New Crowdin updates (#23221)

* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))

* New translations en.yml (Swedish)

* New translations en.yml (Turkish)

* New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)

* New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan))

* New translations en.yml (Icelandic)

* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations en.yml (Indonesian)

* New translations en.yml (Persian)

* New translations en.yml (Tamil)

* New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)

* New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico)

* New translations en.yml (Bengali)

* New translations en.yml (Marathi)

* New translations en.yml (Thai)

* New translations en.yml (Croatian)

* New translations en.yml (Kazakh)

* New translations en.yml (Latvian)

* New translations en.yml (Hindi)

* New translations en.yml (Malay)

* New translations en.yml (Telugu)

* New translations en.yml (Burmese)

* New translations en.yml (Welsh)

* New translations en.yml (Faroese)

* New translations en.yml (Uyghur)

* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)

* New translations en.yml (Tatar)

* New translations en.yml (Malayalam)

* New translations en.yml (Breton)

* New translations en.yml (Latin)

* New translations en.yml (Bosnian)

* New translations en.yml (French, Quebec)

* New translations en.yml (Sinhala)

* New translations en.yml (Cornish)

* New translations en.yml (Kannada)

* New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic)

* New translations en.yml (Asturian)

* New translations en.yml (Aragonese)

* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin))

* New translations en.yml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))

* New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish))

* New translations en.yml (Scots)

* New translations en.yml (Igbo)

* New translations en.yml (Corsican)

* New translations en.yml (Sardinian)

* New translations en.yml (Sanskrit)

* New translations en.yml (Kabyle)

* New translations en.yml (Taigi)

* New translations en.yml (Silesian)

* New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight)

* New translations en.json (Finnish)

* New translations en.json (Albanian)

* New translations en.yml (Catalan)

* New translations en.yml (German)

* New translations en.yml (Finnish)

* New translations en.yml (Hebrew)

* New translations en.yml (Japanese)

* New translations en.yml (Estonian)

* New translations en.yml (Portuguese)

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic)

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)

* New translations en.yml (Albanian)

* New translations en.yml (Icelandic)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic)

* New translations en.yml (Faroese)

* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic)

* New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic)

* New translations en.json (Finnish)

* New translations en.yml (Catalan)

* New translations en.yml (German)

* New translations en.yml (Finnish)

* New translations en.yml (Japanese)

* New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)

* New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico)

* New translations en.json (Catalan)

* New translations en.yml (Catalan)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan)

* New translations en.yml (Slovenian)

* New translations en.yml (Slovenian)

* New translations en.yml (Korean)

* New translations en.yml (Danish)

* New translations en.yml (Korean)

* New translations en.yml (Latvian)

* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations en.yml (Danish)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)

* New translations en.yml (Galician)

* New translations en.json (Finnish)

* New translations en.yml (Finnish)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish)

* New translations en.yml (Galician)

* New translations en.yml (German)

* New translations en.yml (Faroese)

* New translations en.json (Welsh)

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh)

* New translations en.yml (Welsh)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)

* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Welsh)

* New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh)

* New translations en.json (Italian)

* New translations en.yml (German)

* New translations en.yml (Italian)

* New translations en.yml (Finnish)

* New translations en.yml (Hebrew)

* New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations en.yml (Frisian)

* New translations en.yml (Finnish)

* New translations en.yml (Slovak)

* New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations en.yml (Italian)

* New translations en.yml (Finnish)

* New translations en.yml (Turkish)

* New translations en.yml (Estonian)

* New translations en.yml (German)

* New translations en.yml (Estonian)

* New translations en.yml (Turkish)

* New translations en.yml (Thai)

* New translations en.json (Czech)

* New translations en.json (Armenian)

* New translations en.json (Thai)

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian)

* New translations en.yml (Basque)

* New translations en.yml (Armenian)

* New translations en.yml (Thai)

* New translations en.yml (Basque)

* New translations en.yml (Belarusian)

* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)

* New translations en.json (Kazakh)

* New translations en.yml (Slovenian)

* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations en.json (Uzbek)

* New translations en.yml (Uzbek)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Uzbek)

* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Uzbek)

* New translations devise.en.yml (Uzbek)

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uzbek)

* New translations en.json (Kashubian)

* New translations en.yml (Kashubian)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kashubian)

* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kashubian)

* New translations devise.en.yml (Kashubian)

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kashubian)

* New translations en.json (Uzbek)

* New translations en.json (Uzbek)

* New translations en.yml (Polish)

* New translations en.json (Uzbek)

* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Uzbek)

* New translations en.json (Catalan)

* New translations en.json (Uzbek)

* New translations en.yml (Uzbek)

* New translations en.json (Catalan)

* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan)

* New translations en.json (Uzbek)

* New translations devise.en.yml (Uzbek)

* New translations en.json (Indonesian)

* New translations en.yml (Indonesian)

* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)

* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)

* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)

* New translations en.json (English, United Kingdom)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (English, United Kingdom)

* New translations en.yml (Czech)

* New translations en.yml (Slovak)

* New translations en.json (Arabic)

* New translations en.yml (Arabic)

* New translations en.json (Arabic)

* New translations en.yml (Arabic)

* New translations en.yml (Frisian)

* New translations en.yml (Frisian)

* New translations en.yml (Slovenian)

* New translations en.yml (Polish)

* New translations en.yml (Polish)

* New translations en.json (English, United Kingdom)

* New translations en.json (Vietnamese)

* New translations en.yml (French)

* New translations en.yml (Italian)

* New translations en.yml (French)

* New translations en.json (Catalan)

* New translations en.json (Belarusian)

* New translations en.yml (Dutch)

* New translations en.yml (Belarusian)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque)

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque)

* New translations en.yml (Basque)

* New translations en.yml (Slovak)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak)

* New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)

* New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)

* New translations en.yml (Korean)

* New translations en.yml (Korean)

* New translations devise.en.yml (Korean)

* New translations devise.en.yml (Korean)

* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean)

* New translations en.yml (Danish)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish)

* New translations en.yml (Korean)

* New translations en.yml (Galician)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese)

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)

* New translations en.yml (Basque)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese)

* New translations en.yml (Swedish)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish)

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish)

* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations en.yml (Slovak)

* New translations en.json (Korean)

* New translations en.json (Indonesian)

* New translations en.yml (Korean)

* New translations en.yml (Korean)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)

* New translations en.json (Korean)

* New translations en.yml (Danish)

* New translations en.yml (German)

* New translations en.yml (Korean)

* New translations en.json (English, United Kingdom)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (English, United Kingdom)

* New translations en.json (Dutch)

* New translations en.json (Dutch)

* New translations en.json (Uzbek)

* New translations en.yml (Dutch)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch)

* New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch)

* New translations en.json (Dutch)

* New translations en.yml (Dutch)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch)

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese)

* New translations en.yml (English, United Kingdom)

* New translations en.json (Korean)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese)

* New translations en.json (Bulgarian)

* New translations en.json (Korean)

* New translations en.yml (Belarusian)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese)

* New translations en.yml (Korean)

* New translations devise.en.yml (Korean)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)

* New translations en.json (Bulgarian)

* New translations en.yml (Korean)

* New translations devise.en.yml (Korean)

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean)

* Normalize


Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
This commit is contained in:
Eugen Rochko 2023-02-01 11:59:31 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent e79babe6a3
commit b8c31f8110
No known key found for this signature in database
95 changed files with 3019 additions and 424 deletions

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"": "البحث عن لغة…",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "تَعَلَّم المَزيد",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "إنّ المنشورات على ماستدون ليست مشفرة من النهاية إلى النهاية. لا تشارك أي معلومات حساسة عبر ماستدون.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This post won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public posts can be searched by hashtag.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "لن يُدرَج هذا المنشور تحت أي وسم بما أنَّه غير منشور للعامة. إلّا الرسائل المنشورة للعامة يُمكن البحث عنها بواسطة وسم.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "حسابُك غير {locked}. يُمكن لأي شخص مُتابعتك لرؤية (منشورات المتابعين فقط).",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "مُقفَل",
"compose_form.placeholder": "فِيمَ تُفكِّر؟",
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
"empty_column.favourites": "لم يقم أي أحد بالإعجاب بهذا المنشور بعد. عندما يقوم أحدهم بذلك سوف يظهر هنا.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "يبدو أنه لا يمكن إنشاء أي اقتراحات لك. يمكنك البحث عن أشخاص قد تعرفهم أو استكشاف الوسوم الرائجة.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "ليس عندك أي طلب للمتابعة بعد. سوف تظهر طلباتك هنا إن قمت بتلقي البعض منها.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "You have not followed any hashtags yet. When you do, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "لم تُتابع أي وسم بعدُ. ستظهر الوسوم هنا حينما تفعل ذلك.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "ليس هناك بعدُ أي محتوى ذو علاقة بهذا الوسم.",
"empty_column.home": "إنّ الخيط الزمني لصفحتك الرئيسية فارغ. قم بزيارة {public} أو استخدم حقل البحث لكي تكتشف مستخدمين آخرين.",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "شاهد بعض الاقتراحات",
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
"server_banner.server_stats": "إحصائيات الخادم:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "أنشئ حسابًا",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "تسجيل الدخول",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts. You can also interact from your account on a different server.",
"sign_in_banner.text": "قم بالولوج بحسابك لمتابعة الصفحات الشخصية أو الوسوم، أو لإضافة الرسائل إلى المفضلة ومشاركتها والرد عليها أو التفاعل بواسطة حسابك المتواجد على خادم مختلف.",
"status.admin_account": "افتح الواجهة الإدارية لـ @{name}",
"status.admin_domain": "فتح واجهة الإشراف لـ {domain}",
"status.admin_status": "افتح هذا المنشور على واجهة الإشراف",

View File

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
"empty_column.favourites": "Ніхто яшчэ не ўпадабаў гэты допіс. Калі гэта адбудзецца, вы ўбачыце гэтых людзей тут.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Здаецца, прапаноў для вас няма. Вы можаце паспрабаваць выкарыстаць пошук, каб знайсці людзей, якіх вы можаце ведаць, ці даследаваць папулярныя хэштэгі.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "У вас яшчэ няма запытаў на падпіскуі. Калі вы атрымаеце запыт, ён з'явяцца тут.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "You have not followed any hashtags yet. When you do, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "Вы пакуль не падпісаны ні на адзін хэштэг. Калі падпішацеся, яны з'явяцца тут.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Па гэтаму хэштэгу пакуль што нічога няма.",
"empty_column.home": "Галоўная стужка пустая! Падпішыцеся на іншых людзей, каб запоўніць яе. {suggestions}",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "Глядзіце прапановы",
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"follow_request.authorize": "Аўтарызацыя",
"follow_request.reject": "Адхіліць",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Ваш акаўнт не схаваны, аднак прадстаўнікі {domain} палічылі, што вы можаце захацець праглядзець запыты на падпіску з гэтых профіляў уручную.",
"followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"followed_tags": "Падпіскі",
"footer.about": "Пра нас",
"": "Дырэкторыя профіляў",
"footer.get_app": "Спампаваць праграму",
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
"navigation_bar.favourites": "Упадабаныя",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Ігнараваныя словы",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Запыты на падпіску",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Падпіскі",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Падпіскі і падпісчыкі",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Спісы",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Выйсці",
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
"server_banner.server_stats": "Статыстыка сервера:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Стварыць уліковы запіс",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Увайсці",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts. You can also interact from your account on a different server.",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Увайдзіце, каб падпісацца на людзей і тэгі, каб адказваць на допісы, дзяліцца імі і падабаць іх, альбо кантактаваць з вашага ўліковага запісу на іншым серверы.",
"status.admin_account": "Адкрыць інтэрфейс мадэратара для @{name}",
"status.admin_domain": "Адкрыць інтэрфейс мадэратара для {domain}",
"status.admin_status": "Адкрыць гэты допіс у інтэрфейсе мадэрацыі",

View File

@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"follow_request.authorize": "Упълномощаване",
"follow_request.reject": "Отхвърляне",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Въпреки че акаунтът ви не е заключен, служителите на {domain} помислиха, че може да искате да преглеждате ръчно заявките за последване на тези профили.",
"followed_tags": "Последвани хештагове",
"followed_tags": "Последвани хаштагове",
"footer.about": "Относно",
"": "Директория на профилите",
"footer.get_app": "Вземане на приложението",
@ -579,7 +579,7 @@
"status.reblog_private": "Подсилване с оригиналната видимост",
"status.reblogged_by": "{name} подсили",
"status.reblogs.empty": "Още никого не е подсилвал публикацията. Подсилващият ще се покаже тук.",
"status.redraft": "Изтриване и преработване",
"status.redraft": "Изтриване и преначертаване",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Премахване на отметката",
"status.replied_to": "В отговор до {name}",
"status.reply": "Отговор",

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"account.block": "Bloca @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "Bloca el domini {domain}",
"account.blocked": "Blocat",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Navega més en el perfil original",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Explora'n més al perfil original",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "Retira la sol·licitud de seguiment",
"": "Missatge directe a @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "Deixa de notificar-me els tuts de @{name}",
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
"account.edit_profile": "Edita el perfil",
"account.enable_notifications": "Notifica'm els tuts de @{name}",
"account.endorse": "Recomana en el perfil",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_at": "Darrera publicació el {date}",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_never": "No hi ha tuts",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_at": "Darrer tut el {date}",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_never": "No hi ha publicacions",
"account.featured_tags.title": "etiquetes destacades de {name}",
"account.follow": "Segueix",
"account.followers": "Seguidors",
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"": "Cerca idiomes...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Més informació",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Els tuts a Mastodon no estant xifrats punt a punt. No comparteixis informació sensible mitjançant Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Aquest tut no es mostrarà en cap etiqueta, ja que no és públic. Només els tuts públics es poden cercar per etiqueta.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Aquest tut no apareixerà a les llistes d'etiquetes perquè no és públic. Només els tuts públics apareixen a les cerques per etiqueta.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "El teu compte no està {locked}. Tothom pot seguir-te i veure els tuts de només per a seguidors.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "blocat",
"compose_form.placeholder": "Què et passa pel cap?",
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Afegeix avís de contingut",
"compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Escriu l'avís aquí",
"confirmation_modal.cancel": "Cancel·la",
"confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Bloca i informa",
"confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Bloca i denuncia",
"confirmations.block.confirm": "Bloca",
"confirmations.block.message": "Segur que vols blocar a {name}?",
"confirmations.cancel_follow_request.confirm": "Retirar la sol·licitud",
@ -290,30 +290,30 @@
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Mostra les respostes",
"home.hide_announcements": "Amaga els anuncis",
"home.show_announcements": "Mostra els anuncis",
"interaction_modal.description.favourite": "Amb un compte a Mastodon pots afavorir aquesta publicació, que l'autor sàpiga que t'ha agradat i desar-la per a més endavant.",
"interaction_modal.description.favourite": "Amb un compte a Mastodon pots afavorir aquest tut perquè l'autor sàpiga que t'ha agradat i desar-lo per a més endavant.",
"interaction_modal.description.follow": "Amb un compte a Mastodon, pots seguir a {name} per a rebre els seus tuts en la teva línia de temps d'Inici.",
"interaction_modal.description.reblog": "Amb un compte a Mastodon, pots impulsar aquesta publicació per a compartir-la amb els teus seguidors.",
"interaction_modal.description.reply": "Amb un compte a Mastodon, pots respondre aquest tut.",
"interaction_modal.on_another_server": "A un altre servidor",
"interaction_modal.description.reply": "Amb un compte a Mastodon, pots respondre aquesta publicació.",
"interaction_modal.on_another_server": "En un servidor diferent",
"interaction_modal.on_this_server": "En aquest servidor",
"interaction_modal.other_server_instructions": "Copia i enganxa aquest URL en el camp de cerca de la teva aplicació Mastodon preferida o a la interfície web del teu servidor Mastodon.",
"interaction_modal.preamble": "Com que Mastodon és descentralitzat, pots fer servir el teu compte existent en un altre servidor Mastodon o plataforma compatible si no tens compte en aquest.",
"interaction_modal.title.favourite": "Marca el tut de {name}",
"interaction_modal.title.favourite": "Marca la publicació de {name}",
"interaction_modal.title.follow": "Segueix {name}",
"interaction_modal.title.reblog": "Impulsa la publicació de {name}",
"interaction_modal.title.reblog": "Impulsa el tut de {name}",
"interaction_modal.title.reply": "Respon a la publicació de {name}",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# dia} other {# dies}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hora} other {# hores}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minut} other {# minuts}}",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "Vés enrere",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "Obre la llista d'usuaris blocats",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Impulsa el tut",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Impulsa la publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Centra la columna",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Centra l'àrea de composició de text",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Descripció",
"": "Obre la columna de missatges directes",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Abaixa a la llista",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Obre la publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Obre el tut",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Afavoreix la publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourites": "Obre la llista de preferits",
"keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "Obre la línia de temps federada",
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.open_media": "Obre mèdia",
"keyboard_shortcuts.pinned": "Obre la llista de tuts fixats",
"keyboard_shortcuts.profile": "Obre el perfil de l'autor",
"keyboard_shortcuts.reply": "Respon al tut",
"keyboard_shortcuts.reply": "Respon a la publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.requests": "Obre la llista de sol·licituds de seguiment",
"": "Centra la barra de cerca",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "Mostra/amaga el camp CW",
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
"not_signed_in_indicator.not_signed_in": "Necessites iniciar la sessió per a accedir aquest recurs.",
"": "{name} ha reportat {target}",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} s'ha registrat",
"notification.favourite": "a {name} li ha agradat el teu tut",
"notification.favourite": "a {name} li ha agradat la teva publicació",
"notification.follow": "{name} et segueix",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} ha sol·licitat seguir-te",
"notification.mention": "{name} t'ha mencionat",
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@
"report.category.subtitle": "Tria la millor coincidència",
"report.category.title": "Explica'ns què passa amb això ({type})",
"report.category.title_account": "perfil",
"report.category.title_status": "tut",
"report.category.title_status": "publicació",
"report.close": "Fet",
"report.comment.title": "Hi ha res més que creguis que hauríem de saber?",
"report.forward": "Reenvia a {target}",
@ -505,9 +505,9 @@
"report.rules.subtitle": "Selecciona totes les aplicables",
"report.rules.title": "Quines regles s'han violat?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Selecciona totes les aplicables",
"report.statuses.title": "Hi ha cap tut que doni suport a aquest informe?",
"report.statuses.title": "Hi ha cap publicació que doni suport a aquest informe?",
"report.submit": "Envia",
"": "Es reporta {target}",
"": "Es denuncia {target}",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Aquestes són les teves opcions per a controlar el que veus a Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "Mentre ho revisem, pots prendre mesures contra @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "No ho vols veure?",
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@
"search_popout.search_format": "Format de cerca avançada",
"": "Text simple recupera tuts que has escrit, els marcats com a favorits, els impulsats o en els que has estat esmentat, així com usuaris, noms d'usuari i etiquetes.",
"": "etiqueta",
"": "tut",
"": "publicació",
"": "El text simple recupera coincidències amb els usuaris, els noms d'usuari i les etiquetes",
"": "usuari",
"search_results.accounts": "Gent",
@ -546,12 +546,12 @@
"sign_in_banner.text": "Inicia la sessió per a seguir perfils o etiquetes, afavorir, compartir i respondre publicacions. També pots interactuar des del teu compte a un servidor diferent.",
"status.admin_account": "Obre la interfície de moderació per a @{name}",
"status.admin_domain": "Obre la interfície de moderació per a @{domain}",
"status.admin_status": "Obrir aquest tut a la interfície de moderació",
"status.admin_status": "Obre aquest tut a la interfície de moderació",
"status.block": "Bloca @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Marca",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Desfés l'impuls",
"status.cannot_reblog": "No es pot impulsar aquest tut",
"status.copy": "Copia l'enllaç al tut",
"status.copy": "Copia l'enllaç a la publicació",
"status.delete": "Elimina",
"status.detailed_status": "Vista detallada de la conversa",
"": "Missatge directe a @{name}",
@ -560,9 +560,9 @@
"status.edited_x_times": "Editat {count, plural, one {{count} vegada} other {{count} vegades}}",
"status.embed": "Incrusta",
"status.favourite": "Favorit",
"status.filter": "Filtra aquest tut",
"status.filter": "Filtra aquesta publicació",
"status.filtered": "Filtrada",
"status.hide": "Amaga el tut",
"status.hide": "Amaga la publicació",
"status.history.created": "creat per {name} {date}",
"status.history.edited": "editat per {name} {date}",
"status.load_more": "Carrega'n més",
@ -571,9 +571,9 @@
"status.more": "Més",
"status.mute": "Silencia @{name}",
"status.mute_conversation": "Silencia la conversa",
"": "Amplia el tut",
"": "Amplia la publicació",
"": "Fixa en el perfil",
"status.pinned": "Tut fixat",
"status.pinned": "Publicació fixada",
"status.read_more": "Més informació",
"status.reblog": "Impulsa",
"status.reblog_private": "Impulsa amb la visibilitat original",

