import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Component } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { WordmarkLogo } from 'mastodon/components/logo'; import NavigationPortal from 'mastodon/components/navigation_portal'; import { timelinePreview, trendsEnabled } from 'mastodon/initial_state'; import { transientSingleColumn } from 'mastodon/is_mobile'; import ColumnLink from './column_link'; import DisabledAccountBanner from './disabled_account_banner'; import FollowRequestsColumnLink from './follow_requests_column_link'; import ListPanel from './list_panel'; import NotificationsCounterIcon from './notifications_counter_icon'; import SignInBanner from './sign_in_banner'; const messages = defineMessages({ home: { id: 'tabs_bar.home', defaultMessage: 'Home' }, notifications: { id: 'tabs_bar.notifications', defaultMessage: 'Notifications' }, explore: { id: 'explore.title', defaultMessage: 'Explore' }, firehose: { id: 'column.firehose', defaultMessage: 'Live feeds' }, direct: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Private mentions' }, favourites: { id: 'navigation_bar.favourites', defaultMessage: 'Favorites' }, bookmarks: { id: 'navigation_bar.bookmarks', defaultMessage: 'Bookmarks' }, lists: { id: 'navigation_bar.lists', defaultMessage: 'Lists' }, preferences: { id: 'navigation_bar.preferences', defaultMessage: 'Preferences' }, followsAndFollowers: { id: 'navigation_bar.follows_and_followers', defaultMessage: 'Follows and followers' }, about: { id: 'navigation_bar.about', defaultMessage: 'About' }, search: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Search' }, advancedInterface: { id: 'navigation_bar.advanced_interface', defaultMessage: 'Open in advanced web interface' }, openedInClassicInterface: { id: 'navigation_bar.opened_in_classic_interface', defaultMessage: 'Posts, accounts, and other specific pages are opened by default in the classic web interface.' }, }); class NavigationPanel extends Component { static contextTypes = { router: PropTypes.object.isRequired, identity: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; static propTypes = { intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; isFirehoseActive = (match, location) => { return match || location.pathname.startsWith('/public'); }; render () { const { intl } = this.props; const { signedIn, disabledAccountId } = this.context.identity; return (
{transientSingleColumn ? (
{intl.formatMessage(messages.openedInClassicInterface)} {" "} {intl.formatMessage(messages.advancedInterface)}
) : (
{signedIn && ( <> } text={intl.formatMessage(messages.notifications)} /> )} {trendsEnabled ? ( ) : ( )} {(signedIn || timelinePreview) && ( )} {!signedIn && (

{ disabledAccountId ? : }
)} {signedIn && ( <>

); } } export default injectIntl(NavigationPanel);