import { unicodeMapping } from './emojione_light'; import Trie from 'substring-trie'; const trie = new Trie(Object.keys(unicodeMapping)); const emojify = (str, customEmojis = {}) => { let rtn = ''; for (;;) { let match, i = 0, tag; while (i < str.length && (tag = '<&'.indexOf(str[i])) === -1 && str[i] !== ':' && !(match = { i += str.codePointAt(i) < 65536 ? 1 : 2; } if (i === str.length) break; else if (tag >= 0) { const tagend = str.indexOf('>;'[tag], i + 1) + 1; if (!tagend) break; rtn += str.slice(0, tagend); str = str.slice(tagend); } else if (str[i] === ':') { try { // if replacing :shortname: succeed, exit this block with "continue" const closeColon = str.indexOf(':', i + 1) + 1; if (!closeColon) throw null; // no pair of ':' const lt = str.indexOf('<', i + 1); if (!(lt === -1 || lt >= closeColon)) throw null; // tag appeared before closing ':' const shortname = str.slice(i, closeColon); if (shortname in customEmojis) { rtn += str.slice(0, i) + `${shortname}`; str = str.slice(closeColon); continue; } } catch (e) {} // replacing :shortname: failed rtn += str.slice(0, i + 1); str = str.slice(i + 1); } else { const [filename, shortCode] = unicodeMapping[match]; rtn += str.slice(0, i) + `${match}`; str = str.slice(i + match.length); } } return rtn + str; }; export default emojify;