# frozen_string_literal: true # == Schema Information # # Table name: accounts # # id :bigint(8) not null, primary key # username :string default(""), not null # domain :string # secret :string default(""), not null # private_key :text # public_key :text default(""), not null # remote_url :string default(""), not null # salmon_url :string default(""), not null # hub_url :string default(""), not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # note :text default(""), not null # display_name :string default(""), not null # uri :string default(""), not null # url :string # avatar_file_name :string # avatar_content_type :string # avatar_file_size :integer # avatar_updated_at :datetime # header_file_name :string # header_content_type :string # header_file_size :integer # header_updated_at :datetime # avatar_remote_url :string # subscription_expires_at :datetime # locked :boolean default(FALSE), not null # header_remote_url :string default(""), not null # last_webfingered_at :datetime # inbox_url :string default(""), not null # outbox_url :string default(""), not null # shared_inbox_url :string default(""), not null # followers_url :string default(""), not null # protocol :integer default("ostatus"), not null # memorial :boolean default(FALSE), not null # moved_to_account_id :bigint(8) # featured_collection_url :string # fields :jsonb # actor_type :string # discoverable :boolean # also_known_as :string is an Array # silenced_at :datetime # suspended_at :datetime # trust_level :integer # hide_collections :boolean # avatar_storage_schema_version :integer # header_storage_schema_version :integer # devices_url :string # sensitized_at :datetime # suspension_origin :integer # class Account < ApplicationRecord USERNAME_RE = /[a-z0-9_]+([a-z0-9_\.-]+[a-z0-9_]+)?/i MENTION_RE = /(?<=^|[^\/[:word:]])@((#{USERNAME_RE})(?:@[[:word:]\.\-]+[[:word:]]+)?)/i URL_PREFIX_RE = /\Ahttp(s?):\/\/[^\/]+/ include AccountAssociations include AccountAvatar include AccountFinderConcern include AccountHeader include AccountInteractions include Attachmentable include Paginable include AccountCounters include DomainNormalizable include DomainMaterializable include AccountMerging TRUST_LEVELS = { untrusted: 0, trusted: 1, }.freeze enum protocol: [:ostatus, :activitypub] enum suspension_origin: [:local, :remote], _prefix: true validates :username, presence: true validates_with UniqueUsernameValidator, if: -> { will_save_change_to_username? } # Remote user validations validates :username, format: { with: /\A#{USERNAME_RE}\z/i }, if: -> { !local? && will_save_change_to_username? } # Local user validations validates :username, format: { with: /\A[a-z0-9_]+\z/i }, length: { maximum: 30 }, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_username? && actor_type != 'Application' } validates_with UnreservedUsernameValidator, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_username? } validates :display_name, length: { maximum: 30 }, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_display_name? } validates :note, note_length: { maximum: 500 }, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_note? } validates :fields, length: { maximum: 4 }, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_fields? } scope :remote, -> { where.not(domain: nil) } scope :local, -> { where(domain: nil) } scope :expiring, ->(time) { remote.where.not(subscription_expires_at: nil).where('subscription_expires_at < ?', time) } scope :partitioned, -> { order(Arel.sql('row_number() over (partition by domain)')) } scope :silenced, -> { where.not(silenced_at: nil) } scope :suspended, -> { where.not(suspended_at: nil) } scope :sensitized, -> { where.not(sensitized_at: nil) } scope :without_suspended, -> { where(suspended_at: nil) } scope :without_silenced, -> { where(silenced_at: nil) } scope :without_instance_actor, -> { where.not(id: -99) } scope :recent, -> { reorder(id: :desc) } scope :bots, -> { where(actor_type: %w(Application Service)) } scope :groups, -> { where(actor_type: 'Group') } scope :alphabetic, -> { order(domain: :asc, username: :asc) } scope :matches_username, ->(value) { where(arel_table[:username].matches("#{value}%")) } scope :matches_display_name, ->(value) { where(arel_table[:display_name].matches("#{value}%")) } scope :matches_domain, ->(value) { where(arel_table[:domain].matches("%#{value}%")) } scope :searchable, -> { without_suspended.where(moved_to_account_id: nil) } scope :discoverable, -> { searchable.without_silenced.where(discoverable: true).left_outer_joins(:account_stat) } scope :tagged_with, ->(tag) { joins(:accounts_tags).where(accounts_tags: { tag_id: tag }) } scope :by_recent_status, -> { order(Arel.sql('(case when account_stats.last_status_at is null then 1 else 0 end) asc, account_stats.last_status_at desc, accounts.id desc')) } scope :by_recent_sign_in, -> { order(Arel.sql('(case when users.current_sign_in_at is null then 1 else 0 end) asc, users.current_sign_in_at desc, accounts.id desc')) } scope :popular, -> { order('account_stats.followers_count desc') } scope :by_domain_and_subdomains, ->(domain) { where(domain: domain).or(where(arel_table[:domain].matches('%.' + domain))) } scope :not_excluded_by_account, ->(account) { where.not(id: account.excluded_from_timeline_account_ids) } scope :not_domain_blocked_by_account, ->(account) { where(arel_table[:domain].eq(nil).or(arel_table[:domain].not_in(account.excluded_from_timeline_domains))) } delegate :email, :unconfirmed_email, :current_sign_in_ip, :current_sign_in_at, :confirmed?, :approved?, :pending?, :disabled?, :unconfirmed_or_pending?, :role, :admin?, :moderator?, :staff?, :locale, :hides_network?, :shows_application?, to: :user, prefix: true, allow_nil: true delegate :chosen_languages, to: :user, prefix: false, allow_nil: true update_index('accounts#account', :self) def local? domain.nil? end def moved? moved_to_account_id.present? end def bot? %w(Application Service).include? actor_type end def instance_actor? id == -99 end alias bot bot? def bot=(val) self.actor_type = ActiveModel::Type::Boolean.new.cast(val) ? 'Service' : 'Person' end def group? actor_type == 'Group' end alias group group? def acct local? ? username : "#{username}@#{domain}" end def pretty_acct local? ? username : "#{username}@#{Addressable::IDNA.to_unicode(domain)}" end def local_username_and_domain "#{username}@#{Rails.configuration.x.local_domain}" end def local_followers_count Follow.where(target_account_id: id).count end def to_webfinger_s "acct:#{local_username_and_domain}" end def subscribed? subscription_expires_at.present? end def searchable? !(suspended? || moved?) end def possibly_stale? last_webfingered_at.nil? || last_webfingered_at <= 1.day.ago end def trust_level self[:trust_level] || 0 end def refresh! ResolveAccountService.new.call(acct) unless local? end def silenced? silenced_at.present? end def silence!(date = Time.now.utc) update!(silenced_at: date) end def unsilence! update!(silenced_at: nil) end def suspended? suspended_at.present? && !instance_actor? end def suspended_permanently? suspended? && deletion_request.nil? end def suspended_temporarily? suspended? && deletion_request.present? end def suspend!(date: Time.now.utc, origin: :local) transaction do create_deletion_request! update!(suspended_at: date, suspension_origin: origin) end end def unsuspend! transaction do deletion_request&.destroy! update!(suspended_at: nil, suspension_origin: nil) end end def sensitized? sensitized_at.present? end def sensitize!(date = Time.now.utc) update!(sensitized_at: date) end def unsensitize! update!(sensitized_at: nil) end def memorialize! update!(memorial: true) end def sign? true end def keypair @keypair ||= OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(private_key || public_key) end def tags_as_strings=(tag_names) hashtags_map = Tag.find_or_create_by_names(tag_names).each_with_object({}) { |tag, h| h[tag.name] = tag } # Remove hashtags that are to be deleted tags.each do |tag| if hashtags_map.key?(tag.name) hashtags_map.delete(tag.name) else transaction do tags.delete(tag) tag.decrement_count!(:accounts_count) end end end # Add hashtags that were so far missing hashtags_map.each_value do |tag| transaction do tags << tag tag.increment_count!(:accounts_count) end end end def also_known_as self[:also_known_as] || [] end def fields (self[:fields] || []).map do |f| Field.new(self, f) rescue nil end.compact end def fields_attributes=(attributes) fields = [] old_fields = self[:fields] || [] old_fields = [] if old_fields.is_a?(Hash) if attributes.is_a?(Hash) attributes.each_value do |attr| next if attr[:name].blank? previous = old_fields.find { |item| item['value'] == attr[:value] } if previous && previous['verified_at'].present? attr[:verified_at] = previous['verified_at'] end fields << attr end end self[:fields] = fields end DEFAULT_FIELDS_SIZE = 4 def build_fields return if fields.size >= DEFAULT_FIELDS_SIZE tmp = self[:fields] || [] tmp = [] if tmp.is_a?(Hash) (DEFAULT_FIELDS_SIZE - tmp.size).times do tmp << { name: '', value: '' } end self.fields = tmp end def save_with_optional_media! save! rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid self.avatar = nil self.header = nil save! end def hides_followers? hide_collections? || user_hides_network? end def hides_following? hide_collections? || user_hides_network? end def object_type :person end def to_param username end def excluded_from_timeline_account_ids Rails.cache.fetch("exclude_account_ids_for:#{id}") { blocking.pluck(:target_account_id) + blocked_by.pluck(:account_id) + muting.pluck(:target_account_id) } end def excluded_from_timeline_domains Rails.cache.fetch("exclude_domains_for:#{id}") { domain_blocks.pluck(:domain) } end def preferred_inbox_url shared_inbox_url.presence || inbox_url end def synchronization_uri_prefix return 'local' if local? @synchronization_uri_prefix ||= "#{uri[URL_PREFIX_RE]}/" end class Field < ActiveModelSerializers::Model attributes :name, :value, :verified_at, :account, :errors def initialize(account, attributes) @account = account @attributes = attributes @name = attributes['name'].strip[0, string_limit] @value = attributes['value'].strip[0, string_limit] @verified_at = attributes['verified_at']&.to_datetime @errors = {} end def verified? verified_at.present? end def value_for_verification @value_for_verification ||= begin if account.local? value else ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags(value) end end end def verifiable? value_for_verification.present? && value_for_verification.start_with?