#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mimes.h" #include "opts.h" #include "utils.h" #define GEMINI_PART 9 /* 2014 + 1 * see https://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/specification.html. * fgets() reads at most size-1 (1024 here) */ #define GEMINI_REQUEST_MAX 1025 int virtualhost; void autoindex(const char *); void cgi(const char *cgicmd); void display_file(const char *); void status(const int, const char *); void status_redirect(const int, const char *); void status_error(const int, const char*); void drop_privileges(const char *, const char *); void drop_privileges(const char *user, const char *path) { struct passwd *pw; int chrooted = 0; /* * use chroot() if an user is specified requires root user to be * running the program to run chroot() and then drop privileges */ if (strlen(user) > 0) { /* is root? */ if (getuid() != 0) { errlog("chroot requires program to be run as root"); } /* search user uid from name */ if ((pw = getpwnam(user)) == NULL) { errlog("the user %s can't be found on the system", user); } /* chroot worked? */ if (chroot(path) != 0) { errlog("the chroot_dir %s can't be used for chroot", path); } chrooted = 1; if (chdir("/") == -1) { errlog("failed to chdir(\"/\")"); } /* drop privileges */ if (setgroups(1, &pw->pw_gid) || setresgid(pw->pw_gid, pw->pw_gid, pw->pw_gid) || setresuid(pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_uid)) { errlog("dropping privileges to user %s (uid=%i) failed", user, pw->pw_uid); } /* base directory is now / */ estrlcpy(chroot_dir, "/", sizeof(chroot_dir)); } #ifdef __OpenBSD__ /* * prevent access to files other than the one in path */ if (chrooted) { eunveil("/", "r"); } else { eunveil(path, "r"); } /* permission to execute what's inside cgipath */ if (strlen(cgibin) > 0) { /* first, build the full path of cgi (not in chroot) */ char cgifullpath[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'}; estrlcpy(cgifullpath, path, sizeof(cgifullpath)); estrlcat(cgifullpath, cgibin, sizeof(cgifullpath)); eunveil(cgifullpath, "rx"); } /* * prevent system calls other parsing queryfor fread file and * write to stdio */ if (strlen(cgibin) > 0) { /* cgi need execlp() (exec) */ epledge("stdio rpath exec", NULL); } else { epledge("stdio rpath", NULL); } #endif } void status(const int code, const char *file_mime) { printf("%i %s; %s\r\n", code, file_mime, lang); } void status_redirect(const int code, const char *url) { printf("%i %s\r\n", code, url); } void status_error(const int code, const char *reason) { printf("%i %s\r\n", code, reason); } void display_file(const char *uri) { FILE *fd = NULL; struct stat sb = {0}; ssize_t nread = 0; const char *file_mime; char *buffer[BUFSIZ]; char target[FILENAME_MAX] = {'\0'}; char fp[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'}; char tmp[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'}; /* used to build temporary path */ /* build file path inside chroot */ estrlcpy(fp, chroot_dir, sizeof(fp)); estrlcat(fp, uri, sizeof(fp)); /* this is to check if path exists and obtain metadata later */ if (stat(fp, &sb) == -1) { /* check if fp is a symbolic link * if so, redirect using its target */ if (lstat(fp, &sb) != -1 && S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode) == 1) goto redirect; else goto err; } /* check if directory */ if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) != 0) { if (fp[strlen(fp) -1 ] != '/') { /* no ending "/", redirect to "path/" */ if (virtualhost) estrlcat(tmp, "gemini://", sizeof(tmp)); estrlcat(tmp, uri, sizeof(tmp)); estrlcat(tmp, "/", sizeof(tmp)); status_redirect(31, tmp); return; } else { /* there is a leading "/", display index.gmi */ estrlcpy(tmp, fp, sizeof(tmp)); estrlcat(tmp, "index.gmi", sizeof(tmp)); /* check if index.gmi exists or show autoindex */ if (stat(tmp, &sb) == 0) { estrlcpy(fp, tmp, sizeof(fp)); } else if (doautoidx != 0) { autoindex(fp); return; } else { goto err; } } } /* open the file requested */ if ((fd = fopen(fp, "r")) == NULL) { goto err; } file_mime = get_file_mime(fp, default_mime); status(20, file_mime); /* read the file byte after byte in buffer and write it to stdout */ while ((nread = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fd)) != 0) fwrite(buffer, 1, nread, stdout); goto closefd; syslog(LOG_DAEMON, "path served %s", fp); return; err: /* return an error code and no content */ status_error(51, "file not found"); syslog(LOG_DAEMON, "path invalid %s", fp); goto closefd; redirect: /* read symbolic link target to redirect */ if (readlink(fp, target, FILENAME_MAX) == -1) { goto err; } status_redirect(30, target); syslog(LOG_DAEMON, "redirection from %s to %s", fp, target); closefd: if (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode) != 0) { fclose(fd); } } void autoindex(const char *path) { int n = 0; char *pos = NULL; struct dirent **namelist; /* this must be freed at last */ syslog(LOG_DAEMON, "autoindex: %s", path); /* display link to parent */ char parent[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'}; /* parent is "path" without chroot_dir */ estrlcpy(parent, path+strlen(chroot_dir), sizeof(parent)); /* remove ending '/' */ while (parent[strlen(parent)-1] == '/') { parent[strlen(parent)-1] = '\0'; } /* remove last part after '/' */ pos = strrchr(parent, '/'); if (pos != NULL) { pos[1] = '\0'; /* at worse, parent is now "/" */ } /* use alphasort to always have the same order on every system */ if ((n = scandir(path, &namelist, NULL, alphasort)) < 0) { status_error(50, "Internal server error"); errlog("Can't scan %s", path); } else { status(20, "text/gemini"); printf("=> %s ../\n", parent); for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) { /* skip self and parent */ if ((strcmp(namelist[j]->d_name, ".") == 0) || (strcmp(namelist[j]->d_name, "..") == 0)) { continue; } /* add "/" at the end of a directory path */ if (namelist[j]->d_type == DT_DIR) { printf("=> ./%s/ %s/\n", namelist[j]->d_name, namelist[j]->d_name); } else { printf("=> ./%s %s\n", namelist[j]->d_name, namelist[j]->d_name); } free(namelist[j]); } free(namelist); } } void cgi(const char *cgicmd) { execlp(cgicmd, cgicmd, NULL); /* if execlp is ok, this will never be reached */ status(42, "Couldn't execute CGI script"); errlog("error when trying to execlp %s", cgicmd); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char request [GEMINI_REQUEST_MAX] = {'\0'}; char hostname [GEMINI_REQUEST_MAX] = {'\0'}; char uri [PATH_MAX] = {'\0'}; char user [_SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX] = ""; char query[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'}; int option = 0; char *pos = NULL; while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, ":d:l:m:u:c:vi")) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'd': estrlcpy(chroot_dir, optarg, sizeof(chroot_dir)); break; case 'l': estrlcpy(lang, "lang=", sizeof(lang)); estrlcat(lang, optarg, sizeof(lang)); break; case 'm': estrlcpy(default_mime, optarg, sizeof(default_mime)); break; case 'u': estrlcpy(user, optarg, sizeof(user)); break; case 'c': estrlcpy(cgibin, optarg, sizeof(cgibin)); break; case 'v': virtualhost = 1; break; case 'i': doautoidx = 1; break; } } /* * do chroot if an user is supplied run pledge/unveil if OpenBSD */ drop_privileges(user, chroot_dir); /* * read 1024 chars from stdin * to get the request */ if (fgets(request, GEMINI_REQUEST_MAX, stdin) == NULL) { /* EOF reached before reading anything */ if (feof(stdin)) { status(59, "request is too short and probably empty"); errlog("request is too short and probably empty"); /* error before reading anything */ } else if (ferror(stdin)) { status(59, "Error while reading request"); errlog("Error while reading request: %s", request); } } /* check if string ends with '\n', or to long */ if (request[strnlen(request, GEMINI_REQUEST_MAX) - 1] != '\n') { status(59, "request is too long (1024 max)"); errlog("request is too long (1024 max): %s", request); } /* remove \r\n at the end of string */ pos = strchr(request, '\r'); if (pos != NULL) *pos = '\0'; /* * check if the beginning of the request starts with * gemini:// */ if (strncmp(request, "gemini://", GEMINI_PART) != 0) { /* error code url malformed */ errlog("request «%s» doesn't match gemini://", request); } syslog(LOG_DAEMON, "request %s", request); /* remove the gemini:// part */ memmove(request, request + GEMINI_PART, strlen(request) +1 - GEMINI_PART); /* remove all "/.." for safety reasons */ while ((pos = strstr(request, "/..")) != NULL ) { memmove(request, pos+3, strlen(pos) +1 - 3); /* "/.." = 3 */ } /* * look for the first / after the hostname * in order to split hostname and uri */ pos = strchr(request, '/'); if (pos != NULL) { /* if there is a / found */ /* separate hostname and uri */ estrlcpy(uri, pos, strlen(pos)+1); /* just keep hostname in request */ pos[0] = '\0'; } /* check if client added :port at end of request */ pos = strchr(request, ':'); if (pos != NULL) { /* end string at :*/ pos[0] = '\0'; } /* copy hostname from request */ estrlcpy(hostname, request, sizeof(hostname)); /* look for "?" if any to set query for cgi, or remove it*/ pos = strchr(uri, '?'); if (pos != NULL) { estrlcpy(query, pos+1, sizeof(query)); esetenv("QUERY_STRING", query, 1); pos[0] = '\0'; } /* * if virtualhost feature is actived looking under the chroot_path + * hostname directory gemini://foobar/hello will look for * chroot_path/foobar/hello */ if (virtualhost) { if (strlen(uri) == 0) { estrlcpy(uri, "/index.gmi", sizeof(uri)); } char tmp[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'}; estrlcpy(tmp, hostname, sizeof(tmp)); estrlcat(tmp, uri, sizeof(tmp)); estrlcpy(uri, tmp, sizeof(uri)); } /* check if uri is cgibin */ if ((strlen(cgibin) > 0) && (strncmp(uri, cgibin, strlen(cgibin)) == 0)) { /* cgipath with chroot_dir at the beginning */ char cgipath[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'}; estrlcpy(cgipath, chroot_dir, sizeof(cgipath)); estrlcat(cgipath, uri, sizeof(cgipath)); /* set env variables for CGI */ /* see https://lists.orbitalfox.eu/archives/gemini/2020/000315.html */ esetenv("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1", 1); esetenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL", "GEMINI", 1); esetenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE", "vger/1", 1); /* look for an extension to find PATH_INFO */ pos = strrchr(cgipath, '.'); if (pos != NULL) { /* found a dot */ pos = strchr(pos, '/'); if (pos != NULL) { setenv("PATH_INFO", pos, 1); pos[0] = '\0'; /* keep only script name */ } } esetenv("SCRIPT_NAME", cgipath, 1); esetenv("SERVER_NAME", hostname, 1); cgi(cgipath); } else { //TODO: percent decoding here /* open file and send it to stdout */ display_file(uri); } return (0); }