View File

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
"empty_column.favourites": "Tento příspěvek si zatím nikdo neoblíbil. Až to někdo udělá, zobrazí se zde.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Zdá se, že pro vás nelze vygenerovat žádné návrhy. Můžete zkusit přes vyhledávání nalézt lidi, které znáte, nebo prozkoumat populární hashtagy.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Zatím nemáte žádné žádosti o sledování. Až nějakou obdržíte, zobrazí se zde.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "You have not followed any hashtags yet. When you do, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "Zatím jste nesledovali žádné hashtagy. Až to uděláte, objeví se zde.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Pod tímto hashtagem zde zatím nic není.",
"empty_column.home": "Vaše domovská časová osa je prázdná! Naplňte ji sledováním dalších lidí. {suggestions}",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "Prohlédněte si návrhy",
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"follow_request.authorize": "Autorizovat",
"follow_request.reject": "Zamítnout",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Přestože váš účet není zamčený, administrátor {domain} usoudil, že byste mohli chtít tyto žádosti o sledování zkontrolovat ručně.",
"followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"followed_tags": "Sledované hashtagy",
"footer.about": "O aplikaci",
"": "Adresář profilů",
"footer.get_app": "Získat aplikaci",
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
"navigation_bar.favourites": "Oblíbené",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Skrytá slova",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Žádosti o sledování",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Sledované hashtagy",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Sledovaní a sledující",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Seznamy",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Odhlásit se",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
"about.blocks": "Moderated servers",
"": "Contact:",
"about.disclaimer": "Mastodon is free, open-source software, and a trademark of Mastodon gGmbH.",
"about.domain_blocks.no_reason_available": "Reason not available",
"about.domain_blocks.preamble": "Mastodon generally allows you to view content from and interact with users from any other server in the fediverse. These are the exceptions that have been made on this particular server.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation": "You will generally not see profiles and content from this server, unless you explicitly look it up or opt into it by following.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.title": "Limited",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.explanation": "No data from this server will be processed, stored or exchanged, making any interaction or communication with users from this server impossible.",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.title": "Suspended",
"about.not_available": "This information has not been made available on this server.",
"about.powered_by": "Decentralized social media powered by {mastodon}",
"about.rules": "Server rules",
"account.account_note_header": "Note",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Add or Remove from lists",
"": "Bot",
"": "Group",
"account.block": "Block @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "Block domain {domain}",
"account.blocked": "Blocked",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Browse more on the original profile",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "Withdraw follow request",
"": "Direct message @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "Stop notifying me when @{name} posts",
"account.domain_blocked": "Domain blocked",
"account.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
"account.enable_notifications": "Notify me when @{name} posts",
"account.endorse": "Feature on profile",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_at": "Last post on {date}",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_never": "No posts",
"account.featured_tags.title": "{name}'s featured hashtags",
"account.follow": "Follow",
"account.followers": "Followers",
"account.followers.empty": "No one follows this user yet.",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Follower} other {{counter} Followers}}",
"account.following": "Following",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Following} other {{counter} Following}}",
"account.follows.empty": "This user doesn't follow anyone yet.",
"account.follows_you": "Follows you",
"account.go_to_profile": "Go to profile",
"account.hide_reblogs": "Hide boosts from @{name}",
"account.joined_short": "Joined",
"account.languages": "Change subscribed languages",
"account.link_verified_on": "Ownership of this link was checked on {date}",
"account.locked_info": "This account privacy status is set to locked. The owner manually reviews who can follow them.",
"": "Media",
"account.mention": "Mention @{name}",
"account.moved_to": "{name} has indicated that their new account is now:",
"account.mute": "Mute @{name}",
"account.mute_notifications": "Mute notifications from @{name}",
"account.muted": "Muted",
"account.open_original_page": "Open original page",
"account.posts": "Posts",
"account.posts_with_replies": "Posts and replies",
"": "Report @{name}",
"account.requested": "Awaiting approval. Click to cancel follow request",
"account.requested_follow": "{name} has requested to follow you",
"account.share": "Share @{name}'s profile",
"account.show_reblogs": "Show boosts from @{name}",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Post} other {{counter} Posts}}",
"account.unblock": "Unblock @{name}",
"account.unblock_domain": "Unblock domain {domain}",
"account.unblock_short": "Unblock",
"account.unendorse": "Don't feature on profile",
"account.unfollow": "Unfollow",
"account.unmute": "Unmute @{name}",
"account.unmute_notifications": "Unmute notifications from @{name}",
"account.unmute_short": "Unmute",
"account_note.placeholder": "Click to add a note",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "User retention rate by day after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "User retention rate by month after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Average",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Sign-up month",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "New users",
"alert.rate_limited.message": "Please retry after {retry_time, time, medium}.",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Rate limited",
"alert.unexpected.message": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oops!",
"announcement.announcement": "Announcement",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(unprocessed)",
"audio.hide": "Hide audio",
"autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} per week",
"boost_modal.combo": "You can press {combo} to skip this next time",
"bundle_column_error.copy_stacktrace": "Copy error report",
"bundle_column_error.error.body": "The requested page could not be rendered. It could be due to a bug in our code, or a browser compatibility issue.",
"bundle_column_error.error.title": "Oh, no!",
"": "There was an error when trying to load this page. This could be due to a temporary problem with your internet connection or this server.",
"": "Network error",
"bundle_column_error.retry": "Try again",
"bundle_column_error.return": "Go back home",
"bundle_column_error.routing.body": "The requested page could not be found. Are you sure the URL in the address bar is correct?",
"bundle_column_error.routing.title": "404",
"bundle_modal_error.close": "Close",
"bundle_modal_error.message": "Something went wrong while loading this component.",
"bundle_modal_error.retry": "Try again",
"closed_registrations.other_server_instructions": "Since Mastodon is decentralized, you can create an account on another server and still interact with this one.",
"closed_registrations_modal.description": "Creating an account on {domain} is currently not possible, but please keep in mind that you do not need an account specifically on {domain} to use Mastodon.",
"closed_registrations_modal.find_another_server": "Find another server",
"closed_registrations_modal.preamble": "Mastodon is decentralized, so no matter where you create your account, you will be able to follow and interact with anyone on this server. You can even self-host it!",
"closed_registrations_modal.title": "Signing up on Mastodon",
"column.about": "About",
"column.blocks": "Blocked users",
"column.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"": "Local timeline",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Blocked domains",
"column.favourites": "Favourites",
"column.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
"column.home": "Home",
"column.lists": "Lists",
"column.mutes": "Muted users",
"column.notifications": "Notifications",
"column.pins": "Pinned post",
"column.public": "Federated timeline",
"column_back_button.label": "Back",
"column_header.hide_settings": "Hide settings",
"column_header.moveLeft_settings": "Move column to the left",
"column_header.moveRight_settings": "Move column to the right",
"": "Pin",
"column_header.show_settings": "Show settings",
"column_header.unpin": "Unpin",
"column_subheading.settings": "Settings",
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media only",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Learn more",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This post won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public posts can be searched by hashtag.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Your account is not {locked}. Anyone can follow you to view your follower-only posts.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "locked",
"compose_form.placeholder": "What is on your mind?",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Add a choice",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Poll duration",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Choice {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Remove this choice",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Change poll to allow multiple choices",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Change poll to allow for a single choice",
"compose_form.publish": "Publish",
"compose_form.publish_form": "Publish",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Save changes",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, one {Mark media as sensitive} other {Mark media as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "{count, plural, one {Media is marked as sensitive} other {Media is marked as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "{count, plural, one {Media is not marked as sensitive} other {Media is not marked as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Text is hidden behind warning",
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Text is not hidden",
"compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Write your warning here",
"confirmation_modal.cancel": "Cancel",
"confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Block & Report",
"confirmations.block.confirm": "Block",
"confirmations.block.message": "Are you sure you want to block {name}?",
"confirmations.cancel_follow_request.confirm": "Withdraw request",
"confirmations.cancel_follow_request.message": "Are you sure you want to withdraw your request to follow {name}?",
"confirmations.delete.confirm": "Delete",
"confirmations.delete.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status?",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Delete",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this list?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Discard",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "You have unsaved changes to the media description or preview, discard them anyway?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Hide entire domain",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire {domain}? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable. You will not see content from that domain in any public timelines or your notifications. Your followers from that domain will be removed.",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "Log out",
"confirmations.logout.message": "Are you sure you want to log out?",
"confirmations.mute.confirm": "Mute",
"confirmations.mute.explanation": "This will hide posts from them and posts mentioning them, but it will still allow them to see your posts and follow you.",
"confirmations.mute.message": "Are you sure you want to mute {name}?",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "Delete & redraft",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status and re-draft it? Favourites and boosts will be lost, and replies to the original post will be orphaned.",
"confirmations.reply.confirm": "Reply",
"confirmations.reply.message": "Replying now will overwrite the message you are currently composing. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Unfollow",
"confirmations.unfollow.message": "Are you sure you want to unfollow {name}?",
"conversation.delete": "Delete conversation",
"conversation.mark_as_read": "Mark as read",
"": "View conversation",
"conversation.with": "With {names}",
"copypaste.copied": "Copied",
"copypaste.copy": "Copy",
"directory.federated": "From known fediverse",
"directory.local": "From {domain} only",
"directory.new_arrivals": "New arrivals",
"directory.recently_active": "Recently active",
"disabled_account_banner.account_settings": "Account settings",
"disabled_account_banner.text": "Your account {disabledAccount} is currently disabled.",
"dismissable_banner.community_timeline": "These are the most recent public posts from people whose accounts are hosted by {domain}.",
"dismissable_banner.dismiss": "Dismiss",
"dismissable_banner.explore_links": "These news stories are being talked about by people on this and other servers of the decentralized network right now.",
"dismissable_banner.explore_statuses": "These posts from this and other servers in the decentralized network are gaining traction on this server right now.",
"dismissable_banner.explore_tags": "These hashtags are gaining traction among people on this and other servers of the decentralized network right now.",
"dismissable_banner.public_timeline": "These are the most recent public posts from people on this and other servers of the decentralized network that this server knows about.",
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activity",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"": "Food & Drink",
"emoji_button.label": "Insert emoji",
"emoji_button.nature": "Nature",
"emoji_button.not_found": "No matching emojis found",
"emoji_button.objects": "Objects",
"emoji_button.people": "People",
"emoji_button.recent": "Frequently used",
"": "Search...",
"emoji_button.search_results": "Search results",
"emoji_button.symbols": "Symbols",
"": "Travel & Places",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Account suspended",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "No posts found",
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "Profile unavailable",
"empty_column.blocks": "You haven't blocked any users yet.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked posts yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no blocked domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite posts yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.favourites": "No one has favourited this post yet. When someone does, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Looks like no suggestions could be generated for you. You can try using search to look for people you might know or explore trending hashtags.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "You don't have any follow requests yet. When you receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "You have not followed any hashtags yet. When you do, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "There is nothing in this hashtag yet.",
"empty_column.home": "Your home timeline is empty! Follow more people to fill it up. {suggestions}",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "See some suggestions",
"empty_column.list": "There is nothing in this list yet. When members of this list post new statuses, they will appear here.",
"empty_column.lists": "You don't have any lists yet. When you create one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.mutes": "You haven't muted any users yet.",
"empty_column.notifications": "You don't have any notifications yet. When other people interact with you, you will see it here.",
"empty_column.public": "There is nothing here! Write something publicly, or manually follow users from other servers to fill it up",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "Due to a bug in our code or a browser compatibility issue, this page could not be displayed correctly.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons": "This page could not be displayed correctly. This error is likely caused by a browser add-on or automatic translation tools.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps": "Try refreshing the page. If that does not help, you may still be able to use Mastodon through a different browser or native app.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons": "Try disabling them and refreshing the page. If that does not help, you may still be able to use Mastodon through a different browser or native app.",
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "Copy stacktrace to clipboard",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "Report issue",
"explore.search_results": "Search results",
"explore.suggested_follows": "For you",
"explore.title": "Explore",
"explore.trending_links": "News",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Posts",
"explore.trending_tags": "Hashtags",
"filter_modal.added.context_mismatch_explanation": "This filter category does not apply to the context in which you have accessed this post. If you want the post to be filtered in this context too, you will have to edit the filter.",
"filter_modal.added.context_mismatch_title": "Context mismatch!",
"filter_modal.added.expired_explanation": "This filter category has expired, you will need to change the expiration date for it to apply.",
"filter_modal.added.expired_title": "Expired filter!",
"filter_modal.added.review_and_configure": "To review and further configure this filter category, go to the {settings_link}.",
"filter_modal.added.review_and_configure_title": "Filter settings",
"filter_modal.added.settings_link": "settings page",
"filter_modal.added.short_explanation": "This post has been added to the following filter category: {title}.",
"filter_modal.added.title": "Filter added!",
"filter_modal.select_filter.context_mismatch": "does not apply to this context",
"filter_modal.select_filter.expired": "expired",
"filter_modal.select_filter.prompt_new": "New category: {name}",
"": "Search or create",
"filter_modal.select_filter.subtitle": "Use an existing category or create a new one",
"filter_modal.select_filter.title": "Filter this post",
"filter_modal.title.status": "Filter a post",
"follow_recommendations.done": "Done",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "Follow people you'd like to see posts from! Here are some suggestions.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Posts from people you follow will show up in chronological order on your home feed. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you can unfollow people just as easily any time!",
"follow_request.authorize": "Authorize",
"follow_request.reject": "Reject",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Even though your account is not locked, the {domain} staff thought you might want to review follow requests from these accounts manually.",
"followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"footer.about": "About",
"": "Profiles directory",
"footer.get_app": "Get the app",
"footer.invite": "Invite people",
"footer.keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"footer.privacy_policy": "Privacy policy",
"footer.source_code": "View source code",
"generic.saved": "Saved",
"getting_started.heading": "Getting started",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.all": "and {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.any": "or {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.none": "without {additional}",
"": "No suggestions found",
"": "Enter hashtags…",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.all": "All of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.any": "Any of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.none": "None of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_toggle": "Include additional tags in this column",
"hashtag.follow": "Follow hashtag",
"hashtag.unfollow": "Unfollow hashtag",
"home.column_settings.basic": "Basic",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Show boosts",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Show replies",
"home.hide_announcements": "Hide announcements",
"home.show_announcements": "Show announcements",
"interaction_modal.description.favourite": "With an account on Mastodon, you can favourite this post to let the author know you appreciate it and save it for later.",
"interaction_modal.description.follow": "With an account on Mastodon, you can follow {name} to receive their posts in your home feed.",
"interaction_modal.description.reblog": "With an account on Mastodon, you can boost this post to share it with your own followers.",
"interaction_modal.description.reply": "With an account on Mastodon, you can respond to this post.",
"interaction_modal.on_another_server": "On a different server",
"interaction_modal.on_this_server": "On this server",
"interaction_modal.other_server_instructions": "Copy and paste this URL into the search field of your favourite Mastodon app or the web interface of your Mastodon server.",
"interaction_modal.preamble": "Since Mastodon is decentralized, you can use your existing account hosted by another Mastodon server or compatible platform if you don't have an account on this one.",
"interaction_modal.title.favourite": "Favourite {name}'s post",
"interaction_modal.title.follow": "Follow {name}",
"interaction_modal.title.reblog": "Boost {name}'s post",
"interaction_modal.title.reply": "Reply to {name}'s post",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}}",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "to navigate back",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "to open blocked users list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourites": "to open favourites list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "to open federated timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.heading": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"keyboard_shortcuts.home": "to open home timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.hotkey": "Hotkey",
"keyboard_shortcuts.legend": "to display this legend",
"keyboard_shortcuts.local": "to open local timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.mention": "to mention author",
"keyboard_shortcuts.muted": "to open muted users list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.my_profile": "to open your profile",
"keyboard_shortcuts.notifications": "to open notifications column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.open_media": "to open media",
"keyboard_shortcuts.pinned": "to open pinned posts list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.profile": "to open author's profile",
"keyboard_shortcuts.reply": "to reply",
"keyboard_shortcuts.requests": "to open follow requests list",
"": "to focus search",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "to show/hide CW field",
"keyboard_shortcuts.start": "to open \"get started\" column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "to show/hide text behind CW",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "to show/hide media",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "to start a brand new post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.unfocus": "to un-focus compose textarea/search",
"keyboard_shortcuts.up": "to move up in the list",
"lightbox.close": "Close",
"lightbox.compress": "Compress image view box",
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of {domain}.",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
"lists.edit": "Edit list",
"lists.edit.submit": "Change title",
"": "Add list",
"": "New list title",
"lists.replies_policy.followed": "Any followed user",
"lists.replies_policy.list": "Members of the list",
"lists.replies_policy.none": "No one",
"lists.replies_policy.title": "Show replies to:",
"": "Search among people you follow",
"lists.subheading": "Your lists",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# new item} other {# new items}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "Loading...",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "{number, plural, one {Hide image} other {Hide images}}",
"missing_indicator.label": "Not found",
"missing_indicator.sublabel": "This resource could not be found",
"moved_to_account_banner.text": "Your account {disabledAccount} is currently disabled because you moved to {movedToAccount}.",
"mute_modal.duration": "Duration",
"mute_modal.hide_notifications": "Hide notifications from this user?",
"mute_modal.indefinite": "Indefinite",
"navigation_bar.about": "About",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "Blocked users",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Local timeline",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new post",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
"navigation_bar.explore": "Explore",
"navigation_bar.favourites": "Favourites",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Muted words",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Follows and followers",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Lists",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Logout",
"navigation_bar.mutes": "Muted users",
"navigation_bar.personal": "Personal",
"navigation_bar.pins": "Pinned posts",
"navigation_bar.preferences": "Preferences",
"navigation_bar.public_timeline": "Federated timeline",
"": "Search",
"": "Security",
"not_signed_in_indicator.not_signed_in": "You need to sign in to access this resource.",
"": "{name} reported {target}",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} signed up",
"notification.favourite": "{name} favourited your status",
"notification.follow": "{name} followed you",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} has requested to follow you",
"notification.mention": "{name} mentioned you",
"notification.own_poll": "Your poll has ended",
"notification.poll": "A poll you have voted in has ended",
"notification.reblog": "{name} boosted your status",
"notification.status": "{name} just posted",
"notification.update": "{name} edited a post",
"notifications.clear": "Clear notifications",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to permanently clear all your notifications?",
"": "New reports:",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "New sign-ups:",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "Desktop notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "Favourites:",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Display all categories",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Quick filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Show filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "New followers:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "New follow requests:",
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "Mentions:",
"notifications.column_settings.poll": "Poll results:",
"notifications.column_settings.push": "Push notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.reblog": "Boosts:",
"": "Show in column",
"notifications.column_settings.sound": "Play sound",
"notifications.column_settings.status": "New posts:",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "Unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "Highlight unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.update": "Edits:",
"notifications.filter.all": "All",
"notifications.filter.boosts": "Boosts",
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favourites",
"notifications.filter.follows": "Follows",
"notifications.filter.mentions": "Mentions",
"notifications.filter.polls": "Poll results",
"notifications.filter.statuses": "Updates from people you follow",
"notifications.grant_permission": "Grant permission.",
"": "{count} notifications",
"notifications.mark_as_read": "Mark every notification as read",
"notifications.permission_denied": "Desktop notifications are unavailable due to previously denied browser permissions request",
"notifications.permission_denied_alert": "Desktop notifications can't be enabled, as browser permission has been denied before",
"notifications.permission_required": "Desktop notifications are unavailable because the required permission has not been granted.",
"notifications_permission_banner.enable": "Enable desktop notifications",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "To receive notifications when Mastodon isn't open, enable desktop notifications. You can control precisely which types of interactions generate desktop notifications through the {icon} button above once they're enabled.",
"notifications_permission_banner.title": "Never miss a thing",
"picture_in_picture.restore": "Put it back",
"poll.closed": "Closed",
"poll.refresh": "Refresh",
"poll.total_people": "{count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}",
"poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"": "Vote",
"poll.voted": "You voted for this answer",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Add a poll",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Remove poll",
"privacy.change": "Adjust status privacy",
"": "Visible for mentioned users only",
"": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "Visible for followers only",
"privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible for all",
"privacy.public.short": "Public",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "Unlisted",
"privacy_policy.last_updated": "Last updated {date}",
"privacy_policy.title": "Privacy Policy",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "Loading…",
"regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Your home feed is being prepared!",
"relative_time.days": "{number}d",
"relative_time.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} ago",
"relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} ago",
"relative_time.full.just_now": "just now",
"relative_time.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} ago",
"relative_time.full.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} ago",
"relative_time.hours": "{number}h",
"relative_time.just_now": "now",
"relative_time.minutes": "{number}m",
"relative_time.seconds": "{number}s",
"": "today",
"reply_indicator.cancel": "Cancel",
"report.block": "Block",
"report.block_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They will not be able to see your posts or follow you. They will be able to tell that they are blocked.",
"report.categories.other": "Other",
"report.categories.spam": "Spam",
"report.categories.violation": "Content violates one or more server rules",
"report.category.subtitle": "Choose the best match",
"report.category.title": "Tell us what's going on with this {type}",
"report.category.title_account": "profile",
"report.category.title_status": "post",
"report.close": "Done",
"report.comment.title": "Is there anything else you think we should know?",
"report.forward": "Forward to {target}",
"report.forward_hint": "The account is from another server. Send an anonymized copy of the report there as well?",
"report.mute": "Mute",
"report.mute_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They can still follow you and see your posts and will not know that they are muted.",
"": "Next",
"report.placeholder": "Type or paste additional comments",
"report.reasons.dislike": "I don't like it",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "It is not something you want to see",
"report.reasons.other": "It's something else",
"report.reasons.other_description": "The issue does not fit into other categories",
"report.reasons.spam": "It's spam",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetitive replies",
"report.reasons.violation": "It violates server rules",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"report.rules.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.rules.title": "Which rules are being violated?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.statuses.title": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"report.submit": "Submit report",
"": "Report {target}",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Here are your options for controlling what you see on Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "While we review this, you can take action against @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "Don't want to see this?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Thanks for reporting, we'll look into this.",
"report.unfollow": "Unfollow @{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "You are following this account. To not see their posts in your home feed anymore, unfollow them.",
"report_notification.attached_statuses": "{count, plural, one {{count} post} other {{count} posts}} attached",
"report_notification.categories.other": "Other",
"report_notification.categories.spam": "Spam",
"report_notification.categories.violation": "Rule violation",
"": "Open report",
"search.placeholder": "Search",
"search.search_or_paste": "Search or paste URL",
"search_popout.search_format": "Advanced search format",
"": "Simple text returns statuses you have written, favourited, boosted, or have been mentioned in, as well as matching usernames, display names, and hashtags.",
"": "hashtag",
"": "status",
"": "Simple text returns matching display names, usernames and hashtags",
"": "user",
"search_results.accounts": "People",
"search_results.all": "All",
"search_results.hashtags": "Hashtags",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Could not find anything for these search terms",
"search_results.statuses": "Posts",
"search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Searching posts by their content is not enabled on this Mastodon server.",
"search_results.title": "Search for {q}",
"": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}}",
"server_banner.about_active_users": "People using this server during the last 30 days (Monthly Active Users)",
"server_banner.active_users": "active users",
"server_banner.administered_by": "Administered by:",
"server_banner.introduction": "{domain} is part of the decentralized social network powered by {mastodon}.",
"server_banner.learn_more": "Learn more",
"server_banner.server_stats": "Server stats:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Create account",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Sign in",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts. You can also interact from your account on a different server.",
"status.admin_account": "Open moderation interface for @{name}",
"status.admin_domain": "Open moderation interface for {domain}",
"status.admin_status": "Open this status in the moderation interface",
"status.block": "Block @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Bookmark",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Unboost",
"status.cannot_reblog": "This post cannot be boosted",
"status.copy": "Copy link to status",
"status.delete": "Delete",
"status.detailed_status": "Detailed conversation view",
"": "Direct message @{name}",
"status.edit": "Edit",
"status.edited": "Edited {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Edited {count, plural, one {{count} time} other {{count} times}}",
"status.embed": "Embed",
"status.favourite": "Favourite",
"status.filter": "Filter this post",
"status.filtered": "Filtered",
"status.hide": "Hide post",
"status.history.created": "{name} created {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} edited {date}",
"status.load_more": "Load more",
"status.media_hidden": "Media hidden",
"status.mention": "Mention @{name}",
"status.more": "More",
"status.mute": "Mute @{name}",
"status.mute_conversation": "Mute conversation",
"": "Expand this status",
"": "Pin on profile",
"status.pinned": "Pinned post",
"status.read_more": "Read more",
"status.reblog": "Boost",
"status.reblog_private": "Boost with original visibility",
"status.reblogged_by": "{name} boosted",
"status.reblogs.empty": "No one has boosted this post yet. When someone does, they will show up here.",
"status.redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Remove bookmark",
"status.replied_to": "Replied to {name}",
"status.reply": "Reply",
"status.replyAll": "Reply to thread",
"": "Report @{name}",
"status.sensitive_warning": "Sensitive content",
"status.share": "Share",
"status.show_filter_reason": "Show anyway",
"status.show_less": "Show less",
"status.show_less_all": "Show less for all",
"status.show_more": "Show more",
"status.show_more_all": "Show more for all",
"status.show_original": "Show original",
"status.translate": "Translate",
"status.translated_from_with": "Translated from {lang} using {provider}",
"status.uncached_media_warning": "Not available",
"status.unmute_conversation": "Unmute conversation",
"status.unpin": "Unpin from profile",
"subscribed_languages.lead": "Only posts in selected languages will appear on your home and list timelines after the change. Select none to receive posts in all languages.",
"": "Save changes",
"": "Change subscribed languages for {target}",
"suggestions.dismiss": "Dismiss suggestion",
"suggestions.header": "You might be interested in…",
"tabs_bar.federated_timeline": "Federated",
"tabs_bar.home": "Home",
"tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Local",
"tabs_bar.notifications": "Notifications",
"time_remaining.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} left",
"time_remaining.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} left",
"time_remaining.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} left",
"time_remaining.moments": "Moments remaining",
"time_remaining.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} left",
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "{resource} from other servers are not displayed.",
"timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Followers",
"timeline_hint.resources.follows": "Follows",
"timeline_hint.resources.statuses": "Older posts",
"trends.counter_by_accounts": "{count, plural, one {{counter} person} other {{counter} people}} in the past {days, plural, one {day} other {{days} days}}",
"trends.trending_now": "Trending now",
"ui.beforeunload": "Your draft will be lost if you leave Mastodon.",
"units.short.billion": "{count}B",
"units.short.million": "{count}M",
"units.short.thousand": "{count}K",
"upload_area.title": "Drag & drop to upload",
"upload_button.label": "Add images, a video or an audio file",
"upload_error.limit": "File upload limit exceeded.",
"upload_error.poll": "File upload not allowed with polls.",
"upload_form.audio_description": "Describe for people who are hard of hearing",
"upload_form.description": "Describe for people who are blind or have low vision",
"upload_form.description_missing": "No description added",
"upload_form.edit": "Edit",
"upload_form.thumbnail": "Change thumbnail",
"upload_form.undo": "Delete",
"upload_form.video_description": "Describe for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or have low vision",
"upload_modal.analyzing_picture": "Analyzing picture…",
"upload_modal.apply": "Apply",
"upload_modal.applying": "Applying…",
"upload_modal.choose_image": "Choose image",
"upload_modal.description_placeholder": "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
"upload_modal.detect_text": "Detect text from picture",
"upload_modal.edit_media": "Edit media",
"upload_modal.hint": "Click or drag the circle on the preview to choose the focal point which will always be in view on all thumbnails.",
"upload_modal.preparing_ocr": "Preparing OCR…",
"upload_modal.preview_label": "Preview ({ratio})",
"upload_progress.label": "Uploading…",
"upload_progress.processing": "Processing…",
"video.close": "Close video",
"": "Download file",
"video.exit_fullscreen": "Exit full screen",
"video.expand": "Expand video",
"video.fullscreen": "Full screen",
"video.hide": "Hide video",
"video.mute": "Mute sound",
"video.pause": "Pause",
"": "Play",
"video.unmute": "Unmute sound"

