# frozen_string_literal: true class Admin::Metrics::Measure::InstanceReportsMeasure < Admin::Metrics::Measure::BaseMeasure def self.with_params? true end def key 'instance_reports' end def total_in_time_range? false end protected def perform_total_query domain = params[:domain] domain = Instance.by_domain_and_subdomains(params[:domain]).select(:domain) if params[:include_subdomains] Report.where(target_account: Account.where(domain: domain)).count end def perform_previous_total_query nil end def perform_data_query account_matching_sql = begin if params[:include_subdomains] "accounts.domain IN (SELECT domain FROM instances WHERE reverse('.' || domain) LIKE reverse('.' || $3::text))" else 'accounts.domain = $3::text' end end sql = <<-SQL.squish SELECT axis.*, ( WITH new_reports AS ( SELECT reports.id FROM reports INNER JOIN accounts ON accounts.id = reports.target_account_id WHERE date_trunc('day', reports.created_at)::date = axis.period AND #{account_matching_sql} ) SELECT count(*) FROM new_reports ) AS value FROM ( SELECT generate_series(date_trunc('day', $1::timestamp)::date, date_trunc('day', $2::timestamp)::date, interval '1 day') AS period ) AS axis SQL rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql, nil, [[nil, @start_at], [nil, @end_at], [nil, params[:domain]]]) rows.map { |row| { date: row['period'], value: row['value'].to_s } } end def time_period (@start_at.to_date..@end_at.to_date) end def previous_time_period ((@start_at.to_date - length_of_period)..(@end_at.to_date - length_of_period)) end def params @params.permit(:domain, :include_subdomains) end end