# frozen_string_literal: true require 'singleton' class FeedManager include Singleton MAX_ITEMS = 800 def key(type, id) "feed:#{type}:#{id}" end def filter?(timeline_type, status, receiver) if timeline_type == :home filter_from_home?(status, receiver) elsif timeline_type == :mentions filter_from_mentions?(status, receiver) else false end end def push(timeline_type, account, status) redis.zadd(key(timeline_type, account.id), status.id, status.reblog? ? status.reblog_of_id : status.id) trim(timeline_type, account.id) broadcast(account.id, event: 'update', payload: inline_render(account, 'api/v1/statuses/show', status)) end def broadcast(timeline_id, options = {}) options[:queued_at] = (Time.now.to_f * 1000.0).to_i ActionCable.server.broadcast("timeline:#{timeline_id}", options) end def trim(type, account_id) return unless redis.zcard(key(type, account_id)) > FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS last = redis.zrevrange(key(type, account_id), FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS - 1, FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS - 1) redis.zremrangebyscore(key(type, account_id), '-inf', "(#{last.last}") end def merge_into_timeline(from_account, into_account) timeline_key = key(:home, into_account.id) from_account.statuses.limit(MAX_ITEMS).each do |status| next if filter?(:home, status, into_account) redis.zadd(timeline_key, status.id, status.id) end trim(:home, into_account.id) end def unmerge_from_timeline(from_account, into_account) timeline_key = key(:home, into_account.id) from_account.statuses.select('id').find_each do |status| redis.zrem(timeline_key, status.id) redis.zremrangebyscore(timeline_key, status.id, status.id) end end def inline_render(target_account, template, object) rabl_scope = Class.new do include RoutingHelper def initialize(account) @account = account end def current_user @account.try(:user) end def current_account @account end end Rabl::Renderer.new(template, object, view_path: 'app/views', format: :json, scope: rabl_scope.new(target_account)).render end private def redis Redis.current end def filter_from_home?(status, receiver) should_filter = receiver.muting?(status.account_id) # Filter if I'm muting this person if status.reply? && status.in_reply_to_id.nil? # Filter out replies to nobody should_filter = true elsif status.reply? && !status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil? # If it's a reply should_filter = !receiver.following?(status.in_reply_to_account) # filter if I'm not following the person it's a reply to should_filter &&= !(receiver.id == status.in_reply_to_account_id) # and it's not a reply to me should_filter &&= !(status.account_id == status.in_reply_to_account_id) # and it's not a self-reply elsif status.reblog? # If it's a reblog should_filter = receiver.blocking?(status.reblog.account) # filter if I'm blocking the reblogged person should_filter ||= receiver.muting?(status.reblog.account) # or if I'm muting the reblogged person end should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.mentions.map(&:account_id)) # Filter if it mentions someone I blocked should_filter end def filter_from_mentions?(status, receiver) should_filter = receiver.id == status.account_id # Filter out if I'm mentioning myself should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.account) # or it's from someone I blocked should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.mentions.includes(:account).map(&:account)) # or if it mentions someone I blocked should_filter ||= (status.account.silenced? && !receiver.following?(status.account)) # of if the account is silenced and I'm not following them if status.reply? && !status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil? should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.in_reply_to_account) # or if it's a reply to a user I blocked end should_filter end def filter_from_public?(status, receiver) should_filter = receiver.blocking?(status.account) # Filter out if I'm blocking that account should_filter ||= receiver.muting?(status.account_id) # or if I'm muting this person should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.mentions.includes(:account).map(&:account)) # or if it mentions someone I blocked if status.reply? && !status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil? # or it's a reply should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.in_reply_to_account) # to somebody I've blocked should_filter ||= receiver.muting?(status.in_reply_to_account) # or to somebody I'm muting elsif status.reblog? # or if it's a reblog should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.reblog.account) # if I'm blocking the reblogged person should_filter ||= receiver.muting?(status.reblog.account) # or if I'm muting the reblogged person end should_filter end end