View File

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
"empty_column.favourites": "Does neb wedi hoffi'r post hwn eto. Pan bydd rhywun yn ei hoffi, byddent yn ymddangos yma.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Does dim awgrymiadau yma i chi. Gallwch geisio chwilio am bobl rydych yn eu hadnabod neu edrych drwy hashnodau sy'n trendio.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Nid oes gennych unrhyw geisiadau dilyn eto. Pan fyddwch yn derbyn un, byddan nhw'n ymddangos yma.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "You have not followed any hashtags yet. When you do, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "Nid ydych wedi dilyn unrhyw hashnodau eto. Pan fyddwch chi'n gwneud hynny, byddan nhw'n ymddangos yma.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Nid oes dim ar yr hashnod hwn eto.",
"empty_column.home": "Mae eich ffrwd gartref yn wag! Ymwelwch â {public} neu defnyddiwch y chwilotwr i ddechrau arni ac i gwrdd â defnyddwyr eraill.",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "Dyma rai awgrymiadau",
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"follow_request.authorize": "Awdurdodi",
"follow_request.reject": "Gwrthod",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Er nid yw eich cyfrif wedi'i gloi, roedd y staff {domain} yn meddwl efallai hoffech adolygu ceisiadau dilyn o'r cyfrifau rhain wrth law.",
"followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"followed_tags": "Hashnodau rydych yn eu dilyn",
"footer.about": "Ynghylch",
"": "Cyfeiriadur proffiliau",
"footer.get_app": "Lawrlwytho'r ap",

View File

@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
"poll.voted": "You voted for this answer",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Add a poll",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Remove poll",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Add a poll",
"privacy.change": "Adjust status privacy",
"": "Visible for mentioned users only",
"": "Direct",
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@
"report.close": "Done",
"report.comment.title": "Is there anything else you think we should know?",
"report.forward": "Forward to {target}",
"report.forward_hint": "The account is from another server. Send an anonymized copy of the report there as well?",
"report.forward_hint": "The account is from another server. Send an anonymised copy of the report there as well?",
"report.mute": "Mute",
"report.mute_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They can still follow you and see your posts and will not know that they are muted.",
"": "Next",
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@
"server_banner.about_active_users": "People using this server during the last 30 days (Monthly Active Users)",
"server_banner.active_users": "active users",
"server_banner.administered_by": "Administered by:",
"server_banner.introduction": "{domain} is part of the decentralized social network powered by {mastodon}.",
"server_banner.introduction": "{domain} is part of the decentralised social network powered by {mastodon}.",
"server_banner.learn_more": "Learn more",
"server_banner.server_stats": "Server stats:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Create account",

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"account.disable_notifications": "Lopeta @{name}:n julkaisuista ilmoittaminen",
"account.domain_blocked": "Verkko-osoite estetty",
"account.edit_profile": "Muokkaa profiilia",
"account.enable_notifications": "Ilmoita @{name}:n julkaisuista",
"account.enable_notifications": "Ilmoita kun käyttäjä @{name} julkaisee viestin",
"account.endorse": "Suosittele profiilissasi",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_at": "Viimeisin viesti {date}",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_never": "Ei viestejä",
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"account.follows.empty": "Tämä käyttäjä ei vielä seuraa ketään.",
"account.follows_you": "Seuraa sinua",
"account.go_to_profile": "Avaa profiili",
"account.hide_reblogs": "Piilota käyttäjän @{name} buustaukset",
"account.hide_reblogs": "Piilota käyttäjän @{name} tehostukset",
"account.joined_short": "Liittynyt",
"account.languages": "Vaihda tilattuja kieliä",
"account.link_verified_on": "Linkin omistus tarkistettiin {date}",
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"account.requested": "Odottaa hyväksyntää. Peruuta seuraamispyyntö klikkaamalla",
"account.requested_follow": "{name} on pyytänyt lupaa seurata sinua",
"account.share": "Jaa käyttäjän @{name} profiili",
"account.show_reblogs": "Näytä buustaukset käyttäjältä @{name}",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} julkaisu} other {{counter} julkaisua}}",
"account.show_reblogs": "Näytä tehostukset käyttäjältä @{name}",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} viesti} other {{counter} viestiä}}",
"account.unblock": "Salli @{name}",
"account.unblock_domain": "Salli palvelu {domain}",
"account.unblock_short": "Poista esto",
@ -155,20 +155,20 @@
"confirmations.cancel_follow_request.confirm": "Peruuta pyyntö",
"confirmations.cancel_follow_request.message": "Haluatko varmasti peruuttaa pyyntösi seurata käyttäjää {name}?",
"confirmations.delete.confirm": "Poista",
"confirmations.delete.message": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän julkaisun?",
"confirmations.delete.message": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän viestin?",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Poista",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän listan kokonaan?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Hylkää",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "Onko sinulla tallentamattomia muutoksia kuvaukseen tai esikatseluun, hylätäänkö ne silti?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "Sinulla on tallentamattomia muutoksia median kuvaukseen tai esikatseluun, hylätäänkö ne silti?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Estä koko palvelu",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "Haluatko aivan varmasti estää palvelun {domain} täysin? Useimmiten muutama kohdistettu esto tai mykistys on riittävä ja suositeltava toimenpide. Et näe kyseisen sisältöä kyseiseltä verkkoalueelta missään julkisissa aikajanoissa tai ilmoituksissa. Tälle verkkoalueelle kuuluvat seuraajasi poistetaan.",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "Kirjaudu ulos",
"confirmations.logout.message": "Oletko varma, että haluat kirjautua ulos?",
"confirmations.logout.message": "Haluatko varmasti kirjautua ulos?",
"confirmations.mute.confirm": "Mykistä",
"confirmations.mute.explanation": "Tämä toiminto piilottaa heidän julkaisunsa sinulta mukaan lukien ne, joissa heidät mainitaan sallien heidän yhä nähdä julkaisusi ja seurata sinua.",
"confirmations.mute.message": "Haluatko varmasti mykistää käyttäjän {name}?",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "Poista & palauta muokattavaksi",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "Oletko varma että haluat poistaa tämän julkaisun ja tehdä siitä uuden luonnoksen? Suosikit ja buustaukset menetään, alkuperäisen julkaisusi vastaukset jäävät orvoiksi.",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "Oletko varma että haluat poistaa tämän julkaisun ja tehdä siitä uuden luonnoksen? Suosikit ja tehostukset menetään, alkuperäisen julkaisusi vastaukset jäävät orvoiksi.",
"confirmations.reply.confirm": "Vastaa",
"confirmations.reply.message": "Jos vastaat nyt, vastaus korvaa tällä hetkellä työstämäsi viestin. Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa?",
"confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Lopeta seuraaminen",
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
"emoji_button.search_results": "Hakutulokset",
"emoji_button.symbols": "Symbolit",
"": "Matkailu ja paikat",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Tilin käyttäminen keskeytetty",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Tilin käyttäminen jäädytetty",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "Ei viestejä täällä.",
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "Profiilia ei löydy",
"empty_column.blocks": "Et ole vielä estänyt käyttäjiä.",
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
"explore.suggested_follows": "Sinulle",
"explore.title": "Selaa",
"explore.trending_links": "Uutiset",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Julkaisut",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Viestit",
"explore.trending_tags": "Aihetunnisteet",
"filter_modal.added.context_mismatch_explanation": "Tämä suodatinluokka ei koske asiayhteyttä, jossa olet käyttänyt tätä viestiä. Jos haluat, että viesti suodatetaan myös tässä yhteydessä, sinun on muokattava suodatinta.",
"filter_modal.added.context_mismatch_title": "Asiayhteys ei täsmää!",
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
"filter_modal.added.expired_title": "Vanhentunut suodatin!",
"filter_modal.added.review_and_configure": "Voit tarkastella tätä suodatinluokkaa ja määrittää sen tarkemmin siirtymällä {settings_link}.",
"filter_modal.added.review_and_configure_title": "Suodattimen asetukset",
"filter_modal.added.settings_link": "asetukset sivu",
"filter_modal.added.settings_link": "asetukset-sivulle",
"filter_modal.added.short_explanation": "Tämä viesti on lisätty seuraavaan suodatinluokkaan: {title}.",
"filter_modal.added.title": "Suodatin lisätty!",
"filter_modal.select_filter.context_mismatch": "ei sovellu tähän asiayhteyteen",
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
"filter_modal.select_filter.title": "Suodata tämä viesti",
"filter_modal.title.status": "Suodata viesti",
"follow_recommendations.done": "Valmis",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "Seuraa ihmisiä, joilta haluaisit nähdä julkaisuja! Tässä on muutamia ehdotuksia.",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "Seuraa ihmisiä, joilta haluat nähdä viestejä! Tässä on muutamia ehdotuksia.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Seuraamiesi julkaisut näkyvät aikajärjestyksessä kotisyötteessä. Älä pelkää seurata vahingossa, voit lopettaa seuraamisen yhtä helposti!",
"follow_request.authorize": "Valtuuta",
"follow_request.reject": "Hylkää",
@ -286,34 +286,34 @@
"hashtag.follow": "Seuraa aihetunnistetta",
"hashtag.unfollow": "Lopeta aihetunnisteen seuraaminen",
"home.column_settings.basic": "Perusasetukset",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Näytä buustaukset",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Näytä tehostukset",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Näytä vastaukset",
"home.hide_announcements": "Piilota ilmoitukset",
"home.show_announcements": "Näytä ilmoitukset",
"interaction_modal.description.favourite": "Kun sinulla on tili Mastodonissa, voit lisätä tämän viestin suosikkeihin ja tallentaa sen myöhempää käyttöä varten.",
"interaction_modal.description.follow": "Kun sinulla on tili Mastodonissa, voit seurata {name} saadaksesi hänen viestejä sinun kotisyötteeseen.",
"interaction_modal.description.follow": "Kun sinulla on tili Mastodonissa, voit seurata käyttäjää {name} saadaksesi hänen viestit kotisyötteeseesi.",
"interaction_modal.description.reblog": "Kun sinulla on tili Mastodonissa, voit tehostaa viestiä ja jakaa sen omien seuraajiesi kanssa.",
"interaction_modal.description.reply": "Kun sinulla on tili Mastodonissa, voit vastata tähän viestiin.",
"interaction_modal.on_another_server": "Toisella palvelimella",
"interaction_modal.on_this_server": "Tällä palvelimella",
"interaction_modal.other_server_instructions": "Kopioi ja liitä tämä URL-osoite käyttämäsi Mastodon-sovelluksen hakukenttään tai Mastodon-palvelimen web-käyttöliittymään.",
"interaction_modal.preamble": "Koska Mastodon on hajautettu, voit käyttää toisen Mastodon-palvelimen tai yhteensopivan alustan ylläpitämää tiliäsi, jos sinulla ei ole tiliä tällä palvelimella.",
"interaction_modal.title.favourite": "Suosikin {name} viesti",
"interaction_modal.title.favourite": "Aseta käyttäjän {name} viesti suosikiksi",
"interaction_modal.title.follow": "Seuraa {name}",
"interaction_modal.title.reblog": "Tehosta {name} viestiä",
"interaction_modal.title.reblog": "Tehosta käyttäjän {name} viestiä",
"interaction_modal.title.reply": "Vastaa käyttäjän {name} viestiin",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# päivä} other {# päivää}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# tunti} other {# tuntia}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minuutti} other {# minuuttia}}",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "Siirry takaisin",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "Avaa estettyjen käyttäjien luettelo",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Buustaa viestiä",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Tehosta viestiä",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Kohdista sarakkeeseen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "siirry tekstinsyöttöön",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Kuvaus",
"": "avaa yksityisviesti sarake",
"": "avataksesi yksityisviestisarakkeen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Siirry listassa alaspäin",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Avaa julkaisu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Avaa viesti",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Lisää suosikkeihin",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourites": "Avaa lista suosikeista",
"keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "Avaa yleinen aikajana",
@ -332,8 +332,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.reply": "Vastaa viestiin",
"keyboard_shortcuts.requests": "Avaa lista seurauspyynnöistä",
"": "siirry hakukenttään",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "näyttääksesi/piilottaaksesi CW kentän",
"keyboard_shortcuts.start": "avaa \"Aloitus\" -sarake",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "Näytä/piilota sisältövaroituskenttä",
"keyboard_shortcuts.start": "avaa \"Aloitus\"-sarake",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "näytä/piilota sisältövaroituksella merkitty teksti",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "näytä/piilota media",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "Aloita uusi viesti",
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
"": "Lisää lista",
"": "Uuden listan nimi",
"lists.replies_policy.followed": "Jokainen seurattu käyttäjä",
"lists.replies_policy.list": "Luettelon jäsenet",
"lists.replies_policy.list": "Listan jäsenet",
"lists.replies_policy.none": "Ei kukaan",
"lists.replies_policy.title": "Näytä vastaukset:",
"": "Etsi seuraamistasi henkilöistä",
@ -394,15 +394,15 @@
"": "Turvallisuus",
"not_signed_in_indicator.not_signed_in": "Sinun täytyy kirjautua sisään päästäksesi käsiksi tähän resurssiin.",
"": "{name} ilmoitti {target}",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} rekisteröitynyt",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} rekisteröityi",
"notification.favourite": "{name} tykkäsi viestistäsi",
"notification.follow": "{name} seurasi sinua",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} haluaa seurata sinua",
"notification.mention": "{name} mainitsi sinut",
"notification.own_poll": "Kyselysi on päättynyt",
"notification.poll": "Kysely, johon osallistuit, on päättynyt",
"notification.reblog": "{name} buustasi julkaisusi",
"notification.status": "{name} julkaisi juuri",
"notification.reblog": "{name} tehosti viestiäsi",
"notification.status": "{name} julkaisi juuri viestin",
"notification.update": "{name} muokkasi viestiä",
"notifications.clear": "Tyhjennä ilmoitukset",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa kaikki ilmoitukset pysyvästi?",
@ -418,15 +418,15 @@
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "Maininnat:",
"notifications.column_settings.poll": "Kyselyn tulokset:",
"notifications.column_settings.push": "Push-ilmoitukset",
"notifications.column_settings.reblog": "Buustit:",
"notifications.column_settings.reblog": "Tehostukset:",
"": "Näytä sarakkeessa",
"notifications.column_settings.sound": "Äänimerkki",
"notifications.column_settings.status": "Uudet julkaisut:",
"notifications.column_settings.status": "Uudet viestit:",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "Lukemattomat ilmoitukset",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "Korosta lukemattomat ilmoitukset",
"notifications.column_settings.update": "Muokkaukset:",
"notifications.filter.all": "Kaikki",
"notifications.filter.boosts": "Buustit",
"notifications.filter.boosts": "Tehostukset",
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Suosikit",
"notifications.filter.follows": "Seuraa",
"notifications.filter.mentions": "Maininnat",
@ -451,10 +451,10 @@
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# ääni} other {# ääntä}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Lisää kysely",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Poista kysely",
"privacy.change": "Muuta julkaisun näkyvyyttä",
"": "Julkaise vain mainituille käyttäjille",
"privacy.change": "Muuta viestin näkyvyyttä",
"": "Näkyvissä vain mainituille käyttäjille",
"": "Vain mainitut henkilöt",
"privacy.private.long": "Julkaise vain seuraajille",
"privacy.private.long": "Näkyvissä vain seuraajille",
"privacy.private.short": "Vain seuraajat",
"privacy.public.long": "Näkyvissä kaikille",
"privacy.public.short": "Julkinen",
@ -481,9 +481,9 @@
"report.block_explanation": "Et näe heidän viestejään, eivätkä he voi nähdä viestejäsi tai seurata sinua. He näkevät, että heidät on estetty.",
"report.categories.other": "Muu",
"report.categories.spam": "Roskaposti",
"report.categories.violation": "Sisältö rikkoo yhden tai useamman palvelimen sääntöjä",
"report.category.subtitle": "Valitse paras osuma",
"report.category.title": "Kerro meille mitä tämän {type} kanssa tapahtuu",
"report.categories.violation": "Sisältö rikkoo yhtä tai useampaa palvelimen sääntöä",
"report.category.subtitle": "Valitse paras vastaavuus",
"report.category.title": "Kerro meille miksi tämä {type} pitää raportoida",
"report.category.title_account": "profiili",
"report.category.title_status": "viesti",
"report.close": "Valmis",
@ -512,8 +512,8 @@
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "Sillä välin kun tarkistamme tätä, voit ryhtyä toimenpiteisiin käyttäjää @{name} vastaan:",
"report.thanks.title": "Etkö halua nähdä tätä?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Kiitos raportista, tutkimme asiaa.",
"report.unfollow": "Lopeta seuraaminen @{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "Seuraat tätä tiliä. Jotta et enää näkisi heidän kirjoituksiaan, lopeta niiden seuraaminen.",
"report.unfollow": "Lopeta käyttäjän @{name} seuraaminen",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "Seuraat tätä tiliä. Jotta et enää näe tilin viestejä, lopeta tilin seuraaminen.",
"report_notification.attached_statuses": "{count, plural, one {{count} viesti} other {{count} viestiä}} liitteenä",
"report_notification.categories.other": "Muu",
"report_notification.categories.spam": "Roskaposti",
@ -522,16 +522,16 @@
"search.placeholder": "Hae",
"search.search_or_paste": "Etsi tai kirjoita URL-osoite",
"search_popout.search_format": "Tarkennettu haku",
"": "Tekstihaku listaa tilapäivitykset, jotka olet kirjoittanut, lisännyt suosikkeihisi, boostannut tai joissa sinut mainitaan, sekä tekstin sisältävät käyttäjänimet, nimimerkit ja aihetunnisteet.",
"": "Tekstihaku listaa tilapäivitykset, jotka olet kirjoittanut, lisännyt suosikkeihisi, tehostanut tai joissa sinut mainitaan, sekä tekstin sisältävät käyttäjänimet, nimimerkit ja aihetunnisteet.",
"": "aihetunnisteet",
"": "julkaisu",
"": "viesti",
"": "Tekstihaku listaa hakua vastaavat nimimerkit, käyttäjänimet ja aihetunnisteet",
"": "käyttäjä",
"search_results.accounts": "Ihmiset",
"search_results.all": "Kaikki",
"search_results.hashtags": "Aihetunnisteet",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Näille hakusanoille ei löytynyt mitään",
"search_results.statuses": "Julkaisut",
"search_results.statuses": "Viestit",
"search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Viestien haku sisällön perusteella ei ole käytössä tällä Mastodon-palvelimella.",
"search_results.title": "Etsi {q}",
"": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {tulos} other {tulosta}}",
@ -546,12 +546,12 @@
"sign_in_banner.text": "Kirjaudu sisään seurataksesi profiileja tai aihetunnisteita, lisätäksesi suosikkeihin, jakaaksesi julkaisuja ja vastataksesi niihin. Voit myös olla vuorovaikutuksessa tililtäsi toisella palvelimella.",
"status.admin_account": "Avaa moderaattorinäkymä tilistä @{name}",
"status.admin_domain": "Avaa palvelimen {domain} moderointitoiminnot",
"status.admin_status": "Avaa julkaisu moderointinäkymässä",
"status.admin_status": "Avaa viesti moderointinäkymässä",
"status.block": "Estä @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Tallenna kirjanmerkki",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Peru buustaus",
"status.cannot_reblog": "Tätä viestiä ei voi buustata",
"status.copy": "Kopioi linkki julkaisuun",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Peru tehostus",
"status.cannot_reblog": "Tätä viestiä ei voi tehostaa",
"status.copy": "Kopioi linkki viestiin",
"status.delete": "Poista",
"status.detailed_status": "Yksityiskohtainen keskustelunäkymä",
"": "Yksityisviesti käyttäjälle @{name}",
@ -575,10 +575,10 @@
"": "Kiinnitä profiiliin",
"status.pinned": "Kiinnitetty viesti",
"status.read_more": "Näytä enemmän",
"status.reblog": "Buustaa",
"status.reblog_private": "Buustaa alkuperäiselle yleisölle",
"status.reblogged_by": "{name} buustasi",
"status.reblogs.empty": "Kukaan ei ole vielä buustannut tätä viestiä. Kun joku tekee niin, näkyy kyseinen henkilö tässä.",
"status.reblog": "Tehosta",
"status.reblog_private": "Tehosta alkuperäiselle yleisölle",
"status.reblogged_by": "{name} tehosti",
"status.reblogs.empty": "Kukaan ei ole vielä tehostanut tätä viestiä. Kun joku tekee niin, näkyy kyseinen henkilö tässä.",
"status.redraft": "Poista ja palauta muokattavaksi",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Poista kirjanmerkki",
"status.replied_to": "Vastasit käyttäjälle {name}",
@ -615,7 +615,7 @@
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "{resource} muilta palvelimilta ei näytetä.",
"timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Seuraajia",
"timeline_hint.resources.follows": "Seurattuja",
"timeline_hint.resources.statuses": "Vanhemmat julkaisut",
"timeline_hint.resources.statuses": "Vanhemmat viestit",
"trends.counter_by_accounts": "{count, plural, one {{counter} henkilö} other {{counter} henkilöä}} viimeisten {days, plural, one {päivän} other {{days} päivän}}",
"trends.trending_now": "Suosittua nyt",
"ui.beforeunload": "Luonnos häviää, jos poistut Mastodonista.",
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@
"units.short.million": "{count} milj.",
"units.short.thousand": "{count} t.",
"upload_area.title": "Lataa raahaamalla ja pudottamalla tähän",
"upload_button.label": "Lisää mediaa",
"upload_button.label": "Lisää kuvia, video tai äänitiedosto",
"upload_error.limit": "Tiedostolatauksien raja ylitetty.",
"upload_error.poll": "Tiedon lataaminen ei ole sallittua kyselyissä.",
"upload_form.audio_description": "Kuvaile sisältöä kuuroille ja kuulorajoitteisille",
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
"upload_form.description_missing": "Kuvausta ei ole lisätty",
"upload_form.edit": "Muokkaa",
"upload_form.thumbnail": "Vaihda pikkukuva",
"upload_form.undo": "Peru",
"upload_form.undo": "Poista",
"upload_form.video_description": "Kuvaile sisältöä kuuroille, kuulorajoitteisille, sokeille tai näkörajoitteisille",
"upload_modal.analyzing_picture": "Analysoidaan kuvaa…",
"upload_modal.apply": "Käytä",

