# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' describe Request do subject { Request.new(:get, 'http://example.com') } describe '#headers' do it 'returns user agent' do expect(subject.headers['User-Agent']).to be_present end it 'returns the date header' do expect(subject.headers['Date']).to be_present end it 'returns the host header' do expect(subject.headers['Host']).to be_present end it 'does not return virtual request-target header' do expect(subject.headers['(request-target)']).to be_nil end end describe '#on_behalf_of' do it 'when used, adds signature header' do subject.on_behalf_of(Fabricate(:account)) expect(subject.headers['Signature']).to be_present end end describe '#add_headers' do it 'adds headers to the request' do subject.add_headers('Test' => 'Foo') expect(subject.headers['Test']).to eq 'Foo' end end describe '#perform' do context 'with valid host' do before do stub_request(:get, 'http://example.com') subject.perform end it 'executes a HTTP request' do expect(a_request(:get, 'http://example.com')).to have_been_made.once end it 'executes a HTTP request when the first address is private' do allow(Addrinfo).to receive(:foreach).with('example.com', nil, nil, :SOCK_STREAM) .and_yield(Addrinfo.new(["AF_INET", 0, "example.com", ""], :PF_INET, :SOCK_STREAM)) .and_yield(Addrinfo.new(["AF_INET6", 0, "example.com", "2001:4860:4860::8844"], :PF_INET6, :SOCK_STREAM)) expect(a_request(:get, 'http://example.com')).to have_been_made.once end it 'sets headers' do expect(a_request(:get, 'http://example.com').with(headers: subject.headers)).to have_been_made end end context 'with private host' do around do |example| WebMock.disable! example.run WebMock.enable! end it 'raises Mastodon::ValidationError' do allow(Addrinfo).to receive(:foreach).with('example.com', nil, nil, :SOCK_STREAM) .and_yield(Addrinfo.new(["AF_INET", 0, "example.com", ""], :PF_INET, :SOCK_STREAM)) .and_yield(Addrinfo.new(["AF_INET6", 0, "example.com", "2001:db8::face"], :PF_INET6, :SOCK_STREAM)) expect{ subject.perform }.to raise_error Mastodon::ValidationError end end end end