# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Form::AccountBatch do let(:account_batch) { described_class.new } describe '#save' do subject { account_batch.save } let(:account) { Fabricate(:user, role: UserRole.find_by(name: 'Admin')).account } let(:account_ids) { [] } let(:query) { Account.none } before do account_batch.assign_attributes( action: action, current_account: account, account_ids: account_ids, query: query, select_all_matching: select_all_matching ) end context 'when action is "suspend"' do let(:action) { 'suspend' } let(:target_account) { Fabricate(:account) } let(:target_account2) { Fabricate(:account) } before do Fabricate(:report, target_account: target_account) Fabricate(:report, target_account: target_account2) end context 'when accounts are passed as account_ids' do let(:select_all_matching) { '0' } let(:account_ids) { [target_account.id, target_account2.id] } it 'suspends the expected users' do expect { subject }.to change { [target_account.reload.suspended?, target_account2.reload.suspended?] }.from([false, false]).to([true, true]) end it 'closes open reports targeting the suspended users' do expect { subject }.to change { Report.unresolved.where(target_account: [target_account, target_account2]).count }.from(2).to(0) end end context 'when accounts are passed as a query' do let(:select_all_matching) { '1' } let(:query) { Account.where(id: [target_account.id, target_account2.id]) } it 'suspends the expected users' do expect { subject }.to change { [target_account.reload.suspended?, target_account2.reload.suspended?] }.from([false, false]).to([true, true]) end it 'closes open reports targeting the suspended users' do expect { subject }.to change { Report.unresolved.where(target_account: [target_account, target_account2]).count }.from(2).to(0) end end end end end