# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' feature 'Profile' do include ProfileStories given(:local_domain) { ENV['LOCAL_DOMAIN'] } background do as_a_logged_in_user with_alice_as_local_user end subject { page } scenario 'I can view Annes public account' do visit account_path('alice') is_expected.to have_title("alice (@alice@#{local_domain})") within('.public-account-header h1') do is_expected.to have_content("alice @alice@#{local_domain}") end bio_elem = first('.public-account-bio') expect(bio_elem).to have_content(alice_bio) # The bio has hashtags made clickable expect(bio_elem).to have_link('cryptology') expect(bio_elem).to have_link('science') # Nicknames are make clickable expect(bio_elem).to have_link('@alice') expect(bio_elem).to have_link('@bob') # Nicknames not on server are not clickable expect(bio_elem).not_to have_link('@pepe') end scenario 'I can change my account' do visit settings_profile_path fill_in 'Display name', with: 'Bob' fill_in 'Bio', with: 'Bob is silent' click_on 'Save changes' is_expected.to have_content 'Changes successfully saved!' # View my own public profile and see the changes click_link "Bob @bob@#{local_domain}" within('.public-account-header h1') do is_expected.to have_content("Bob @bob@#{local_domain}") end expect(first('.public-account-bio')).to have_content('Bob is silent') end end