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"about.blocks": "Moderated servers",
"": "Contact:",
"about.disclaimer": "Mastodon is free, open-source software, and a trademark of Mastodon gGmbH.",
"about.blocks": "Մոդերացուող սպասարկիչներ",
"": "Կապ՝",
"about.disclaimer": "Մաստոդոնը ազատ, բաց ելակոդով ծրագրակազմ է, յայտնի Mastodon gGmbH ապրանքանշանով։",
"about.domain_blocks.no_reason_available": "Reason not available",
"about.domain_blocks.preamble": "Mastodon generally allows you to view content from and interact with users from any other server in the fediverse. These are the exceptions that have been made on this particular server.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation": "You will generally not see profiles and content from this server, unless you explicitly look it up or opt into it by following.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.title": "Limited",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.title": "Սահմանափակ",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.explanation": "No data from this server will be processed, stored or exchanged, making any interaction or communication with users from this server impossible.",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.title": "Suspended",
"about.not_available": "This information has not been made available on this server.",
"about.powered_by": "Decentralized social media powered by {mastodon}",
"about.rules": "Server rules",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.title": "Սպասող",
"about.not_available": "Այս տեղեկութիւնը տեսանելի չի այս սերուերում։",
"about.powered_by": "Ապակենտրոն սոց. ցանց սեղծուած {mastodon}-ի կողմից",
"about.rules": "Սերուերի կանոնները",
"account.account_note_header": "Նշում",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Աւելացնել կամ հեռացնել ցանկերից",
"": "Բոտ",
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
"account.edit_profile": "Խմբագրել անձնական էջը",
"account.enable_notifications": "Ծանուցել ինձ @{name} գրառումների մասին",
"account.endorse": "Ցուցադրել անձնական էջում",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_at": "Last post on {date}",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_never": "No posts",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_at": "Վերջին գրառումը եղել է՝ {date}",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_never": "Գրառումներ չկան",
"account.featured_tags.title": "{name}'s featured hashtags",
"account.follow": "Հետեւել",
"account.followers": "Հետեւողներ",
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Հետեւած} other {{counter} Հետեւած}}",
"account.follows.empty": "Այս օգտատէրը դեռ ոչ մէկի չի հետեւում։",
"account.follows_you": "Հետեւում է քեզ",
"account.go_to_profile": "Go to profile",
"account.go_to_profile": "Գնալ անձնական հաշիւ",
"account.hide_reblogs": "Թաքցնել @{name}֊ի տարածածները",
"account.joined_short": "Joined",
"account.joined_short": "Միացել է",
"account.languages": "Change subscribed languages",
"account.link_verified_on": "Սոյն յղման տիրապետումը ստուգուած է՝ {date}֊ին",
"account.locked_info": "Սոյն հաշուի գաղտնիութեան մակարդակը նշուած է որպէս՝ փակ։ Հաշուի տէրն ընտրում է, թէ ով կարող է հետեւել իրեն։",
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
"account.mute": "Լռեցնել @{name}֊ին",
"account.mute_notifications": "Անջատել ծանուցումները @{name}֊ից",
"account.muted": "Լռեցուած",
"account.open_original_page": "Open original page",
"account.open_original_page": "Բացել իրական էջը",
"account.posts": "Գրառումներ",
"account.posts_with_replies": "Գրառումներ եւ պատասխաններ",
"": "Բողոքել @{name}֊ի մասին",
"account.requested": "Հաստատման կարիք ունի։ Սեղմիր՝ հետեւելու հայցը չեղարկելու համար։",
"account.requested_follow": "{name} has requested to follow you",
"account.requested_follow": "{name}-ը ցանկանում է հետեւել քեզ",
"account.share": "Կիսուել @{name}֊ի էջով",
"account.show_reblogs": "Ցուցադրել @{name}֊ի տարածածները",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Գրառում} other {{counter} Գրառումներ}}",
@ -78,16 +78,16 @@
"alert.unexpected.title": "Վա՜յ",
"announcement.announcement": "Յայտարարութիւններ",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(unprocessed)",
"audio.hide": "Hide audio",
"audio.hide": "Թաքցնել աուդիոն",
"autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "շաբաթը՝ {count}",
"boost_modal.combo": "Կարող ես սեղմել {combo}՝ սա յաջորդ անգամ բաց թողնելու համար",
"bundle_column_error.copy_stacktrace": "Copy error report",
"bundle_column_error.error.body": "The requested page could not be rendered. It could be due to a bug in our code, or a browser compatibility issue.",
"bundle_column_error.error.title": "Oh, no!",
"bundle_column_error.error.title": "Օ՜, ոչ։",
"": "There was an error when trying to load this page. This could be due to a temporary problem with your internet connection or this server.",
"": "Network error",
"": "Ցանցի սխալ",
"bundle_column_error.retry": "Կրկին փորձել",
"bundle_column_error.return": "Go back home",
"bundle_column_error.return": "Վերադառնալ տուն",
"bundle_column_error.routing.body": "The requested page could not be found. Are you sure the URL in the address bar is correct?",
"bundle_column_error.routing.title": "404",
"bundle_modal_error.close": "Փակել",
@ -95,10 +95,10 @@
"bundle_modal_error.retry": "Կրկին փորձել",
"closed_registrations.other_server_instructions": "Since Mastodon is decentralized, you can create an account on another server and still interact with this one.",
"closed_registrations_modal.description": "Creating an account on {domain} is currently not possible, but please keep in mind that you do not need an account specifically on {domain} to use Mastodon.",
"closed_registrations_modal.find_another_server": "Find another server",
"closed_registrations_modal.find_another_server": "Գտնել այլ սերուերում",
"closed_registrations_modal.preamble": "Mastodon is decentralized, so no matter where you create your account, you will be able to follow and interact with anyone on this server. You can even self-host it!",
"closed_registrations_modal.title": "Signing up on Mastodon",
"column.about": "About",
"column.about": "Մասին",
"column.blocks": "Արգելափակուած օգտատէրեր",
"column.bookmarks": "Էջանիշեր",
"": "Տեղական հոսք",
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Միայն տեղական",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Միայն մեդիա",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Միայն հեռակայ",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose.language.change": "Փոխել լեզուն",
"": "Որոնել լեզուներ",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Իմանալ աւելին",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This post won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public posts can be searched by hashtag.",
@ -138,8 +138,8 @@
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Հեռացնել այս տարբերակը",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Հարցումը դարձնել բազմակի ընտրութեամբ",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Հարցումը դարձնել եզակի ընտրութեամբ",
"compose_form.publish": "Publish",
"compose_form.publish_form": "Publish",
"compose_form.publish": "Հրապարակել",
"compose_form.publish_form": "Հրապարակել",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "Հրապարակե՜լ",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Պահպանել փոփոխութիւնները",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "Նշել մեդիան որպէս դիւրազգաց",
@ -177,8 +177,8 @@
"conversation.mark_as_read": "Նշել որպէս ընթերցուած",
"": "Դիտել խօսակցութիւնը",
"conversation.with": "{names}-ի հետ",
"copypaste.copied": "Copied",
"copypaste.copy": "Copy",
"copypaste.copied": "Պատճէնուած է",
"copypaste.copy": "Պատճէնել",
"directory.federated": "Յայտնի դաշնեզերքից",
"directory.local": "{domain} տիրոյթից միայն",
"directory.new_arrivals": "Նորեկներ",
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
"embed.instructions": "Այս գրառումը քո կայքում ներդնելու համար կարող ես պատճէնել ներքեւի կոդը։",
"embed.preview": "Ահա, թէ ինչ տեսք կունենայ այն՝",
"emoji_button.activity": "Զբաղմունքներ",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.clear": "Մաքրել",
"emoji_button.custom": "Յատուկ",
"emoji_button.flags": "Դրօշներ",
"": "Կերուխում",
@ -237,24 +237,24 @@
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "Պատճենել սթաքթրեյսը սեղմատախտակին",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "Զեկուցել խնդրի մասին",
"explore.search_results": "Որոնման արդիւնքներ",
"explore.suggested_follows": "For you",
"explore.suggested_follows": "Քեզ համար",
"explore.title": "Բացայայտել",
"explore.trending_links": "News",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Posts",
"explore.trending_tags": "Hashtags",
"explore.trending_links": "Նորութիւններ",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Գրառումներ",
"explore.trending_tags": "Պիտակներ",
"filter_modal.added.context_mismatch_explanation": "This filter category does not apply to the context in which you have accessed this post. If you want the post to be filtered in this context too, you will have to edit the filter.",
"filter_modal.added.context_mismatch_title": "Context mismatch!",
"filter_modal.added.expired_explanation": "This filter category has expired, you will need to change the expiration date for it to apply.",
"filter_modal.added.expired_title": "Expired filter!",
"filter_modal.added.review_and_configure": "To review and further configure this filter category, go to the {settings_link}.",
"filter_modal.added.review_and_configure_title": "Filter settings",
"filter_modal.added.settings_link": "settings page",
"filter_modal.added.settings_link": "կարգաւորումների էջ",
"filter_modal.added.short_explanation": "This post has been added to the following filter category: {title}.",
"filter_modal.added.title": "Filter added!",
"filter_modal.select_filter.context_mismatch": "does not apply to this context",
"filter_modal.select_filter.expired": "expired",
"filter_modal.select_filter.prompt_new": "New category: {name}",
"": "Search or create",
"": "Որոնել կամ ստեղծել",
"filter_modal.select_filter.subtitle": "Use an existing category or create a new one",
"filter_modal.select_filter.title": "Filter this post",
"filter_modal.title.status": "Filter a post",
@ -265,11 +265,11 @@
"follow_request.reject": "Մերժել",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Այս հարցումը ուղարկուած է հաշուից, որի համար {domain}-ի անձնակազմը միացրել է ձեռքով ստուգում։",
"followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"footer.about": "About",
"footer.about": "Մասին",
"": "Profiles directory",
"footer.get_app": "Get the app",
"footer.invite": "Invite people",
"footer.keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"footer.invite": "Հրաւիրել մարդկանց",
"footer.keyboard_shortcuts": "Ստեղնաշարի կարճատներ",
"footer.privacy_policy": "Privacy policy",
"footer.source_code": "View source code",
"generic.saved": "Պահպանուած է",
@ -283,8 +283,8 @@
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.any": "Ցանկացածը",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.none": "Ոչ մեկը",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_toggle": "Ներառել լրացուցիչ պիտակները այս սիւնակում ",
"hashtag.follow": "Follow hashtag",
"hashtag.unfollow": "Unfollow hashtag",
"hashtag.follow": "Հետեւել պիտակին",
"hashtag.unfollow": "Չհետեւել պիտակին",
"home.column_settings.basic": "Հիմնական",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Ցուցադրել տարածածները",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Ցուցադրել պատասխանները",
@ -299,9 +299,9 @@
"interaction_modal.other_server_instructions": "Copy and paste this URL into the search field of your favourite Mastodon app or the web interface of your Mastodon server.",
"interaction_modal.preamble": "Since Mastodon is decentralized, you can use your existing account hosted by another Mastodon server or compatible platform if you don't have an account on this one.",
"interaction_modal.title.favourite": "Favourite {name}'s post",
"interaction_modal.title.follow": "Follow {name}",
"interaction_modal.title.reblog": "Boost {name}'s post",
"interaction_modal.title.reply": "Reply to {name}'s post",
"interaction_modal.title.follow": "Հետեւել {name}-ին",
"interaction_modal.title.reblog": "Տարածել {name}-ի գրառումը",
"interaction_modal.title.reply": "Պատասխանել {name}-ի գրառմանը",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# օր} other {# օր}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# ժամ} other {# ժամ}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# րոպէ} other {# րոպէ}}",
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
"mute_modal.duration": "Տեւողութիւն",
"mute_modal.hide_notifications": "Թաքցնե՞լ ծանուցումներն այս օգտատիրոջից։",
"mute_modal.indefinite": "Անժամկէտ",
"navigation_bar.about": "About",
"navigation_bar.about": "Մասին",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "Արգելափակուած օգտատէրեր",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Էջանիշեր",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Տեղական հոսք",
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
"navigation_bar.pins": "Ամրացուած գրառումներ",
"navigation_bar.preferences": "Նախապատուութիւններ",
"navigation_bar.public_timeline": "Դաշնային հոսք",
"": "Search",
"": "Որոնել",
"": "Անվտանգութիւն",
"not_signed_in_indicator.not_signed_in": "You need to sign in to access this resource.",
"": "{name} reported {target}",
@ -512,15 +512,15 @@
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "While we review this, you can take action against @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "Don't want to see this?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Thanks for reporting, we'll look into this.",
"report.unfollow": "Unfollow @{name}",
"report.unfollow": "Չհետեւել {name}-ին",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "You are following this account. To not see their posts in your home feed anymore, unfollow them.",
"report_notification.attached_statuses": "{count, plural, one {{count} post} other {{count} posts}} attached",
"report_notification.categories.other": "Other",
"report_notification.categories.spam": "Spam",
"report_notification.categories.other": "Այլ",
"report_notification.categories.spam": "Սպամ",
"report_notification.categories.violation": "Rule violation",
"": "Open report",
"search.placeholder": "Փնտրել",
"search.search_or_paste": "Search or paste URL",
"search.search_or_paste": "Որոնել կամ դնել URL",
"search_popout.search_format": "Փնտրելու առաջադէմ ձեւ",
"": "Պարզ տեքստը վերադարձնում է գրառումներդ, հաւանածներդ, տարածածներդ, որտեղ ես նշուած եղել, ինչպէս նաեւ նման օգտանուններ, անուններ եւ պիտակներ։",
"": "պիտակ",
@ -528,22 +528,22 @@
"": "Հասարակ տեքստը կը վերադարձնի համընկնող անուններ, օգտանուններ ու պիտակներ",
"": "օգտատէր",
"search_results.accounts": "Մարդիկ",
"search_results.all": "All",
"search_results.all": "Բոլորը",
"search_results.hashtags": "Պիտակներ",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Could not find anything for these search terms",
"search_results.statuses": "Գրառումներ",
"search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Այս հանգոյցում միացուած չէ ըստ բովանդակութեան գրառում փնտրելու հնարաւորութիւնը։",
"search_results.title": "Search for {q}",
"search_results.title": "Որոնել {q}-ն",
"": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {արդիւնք} other {արդիւնք}}",
"server_banner.about_active_users": "People using this server during the last 30 days (Monthly Active Users)",
"server_banner.active_users": "active users",
"server_banner.administered_by": "Administered by:",
"server_banner.active_users": "ակտիւ մարդիկ",
"server_banner.administered_by": "Կառաւարող",
"server_banner.introduction": "{domain} is part of the decentralized social network powered by {mastodon}.",
"server_banner.learn_more": "Learn more",
"server_banner.server_stats": "Server stats:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Create account",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Sign in",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts. You can also interact from your account on a different server.",
"server_banner.learn_more": "Իմանալ աւելին",
"server_banner.server_stats": "Սերուերի վիճակը",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Ստեղծել հաշիւ",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Մուտք",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Մտէք, որ կարողանաք հետեւել հաշիւներին կամ պիտակներին, հաւանել, տարածել կամ պատասխանել գրառումներին։ Նաեւ շփուել այլ հանգոյցների հետ։",
"status.admin_account": "Բացել @{name} օգտատիրոջ մոդերացիայի դիմերէսը։",
"status.admin_domain": "Open moderation interface for {domain}",
"status.admin_status": "Բացել այս գրառումը մոդերատորի դիմերէսի մէջ",
@ -555,16 +555,16 @@
"status.delete": "Ջնջել",
"status.detailed_status": "Շղթայի ընդլայնուած դիտում",
"": "Նամակ գրել {name} -ին",
"status.edit": "Edit",
"status.edited": "Edited {date}",
"status.edit": "Խմբագրել",
"status.edited": "Խմբագրուել է՝ {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Edited {count, plural, one {{count} time} other {{count} times}}",
"status.embed": "Ներդնել",
"status.favourite": "Հաւանել",
"status.filter": "Filter this post",
"status.filtered": "Զտուած",
"status.hide": "Hide post",
"status.history.created": "{name} created {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} edited {date}",
"status.hide": "Թաքցնել գրառումը",
"status.history.created": "{name}-ը ստեղծել է՝ {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name}-ը խմբագրել է՝ {date}",
"status.load_more": "Բեռնել աւելին",
"status.media_hidden": "մեդիաբովանդակութիւնը թաքցուած է",
"status.mention": "Նշել @{name}֊ին",
@ -581,25 +581,25 @@
"status.reblogs.empty": "Այս գրառումը ոչ մէկ դեռ չի տարածել։ Տարածողները կերեւան այստեղ, երբ տարածեն։",
"status.redraft": "Ջնջել եւ վերակազմել",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Հեռացնել էջանիշերից",
"status.replied_to": "Replied to {name}",
"status.replied_to": "Պատասխանել է {name}-ին",
"status.reply": "Պատասխանել",
"status.replyAll": "Պատասխանել շղթային",
"": "Բողոքել @{name}֊ից",
"status.sensitive_warning": "Կասկածելի բովանդակութիւն",
"status.share": "Կիսուել",
"status.show_filter_reason": "Show anyway",
"status.show_filter_reason": "Ցոյց տալ բոլոր դէպքերում",
"status.show_less": "Պակաս",
"status.show_less_all": "Թաքցնել բոլոր նախազգուշացնումները",
"status.show_more": "Աւելին",
"status.show_more_all": "Ցուցադրել բոլոր նախազգուշացնումները",
"status.show_original": "Show original",
"status.translate": "Translate",
"status.show_original": "Ցոյց տալ բնօրինակը",
"status.translate": "Թարգմանել",
"status.translated_from_with": "Translated from {lang} using {provider}",
"status.uncached_media_warning": "Անհասանելի",
"status.unmute_conversation": "Ապալռեցնել խօսակցութիւնը",
"status.unpin": "Հանել անձնական էջից",
"subscribed_languages.lead": "Only posts in selected languages will appear on your home and list timelines after the change. Select none to receive posts in all languages.",
"": "Save changes",
"": "Պահպանել փոփոխութիւնները",
"": "Change subscribed languages for {target}",
"suggestions.dismiss": "Անտեսել առաջարկը",
"suggestions.header": "Միգուցէ քեզ հետաքրքրի…",
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@
"upload_modal.preparing_ocr": "Գրաճանաչման նախապատրաստում…",
"upload_modal.preview_label": "Նախադիտում ({ratio})",
"upload_progress.label": "Վերբեռնվում է…",
"upload_progress.processing": "Processing…",
"upload_progress.processing": "Մշակուում է...",
"video.close": "Փակել տեսագրութիւնը",
"": "Ներբեռնել նիշքը",
"video.exit_fullscreen": "Անջատել լիաէկրան դիտումը",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"about.blocks": "Server yang dimoderasi",
"": "Hubungi:",
"about.disclaimer": "Mastodon addalah perangkat lunak bebas dan sumber terbuka, dan adalah merek dagang dari Mastodon gGmbH.",
"about.disclaimer": "Mastodon adalah perangkat lunak bebas dan sumber terbuka, dan adalah merek dagang dari Mastodon gGmbH.",
"about.domain_blocks.no_reason_available": "Alasan tidak tersedia",
"about.domain_blocks.preamble": "Mastodon umumnya mengizinkan Anda untuk melihat konten dan berinteraksi dengan pengguna dari server lain di fediverse. Ini adalah pengecualian yang dibuat untuk beberapa server.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation": "Anda secara umum tidak melihat profil dan konten dari server ini, kecuali jika Anda mencarinya atau memilihnya dengan mengikuti secara eksplisit.",
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
"column.lists": "List",
"column.mutes": "Pengguna yang dibisukan",
"column.notifications": "Notifikasi",
"column.pins": "Pinned toot",
"column.pins": "Kiriman tersemat",
"column.public": "Linimasa gabungan",
"column_back_button.label": "Kembali",
"column_header.hide_settings": "Sembunyikan pengaturan",
@ -126,14 +126,14 @@
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Hanya jarak jauh",
"compose.language.change": "Ganti bahasa",
"": "Telusuri bahasa...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Pelajari selengkapnya",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Kiriman di Mastodon tidak dienkripsi end-to-end. Jangan bagikan informasi sensitif melalui Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This post won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public posts can be searched by hashtag.",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Pelajari lebih lanjut",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Kiriman di Mastodon tidak dienkripsi secara end-to-end. Jangan bagikan informasi sensitif melalui Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Kiriman ini tidak akan didaftarkan di bawah tagar apapun selama tidak diatur ke publik. Hanya kiriman publik yang dapat dicari dengan tagar.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Akun Anda tidak {locked}. Semua orang dapat mengikuti Anda untuk melihat kiriman khusus untuk pengikut Anda.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "terkunci",
"compose_form.placeholder": "Apa yang ada di pikiran Anda?",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Tambahkan pilihan",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Durasi polling",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Durasi japat",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Pilihan {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Hapus opsi ini",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Ubah japat menjadi pilihan ganda",
@ -145,8 +145,8 @@
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, other {Tandai media sebagai sensitif}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "{count, plural, other {Media ini ditandai sebagai sensitif}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "{count, plural, other {Media ini tidak ditandai sebagai sensitif}}",
"compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Teks disembunyikan dibalik peringatan",
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Teks tidak tersembunyi",
"compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Hapus peringatan tentang isi konten",
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Tambahkan peringatan tentang isi konten",
"compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Peringatan konten",
"confirmation_modal.cancel": "Batal",
"confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Blokir & Laporkan",
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
"empty_column.favourites": "Belum ada yang memfavoritkan toot ini. Ketika seseorang melakukannya, mereka akan muncul di sini.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Sepertinya tak ada saran yang dibuat untuk Anda. Anda dapat mencoba menggunakan pencarian untuk menemukan orang yang Anda ketahui atau menjelajahi tagar yang sedang tren.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Anda belum memiliki permintaan mengikuti. Ketika Anda menerimanya, maka itu akan muncul di sini.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "You have not followed any hashtags yet. When you do, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "Anda belum mengikuti tagar apapun. Saat Anda mulai melakukannya, mereka akan muncul di sini.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Tidak ada apa pun dalam hashtag ini.",
"empty_column.home": "Linimasa anda kosong! Kunjungi {public} atau gunakan pencarian untuk memulai dan bertemu pengguna lain.",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "Lihat beberapa saran",
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"follow_request.authorize": "Izinkan",
"follow_request.reject": "Tolak",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Meskipun akun Anda tidak dikunci, staf {domain} menyarankan Anda untuk meninjau permintaan mengikuti dari akun-akun ini secara manual.",
"followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"followed_tags": "Tagar yang diikuti",
"footer.about": "Tentang",
"": "Direktori profil",
"footer.get_app": "Dapatkan aplikasi",
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
"navigation_bar.favourites": "Favorit",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Kata yang dibisukan",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Permintaan mengikuti",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Tagar yang diikuti",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Ikuti dan pengikut",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Daftar",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Keluar",
@ -543,9 +543,9 @@
"server_banner.server_stats": "Statistik server:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Buat akun",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Masuk",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts. You can also interact from your account on a different server.",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Masuk untuk mengikuti profil atau tagar, memfavoritkan, membagi, dan membalas kiriman. Anda juga dapat berinteraksi dari akun Anda di server yang berbeda.",
"status.admin_account": "Buka antarmuka moderasi untuk @{name}",
"status.admin_domain": "Open moderation interface for {domain}",
"status.admin_domain": "Buka antarmuka moderasi untuk {domain}",
"status.admin_status": "Buka kiriman ini dalam antar muka moderasi",
"status.block": "Blokir @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Markah",

