import type { BaseEmoji, EmojiData, NimbleEmojiIndex } from 'emoji-mart'; import type { Category, Data, Emoji } from 'emoji-mart/dist-es/utils/data'; /* * The 'search' property, although not defined in the [`Emoji`]{@link node_modules/@types/emoji-mart/dist-es/utils/data.d.ts#Emoji} type, * is used in the application. * This could be due to an oversight by the library maintainer. * The `search` property is defined and used [here]{@link node_modules/emoji-mart/dist/utils/data.js#uncompress}. */ export type Search = string; /* * The 'skins' property does not exist in the application data. * This could be a potential area of refactoring or error handling. * The non-existence of 'skins' property is evident at [this location]{@link app/javascript/mastodon/features/emoji/emoji_compressed.js:121}. */ export type Skins = null; export type FilenameData = string[] | string[][]; export type ShortCodesToEmojiDataKey = | EmojiData['id'] | BaseEmoji['native'] | keyof NimbleEmojiIndex['emojis']; export type SearchData = [ BaseEmoji['native'], Emoji['short_names'], Search, Emoji['unified'] ]; export interface ShortCodesToEmojiData { [key: ShortCodesToEmojiDataKey]: [FilenameData, SearchData]; } export type EmojisWithoutShortCodes = FilenameData[]; export type EmojiCompressed = [ ShortCodesToEmojiData, Skins, Category[], Data['aliases'], EmojisWithoutShortCodes ]; /* * `emoji_compressed.js` uses `babel-plugin-preval`, which makes it difficult to convert to TypeScript. * As a temporary solution, we are allowing a default export here to apply the TypeScript type `EmojiCompressed` to the JS file export. * - {@link app/javascript/mastodon/features/emoji/emoji_compressed.js} */ declare const emojiCompressed: EmojiCompressed; export default emojiCompressed; // eslint-disable-line import/no-default-export