require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe DeleteAccountService, type: :service do shared_examples 'common behavior' do subject { } let!(:status) { Fabricate(:status, account: account) } let!(:mention) { Fabricate(:mention, account: local_follower) } let!(:status_with_mention) { Fabricate(:status, account: account, mentions: [mention]) } let!(:media_attachment) { Fabricate(:media_attachment, account: account) } let!(:notification) { Fabricate(:notification, account: account) } let!(:favourite) { Fabricate(:favourite, account: account, status: Fabricate(:status, account: local_follower)) } let!(:poll) { Fabricate(:poll, account: account) } let!(:poll_vote) { Fabricate(:poll_vote, account: local_follower, poll: poll) } let!(:active_relationship) { Fabricate(:follow, account: account, target_account: local_follower) } let!(:passive_relationship) { Fabricate(:follow, account: local_follower, target_account: account) } let!(:endorsement) { Fabricate(:account_pin, account: local_follower, target_account: account) } let!(:mention_notification) { Fabricate(:notification, account: local_follower, activity: mention, type: :mention) } let!(:status_notification) { Fabricate(:notification, account: local_follower, activity: status, type: :status) } let!(:poll_notification) { Fabricate(:notification, account: local_follower, activity: poll, type: :poll) } let!(:favourite_notification) { Fabricate(:notification, account: local_follower, activity: favourite, type: :favourite) } let!(:follow_notification) { Fabricate(:notification, account: local_follower, activity: active_relationship, type: :follow) } let!(:account_note) { Fabricate(:account_note, account: account) } it 'deletes associated owned records' do expect { subject }.to change { [ account.statuses, account.media_attachments, account.notifications, account.favourites, account.active_relationships, account.passive_relationships, account.polls, account.account_notes, ].map(&:count) }.from([2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]).to([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) end it 'deletes associated target records' do expect { subject }.to change { [ AccountPin.where(target_account: account), ].map(&:count) }.from([1]).to([0]) end it 'deletes associated target notifications' do expect { subject }.to change { %w( poll favourite status mention follow ).map { |type| Notification.where(type: type).count } }.from([1, 1, 1, 1, 1]).to([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) end end describe '#call on local account' do before do stub_request(:post, '').to_return(status: 201) stub_request(:post, '').to_return(status: 201) end let!(:remote_alice) { Fabricate(:account, inbox_url: '', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:remote_bob) { Fabricate(:account, inbox_url: '', protocol: :activitypub) } include_examples 'common behavior' do let!(:account) { Fabricate(:account) } let!(:local_follower) { Fabricate(:account) } it 'sends a delete actor activity to all known inboxes' do subject expect(a_request(:post, '')).to have_been_made.once expect(a_request(:post, '')).to have_been_made.once end end end describe '#call on remote account' do before do stub_request(:post, '').to_return(status: 201) stub_request(:post, '').to_return(status: 201) end include_examples 'common behavior' do let!(:account) { Fabricate(:account, inbox_url: '', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:local_follower) { Fabricate(:account) } it 'sends a reject follow to follower inboxes' do subject expect(a_request(:post, account.inbox_url)).to have_been_made.once end end end end