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"about.domain_blocks.no_reason_available": "Motivo non disponibile",
"about.domain_blocks.preamble": "Mastodon, generalmente, ti consente di visualizzare i contenuti e interagire con gli utenti da qualsiasi altro server nel fediverso. Queste sono le eccezioni che sono state fatte su questo particolare server.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation": "Generalmente non vedrai i profili e i contenuti di questo server, a meno che tu non lo cerchi esplicitamente o che tu scelga di seguirlo.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.title": "Silenziato",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.title": "Limitato",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.explanation": "Nessun dato proveniente da questo server verrà elaborato, conservato o scambiato, rendendo impossibile qualsiasi interazione o comunicazione con gli utenti da questo server.",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.title": "Sospeso",
"about.not_available": "Queste informazioni non sono state rese disponibili su questo server.",

View File

@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
"": "Пікірталасты қарау",
"conversation.with": "{names} атты",
"copypaste.copied": "Copied",
"copypaste.copy": "Copy",
"copypaste.copy": "Көшіру",
"directory.federated": "Танымал желіден",
"directory.local": "Тек {domain} доменінен",
"directory.new_arrivals": "Жаңадан келгендер",

View File

@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "아직 유행하는 것이 없습니다. 나중에 다시 확인하세요!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "아직 마음에 들어한 게시물이 없습니다. 게시물을 좋아요 하면 여기에 나타납니다.",
"empty_column.favourites": "아직 아무도 이 게시물을 마음에 들어하지 않았습니다. 누군가 좋아요를 하면 여기에 나타납니다.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "나를 위한 추천을 만들 수 없는 것 같습니다. 알 수도 있는 사람을 검색하거나 유행하는 해시태그를 둘러볼 수 있습니다.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "제안을 만들 수 없었습니다. 알 수 있는 사람을 찾아보거나 유행하는 해시태그를 둘러보세요.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "아직 팔로우 요청이 없습니다. 요청을 받았을 때 여기에 나타납니다.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "아직 아무 해시태그도 팔로우하고 있지 않습니다. 해시태그를 팔로우하면, 여기에 표시됩니다.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "이 해시태그는 아직 사용되지 않았습니다.",
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@
"status.reply": "답장",
"status.replyAll": "글타래에 답장",
"": "{name} 님을 신고하기",
"status.sensitive_warning": "민감한 미디어",
"status.sensitive_warning": "민감한 내용",
"status.share": "공유",
"status.show_filter_reason": "그냥 표시하기",
"status.show_less": "숨기기",

View File

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
"empty_column.favourites": "Niemand heeft dit bericht nog als favoriet gemarkeerd. Wanneer iemand dit doet, valt dat hier te zien.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Het lijkt er op dat er geen aanbevelingen voor jou aangemaakt kunnen worden. Je kunt proberen te zoeken naar mensen die je wellicht kent, zoeken op hashtags, de lokale en globale tijdlijnen bekijken of de gebruikersgids doorbladeren.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Jij hebt nog enkel volgverzoek ontvangen. Wanneer je er eentje ontvangt, valt dat hier te zien.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "You have not followed any hashtags yet. When you do, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "Je hebt nog geen hashtags gevolgd. Wanneer je dit doet, zullen ze hier verschijnen.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Er is nog niks te vinden onder deze hashtag.",
"empty_column.home": "Deze tijdlijn is leeg! Volg meer mensen om het te vullen. {suggestions}",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "Enkele aanbevelingen bekijken",
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"follow_request.authorize": "Goedkeuren",
"follow_request.reject": "Afwijzen",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Ook al is jouw account niet besloten, de medewerkers van {domain} denken dat jij misschien de volgende volgverzoeken handmatig wil controleren.",
"followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"followed_tags": "Gevolgde hashtags",
"footer.about": "Over",
"": "Gebruikersgids",
"footer.get_app": "App downloaden",
@ -381,8 +381,8 @@
"navigation_bar.favourites": "Favorieten",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Filters",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Volgverzoeken",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Volgers en gevolgden",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Gevolgde hashtags",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Volgers en gevolgde accounts",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Lijsten",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Uitloggen",
"navigation_bar.mutes": "Genegeerde gebruikers",
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
"server_banner.server_stats": "Serverstats:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Registreren",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Inloggen",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts. You can also interact from your account on a different server.",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Wanneer je een account op deze server hebt, kun je inloggen om mensen of hashtags te volgen, op berichten te reageren of om deze te delen. Wanneer je een account op een andere server hebt, kun je daar inloggen en daar ook interactie met mensen op deze server hebben.",
"status.admin_account": "Moderatie-omgeving van @{name} openen",
"status.admin_domain": "Moderatie-omgeving van {domain} openen",
"status.admin_status": "Dit bericht in de moderatie-omgeving tonen",

View File

@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
"report.rules.subtitle": "Vyberte všetky, ktoré sa vzťahujú",
"report.rules.title": "Ktoré pravidlá sa porušujú?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Vyberte všetky, ktoré sa vzťahujú",
"report.statuses.title": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"report.statuses.title": "Sú k dispozícii príspevky podporujúce toto hlásenie?",
"report.submit": "Odošli",
"": "Nahlás {target}",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Here are your options for controlling what you see on Mastodon:",
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
"": "Priama správa pre @{name}",
"status.edit": "Uprav",
"status.edited": "Upravené {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Edited {count, plural, one {{count} time} other {{count} times}}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Upravený {count, plural, one {{count} krát} other {{count} krát}}",
"status.embed": "Vložiť",
"status.favourite": "Páči sa mi",
"status.filter": "Filtrovanie tohto príspevku",

View File

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
"empty_column.favourites": "Askush se ka parapëlqyer ende këtë mesazh. Kur e bën dikush, ai do të shfaqet këtu.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Duket se su prodhuan dot sugjerime për ju. Mund të provoni të kërkoni për persona që mund të njihni, ose të eksploroni hashtag-ë që janë në modë.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Ende skeni ndonjë kërkesë ndjekjeje. Kur të merrni një të tillë, do të shfaqet këtu.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "You have not followed any hashtags yet. When you do, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "Skeni ndjekur ende nodnjë hashtag. Kur të ndiqni të tillë, do të shfaqen këtu.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Ende ska gjë nën këtë hashtag.",
"empty_column.home": "Rrjedha juaj kohore është e zbrazët! Vizitoni {public} ose përdorni kërkimin që tia filloni dhe të takoni përdorues të tjerë.",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "Shihni disa sugjerime",
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"follow_request.authorize": "Autorizoje",
"follow_request.reject": "Hidhe tej",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Edhe pse llogaria juaj sështë e kyçur, ekipi i {domain} mendoi se mund të donit të shqyrtonit dorazi kërkesa ndjekjeje prej këtyre llogarive.",
"followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"followed_tags": "Hashtag-ë të ndjekur",
"footer.about": "Mbi",
"": "Drejtori profilesh",
"footer.get_app": "Merreni aplikacionin",
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
"navigation_bar.favourites": "Të parapëlqyer",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Fjalë të heshtuara",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Kërkesa për ndjekje",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Hashtag-ë të ndjekur",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Ndjekje dhe ndjekës",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Lista",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Dalje",
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
"server_banner.server_stats": "Statistika shërbyesi:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Krijoni llogari",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Hyni",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts. You can also interact from your account on a different server.",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Që të ndiqni profile ose hashtagë, tu vini shenjë si të parapëlqyer, të ndani me të tjerë dhe ti ripostoni në postime, bëni hyrjen në llogari. Mundeni edhe të ndërveproni që nga llogaria juaj në një shërbyes tjetër.",
"status.admin_account": "Hap ndërfaqe moderimi për @{name}",
"status.admin_domain": "Hap ndërfaqe moderimi për {domain}",
"status.admin_status": "Hape këtë mesazh te ndërfaqja e moderimit",

