import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import { FormattedMessage, defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { throttle, escapeRegExp } from 'lodash'; import PersonAddIcon from '@/material-icons/400-24px/person_add.svg?react'; import RepeatIcon from '@/material-icons/400-24px/repeat.svg?react'; import ReplyIcon from '@/material-icons/400-24px/reply.svg?react'; import StarIcon from '@/material-icons/400-24px/star.svg?react'; import { openModal, closeModal } from 'mastodon/actions/modal'; import api from 'mastodon/api'; import { Button } from 'mastodon/components/button'; import { Icon } from 'mastodon/components/icon'; import { registrationsOpen, sso_redirect } from 'mastodon/initial_state'; const messages = defineMessages({ loginPrompt: { id: 'interaction_modal.login.prompt', defaultMessage: 'Domain of your home server, e.g.' }, }); const mapStateToProps = (state, { accountId }) => ({ displayNameHtml: state.getIn(['accounts', accountId, 'display_name_html']), signupUrl: state.getIn(['server', 'server', 'registrations', 'url'], null) || '/auth/sign_up', }); const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ onSignupClick() { dispatch(closeModal({ modalType: undefined, ignoreFocus: false, })); dispatch(openModal({ modalType: 'CLOSED_REGISTRATIONS' })); }, }); const PERSISTENCE_KEY = 'mastodon_home'; const isValidDomain = value => { const url = new URL('https:///path'); url.hostname = value; return url.hostname === value; }; const valueToDomain = value => { // If the user starts typing an URL if (/^https?:\/\//.test(value)) { try { const url = new URL(value); // Consider that if there is a path, the URL is more meaningful than a bare domain if (url.pathname.length > 1) { return ''; } return; } catch { return undefined; } // If the user writes their full handle including username } else if (value.includes('@')) { if (value.replace(/^@/, '').split('@').length > 2) { return undefined; } return ''; } return value; }; const addInputToOptions = (value, options) => { value = value.trim(); if (value.includes('.') && isValidDomain(value)) { return [value].concat(options.filter((x) => x !== value)); } return options; }; class LoginForm extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { resourceUrl: PropTypes.string, intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; state = { value: localStorage ? (localStorage.getItem(PERSISTENCE_KEY) || '') : '', expanded: false, selectedOption: -1, isLoading: false, isSubmitting: false, error: false, options: [], networkOptions: [], }; setRef = c => { this.input = c; }; isValueValid = (value) => { let likelyAcct = false; let url = null; if (value.startsWith('/')) { return false; } if (value.startsWith('@')) { value = value.slice(1); likelyAcct = true; } // The user is in the middle of typing something, do not error out if (value === '') { return true; } if (/^https?:\/\//.test(value) && !likelyAcct) { url = value; } else { url = `https://${value}`; } try { new URL(url); return true; } catch(_) { return false; } }; handleChange = ({ target }) => { const error = !this.isValueValid(target.value); this.setState(state => ({ error, value: target.value, isLoading: true, options: addInputToOptions(target.value, state.networkOptions) }), () => this._loadOptions()); }; handleMessage = (event) => { const { resourceUrl } = this.props; if (event.origin !== window.origin || event.source !== this.iframeRef.contentWindow) { return; } if ( === 'fetchInteractionURL-failure') { this.setState({ isSubmitting: false, error: true }); } else if ( === 'fetchInteractionURL-success') { if (/^https?:\/\//.test( { try { const url = new URL('{uri}', encodeURIComponent(resourceUrl))); if (localStorage) { localStorage.setItem(PERSISTENCE_KEY,; } window.location.href = url; } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.setState({ isSubmitting: false, error: true }); } } else { this.setState({ isSubmitting: false, error: true }); } } }; componentDidMount () { window.addEventListener('message', this.handleMessage); } componentWillUnmount () { window.removeEventListener('message', this.handleMessage); } handleSubmit = () => { const { value } = this.state; this.setState({ isSubmitting: true }); this.iframeRef.contentWindow.postMessage({ type: 'fetchInteractionURL', uri_or_domain: value.trim(), }, window.origin); }; setIFrameRef = (iframe) => { this.iframeRef = iframe; }; handleFocus = () => { this.setState({ expanded: true }); }; handleBlur = () => { this.setState({ expanded: false }); }; handleKeyDown = (e) => { const { options, selectedOption } = this.state; switch(e.key) { case 'ArrowDown': e.preventDefault(); if (options.length > 0) { this.setState({ selectedOption: Math.min(selectedOption + 1, options.length - 1) }); } break; case 'ArrowUp': e.preventDefault(); if (options.length > 0) { this.setState({ selectedOption: Math.max(selectedOption - 1, -1) }); } break; case 'Enter': e.preventDefault(); if (selectedOption === -1) { this.handleSubmit(); } else if (options.length > 0) { this.setState({ value: options[selectedOption], error: false }, () => this.handleSubmit()); } break; } }; handleOptionClick = e => { const index = Number(e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-index')); const option = this.state.options[index]; e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ selectedOption: index, value: option, error: false }, () => this.handleSubmit()); }; _loadOptions = throttle(() => { const { value } = this.state; const domain = valueToDomain(value.trim()); if (typeof domain === 'undefined') { this.setState({ options: [], networkOptions: [], isLoading: false, error: true }); return; } if (domain.length === 0) { this.setState({ options: [], networkOptions: [], isLoading: false }); return; } api().get('/api/v1/peers/search', { params: { q: domain } }).then(({ data }) => { if (!data) { data = []; } this.setState((state) => ({ networkOptions: data, options: addInputToOptions(state.value, data), isLoading: false })); }).catch(() => { this.setState({ isLoading: false }); }); }, 200, { leading: true, trailing: true }); render () { const { intl } = this.props; const { value, expanded, options, selectedOption, error, isSubmitting } = this.state; const domain = (valueToDomain(value) || '').trim(); const domainRegExp = new RegExp(`(${escapeRegExp(domain)})`, 'gi'); const hasPopOut = domain.length > 0 && options.length > 0; return ( <div className={classNames('interaction-modal__login', { focused: expanded, expanded: hasPopOut, invalid: error })}> <iframe ref={this.setIFrameRef} style={{display: 'none'}} src='/remote_interaction_helper' sandbox='allow-scripts allow-same-origin' title='remote interaction helper' /> <div className='interaction-modal__login__input'> <input ref={this.setRef} type='text' value={value} placeholder={intl.formatMessage(messages.loginPrompt)} aria-label={intl.formatMessage(messages.loginPrompt)} autoFocus onChange={this.handleChange} onFocus={this.handleFocus} onBlur={this.handleBlur} onKeyDown={this.handleKeyDown} autoComplete='off' autoCapitalize='off' spellCheck='false' /> <Button onClick={this.handleSubmit} disabled={isSubmitting || error}><FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.login.action' defaultMessage='Take me home' /></Button> </div> {hasPopOut && ( <div className='search__popout'> <div className='search__popout__menu'> {, i) => ( <button key={option} onMouseDown={this.handleOptionClick} data-index={i} className={classNames('search__popout__menu__item', { selected: selectedOption === i })}> {option.split(domainRegExp).map((part, i) => ( part.toLowerCase() === domain.toLowerCase() ? ( <mark key={i}> {part} </mark> ) : ( <span key={i}> {part} </span> ) ))} </button> ))} </div> </div> )} </div> ); } } const IntlLoginForm = injectIntl(LoginForm); class InteractionModal extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { displayNameHtml: PropTypes.string, url: PropTypes.string, type: PropTypes.oneOf(['reply', 'reblog', 'favourite', 'follow']), onSignupClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired, signupUrl: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }; handleSignupClick = () => { this.props.onSignupClick(); }; render () { const { url, type, displayNameHtml, signupUrl } = this.props; const name = <bdi dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: displayNameHtml }} />; let title, actionDescription, icon; switch(type) { case 'reply': icon = <Icon id='reply' icon={ReplyIcon} />; title = <FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.title.reply' defaultMessage="Reply to {name}'s post" values={{ name }} />; actionDescription = <FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.description.reply' defaultMessage='With an account on Mastodon, you can respond to this post.' />; break; case 'reblog': icon = <Icon id='retweet' icon={RepeatIcon} />; title = <FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.title.reblog' defaultMessage="Boost {name}'s post" values={{ name }} />; actionDescription = <FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.description.reblog' defaultMessage='With an account on Mastodon, you can boost this post to share it with your own followers.' />; break; case 'favourite': icon = <Icon id='star' icon={StarIcon} />; title = <FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.title.favourite' defaultMessage="Favorite {name}'s post" values={{ name }} />; actionDescription = <FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.description.favourite' defaultMessage='With an account on Mastodon, you can favorite this post to let the author know you appreciate it and save it for later.' />; break; case 'follow': icon = <Icon id='user-plus' icon={PersonAddIcon} />; title = <FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.title.follow' defaultMessage='Follow {name}' values={{ name }} />; actionDescription = <FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.description.follow' defaultMessage='With an account on Mastodon, you can follow {name} to receive their posts in your home feed.' values={{ name }} />; break; } let signupButton; if (sso_redirect) { signupButton = ( <a href={sso_redirect} data-method='post' className='link-button'> <FormattedMessage id='sign_in_banner.create_account' defaultMessage='Create account' /> </a> ); } else if (registrationsOpen) { signupButton = ( <a href={signupUrl} className='link-button'> <FormattedMessage id='sign_in_banner.create_account' defaultMessage='Create account' /> </a> ); } else { signupButton = ( <button className='link-button' onClick={this.handleSignupClick}> <FormattedMessage id='sign_in_banner.create_account' defaultMessage='Create account' /> </button> ); } return ( <div className='modal-root__modal interaction-modal'> <div className='interaction-modal__lead'> <h3><span className='interaction-modal__icon'>{icon}</span> {title}</h3> <p>{actionDescription} <strong><FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.sign_in' defaultMessage='You are not logged in to this server. Where is your account hosted?' /></strong></p> </div> <IntlLoginForm resourceUrl={url} /> <p className='hint'><FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.sign_in_hint' defaultMessage="Tip: That's the website where you signed up. If you don't remember, look for the welcome e-mail in your inbox. You can also enter your full username! (e.g." /></p> <p><FormattedMessage id='interaction_modal.no_account_yet' defaultMessage='Not on Mastodon?' /> {signupButton}</p> </div> ); } } export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(InteractionModal);