const MAX_NOTIFICATIONS = 5; const GROUP_TAG = 'tag'; // Avoid loading intl-messageformat and dealing with locales in the ServiceWorker const formatGroupTitle = (message, count) => message.replace('%{count}', count); const notify = options => self.registration.getNotifications().then(notifications => { if (notifications.length === MAX_NOTIFICATIONS) { // Reached the maximum number of notifications, proceed with grouping const group = { title: formatGroupTitle(notifications[0].data.message, notifications.length + 1), body: notifications .sort((n1, n2) => n1.timestamp < n2.timestamp) .map(notification => notification.title).join('\n'), badge: '/badge.png', icon: '/android-chrome-192x192.png', tag: GROUP_TAG, data: { url: (new URL('/web/notifications', self.location)).href, count: notifications.length + 1, message: notifications[0].data.message, }, }; notifications.forEach(notification => notification.close()); return self.registration.showNotification(group.title, group); } else if (notifications.length === 1 && notifications[0].tag === GROUP_TAG) { // Already grouped, proceed with appending the notification to the group const group = cloneNotification(notifications[0]); group.title = formatGroupTitle(, + 1); group.body = `${options.title}\n${group.body}`; = {, count: + 1 }; return self.registration.showNotification(group.title, group); } return self.registration.showNotification(options.title, options); }); const handlePush = (event) => { const options =; options.body = ||; options.image = options.image || undefined; // Null results in a network request (404) options.timestamp = options.timestamp && new Date(options.timestamp); const expandAction = => action.todo === 'expand'); if (expandAction) { options.actions = [expandAction]; options.hiddenActions = => action !== expandAction); = options.image; options.image = undefined; } else { options.actions =; } event.waitUntil(notify(options)); }; const cloneNotification = (notification) => { const clone = { }; for(var k in notification) { clone[k] = notification[k]; } return clone; }; const expandNotification = (notification) => { const nextNotification = cloneNotification(notification); nextNotification.body =; nextNotification.image =; nextNotification.actions = => action.todo !== 'expand'); return self.registration.showNotification(nextNotification.title, nextNotification); }; const makeRequest = (notification, action) => fetch(action.action, { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, method: action.method, credentials: 'include', }); const findBestClient = clients => { const focusedClient = clients.find(client => client.focused); const visibleClient = clients.find(client => client.visibilityState === 'visible'); return focusedClient || visibleClient || clients[0]; }; const openUrl = url => self.clients.matchAll({ type: 'window' }).then(clientList => { if (clientList.length !== 0) { const webClients = clientList.filter(client => /\/web\//.test(client.url)); if (webClients.length !== 0) { const client = findBestClient(webClients); const { pathname } = new URL(url); if (pathname.startsWith('/web/')) { return client.focus().then(client => client.postMessage({ type: 'navigate', path: pathname.slice('/web/'.length - 1), })); } } else if ('navigate' in clientList[0]) { // Chrome 42-48 does not support navigate const client = findBestClient(clientList); return client.navigate(url).then(client => client.focus()); } } return self.clients.openWindow(url); }); const removeActionFromNotification = (notification, action) => { const actions = notification.actions.filter(act => act.action !== action.action); const nextNotification = cloneNotification(notification); nextNotification.actions = actions; return self.registration.showNotification(nextNotification.title, nextNotification); }; const handleNotificationClick = (event) => { const reactToNotificationClick = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (event.action) { const action ={ action }) => action === event.action); if (action.todo === 'expand') { resolve(expandNotification(event.notification)); } else if (action.todo === 'request') { resolve(makeRequest(event.notification, action) .then(() => removeActionFromNotification(event.notification, action))); } else { reject(`Unknown action: ${action.todo}`); } } else { event.notification.close(); resolve(openUrl(; } }); event.waitUntil(reactToNotificationClick); }; self.addEventListener('push', handlePush); self.addEventListener('notificationclick', handleNotificationClick);