View File

@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
"report.block_explanation": "คุณจะไม่เห็นโพสต์ของเขา เขาจะไม่สามารถเห็นโพสต์ของคุณหรือติดตามคุณ เขาจะสามารถบอกได้ว่ามีการปิดกั้นเขา",
"report.categories.other": "อื่น ๆ",
"report.categories.spam": "สแปม",
"report.categories.violation": "เนื้อหาละเมิดหนึ่งกฎของเซิร์ฟเวอร์หรือมากกว่า",
"report.categories.violation": "เนื้อหาละเมิดกฎของเซิร์ฟเวอร์จำนวนหนึ่งหรือมากกว่า",
"report.category.subtitle": "เลือกที่ตรงกันที่สุด",
"report.category.title": "บอกเราถึงสิ่งที่กำลังเกิดขึ้นกับ {type} นี้",
"report.category.title_account": "โปรไฟล์",
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@
"report.submit": "ส่ง",
"": "กำลังรายงาน {target}",
"report.thanks.take_action": "นี่คือตัวเลือกของคุณสำหรับการควบคุมสิ่งที่คุณเห็นใน Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "ขณะที่เราตรวจทานสิ่งนี้ คุณสามารถใช้การกระทำกับ @{name}:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "ขณะที่เราตรวจทานสิ่งนี้ คุณสามารถใช้การกระทำต่อ @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "ไม่ต้องการเห็นสิ่งนี้?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "ขอบคุณสำหรับการรายงาน เราจะตรวจสอบสิ่งนี้",
"report.unfollow": "เลิกติดตาม @{name}",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
"about.blocks": "Moderatsiya qilingan serverlar",
"": "Ulanish:",
"about.disclaimer": "Mastodon bepul, ochiq kodli dastur va Mastodon gGmbH kompaniyasining savdo belgisidir.",
"about.domain_blocks.no_reason_available": "Sabab mavjud emas",
"about.domain_blocks.preamble": "Mastodon odatda fediversedagi istalgan boshqa serverdagi foydalanuvchilar tarkibini ko'rish va ular bilan muloqot qilish imkonini beradi. Bu alohida serverda qilingan istisnolar.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation": "Bu serverdagi profillar va kontentni koʻrmaysiz, agar siz uni aniq koʻrib chiqmasangiz yoki unga amal qilish orqali kirishni xohlamasangiz.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.title": "Cheklangan",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.explanation": "Ushbu serverdan hech qanday ma'lumot qayta ishlanmaydi, saqlanmaydi yoki almashtirilmaydi, bu esa ushbu serverdagi foydalanuvchilar bilan hech qanday o'zaro aloqa yoki aloqani imkonsiz qiladi.",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.title": "Toxtatildi",
"about.not_available": "Ushbu ma'lumot ushbu serverda mavjud emas.",
"about.powered_by": "{mastodon} tomonidan boshqariladigan markazlashtirilmagan ijtimoiy media",
"about.rules": "Server qoidalari",
"account.account_note_header": "Eslatma",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Roʻyxatlarga qoʻshish yoki oʻchirish",
"": "Bo't",
"": "Guruhlar",
"account.block": "Blok @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "{domain} domenini bloklash",
"account.blocked": "Bloklangan",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Asl profilda ko'proq ko'rish",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "Kuzatuv sorovini bekor qilish",
"": "To'g'ridan-to'g'ri xabar @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "@{name} post qoyganida menga xabar berishni toxtating",
"account.domain_blocked": "Domen bloklangan",
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"account.endorse": "Profildagi xususiyat",
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"account.following": "Kuzatish",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} ga Muxlis} other {{counter} larga muxlis}}",
"account.follows.empty": "Bu foydalanuvchi hali hech kimni kuzatmagan.",
"account.follows_you": "Sizga obuna",
"account.go_to_profile": "Profilga o'tish",
"account.hide_reblogs": "@{name} dan boostlarni yashirish",
"account.joined_short": "Qo'shilgan",
"account.languages": "Obuna boʻlgan tillarni oʻzgartirish",
"account.link_verified_on": "Bu havolaning egaligi {date} kuni tekshirilgan",
"account.locked_info": "Bu hisobning maxfiylik holati qulflangan qilib sozlangan. Egasi ularni kim kuzatishi mumkinligini qo'lda ko'rib chiqadi.",
"": "Media",
"account.mention": "@{name} ni zikr qiling",
"account.moved_to": "{name} oʻzining yangi hisobi endi ekanligini aytdi:",
"account.mute": "@{name} ovozini ochirish",
"account.mute_notifications": "@{name} bildirishnomalarini ochirish",
"account.muted": "Ovozsiz",
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"account.posts_with_replies": "Xabarlar va javoblar",
"": "@{name} xabar berish",
"account.requested": "Tasdiqlash kutilmoqda. Kuzatuv soʻrovini bekor qilish uchun bosing",
"account.requested_follow": "{name} sizni kuzatishni soʻradi",
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"account.show_reblogs": "@{name} dan bootlarni ko'rsatish",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Post} other {{counter} Postlar}}",
"account.unblock": "@{name} ni blokdan chiqarish",
"account.unblock_domain": "{domain} domenini blokdan chiqarish",
"account.unblock_short": "Blokdan chiqarish",
"account.unendorse": "Profilda ko'rsatilmasin",
"account.unfollow": "Kuzatishni To'xtatish",
"account.unmute": "@{name} ovozini yoqish",
"account.unmute_notifications": "@{name} bildirishnomalarining ovozini yoqish",
"account.unmute_short": "Ovozni yoqish",
"account_note.placeholder": "Eslatma qo'shish uchun bosing",
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"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "Ro'yxatdan o'tgandan keyin oy bo'yicha foydalanuvchini ushlab turish darajasi",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Ortacha",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Ro'yxatdan o'tish oyi",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "Yangi foydalanuvchilar",
"alert.rate_limited.message": "{retry_time, time, media} keyin qayta urinib koʻring.",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Rate cheklangan",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Kutilmagan xatolik yuz berdi.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Voy!",
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"bundle_column_error.error.body": "Soʻralgan sahifani koʻrsatib boʻlmadi. Buning sababi bizning kodimizdagi xato yoki brauzer mosligi muammosi bo'lishi mumkin.",
"bundle_column_error.error.title": "Voy yo'q!",
"": "Ushbu sahifani yuklashda xatolik yuz berdi. Buning sababi internet ulanishingiz yoki ushbu serverdagi vaqtinchalik muammo bo'lishi mumkin.",
"": "Tarmoq xatosi",
"bundle_column_error.retry": "Qayta urinib ko'rish",
"bundle_column_error.return": "Bosh sahifaga qaytish",
"bundle_column_error.routing.body": "Soʻralgan sahifani topib boʻlmadi. Manzil satridagi URL to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonchingiz komilmi?",
"bundle_column_error.routing.title": "404",
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"bundle_modal_error.message": "Ushbu mahsulotni qayta belgilashda xatolik yuz berdi.",
"bundle_modal_error.retry": "Qayta urinib ko'rish",
"closed_registrations.other_server_instructions": "Mastodon markazlashtirilmaganligi sababli, siz boshqa serverda hisob yaratishingiz va u bilan o'zaro aloqada bo'lishingiz mumkin.",
"closed_registrations_modal.description": "{domain} da hisob yaratish hozircha imkonsiz, lekin Mastodondan foydalanish uchun maxsus {domain} hisob qaydnomasi kerak emasligini yodda tuting.",
"closed_registrations_modal.find_another_server": "Boshqa server topish",
"closed_registrations_modal.preamble": "Mastodon markazlashtirilmagan, shuning uchun hisob qaydnomangizni qayerda yaratmasligingizdan qat'iy nazar, siz ushbu serverdagi har kimni kuzatishingiz va ular bilan muloqot qilishingiz mumkin bo'ladi. Siz hatto uni o'zingiz ham joylashtirishingiz mumkin!",
"closed_registrations_modal.title": "Mastodonda ro'yxatdan o'tish",
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"": "Mahalliy",
"": "To'g'ridan-to'g'ri xabarlar",
"": "Profillarni ko'rish",
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"": "Tillarni izlash...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Batafsil malumot",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Mastodondagi xabarlar uchdan uchgacha shifrlanmagan. Mastodon orqali hech qanday nozik ma'lumotni baham ko'rmang.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Bu post hech qanday xeshteg ostida korsatilmaydi, chunki u ochiq emas. Faqat ochiq xabarlarni heshteg orqali qidirish mumkin.",
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"compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Sharhingizni bu erga yozing",
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"confirmations.cancel_follow_request.message": "Haqiqatan ham {name}ga obuna boʻlish soʻrovingizni qaytarib olmoqchimisiz?",
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"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "Sizda media tavsifi yoki oldindan korishda saqlanmagan ozgarishlar bor, ular baribir bekor qilinsinmi?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Butun domenni bloklash",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "Haqiqatan ham, {domain} ni butunlay bloklamoqchimisiz? Ko'pgina hollarda bir nechta maqsadli bloklar yoki ovozni o'chirish etarli va afzaldir. Siz oʻsha domendagi kontentni hech qanday umumiy vaqt jadvallarida yoki bildirishnomalaringizda koʻrmaysiz. Bu domendagi obunachilaringiz olib tashlanadi.",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "Chiqish",
"confirmations.logout.message": "Chiqishingizga aminmisiz?",
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"confirmations.mute.explanation": "Bu ulardagi postlar va ular haqida eslatib o'tilgan postlarni yashiradi, ammo bu ularga sizning postlaringizni ko'rish va sizni kuzatish imkonini beradi.",
"confirmations.mute.message": "Haqiqatan ham {name} ovozini ochirib qoymoqchimisiz?",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "O'chirish va qayta loyihalash",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "Haqiqatan ham bu postni ochirib tashlab, uni qayta loyihalashni xohlaysizmi? Sevimlilar va yuksalishlar yo'qoladi va asl postga javoblar yetim qoladi.",
"confirmations.reply.confirm": "Javob berish",
"confirmations.reply.message": "Hozir javob bersangiz, hozir yozayotgan xabaringiz ustidan yoziladi. Davom etishni xohlaysizmi?",
"confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Kuzatishni To'xtatish",
"confirmations.unfollow.message": "Haqiqatan ham {name} obunasini bekor qilmoqchimisiz?",
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"": "Suhbatni ko'rish",
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"dismissable_banner.explore_statuses": "Markazlashtirilmagan tarmoqdagi ushbu va boshqa serverlarning ushbu xabarlari hozirda ushbu serverda qiziqish uyg'otmoqda.",
"dismissable_banner.explore_tags": "Ushbu hashtaglar hozirda markazlashtirilmagan tarmoqning ushbu va boshqa serverlarida odamlar orasida qiziqish uyg'otmoqda.",
"dismissable_banner.public_timeline": "Bular ushbu va markazlashtirilmagan tarmoqning boshqa serverlaridagi odamlarning ushbu serverga ma'lum bo'lgan eng so'nggi ommaviy xabarlari.",
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"": "Ovqat va Ichimlik",
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"": "Izlash...",
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"": "Sayohat va Joylar",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Hisob toxtatildi",
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"": "Mahalliy vaqt jadvali boʻsh. To'pni aylantirish uchun hammaga ochiq narsa yozing!",
"": "Sizda hali hech qanday togridan-togri xabar yoq. Siz yuborganingizda yoki qabul qilganingizda, u shu yerda ko'rinadi.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Hali bloklangan domenlar mavjud emas.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Hozir hech narsa trendda emas. Keyinroq tekshiring!",
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"empty_column.favourites": "Bu postni hali hech kim yoqtirmagan. Kimdir buni qilsa, ular shu yerda paydo bo'ladi.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Siz uchun hech qanday taklif yaratilmaganga oxshaydi. Siz tanish bo'lgan odamlarni qidirish yoki trendli hashtaglarni o'rganish uchun qidiruvdan foydalanib ko'rishingiz mumkin.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Sizda hali kuzatuv soʻrovlari yoʻq. Bittasini olganingizda, u shu yerda paydo bo'ladi.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "Siz hali hech qanday hashtagga amal qilmagansiz. Qachonki, ular shu yerda paydo bo'ladi.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Ushbu hashtagda hali hech narsa yo'q.",
"empty_column.home": "Bosh sahifa yilnomangiz boʻsh! Uni to'ldirish uchun ko'proq odamlarni kuzatib boring. {suggestions}",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "Ba'zi takliflarni ko'ring",
"empty_column.list": "Bu ro'yxatda hali hech narsa yo'q. Ushbu roʻyxat aʼzolari yangi xabarlarni nashr qilganda, ular shu yerda paydo boʻladi.",
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"empty_column.notifications": "Sizda hali hech qanday bildirishnoma yoq. Boshqa odamlar siz bilan muloqot qilganda, buni shu yerda ko'rasiz.",
"empty_column.public": "Bu erda hech narsa yo'q! Biror narsani ochiq yozing yoki uni toʻldirish uchun boshqa serverlardagi foydalanuvchilarni qoʻlda kuzatib boring",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "Kodimizdagi xatolik yoki brauzer mosligi muammosi tufayli bu sahifani toʻgʻri koʻrsatib boʻlmadi.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons": "Bu sahifani toʻgʻri koʻrsatib boʻlmadi. Bu xato brauzer qoʻshimchasi yoki avtomatik tarjima vositalaridan kelib chiqqan boʻlishi mumkin.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps": "Sahifani yangilab koring. Agar bu yordam bermasa, siz boshqa brauzer yoki mahalliy ilova orqali Mastodondan foydalanishingiz mumkin.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons": "Ularni o'chirib ko'ring va sahifani yangilang. Agar bu yordam bermasa, siz boshqa brauzer yoki mahalliy ilova orqali Mastodondan foydalanishingiz mumkin.",
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "Stacktrace-ni vaqtinchalik xotiraga nusxalash",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "Muammo haqida xabar berish",
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"filter_modal.added.context_mismatch_title": "Kontekst mos kelmadi!",
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"filter_modal.added.short_explanation": "Bu post quyidagi filtr turkumiga qoshildi: {title}.",
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"filter_modal.select_filter.prompt_new": "Yangi turkum: {name}",
"": "Qidiring yoki yarating",
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"follow_recommendations.heading": "Xabarlarni ko'rishni istagan odamlarni kuzatib boring! Bu erda ba'zi takliflar mavjud.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Siz kuzatayotgan odamlarning postlari uy tasmangizda xronologik tartibda korsatiladi. Xato qilishdan qo'rqmang, istalgan vaqtda odamlarni kuzatishdan osongina voz kechishingiz mumkin!",
"follow_request.authorize": "Ruxsat berish",
"follow_request.reject": "Rad etish",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Hisobingiz bloklanmagan boʻlsa ham, {domain} xodimlari ushbu hisoblardan kuzatuv soʻrovlarini qoʻlda koʻrib chiqishingiz mumkin deb oʻylashdi.",
"followed_tags": "Kuzatilgan hashtaglar",
"footer.about": "Haqida",
"": "Profillar katalogi",
"footer.get_app": "Ilovani yuklab oling",
"footer.invite": "Odamlarni taklif qilish",
"footer.keyboard_shortcuts": "Klaviatura yorliqlari",
"footer.privacy_policy": "Maxfiylik siyosati",
"footer.source_code": "Kodini ko'rish",
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"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.none": "{additional}siz",
"": "Hech qanday taklif topilmadi",
"": "Hashtaglarni kiriting…",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.all": "Bularning hammasi",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.any": "Bularning har biri",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.none": "Bularning hech biri",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_toggle": "Ushbu ustun uchun qo'shimcha teglarni qo'shing",
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"hashtag.unfollow": "Hashtagni kuzatishni to'xtatish",
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"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Javoblarni ko'rish",
"home.hide_announcements": "E'lonlarni yashirish",
"home.show_announcements": "E'lonlarni ko'rsatish",
"interaction_modal.description.favourite": "Mastodonda akkaunt bilan siz muallifga buni qadrlayotganingizni bildirish uchun ushbu postni yoqtirishingiz va keyinroq saqlashingiz mumkin.",
"interaction_modal.description.follow": "Mastodonda akkauntga ega bolgan holda, siz {name} ga obuna bolib, ularning postlarini bosh sahifangizga olishingiz mumkin.",
"interaction_modal.description.reblog": "Mastodon-dagi akkaunt yordamida siz ushbu postni o'z izdoshlaringiz bilan baham ko'rish uchun oshirishingiz mumkin.",
"interaction_modal.description.reply": "Mastodondagi akkaunt bilan siz ushbu xabarga javob berishingiz mumkin.",
"interaction_modal.on_another_server": "Boshqa serverda",
"interaction_modal.on_this_server": "Shu serverda",
"interaction_modal.other_server_instructions": "Ushbu URL manzilidan nusxa kochiring va sevimli Mastodon ilovangizning qidirish maydoniga yoki Mastodon serveringiz veb-interfeysiga joylashtiring.",
"interaction_modal.preamble": "Mastodon markazlashtirilmaganligi sababli, boshqa Mastodon serverida joylashgan mavjud hisob qaydnomangizdan yoki bu serverda akkauntingiz bo'lmasa, unga mos platformadan foydalanishingiz mumkin.",
"interaction_modal.title.favourite": "{name} posti yoqdi",
"interaction_modal.title.follow": "{name} ga ergashing",
"interaction_modal.title.reblog": "{name}ning postini boost qilish",
"interaction_modal.title.reply": "{name} postiga javob bering",
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"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}}",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "Orqaga qaytish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "to open blocked users list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Postni boost qilish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Fokus ustuni",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Tavsif",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Yozuvni ochish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Yozuv yoqdi",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourites": "to open favourites list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "to open federated timeline",
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"keyboard_shortcuts.home": "to open home timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.hotkey": "Qaynoq klavishlar",
"keyboard_shortcuts.legend": "Ushbu afsonani ko'rsatish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.local": "to open local timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.mention": "to mention author",
"keyboard_shortcuts.muted": "to open muted users list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.my_profile": "Profilingizni ochish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.notifications": "to open notifications column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.open_media": "Mediani ochish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.pinned": "Qattiqlangan postlar roʻyxatini oching",
"keyboard_shortcuts.profile": "Muallif profilini ochish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.reply": "Postga javob berish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.requests": "Kuzatuv soʻrovlari roʻyxatini ochish",
"": "Qidiruv paneliga fokus",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "CW maydonini ko'rsatish/yashirish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.start": "\"Boshlash\" ustunini oching",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "CW orqasida matnni ko'rsatish/yashirish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "Mediani ko'rsatish/yashirish",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "Yangi post boshlang",
"keyboard_shortcuts.unfocus": "to un-focus compose textarea/search",
"keyboard_shortcuts.up": "Roʻyxatda yuqoriga koʻtarish",
"lightbox.close": "Yopish",
"lightbox.compress": "Compress image view box",
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Baribir profilni ko'rsatish",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of {domain}.",
"lists.account.add": "Royxatga qoshish",
"lists.account.remove": "Roʻyxatdan o'chirish",
"lists.delete": "Roʻyxatni o'chirish",
"lists.edit": "Roʻyxatni tahrirlash",
"lists.edit.submit": "Change title",
"": "Royxatga qoshish",
"": "New list title",
"lists.replies_policy.followed": "Any followed user",
"lists.replies_policy.list": "Ro'yxat a'zolari",
"lists.replies_policy.none": "Hech kim",
"lists.replies_policy.title": "Javoblarni ko'rsatish:",
"": "Siz kuzatadigan odamlar orasidan qidiring",
"lists.subheading": "Sizning ro'yxatlaringiz",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# yangi element} other {# yangi elementlar}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "Yuklanmoqda...",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "{number, plural, one {Rasmni yashirish} other {Rasmlarni yashirish}}",
"missing_indicator.label": "Topilmadi",
"missing_indicator.sublabel": "Bu resurs topilmadi",
"moved_to_account_banner.text": "{movedToAccount} hisobiga koʻchganingiz uchun {disabledAccount} hisobingiz hozirda oʻchirib qoʻyilgan.",
"mute_modal.duration": "Davomiyligi",
"mute_modal.hide_notifications": "Bu foydalanuvchidan bildirishnomalar berkitilsinmi?",
"mute_modal.indefinite": "Cheksiz",
"navigation_bar.about": "Haqida",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "Bloklangan foydalanuvchilar",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Xatchoplar",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Mahalliy",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Yangi post yozing",
"": "To'g'ridan-to'g'ri xabarlar",
"": "Kashf qilish",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Bloklangan domenlar",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Profilni tahrirlash",
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"navigation_bar.favourites": "Sevimlilar",
"navigation_bar.filters": "E'tiborga olinmagan so'zlar",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
"navigation_bar.followed_tags": "Kuzatilgan hashtaglar",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Kuzatuvchilar va izdoshlar",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Royxat",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Chiqish",
"navigation_bar.mutes": "Ovozsiz foydalanuvchilar",
"navigation_bar.personal": "Shaxsiy",
"navigation_bar.pins": "Belgilangan postlar",
"navigation_bar.preferences": "Sozlamalar",
"navigation_bar.public_timeline": "Federatsiyalangan vaqt jadvali",
"": "Izlash",
"": "Xavfsizlik",
"not_signed_in_indicator.not_signed_in": "Ushbu manbaga kirish uchun tizimga kirishingiz kerak.",
"": "{name} reported {target}",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} signed up",
"notification.favourite": "{name} favourited your status",
"notification.follow": "{name} followed you",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} has requested to follow you",
"notification.mention": "{name} mentioned you",
"notification.own_poll": "Sorovingiz tugadi",
"notification.poll": "Siz ovoz bergan soʻrovnoma yakunlandi",
"notification.reblog": "{name} boosted your status",
"notification.status": "{name} just posted",
"notification.update": "{name} edited a post",
"notifications.clear": "Clear notifications",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to permanently clear all your notifications?",
"": "New reports:",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "New sign-ups:",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "Desktop notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "Favourites:",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Display all categories",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Quick filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Show filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "New followers:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "New follow requests:",
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "Mentions:",
"notifications.column_settings.poll": "Poll results:",
"notifications.column_settings.push": "Push notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.reblog": "Boosts:",
"": "Show in column",
"notifications.column_settings.sound": "Play sound",
"notifications.column_settings.status": "New posts:",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "Unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "Highlight unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.update": "Edits:",
"notifications.filter.all": "All",
"notifications.filter.boosts": "Boosts",
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favourites",
"notifications.filter.follows": "Follows",
"notifications.filter.mentions": "Mentions",
"notifications.filter.polls": "Poll results",
"notifications.filter.statuses": "Updates from people you follow",
"notifications.grant_permission": "Grant permission.",
"": "{count} notifications",
"notifications.mark_as_read": "Mark every notification as read",
"notifications.permission_denied": "Desktop notifications are unavailable due to previously denied browser permissions request",
"notifications.permission_denied_alert": "Desktop notifications can't be enabled, as browser permission has been denied before",
"notifications.permission_required": "Desktop notifications are unavailable because the required permission has not been granted.",
"notifications_permission_banner.enable": "Enable desktop notifications",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "To receive notifications when Mastodon isn't open, enable desktop notifications. You can control precisely which types of interactions generate desktop notifications through the {icon} button above once they're enabled.",
"notifications_permission_banner.title": "Never miss a thing",
"picture_in_picture.restore": "Put it back",
"poll.closed": "Closed",
"poll.refresh": "Refresh",
"poll.total_people": "{count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}",
"poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"": "Vote",
"poll.voted": "You voted for this answer",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Add a poll",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Remove poll",
"privacy.change": "Adjust status privacy",
"": "Visible for mentioned users only",
"": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "Visible for followers only",
"privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible for all",
"privacy.public.short": "Public",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "Unlisted",
"privacy_policy.last_updated": "Last updated {date}",
"privacy_policy.title": "Privacy Policy",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "Loading…",
"regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Your home feed is being prepared!",
"relative_time.days": "{number}d",
"relative_time.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} ago",
"relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} ago",
"relative_time.full.just_now": "just now",
"relative_time.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} ago",
"relative_time.full.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} ago",
"relative_time.hours": "{number}h",
"relative_time.just_now": "now",
"relative_time.minutes": "{number}m",
"relative_time.seconds": "{number}s",
"": "today",
"reply_indicator.cancel": "Cancel",
"report.block": "Block",
"report.block_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They will not be able to see your posts or follow you. They will be able to tell that they are blocked.",
"report.categories.other": "Other",
"report.categories.spam": "Spam",
"report.categories.violation": "Content violates one or more server rules",
"report.category.subtitle": "Choose the best match",
"report.category.title": "Tell us what's going on with this {type}",
"report.category.title_account": "profile",
"report.category.title_status": "post",
"report.close": "Done",
"report.comment.title": "Is there anything else you think we should know?",
"report.forward": "Forward to {target}",
"report.forward_hint": "The account is from another server. Send an anonymized copy of the report there as well?",
"report.mute": "Mute",
"report.mute_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They can still follow you and see your posts and will not know that they are muted.",
"": "Next",
"report.placeholder": "Type or paste additional comments",
"report.reasons.dislike": "I don't like it",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "It is not something you want to see",
"report.reasons.other": "It's something else",
"report.reasons.other_description": "The issue does not fit into other categories",
"report.reasons.spam": "It's spam",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetitive replies",
"report.reasons.violation": "It violates server rules",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"report.rules.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.rules.title": "Which rules are being violated?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.statuses.title": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"report.submit": "Submit report",
"": "Report {target}",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Here are your options for controlling what you see on Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "While we review this, you can take action against @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "Don't want to see this?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Thanks for reporting, we'll look into this.",
"report.unfollow": "Unfollow @{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "You are following this account. To not see their posts in your home feed anymore, unfollow them.",
"report_notification.attached_statuses": "{count, plural, one {{count} post} other {{count} posts}} attached",
"report_notification.categories.other": "Other",
"report_notification.categories.spam": "Spam",
"report_notification.categories.violation": "Rule violation",
"": "Open report",
"search.placeholder": "Search",
"search.search_or_paste": "Search or paste URL",
"search_popout.search_format": "Advanced search format",
"": "Simple text returns statuses you have written, favourited, boosted, or have been mentioned in, as well as matching usernames, display names, and hashtags.",
"": "hashtag",
"": "status",
"": "Simple text returns matching display names, usernames and hashtags",
"": "user",
"search_results.accounts": "People",
"search_results.all": "All",
"search_results.hashtags": "Hashtags",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Could not find anything for these search terms",
"search_results.statuses": "Posts",
"search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Searching posts by their content is not enabled on this Mastodon server.",
"search_results.title": "Search for {q}",
"": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}}",
"server_banner.about_active_users": "People using this server during the last 30 days (Monthly Active Users)",
"server_banner.active_users": "active users",
"server_banner.administered_by": "Administered by:",
"server_banner.introduction": "{domain} is part of the decentralized social network powered by {mastodon}.",
"server_banner.learn_more": "Learn more",
"server_banner.server_stats": "Server stats:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Create account",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Sign in",
"sign_in_banner.text": "Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts. You can also interact from your account on a different server.",
"status.admin_account": "Open moderation interface for @{name}",
"status.admin_domain": "Open moderation interface for {domain}",
"status.admin_status": "Open this status in the moderation interface",
"status.block": "Block @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Bookmark",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Unboost",
"status.cannot_reblog": "This post cannot be boosted",
"status.copy": "Copy link to status",
"status.delete": "Delete",
"status.detailed_status": "Detailed conversation view",
"": "Direct message @{name}",
"status.edit": "Edit",
"status.edited": "Edited {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Edited {count, plural, one {{count} time} other {{count} times}}",
"status.embed": "Embed",
"status.favourite": "Favourite",
"status.filter": "Filter this post",
"status.filtered": "Filtered",
"status.hide": "Hide post",
"status.history.created": "{name} created {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} edited {date}",
"status.load_more": "Load more",
"status.media_hidden": "Media hidden",
"status.mention": "Mention @{name}",
"status.more": "More",
"status.mute": "Mute @{name}",
"status.mute_conversation": "Mute conversation",
"": "Expand this status",
"": "Pin on profile",
"status.pinned": "Pinned post",
"status.read_more": "Read more",
"status.reblog": "Boost",
"status.reblog_private": "Boost with original visibility",
"status.reblogged_by": "{name} boosted",
"status.reblogs.empty": "No one has boosted this post yet. When someone does, they will show up here.",
"status.redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Remove bookmark",
"status.replied_to": "Replied to {name}",
"status.reply": "Reply",
"status.replyAll": "Reply to thread",
"": "Report @{name}",
"status.sensitive_warning": "Sensitive content",
"status.share": "Share",
"status.show_filter_reason": "Show anyway",
"status.show_less": "Show less",
"status.show_less_all": "Show less for all",
"status.show_more": "Show more",
"status.show_more_all": "Show more for all",
"status.show_original": "Show original",
"status.translate": "Translate",
"status.translated_from_with": "Translated from {lang} using {provider}",
"status.uncached_media_warning": "Not available",
"status.unmute_conversation": "Unmute conversation",
"status.unpin": "Unpin from profile",
"subscribed_languages.lead": "Only posts in selected languages will appear on your home and list timelines after the change. Select none to receive posts in all languages.",
"": "Save changes",
"": "Change subscribed languages for {target}",
"suggestions.dismiss": "Dismiss suggestion",
"suggestions.header": "You might be interested in…",
"tabs_bar.federated_timeline": "Federated",
"tabs_bar.home": "Home",
"tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Local",
"tabs_bar.notifications": "Notifications",
"time_remaining.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} left",
"time_remaining.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} left",
"time_remaining.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} left",
"time_remaining.moments": "Moments remaining",
"time_remaining.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} left",
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "{resource} from other servers are not displayed.",
"timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Followers",
"timeline_hint.resources.follows": "Follows",
"timeline_hint.resources.statuses": "Older posts",
"trends.counter_by_accounts": "{count, plural, one {{counter} person} other {{counter} people}} in the past {days, plural, one {day} other {{days} days}}",
"trends.trending_now": "Trending now",
"ui.beforeunload": "Your draft will be lost if you leave Mastodon.",
"units.short.billion": "{count}B",
"units.short.million": "{count}M",
"units.short.thousand": "{count}K",
"upload_area.title": "Drag & drop to upload",
"upload_button.label": "Add images, a video or an audio file",
"upload_error.limit": "File upload limit exceeded.",
"upload_error.poll": "File upload not allowed with polls.",
"upload_form.audio_description": "Describe for people who are hard of hearing",
"upload_form.description": "Describe for people who are blind or have low vision",
"upload_form.description_missing": "No description added",
"upload_form.edit": "Edit",
"upload_form.thumbnail": "Change thumbnail",
"upload_form.undo": "Delete",
"upload_form.video_description": "Describe for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or have low vision",
"upload_modal.analyzing_picture": "Analyzing picture…",
"upload_modal.apply": "Apply",
"upload_modal.applying": "Applying…",
"upload_modal.choose_image": "Choose image",
"upload_modal.description_placeholder": "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
"upload_modal.detect_text": "Detect text from picture",
"upload_modal.edit_media": "Edit media",
"upload_modal.hint": "Click or drag the circle on the preview to choose the focal point which will always be in view on all thumbnails.",
"upload_modal.preparing_ocr": "Preparing OCR…",
"upload_modal.preview_label": "Preview ({ratio})",
"upload_progress.label": "Uploading…",
"upload_progress.processing": "Processing…",
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"": "Download file",
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"": "Play",
"video.unmute": "Unmute sound"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"about.blocks": "Giới hạn chung",
"": "Liên lạc:",
"about.disclaimer": "Mastodon là phần mềm tự do nguồn mở, một thương hiệu của Mastodon gGmbH.",
"about.disclaimer": "Mastodon là phần mềm tự do nguồn mở của Mastodon gGmbH.",
"about.domain_blocks.no_reason_available": "Lý do không được cung cấp",
"about.domain_blocks.preamble": "Mastodon cho phép bạn tương tác nội dung và giao tiếp với mọi người từ bất kỳ máy chủ nào khác trong mạng liên hợp. Còn máy chủ này có những ngoại lệ riêng.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation": "Nói chung, bạn sẽ không thấy người và nội dung từ máy chủ này, trừ khi bạn tự tìm kiếm hoặc tự theo dõi.",
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Bạn chưa có gợi ý theo dõi nào. Hãy thử tìm kiếm những người thú vị hoặc khám phá những hashtag nổi bật.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Bạn chưa có yêu cầu theo dõi nào.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "Bạn chưa theo dõi hashtag nào. Khi bạn theo dõi, chúng sẽ hiện lên ở đây.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Chưa có bài đăng nào dùng hashtag này.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Chưa có tút nào dùng hashtag này.",
"empty_column.home": "Bảng tin của bạn đang trống! Hãy theo dõi nhiều người hơn. {suggestions}",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "Gợi ý dành cho bạn",
"empty_column.list": "Chưa có tút. Khi những người trong danh sách này đăng tút mới, chúng sẽ xuất hiện ở đây.",

