEntity WHERE timelineUserId = :accountId AND (LENGTH(serverId) < LENGTH(:maxId) OR LENGTH(serverId) == LENGTH(:maxId) AND serverId < :maxId) AND (LENGTH(serverId) > LENGTH(:minId) OR LENGTH(serverId) == LENGTH(:minId) AND serverId > :minId) """) abstract fun deleteRange(accountId: Long, minId: String, maxId: String) @Query("""DELETE FROM TimelineStatusEntity WHERE authorServerId = null AND timelineUserId = :account AND (LENGTH(serverId) < LENGTH(:maxId) OR LENGTH(serverId) == LENGTH(:maxId) AND serverId < :maxId) AND (LENGTH(serverId) > LENGTH(:sinceId) OR LENGTH(serverId) == LENGTH(:sinceId) AND serverId > :sinceId) """) abstract fun removeAllPlaceholdersBetween(account: Long, maxId: String, sinceId: String) @Query("""UPDATE TimelineStatusEntity SET favourited = :favourited WHERE timelineUserId = :accountId AND (serverId = :statusId OR reblogServerId = :statusId)""") abstract fun setFavourited(accountId: Long, statusId: String, favourited: Boolean) @Query("""UPDATE TimelineStatusEntity SET reblogged = :reblogged WHERE timelineUserId = :accountId AND (serverId = :statusId OR reblogServerId = :statusId)""") abstract fun setReblogged(accountId: Long, statusId: String, reblogged: Boolean) @Query("""DELETE FROM TimelineStatusEntity WHERE timelineUserId = :accountId AND (authorServerId = :userId OR reblogAccountId = :userId)""") abstract fun removeAllByUser(accountId: Long, userId: String) @Query("DELETE FROM TimelineStatusEntity WHERE timelineUserId = :accountId") abstract fun removeAllForAccount(accountId: Long) @Query("DELETE FROM TimelineAccountEntity WHERE timelineUserId = :accountId") abstract fun removeAllUsersForAccount(accountId: Long) @Query("""DELETE FROM TimelineStatusEntity WHERE timelineUserId = :accountId AND serverId = :statusId""") abstract fun delete(accountId: Long, statusId: String) @Query("""DELETE FROM TimelineStatusEntity WHERE timelineUserId = :accountId AND authorServerId != :accountServerId AND createdAt < :olderThan""") abstract fun cleanup(accountId: Long, accountServerId: String, olderThan: Long) @Query("""UPDATE TimelineStatusEntity SET poll = :poll WHERE timelineUserId = :accountId AND (serverId = :statusId OR reblogServerId = :statusId)""") abstract fun setVoted(accountId: Long, statusId: String, poll: String) }