# .editorconfig # EditorConfig settings for this code base. # See documentation at <URL:http://editorconfig.org/>. # Is this the top-most EditorConfig config file in the code base? root = true # Match all file names, unless more specific match later. [*] # Text encoding name. charset = utf-8 # Remove trailing whitespace on lines? trim_trailing_whitespace = true # End-of-line style (“lf”, “cr”, “crlf”). end_of_line = lf # Ensure file ends with a line break? insert_final_newline = true # Character to use for indentation (“tab“ for U+0009, “space“ for U+0020). indent_style = space # Number of columns for each indentation level. indent_size = 4 # Local variables: # coding: utf-8 # mode: conf # End: # vim: fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=dosini :