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.explanation": "此服务器的数据将不会被处理、存储或者交换,本站也将无法和来自此服务器的用户互动或者交流。",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.title": "已封禁",
"about.not_available": "此信息在当前服务器尚不可用。",
"about.powered_by": "由 {mastodon} 驱动的分布式社交媒体",
"about.powered_by": "由 {mastodon} 驱动的去中心化社交媒体",
"about.rules": "站点规则",
"account.account_note_header": "备注",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "从列表中添加或移除",
@ -127,9 +127,9 @@
"compose.language.change": "更改语言",
"": "搜索语言...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "了解详情",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Mastodon 上的嘟文并未端到端加密。请不要在 Mastodon 上分享敏感信息。",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Mastodon 上的嘟文未经端到端加密。请勿在 Mastodon 上分享敏感信息。",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "这条嘟文被设置为“不公开”,因此它不会出现在任何话题标签的列表下。只有公开的嘟文才能通过话题标签进行搜索。",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "你的户没有{locked}。任何人都可以在关注你后立即查看仅关注者可见的嘟文。",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "你的户没有{locked}。任何人都可以在关注你后立即查看仅关注者可见的嘟文。",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "开启保护",
"compose_form.placeholder": "在想些什么?",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "添加一个选项",
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
"empty_column.favourites": "没有人喜欢过这条嘟文。如果有人喜欢了,就会显示在这里。",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "似乎无法为你生成任何建议。你可以尝试使用搜索寻找你可能知道的人或探索热门标签。",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "你没有收到新的关注请求。收到后将显示在此。",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "You have not followed any hashtags yet. When you do, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.followed_tags": "您还没有关注任何话题标签。 当您关注后,它们会出现在这里。",
"empty_column.hashtag": "这个话题标签下暂时没有内容。",
"empty_column.home": "你的主页时间线是空的!快去关注更多人吧。 {suggestions}",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "查看一些建议",
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"follow_request.authorize": "授权",
"follow_request.reject": "拒绝",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "尽管你没有锁嘟,但是 {domain} 的工作人员认为你也许会想手动审核审核这些账号的关注请求。",
"followed_tags": "Followed hashtags",
"followed_tags": "关注的话题标签",
"footer.about": "关于",
"": "用户目录",
"footer.get_app": "获取应用程序",

View File

@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "您確定要永久刪除此列表?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "捨棄",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "您在媒體描述或預覽區塊有未儲存的變更。是否要捨棄這些變更?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "隱藏整個域名",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "封鎖整個域名",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "真的非常確定封鎖整個 {domain} 網域嗎?大部分情況下,您只需要封鎖或靜音少數特定的帳號能滿足需求了。您將不能在任何公開的時間軸及通知中看到來自此網域的內容。您來自該網域的跟隨者也將被移除。",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "登出",
"confirmations.logout.message": "您確定要登出嗎?",
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
"navigation_bar.compose": "撰寫新嘟文",
"": "私訊",
"": "探索",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "隱藏的網域",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "已封鎖的網域",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "編輯個人檔案",
"navigation_bar.explore": "探索",
"navigation_bar.favourites": "最愛",

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ ca:
taken: del tut que ja existeix
taken: de la publicació ja existeix

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
expires_at: Tugatish muddati
options: Tanlovlar
agreement: Foydalanish shartnomasi
email: E-mail
locale: Mahalliy
password: Parol
username: Foydalanuvchi nomi
text: Sabab
invalid: faqat harflar, raqamlar va pastki chiziqdan iborat bo'lishi kerak
reserved: rezervlangan
invalid: haqiqiy URL emas
invalid: haqiqiy URL emas
malformed: noto'g'ri shakllangan
taken: post allaqachon mavjud
blocked: ruxsat etilmagan elektron pochta provayderidan foydalangan
unreachable: mavjud emasga o'xshaydi
elevated: sizning hozirgi rolingizdan yuqori bo'lishi mumkin emas
dangerous: asosiy rol uchun xavfsiz bo'lmagan ruxsatlarni o'z ichiga oladi
elevated: joriy rolingiz ega bo'lmagan ruxsatlarni o'z ichiga olmaydi
own_role: sizning hozirgi rolingizdan yuqori bo'lishi mumkin emas
elevated: sizning hozirgi rolingizdan yuqori bo'lishi mumkin emas
own_role: joriy rolingiz bilan ozgartirib bolmaydi

View File

@ -438,6 +438,7 @@ ar:
private_comment_description_html: 'لمساعدتك على تتبع سبب حظر النطاقات المستوردة، سيتم إنشاء الحظر مع التعليق الخاص التالي: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: تم الاستيراد من %{source} بتاريخ %{date}
title: استيراد قامة النطاقات المحظورة
invalid_domain_block: 'تم تخطي حجب نطاق أو أكثر بسبب الأخطاء التالية: %{error}'
title: استيراد قامة النطاقات المحظورة
no_file: لم يتم تحديد أيّ ملف
@ -452,6 +453,13 @@ ar:
failure_threshold_reached: تم الوصول إلى أقصى حد للفشل بتاريخ %{date}.
few: المحاولات الفاشلة في %{count} يومًا.
many: المحاولات الفاشلة في %{count} يوم مختلف.
one: محاولة فاشلة في يوم %{count} واحد.
other: المحاولات الفاشلة في %{count} أيام مختلفة.
two: المحاولات الفاشلة في يَومين %{count}.
zero: ليس هناك أية محاولة فاشلة في %{count} يوم.
no_failures_recorded: لم يتم العثور على أي فشل.
title: التوفر
warning: فشلت المحاولة الأخيرة للاتصال بهذا النطاق
@ -585,6 +593,7 @@ ar:
none: لا شيء
comment_description_html: 'لتوفير المزيد من المعلومات، كتب %{name}:'
confirm_action: تأكيد اتخاذ إجراء إشراف على @%{acct}
created_at: ذكرت
delete_and_resolve: احذف المنشورات
forwarded: أُعيد توجيهه
@ -601,6 +610,7 @@ ar:
placeholder: قم بوصف الإجراءات التي تم اتخاذها أو أي تحديثات أخرى ذات علاقة...
title: الملاحظات
notes_description_html: عرض الملاحظات وتركها للمشرفين الآخرين ولنفسك في المستقبل
processed_msg: 'تمت معالجة التقرير #%{id} بنجاح'
quick_actions_description_html: 'قم بإجراء سريع أو التمرير للأسفل لرؤية المحتوى المبلغ عنه:'
remote_user_placeholder: المستخدم البعيد من %{instance}
reopen: إعادة فتح الشكوى
@ -613,9 +623,17 @@ ar:
status: الحالة
statuses: المحتوى المبلغ عنه
statuses_description_html: سيشار إلى المحتوى المخالف في الاتصال بالحساب المبلغ عنه
delete_html: إزالة المنشورات المُخالِفة
mark_as_sensitive_html: تصنيف وسائط المنشورات المُخالفة كحساسة
close_report: 'تصنيف التقرير #%{id} كإبلاغ تمت معالجته'
send_email_html: إرسال بريد إلكتروني تحذيري إلى <strong>@%{acct}</strong>
warning_placeholder: مبررات إضافية اختيارية لإجراء الإشراف.
target_origin: مصدر الحساب المبلغ عنه
title: الشكاوى
unassign: إلغاء تعيين
unknown_action_msg: 'إجراء غير معروف: %{action}'
unresolved: غير معالجة
updated_at: محدث
view_profile: اعرض الصفحة التعريفية
@ -928,6 +946,8 @@ ar:
apply_for_account: اطلُب حسابًا
change_password: الكلمة السرية
wrong_email_hint: إذا كان عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا غير صحيح، يمكنك تغييره في إعدادات الحساب.
delete_account: حذف الحساب
delete_account_html: إن كنت ترغب في حذف حسابك يُمكنك <a href="%{path}">المواصلة هنا</a>. سوف يُطلَبُ منك التأكيد قبل الحذف.
@ -1126,6 +1146,13 @@ ar:
empty: ليست لديك أية عوامل تصفية.
expires_in: تنتهي مدة صلاحيتها في غضون %{distance}
expires_on: تنتهي مدة صلاحيتها في %{date}
few: "%{count} كلمة مفتاحية"
many: "%{count} كلمة مفتاحية"
one: كلمة مفتاحية %{count} واحدة
other: "%{count} كلمة مفتاحية"
two: كلمتان مفتاحيتان %{count}
zero: "%{count} كلمة مفتاحية"
title: عوامل التصفية
save: حفظ عامل التصفية الجديد
@ -1347,6 +1374,7 @@ ar:
activity: نشاط الحساب
confirm_follow_selected_followers: هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد متابعة المتابِعين المحددين؟
confirm_remove_selected_followers: هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إزالة المتابِعين المحددين؟
confirm_remove_selected_follows: هل أنت متيقِّن من أنك تريد إزالة الاشتراكات المحدَّدة؟
dormant: في سبات
follow_selected_followers: متابَعة المتابِعين المحددين
followers: المتابِعون

View File

@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ be:
private_comment_description_html: 'Каб дапамагчы вам адсочваць, адкуль паходзяць імпартаваныя блокі, імпартаваныя блокі будуць створаны з наступным прыватным каментарыем: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Імпартавана з %{source} %{date}
title: Імпарт блакіровак дамену
invalid_domain_block: 'Адзін ці больш даменных блокаў былі прапушчаны праз наступную(-ыя) памылку(-і): %{error}'
title: Імпарт блакіровак дамену
no_file: Файл не выбраны
@ -629,6 +630,7 @@ be:
placeholder: Апішыце, якія дзеянні былі зроблены, або любыя іншыя звязаныя абнаўленні...
title: Нататкі
notes_description_html: Праглядвайце і пакідайце нататкі іншым мадэратарам і сабе ў будучыні
processed_msg: 'Скарга #%{id} паспяхова апрацавана'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Выканайце хуткае дзеянне або пракруціце ўніз, каб убачыць змесціва, на якое пададзена скарга:'
remote_user_placeholder: аддалены карыстальнік з %{instance}
reopen: Пераадкрыць скаргу
@ -641,6 +643,8 @@ be:
status: Стан
statuses: Змесціва, на якое паскардзіліся
statuses_description_html: Крыўднае змесціва будзе згадвацца ў зносінах з уліковым запісам, на які пададзена скарга
close_report: 'Пазначыць скаргу #%{id} як вырашаную'
target_origin: Крыніца уліковага запісу на які пададзена скарга
title: Скаргі
unassign: Скінуць
@ -979,6 +983,8 @@ be:
apply_for_account: Пакінуць заяўку
change_password: Пароль
wrong_email_hint: Калі гэты адрас электроннай пошты памылковы, вы можаце змяніць яго ў наладах уліковага запісу.
delete_account: Выдаліць уліковы запіс
delete_account_html: Калі вы жадаеце выдаліць ваш уліковы запіс, можаце <a href="%{path}">працягнуць тут</a>. Ад вас будзе запатрабавана пацвярджэнне.

View File

@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ ca:
reopen_report: Reobre l'informe
resend_user: Torna a enviar el correu de confirmació
reset_password_user: Restableix la contrasenya
resolve_report: Resolt l'informe
resolve_report: Resol l'informe
sensitive_account: Marcar els mèdia en el teu compte com a sensibles
silence_account: Silencia el compte
suspend_account: Suspèn el compte
unassigned_report: Des-assigna l'informe
unassigned_report: Desassigna l'informe
unblock_email_account: Desbloqueja l'adreça de correu
unsensitive_account: Desmarcar els mèdia en el teu compte com a sensibles
unsilence_account: Desfés el silenci del compte
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ ca:
approve_appeal_html: "%{name} ha aprovat l'apel·lació a la decisió de moderació de %{target}"
approve_user_html: "%{name} ha aprovat el registre de %{target}"
assigned_to_self_report_html: "%{name} han assignat l'informe %{target} a ells mateixos"
assigned_to_self_report_html: "%{name} s'han assignat l'informe %{target} a ells mateixos"
change_email_user_html: "%{name} ha canviat l'adreça de correu electrònic del usuari %{target}"
change_role_user_html: "%{name} ha canviat el rol de %{target}"
confirm_user_html: "%{name} ha confirmat l'adreça de correu electrònic de l'usuari %{target}"
@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ ca:
private_comment_description_html: 'Per a ajudar-te a fer un seguiment d''on provenen els bloquejos importats, es crearan amb el següent comentari privat: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importar des de %{source} el %{date}
title: Importa dominis bloquejats
invalid_domain_block: 'Un o més dominis blocats s''han omés degut al següent error(s): %{error}'
title: Importa dominis bloquejats
no_file: No s'ha seleccionat cap fitxer
@ -573,23 +574,24 @@ ca:
delete_description_html: Els tuts reportats seran eliminats i un cop serà gravat per a ajudar-te a escalar en futures infraccions des del mateix compte.
mark_as_sensitive_description_html: Els mèdia dels tuts reportats seran marcats com a sensibles i una acció serà gravada per ajudar a escalar en futures infraccions del mateix compte.
other_description_html: Veu més opcions controlant el comportament del compte i personalitza la comunicació al compte reportat.
resolve_description_html: No serà presa cap acció contra el compte reportat, cap cop serà gravat i l'informe es tancarà.
other_description_html: Veu més opcions controlant el comportament del compte i personalitza la comunicació al compte denunciat.
resolve_description_html: No serà presa cap acció contra el compte denunciat, no se'n registrarà res i l'informe es tancarà.
silence_description_html: El compte només serà visible a qui ja el seguia o l'ha cercat manualment, limitant-ne fortament l'abast. Sempre es pot revertir. Es tancaran tots els informes contra aquest compte.
suspend_description_html: Aquest compte i tots els seus continguts seran inaccessibles i finalment eliminats, i interaccionar amb ell no serà possible. Reversible en 30 dies. Tanca tots els informes contra aquest compte.
actions_description_html: Decideix quina acció a prendre per a resoldre aquest informe. Si prens un acció punitiva contra el compte reportat, se li enviarà una notificació per correu electrònic, excepte quan la categoria <strong>Spam</strong> és seleccionada.
actions_description_html: Decideix quina acció a prendre per a resoldre aquest informe. Si prens un acció punitiva contra el compte denunciat, se li enviarà una notificació per correu electrònic, excepte quan se selecciona la categoria <strong>Spam</strong>.
actions_description_remote_html: Decideix quina acció prendre per a resoldre aquest informe. Això només afectarà com <strong>el teu</strong> servidor es comunica amb aquest compte remot i en gestiona el contingut.
add_to_report: Afegir més al informe
are_you_sure: N'estàs segur?
assign_to_self: Assignar-me
are_you_sure: Segur?
assign_to_self: Assigna'm
assigned: Moderador assignat
by_target_domain: Domini del compte reportat
by_target_domain: Domini del compte denunciat
category: Categoria
category_description_html: El motiu pel qual aquest compte o contingut ha estat reportat serà citat en la comunicació amb el compte reportat
category_description_html: El motiu pel qual aquest compte o contingut ha estat denunciat se citarà en la comunicació amb el compte denunciat
none: Cap
comment_description_html: 'Per a donar més informació, %{name} ha escrit:'
created_at: Reportat
confirm_action: Confirma l'acció de moderació contra @%{acct}
created_at: Denunciat
delete_and_resolve: Elimina les publicacions
forwarded: Reenviat
forwarded_to: Reenviat a %{domain}
@ -598,28 +600,48 @@ ca:
mark_as_unresolved: Marcar com a sense resoldre
no_one_assigned: Ningú
create: Afegir una nota
create: Afegeix una nota
create_and_resolve: Resol amb una nota
create_and_unresolve: Reobre amb una nota
delete: Elimina
placeholder: Descriu les accions que s'han pres o qualsevol altra actualització relacionada…
title: Notes
notes_description_html: Veu i deixa notes als altres moderadors i a tu mateix
quick_actions_description_html: 'Pren una acció ràpida o desplaça''t avall per a veure el contingut reportat:'
notes_description_html: Mira i deixa notes als altres moderadors i a tu mateix
processed_msg: 'L''informe #%{id} ha estat processat amb èxit'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Pren una acció ràpida o desplaça''t avall per a veure el contingut denunciat:'
remote_user_placeholder: l'usuari remot des de %{instance}
reopen: Reobre l'informe
report: 'Informe #%{id}'
reported_account: Compte reportat
reported_by: Reportat per
reported_account: Compte denunciat
reported_by: Denunciat per
resolved: Resolt
resolved_msg: Informe resolt amb èxit!
resolved_msg: Informe resolt correctament!
skip_to_actions: Salta a les accions
status: Estat
statuses: Contingut reportat
statuses_description_html: El contingut ofensiu serà citat en comunicació amb el compte reportat
target_origin: Origen del compte reportat
statuses_description_html: El contingut ofensiu se citarà en comunicació amb el compte denunciat
delete_html: 'Estàs a punt d''<strong>esborrar</strong> alguns dels tuts de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Això provocarà:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Estàs a punt de <strong>marcar</strong> alguns dels tuts de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> com a <strong>sensibles</strong>. Això provocarà:'
silence_html: 'Estàs a punt de <strong>limitar</strong> el compte de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Això provocarà:'
suspend_html: 'Estàs a punt de <strong>suspendre</strong> el compte de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Això provocarà:'
delete_html: Esborra els tuts ofensius
mark_as_sensitive_html: Marca el contingut multimèdia dels tuts com a sensibles
silence_html: Limita severament l'abast de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> fent el seus perfils i continguts només visibles per la gent que ja els estan seguint o que cerquin manualment els seus perfils
suspend_html: Suspèn <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, fent els seus perfils i continguts inaccessibles i impossibles d'interactuar
close_report: 'Marca l''informe #%{id} com a resolt'
close_reports_html: Marca <strong>tots</strong> els informes contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> com a resolts
delete_data_html: Esborra el perfil de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> i els seus continguts dins de 30 dies des d'ara a no ser que es desactivi la suspensió abans
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> rebrà un avís amb el contingut següent:"
record_strike_html: Registra una acció contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> per ajudar a escalar-ho en futures violacions des d'aquest compte
send_email_html: Envia un avís per correu electrònic a <strong>@%{acct}</strong>
warning_placeholder: Opcional raó adicional d'aquesta acció de moderació.
target_origin: Origen del compte denunciat
title: Informes
unassign: Treu l'assignació
unknown_action_msg: 'Acció desconeguda: %{action}'
unresolved: No resolt
updated_at: Actualitzat
view_profile: Veure perfil
@ -738,10 +760,10 @@ ca:
account: Autor
application: Aplicació
back_to_account: Torna a la pàgina del compte
back_to_report: Torna a la pàgina del informe
back_to_report: Torna a la pàgina de l'informe
remove_from_report: Treu del informe
report: Informe
remove_from_report: Treu de l'informe
report: Denuncia
deleted: Eliminada
favourites: Favorits
history: Històric de versions
@ -894,7 +916,7 @@ ca:
subject: Nou compte per a revisar a %{instance} (%{username})
body: "%{reporter} ha informat de %{target}"
body_remote: Algú des de el domini %{domain} ha informat sobre %{target}
body_remote: Algú des del domini %{domain} ha informat sobre %{target}
subject: Informe nou per a %{instance} (#%{id})
body: 'Els següents elements necessiten una revisió abans de que puguin ser mostrats públicament:'
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ ca:
apply_for_account: Sol·licitar un compte
change_password: Contrasenya
wrong_email_hint: Si aquesta adreça de correu electrònic no és correcte, pots canviar-la en els ajustos del compte.
delete_account: Elimina el compte
delete_account_html: Si vols suprimir el compte pots <a href="%{path}">fer-ho aquí</a>. Se't demanarà confirmació.