('http://', 'https://') end def mark_verified! @verified_at = Time.now.utc @attributes['verified_at'] = @verified_at end def to_h { name: @name, value: @value, verified_at: @verified_at } end private def string_limit if account.local? 255 else 2047 end end end class << self DISALLOWED_TSQUERY_CHARACTERS = /['?\\:‘’]/.freeze TEXTSEARCH = "(setweight(to_tsvector('simple', accounts.display_name), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector('simple', accounts.username), 'B') || setweight(to_tsvector('simple', coalesce(accounts.domain, '')), 'C'))" def readonly_attributes super - %w(statuses_count following_count followers_count) end def inboxes urls = reorder(nil).where(protocol: :activitypub).group(:preferred_inbox_url).pluck(Arel.sql("coalesce(nullif(accounts.shared_inbox_url, ''), accounts.inbox_url) AS preferred_inbox_url")) DeliveryFailureTracker.without_unavailable(urls) end def search_for(terms, limit = 10, offset = 0) tsquery = generate_query_for_search(terms) sql = <<-SQL.squish SELECT accounts.*, ts_rank_cd(#{TEXTSEARCH}, to_tsquery('simple', :tsquery), 32) AS rank FROM accounts WHERE to_tsquery('simple', :tsquery) @@ #{TEXTSEARCH} AND accounts.suspended_at IS NULL AND accounts.moved_to_account_id IS NULL ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset SQL records = find_by_sql([sql, limit: limit, offset: offset, tsquery: tsquery]) ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader.new.preload(records, :account_stat) records end def advanced_search_for(terms, account, limit = 10, following = false, offset = 0) tsquery = generate_query_for_search(terms) sql = advanced_search_for_sql_template(following) records = find_by_sql([sql, id: account.id, limit: limit, offset: offset, tsquery: tsquery]) ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader.new.preload(records, :account_stat) records end def from_text(text) return [] if text.blank? text.scan(MENTION_RE).map { |match| match.first.split('@', 2) }.uniq.map do |(username, domain)| domain = begin if TagManager.instance.local_domain?(domain) nil else TagManager.instance.normalize_domain(domain) end end EntityCache.instance.mention(username, domain) end.compact end private def generate_query_for_search(unsanitized_terms) terms = unsanitized_terms.gsub(DISALLOWED_TSQUERY_CHARACTERS, ' ') # The final ":*" is for prefix search. # The trailing space does not seem to fit any purpose, but `to_tsquery` # behaves differently with and without a leading space if the terms start # with `./`, `../`, or `.. `. I don't understand why, so, in doubt, keep # the same query. "' #{terms} ':*" end def advanced_search_for_sql_template(following) if following <<-SQL.squish WITH first_degree AS ( SELECT target_account_id FROM follows WHERE account_id = :id UNION ALL SELECT :id ) SELECT accounts.*, (count(f.id) + 1) * ts_rank_cd(#{TEXTSEARCH}, to_tsquery('simple', :tsquery), 32) AS rank FROM accounts LEFT OUTER JOIN follows AS f ON (accounts.id = f.account_id AND f.target_account_id = :id) WHERE accounts.id IN (SELECT * FROM first_degree) AND to_tsquery('simple', :tsquery) @@ #{TEXTSEARCH} AND accounts.suspended_at IS NULL AND accounts.moved_to_account_id IS NULL GROUP BY accounts.id ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset SQL else <<-SQL.squish SELECT accounts.*, (count(f.id) + 1) * ts_rank_cd(#{TEXTSEARCH}, to_tsquery('simple', :tsquery), 32) AS rank FROM accounts LEFT OUTER JOIN follows AS f ON (accounts.id = f.account_id AND f.target_account_id = :id) OR (accounts.id = f.target_account_id AND f.account_id = :id) WHERE to_tsquery('simple', :tsquery) @@ #{TEXTSEARCH} AND accounts.suspended_at IS NULL AND accounts.moved_to_account_id IS NULL GROUP BY accounts.id ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset SQL end end end def emojis @emojis ||= CustomEmoji.from_text(emojifiable_text, domain) end before_create :generate_keys before_validation :prepare_contents, if: :local? before_validation :prepare_username, on: :create before_destroy :clean_feed_manager private def prepare_contents display_name&.strip! note&.strip! end def prepare_username username&.squish! end def generate_keys return unless local? && private_key.blank? && public_key.blank? keypair = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(2048) self.private_key = keypair.to_pem self.public_key = keypair.public_key.to_pem end def normalize_domain return if local? super end def emojifiable_text [note, display_name, fields.map(&:name), fields.map(&:value)].join(' ') end def clean_feed_manager FeedManager.instance.clean_feeds!(:home, [id]) end end