# frozen_string_literal: true class ManifestSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer include RoutingHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper ICON_SIZES = %w( 36 48 72 96 144 192 256 384 512 ).freeze attributes :id, :name, :short_name, :icons, :theme_color, :background_color, :display, :start_url, :scope, :share_target, :shortcuts def id # This is set to `/home` because that was the old value of `start_url` and # thus the fallback ID computed by Chrome: # https://developer.chrome.com/blog/pwa-manifest-id/ '/home' end def name object.title end def short_name object.title end def icons ICON_SIZES.map do |size| { src: full_pack_url("media/icons/android-chrome-#{size}x#{size}.png"), sizes: "#{size}x#{size}", type: 'image/png', purpose: 'any maskable', } end end def theme_color '#191b22' end def background_color '#191b22' end def display 'standalone' end def start_url '/' end def scope '/' end def share_target { url_template: 'share?title={title}&text={text}&url={url}', action: 'share', method: 'GET', enctype: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', params: { title: 'title', text: 'text', url: 'url', }, } end def shortcuts [ { name: 'Compose new post', url: '/publish', }, { name: 'Notifications', url: '/notifications', }, ] end end