import { createAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import { apiClearNotifications, apiFetchNotifications, } from 'mastodon/api/notifications'; import type { ApiAccountJSON } from 'mastodon/api_types/accounts'; import type { ApiNotificationGroupJSON, ApiNotificationJSON, } from 'mastodon/api_types/notifications'; import { allNotificationTypes } from 'mastodon/api_types/notifications'; import type { ApiStatusJSON } from 'mastodon/api_types/statuses'; import { usePendingItems } from 'mastodon/initial_state'; import type { NotificationGap } from 'mastodon/reducers/notification_groups'; import { selectSettingsNotificationsExcludedTypes, selectSettingsNotificationsQuickFilterActive, selectSettingsNotificationsShows, } from 'mastodon/selectors/settings'; import type { AppDispatch } from 'mastodon/store'; import { createAppAsyncThunk, createDataLoadingThunk, } from 'mastodon/store/typed_functions'; import { importFetchedAccounts, importFetchedStatuses } from './importer'; import { NOTIFICATIONS_FILTER_SET } from './notifications'; import { saveSettings } from './settings'; function excludeAllTypesExcept(filter: string) { return allNotificationTypes.filter((item) => item !== filter); } function dispatchAssociatedRecords( dispatch: AppDispatch, notifications: ApiNotificationGroupJSON[] | ApiNotificationJSON[], ) { const fetchedAccounts: ApiAccountJSON[] = []; const fetchedStatuses: ApiStatusJSON[] = []; notifications.forEach((notification) => { if (notification.type === '') { fetchedAccounts.push(; } if (notification.type === 'moderation_warning') { fetchedAccounts.push(notification.moderation_warning.target_account); } if ('status' in notification && notification.status) { fetchedStatuses.push(notification.status); } }); if (fetchedAccounts.length > 0) dispatch(importFetchedAccounts(fetchedAccounts)); if (fetchedStatuses.length > 0) dispatch(importFetchedStatuses(fetchedStatuses)); } export const fetchNotifications = createDataLoadingThunk( 'notificationGroups/fetch', async (_params, { getState }) => { const activeFilter = selectSettingsNotificationsQuickFilterActive(getState()); return apiFetchNotifications({ exclude_types: activeFilter === 'all' ? selectSettingsNotificationsExcludedTypes(getState()) : excludeAllTypesExcept(activeFilter), }); }, ({ notifications, accounts, statuses }, { dispatch }) => { dispatch(importFetchedAccounts(accounts)); dispatch(importFetchedStatuses(statuses)); dispatchAssociatedRecords(dispatch, notifications); const payload: (ApiNotificationGroupJSON | NotificationGap)[] = notifications; // TODO: might be worth not using gaps for that… // if (nextLink) payload.push({ type: 'gap', loadUrl: nextLink.uri }); if (notifications.length > 1) payload.push({ type: 'gap', maxId: }); return payload; // dispatch(submitMarkers()); }, ); export const fetchNotificationsGap = createDataLoadingThunk( 'notificationGroups/fetchGap', async (params: { gap: NotificationGap }) => apiFetchNotifications({ max_id: }), ({ notifications, accounts, statuses }, { dispatch }) => { dispatch(importFetchedAccounts(accounts)); dispatch(importFetchedStatuses(statuses)); dispatchAssociatedRecords(dispatch, notifications); return { notifications }; }, ); export const pollRecentNotifications = createDataLoadingThunk( 'notificationGroups/pollRecentNotifications', async (_params, { getState }) => { return apiFetchNotifications({ max_id: undefined, // In slow mode, we don't want to include notifications that duplicate the already-displayed ones since_id: usePendingItems ? getState().notificationGroups.groups.find( (group) => group.type !== 'gap', )?.page_max_id : undefined, }); }, ({ notifications, accounts, statuses }, { dispatch }) => { dispatch(importFetchedAccounts(accounts)); dispatch(importFetchedStatuses(statuses)); dispatchAssociatedRecords(dispatch, notifications); return { notifications }; }, ); export const processNewNotificationForGroups = createAppAsyncThunk( 'notificationGroups/processNew', (notification: ApiNotificationJSON, { dispatch, getState }) => { const state = getState(); const activeFilter = selectSettingsNotificationsQuickFilterActive(state); const notificationShows = selectSettingsNotificationsShows(state); const showInColumn = activeFilter === 'all' ? notificationShows[notification.type] : activeFilter === notification.type; if (!showInColumn) return; if ( (notification.type === 'mention' || notification.type === 'update') && notification.status?.filtered ) { const filters = notification.status.filtered.filter((result) => result.filter.context.includes('notifications'), ); if (filters.some((result) => result.filter.filter_action === 'hide')) { return; } } dispatchAssociatedRecords(dispatch, [notification]); return notification; }, ); export const loadPending = createAction('notificationGroups/loadPending'); export const updateScrollPosition = createAppAsyncThunk( 'notificationGroups/updateScrollPosition', ({ top }: { top: boolean }, { dispatch, getState }) => { if ( top && getState().notificationGroups.mergedNotifications === 'needs-reload' ) { void dispatch(fetchNotifications()); } return { top }; }, ); export const setNotificationsFilter = createAppAsyncThunk( 'notifications/filter/set', ({ filterType }: { filterType: string }, { dispatch }) => { dispatch({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_FILTER_SET, path: ['notifications', 'quickFilter', 'active'], value: filterType, }); // dispatch(expandNotifications({ forceLoad: true })); void dispatch(fetchNotifications()); dispatch(saveSettings()); }, ); export const clearNotifications = createDataLoadingThunk( 'notifications/clear', () => apiClearNotifications(), ); export const markNotificationsAsRead = createAction( 'notificationGroups/markAsRead', ); export const mountNotifications = createAppAsyncThunk( 'notificationGroups/mount', (_, { dispatch, getState }) => { const state = getState(); if ( state.notificationGroups.mounted === 0 && state.notificationGroups.mergedNotifications === 'needs-reload' ) { void dispatch(fetchNotifications()); } }, ); export const unmountNotifications = createAction('notificationGroups/unmount'); export const refreshStaleNotificationGroups = createAppAsyncThunk<{ deferredRefresh: boolean; }>('notificationGroups/refreshStale', (_, { dispatch, getState }) => { const state = getState(); if ( state.notificationGroups.scrolledToTop || !state.notificationGroups.mounted ) { void dispatch(fetchNotifications()); return { deferredRefresh: false }; } return { deferredRefresh: true }; });