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@ -644,6 +644,7 @@ cs:
target_origin: Původ nahlášeného účtu
title: Hlášení
unassign: Odebrat
unknown_action_msg: 'Neznámá akce: %{action}'
unresolved: Nevyřešeno
updated_at: Aktualizováno
view_profile: Zobrazit profil
@ -979,6 +980,8 @@ cs:
apply_for_account: Požádat o účet
change_password: Heslo
wrong_email_hint: Pokud není e-mail správný, můžete si ho změnit v nastavení účtu.
delete_account: Odstranit účet
delete_account_html: Chcete-li odstranit svůj účet, <a href="%{path}">pokračujte zde</a>. Budete požádáni o potvrzení.

config/locales/csb.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
'400': The request you submitted was invalid or malformed.
'403': You don't have permission to view this page.
'404': The page you are looking for isn't here.
'406': This page is not available in the requested format.
'410': The page you were looking for doesn't exist here anymore.
'429': Too many requests
'503': The page could not be served due to a temporary server failure.

View File

@ -473,6 +473,7 @@ cy:
private_comment_description_html: 'Er mwyn eich helpu i olrhain o ble mae blociau a fewnforwyd yn dod, bydd blociau a fewnforwyd yn cael eu creu gyda''r sylw preifat canlynol: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Mewnforiwyd o %{source} ar %{date}
title: Mewnforio blociau parth
invalid_domain_block: 'Cafodd un neu fwy o flociau parth eu hepgor oherwydd y gwall(au) canlynol: %{error}'
title: Mewnforio blociau parth
no_file: Heb ddewis ffeil
@ -637,6 +638,7 @@ cy:
none: Dim
comment_description_html: 'I ddarparu rhagor o wybodaeth, ysgrifennodd %{name}:'
confirm_action: Cadarnhau gweithred cymedroli yn erbyn @%{acct}
created_at: Adroddwyd
delete_and_resolve: Dileu postiadau
forwarded: Wedi'i anfon ymlaen
@ -653,6 +655,7 @@ cy:
placeholder: Disgrifiwch pa weithredoedd sydd wedi eu cymryd, neu unrhyw ddiweddariadau perthnasol eraill...
title: Nodiadau
notes_description_html: Gweld a gadael nodiadau i gymedrolwyr eraill a chi eich hun yn y dyfodol
processed_msg: 'Adroddiad ar #%{id} wedi''i brosesu''n llwyddiannus'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Cymerwch gamau cyflym neu sgroliwch i lawr i weld cynnwys yr adroddwyd amdano:'
remote_user_placeholder: y defnyddiwr pell o %{instance}
reopen: Ailagor adroddiad
@ -665,9 +668,28 @@ cy:
status: Statws
statuses: Cynnwys wedi'i adrodd
statuses_description_html: Bydd cynnwys tramgwyddus yn cael ei ddyfynnu wrth gyfathrebu â'r cyfrif a adroddwyd
delete_html: 'Rydych ar fin <strong>dileu</strong> rhai o <strong>bostiadau @%{acct}</strong>. Bydd hyn yn:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Rydych ar fin <strong>marcio</strong> rhai o <strong>bostiadau @%{acct}</strong> fel rhai <strong>sensitif</strong>. Bydd hyn yn:'
silence_html: 'Rydych ar fin <strong>cyfyngu ar</strong> gyfrif <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Bydd hyn yn:'
suspend_html: 'Rydych ar fin <strong>atal</strong> cyfrif <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Bydd hyn yn:'
delete_html: Tynnu'r postiadau tramgwyddus
mark_as_sensitive_html: Nodi fod cyfryngau'r postiadau tramgwyddus yn sensitif
silence_html: Cyfyngu'n sylweddol ar gyrhaeddiad <strong>@%{acct}</strong> trwy wneud ei ph/broffil a'i gynnwys ond yn weladwy i bobl sydd eisoes yn ei d/ddilyn neu edrych ar ei ph/broffil â llaw
suspend_html: Atal <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, gan wneud ei ph/broffil a'i gynnwys yn anhygyrch ac yn amhosibl rhyngweithio ag ef
close_report: 'Nodi adroddiad #%{id} fel wedi''i ddatrys'
close_reports_html: Nodi bod <strong>pob</strong> adroddiad yn erbyn <strong>@%{acct}</strong> wedi'i ddatrys
delete_data_html: Dileu proffil a chynnwys <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 30 diwrnod o nawr oni bai ei b/fod heb ei h/atal yn y cyfamser
preview_preamble_html: 'Bydd <strong>@%{acct}</strong> yn derbyn rhybudd gyda''r cynnwys canlynol:'
record_strike_html: Recordio rhybudd yn erbyn <strong>@%{acct}</strong> i'ch helpu i ddwysáu ar achosion o dorri rheolau yn y dyfodol o'r cyfrif hwn
send_email_html: Anfon e-bost rhybudd at <strong>@%{acct}</strong>
warning_placeholder: Rhesymeg ychwanegol dewisol ar gyfer y cam cymedroli.
target_origin: Tarddiad y cyfrif a adroddwyd
title: Adroddiadau
unassign: Dadneilltuo
unknown_action_msg: 'Gweithred anhysbys: %{action}'
unresolved: Heb ei ddatrys
updated_at: Diweddarwyd
view_profile: Gweld proffil
@ -1015,6 +1037,8 @@ cy:
apply_for_account: Gofyn am gyfrif
change_password: Cyfrinair
wrong_email_hint: Os nad yw'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwnnw'n gywir, gallwch ei newid yng ngosodiadau'r cyfrif.
delete_account: Dileu cyfrif
delete_account_html: Os hoffech chi ddileu eich cyfrif, mae modd <a href="%{path}">parhau yma</a>. Bydd gofyn i chi gadarnhau.

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ da:
about_mastodon_html: 'Fremtidens sociale netværk: Ingen annoncer, ingen virksomhedsovervågning, etisk design og decentralisering! Vær ejer af egne data med Mastodon!'
contact_missing: Ikke angivet
contact_unavailable: Utilgængelig
hosted_on: Mostodon hostet på %{domain}
hosted_on: Mastodon hostet på %{domain}
title: Om
follow: Følg
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ da:
reject_user: Afvis bruger
remove_avatar_user: Fjern profilbillede
reopen_report: Genåbn anmeldelse
resend_user: Gensend bekræftelsese-mail
resend_user: Gensend bekræftelses-e-mail
reset_password_user: Nulstil adgangskode
resolve_report: Løs anmeldelse
sensitive_account: Gennemtving sensitiv konto
@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ da:
private_comment_description_html: 'For at man lettere kan holde styr på, hvorfra importerede blokeringer kommer, oprettes disse med flg. private kommentar: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importeret fra %{source} d. %{date}
title: Import af domæneblokeringer
invalid_domain_block: 'En eller flere domæneblokke blev oversprunget grundet flg. fejl: %{error}'
title: Import af domæneblokeringer
no_file: Ingen fill udvalgt
@ -586,6 +587,7 @@ da:
none: Ingen
comment_description_html: 'For at give mere information, skrev %{name}:'
confirm_action: Bekræft moderatorhandling for %{acct}
created_at: Anmeldt
delete_and_resolve: Slet indlæg
forwarded: Videresendt
@ -602,6 +604,7 @@ da:
placeholder: Beskriv udførte foranstaltninger eller andre relevante opdateringer...
title: Notater
notes_description_html: Se og skriv notater til andre moderatorer og dit fremtid selv
processed_msg: 'Anmeldelse #%{id} er blev behandlet'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Træf en hurtig foranstaltning eller rul ned for at se anmeldt indhold:'
remote_user_placeholder: fjernbrugeren fra %{instance}
reopen: Genåbn anmeldelse
@ -614,9 +617,28 @@ da:
status: Status
statuses: Anmeld indhold
statuses_description_html: Krænkende indhold citeres i kommunikationen med den anmeldte konto
delete_html: 'Du er ved at <strong>fjerne</strong> nogle indlæg fra <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Dette vil:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Du er ved at <strong>markere</strong> nogle indlæg fra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> som <strong>sensitive</strong>. Dette vil:'
silence_html: 'Du er ved at <strong>begrænse</strong> nogle indlæg fra kontoen <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Dette vil:'
suspend_html: 'Du er ved at <strong>suspendere</strong> kontoen <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Dette vil:'
delete_html: Fjern de overtrædende indlæg
mark_as_sensitive_html: Markér medier i overtrædende indlæg som sensitive
silence_html: Begræns kraftigt rækkeviden for <strong>@%{acct}</strong> ved at gøre vedkommendes profil og indhold synligt alene for personer, som allerede er følgere eller manuelt slår profilen op
suspend_html: Suspendér <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, hvilket gør vedkommendes profil og indhold utilgængeligt og umuligt at interagere med
close_report: 'Markér anmeldelsen #%{id} som løst'
close_reports_html: Markér <strong>alle</strong> anmeldelser af <strong>@%{acct}</strong> som løst
delete_data_html: Slet profil og indhold for <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 30 dage fra nu medmindre suspenderingen af vedkommende i mellemtiden fjernes
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> vil modtage en advarsel med flg. indhold:"
record_strike_html: Registrér en advarsel for <strong>@%{acct}</strong> som hjælpe til eskalering af fremtidige overtrædelser fra samme konto
send_email_html: Send en advarselsmail til <strong>@%{acct}</strong>
warning_placeholder: Valgfri yderligere begrundelse for modereringshandlingen.
target_origin: Anmeldte kontos oprindelse
title: Anmeldelser
unassign: Fjern tildeling
unknown_action_msg: 'Ukendt handling: %{action}'
unresolved: Uløst
updated_at: Opdateret
view_profile: Vis profil
@ -939,6 +961,8 @@ da:
apply_for_account: Anmod om en konto
change_password: Adgangskode
wrong_email_hint: Er denne e-mail-adresse ikke korrekt, kan den ændres i kontoindstillinger.
delete_account: Slet konto
delete_account_html: Ønsker du at slette din konto, kan du <a href="%{path}">gøre dette hér</a>. Du vil blive bedt om bekræftelse.
@ -972,7 +996,7 @@ da:
set_new_password: Opsæt ny adgangskode
email_below_hint_html: Er nedenstående e-mailadresse forkert, kan du rette den hér og modtage en ny bekræftelses-e-mail.
email_settings_hint_html: Bekræftelsese-mailen er sendt til %{email}. Er denne e-mailadresse forkert, kan du rette den via kontoindstillingerne.
email_settings_hint_html: Bekræftelses-e-mailen er sendt til %{email}. Er denne e-mailadresse forkert, kan du rette den via kontoindstillingerne.
title: Opsætning
preamble_html: Log ind med dine <strong>%{domain}</strong>-legitimationsoplysninger. Hostes kontoen på en anden server, vil der ikke kunne logges ind her.
@ -1040,7 +1064,7 @@ da:
data_removal: Dine indlæg og andre data fjernes permanent
email_change_html: Du kan <a href="%{path}">skifte e-mailadresse</a> uden at slette din konto
email_contact_html: Hvis det stadig ikke ankommer, kan du sende en e-mail til <a href="mailto:%{email}">%{email}</a> for hjælp
email_reconfirmation_html: Modtager du ikke bekræftelsese-mailen, kan du <a href="%{path}">anmode om en ny</a>
email_reconfirmation_html: Modtager du ikke bekræftelses-e-mailen, kan du <a href="%{path}">anmode om en ny</a>
irreversible: Du vil ikke kunne gendanne/genaktivere din konto
more_details_html: For yderligere oplysningerer, tjek <a href="%{terms_path}">fortrolighedspolitikken</a>.
username_available: Dit brugernavn vil blive tilgængeligt igen
@ -1639,7 +1663,7 @@ da:
final_action: Begynd at poste
final_step: 'Begynd at poste! Selv uden følgere vil offentlige indlæg kunne ses af andre f.eks. på den lokale tidslinje og i hashtags. Man kan introducere sig selv via hastagget #introductions.'
full_handle: Dit fulde brugernavn
full_handle_hint: Dette er, hvad du oplyser til dine venner, så de kan sende dig beskeder eller følge dig fra andre server.
full_handle_hint: Dette er, hvad du oplyser til dine venner, så de kan sende dig beskeder eller følge dig fra andre servere.
subject: Velkommen til Mastodon
title: Velkommen ombord, %{name}!

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@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ de:
private_comment_description_html: 'Damit du später nachvollziehen kannst, woher die importierten Sperren stammen, kannst du diesem Eintrag eine private Notiz hinzufügen: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importiert von %{source} am %{date}
title: Domain-Sperren importieren
invalid_domain_block: 'Ein oder mehrere Domainsperren wurden wegen folgenden Fehler(n) übersprungen: %{error}'
title: Domain-Sperren importieren
no_file: Keine Datei ausgewählt
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ de:
none: Kein
comment_description_html: 'Um weitere Informationen bereitzustellen, schrieb %{name} Folgendes:'
confirm_action: Moderationsaktion gegen @%{acct} bestätigen
created_at: Gemeldet
delete_and_resolve: Beiträge löschen
forwarded: Weitergeleitet
@ -605,7 +607,8 @@ de:
placeholder: Bitte beschreibe, welche Maßnahmen ergriffen wurden oder andere damit verbundene Aktualisierungen 
title: Notizen
notes_description_html: Notiz an dich und andere Moderator*innen hinterlassen
quick_actions_description_html: 'Führe eine schnelle Aktion aus oder scrolle nach unten, um gemeldete Inhalte zu sehen:'
processed_msg: 'Meldung #%{id} erfolgreich bearbeitet'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Eine schnelle Aktion ausführen oder nach unten rolle, um gemeldete Inhalte zu sehen:'
remote_user_placeholder: das externe Profil von %{instance}
reopen: Meldung wieder eröffnen
report: 'Meldung #%{id}'
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ de:
status: Status
statuses: Gemeldeter Inhalt
statuses_description_html: Störende Inhalte werden in der Kommunikation mit dem gemeldeten Konto zitiert
delete_html: 'Du bist dabei, einige Beiträge von <strong>@%{acct}</strong> zu <strong>entfernen</strong>. Dies wird:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Du bist dabei, einige Beiträge von <strong>@%{acct}</strong> mit einer <strong>Inhaltswarnung</strong> zu <strong>versehen</strong>. Dies wird:'
silence_html: 'Du bist dabei, das Konto von <strong>@%{acct}</strong> <strong>einzuschränken</strong>. Dies wird:'
suspend_html: 'Du bist dabei, das Konto von <strong>@%{acct}</strong> zu <strong>sperren</strong>. Dies wird:'
delete_html: Die anstößigen Beiträge entfernen
mark_as_sensitive_html: Medien der anstößigen Beiträge mit einer Inhaltswarnung versehen
silence_html: Schränkt die Reichweite von <strong>@%{acct}</strong> stark ein, indem das Profil und dessen Inhalte nur für Personen sichtbar sind, die dem Profil bereits folgen oder es manuell aufrufen
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> sperren, sodass das Profil und dessen Inhalte nicht mehr zugänglich sind und keine Interaktion mehr möglich ist"
close_report: 'Meldung #%{id} als erledigt markieren'
close_reports_html: "<strong>Alle</strong> Meldungen gegen <strong>@%{acct}</strong> als erledigt markieren"
delete_data_html: Das Profil und die Inhalte von <strong>@%{acct}</strong> werden in 30 Tagen gelöscht, es sei denn, sie werden in der Zwischenzeit entsperrt
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> wird eine Warnung mit folgenden Inhalten erhalten:"
record_strike_html: Einen Verstoß gegen <strong>@%{acct}</strong> eintragen, um bei zukünftigen Verstößen desselben Kontos besser reagieren zu können
send_email_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> eine Warnung per E-Mail senden"
warning_placeholder: Optional zusätzliche Begründung für die Moderationsmaßnahme.
target_origin: Domain des gemeldeten Kontos
title: Meldungen
unassign: Zuweisung entfernen
unknown_action_msg: 'Unbekannte Aktion: %{action}'
unresolved: Ungelöst
updated_at: Aktualisiert
view_profile: Profil anzeigen
@ -805,7 +827,7 @@ de:
other: In der letzten Woche von %{count} Personen geteilt
title: Angesagte Links
usage_comparison: Heute %{today} Mal geteilt, gestern %{yesterday} Mal
only_allowed: Nur Erlaubte
only_allowed: Nur Genehmigte
pending_review: Überprüfung ausstehend
allowed: Links von diesem Herausgeber können angesagt sein
@ -823,7 +845,7 @@ de:
not_discoverable: Autor*in hat sich dafür entschieden, nicht entdeckt zu werden
one: Einmal geteilt oder favorisiert
other: "%{friendly_count} mal geteilt oder favorisiert"
other: "%{friendly_count}-mal geteilt oder favorisiert"
title: Angesagte Beiträge
current_score: Aktuelle Punktzahl %{score}
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ de:
apply_for_account: Konto beantragen
change_password: Passwort
wrong_email_hint: Wenn diese E-Mail-Adresse nicht korrekt ist, kann sie in den Kontoeinstellungen geändert werden.
delete_account: Konto löschen
delete_account_html: Falls du dein Konto endgültig löschen möchtest, kannst du das <a href="%{path}">hier vornehmen</a>. Du musst dies zusätzlich bestätigen.

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -8,44 +8,44 @@ ko:
already_authenticated: 이미 로그인 된 상태입니다.
inactive: 계정이 아직 활성화 되지 않았습니다.
invalid: 올바르지 않은 %{authentication_keys} 혹은 패스워드입니다.
invalid: 알맞지 않은 %{authentication_keys} 혹은 암호입니다.
last_attempt: 계정이 잠기기까지 한 번의 시도가 남았습니다.
locked: 계정이 잠겼습니다.
not_found_in_database: 올바르지 않은 %{authentication_keys} 혹은 패스워드입니다.
pending: 계정이 아직 심사 중입니다.
not_found_in_database: 알맞지 않은 %{authentication_keys} 혹은 암호입니다.
pending: 이 계정은 아직 검토 중입니다.
timeout: 세션이 만료 되었습니다. 다시 로그인 해 주세요.
unauthenticated: 계속 하려면 로그인을 해야 합니다.
unconfirmed: 계속 하려면 이메일을 확인 받아야 합니다.
action: 이메일 확인
action: 이메일 주소 검증
action_with_app: 확인하고 %{app}으로 돌아가기
explanation: 당신은 %{host}에서 이 이메일로 가입하셨습니다. 클릭만 하시면 계정이 활성화 됩니다. 만약 당신이 가입한 게 아니라면 이 메일을 무시해 주세요.
explanation_when_pending: 당신은 %{host}에 가입 요청을 하셨습니다. 이 이메일이 확인 되면 우리가 가입 요청을 리뷰하고 승인할 수 있습니다. 그 전까지는 로그인을 할 수 없습니다. 당신의 가입 요청이 거부 될 경우 당신에 대한 정보는 모두 삭제 되며 따로 요청 할 필요는 없습니다. 만약 당신이 가입 요청을 한 게 아니라면 이 메일을 무시해 주세요.
extra_html: <a href="%{terms_path}">서버의 규칙</a>과 <a href="%{policy_path}">이용 약관</a>도 확인해 주세요.
subject: '마스토돈: %{instance}에 대한 확인 메일'
title: 이메일 주소 확인
title: 이메일 주소 검증
explanation: '당신의 계정에 대한 이메일이 다음과 같이 바뀌려고 합니다:'
extra: 만약 당신 메일을 바꾸지 않았다면 누군가가 당신의 계정에 대한 접근 권한을 얻은 것입니다. 즉시 패스워드를 바꾼 후, 계정이 잠겼다면 서버의 관리자에게 연락 하세요.
explanation: '귀하의 계정이 다음의 이메일 주소로 변경됩니다:'
extra: 만약 이메일을 바꾸지 않았다면 누군가 계정에 대한 접근 권한을 얻은 것입니다. 바로 암호를 바꾸셔야 하며, 만약 계정이 잠겼다면 서버의 운영자에게 연락 바랍니다.
subject: '마스토돈: 이메일이 변경 되었습니다'
title: 새 이메일 주소
explanation: 당신의 계정 패스워드가 변경되었습니다.
explanation: 계정의 암호를 바꾸었습니다.
extra: 만약 패스워드 변경을 하지 않았다면 누군가가 당신의 계정에 대한 접근 권한을 얻은 것입니다. 즉시 패스워드를 바꾼 후, 계정이 잠겼다면 서버의 관리자에게 연락 하세요.
subject: '마스토돈: 패스워드가 변경 되었습니다'
title: 패스워드가 변경 되었습니다
subject: 'Mastodon: 암호 변경함'
title: 암호 변경함
explanation: 이메일 주소를 바꾸려면 새 이메일 주소를 확인해야 합니다.
extra: 당신이 시도한 것이 아니라면 이 메일을 무시해 주세요. 위 링크를 클릭하지 않으면 이메일 변경은 일어나지 않습니다.
subject: '마스토돈: %{instance}에 대한 이메일 확인'
title: 이메일 주소 확인
title: 이메일 주소 검증
action: 패스워드 변경
explanation: 계정에 대한 패스워드 변경을 요청하였습니다.
extra: 만약 당신이 시도한 것이 아니라면 이 메일을 무시해 주세요. 위 링크를 클릭해 패스워드를 새로 설정하기 전까지는 패스워드가 바뀌지 않습니다.
subject: '마스토돈: 패스워드 재설정 방법'
title: 패스워드 재설정
action: 암호 변경
explanation: 계정에 새 암호를 쓰도록 요청받았습니다.
extra: 요청하지 않았다면 이 이메일을 무시하셔야 합니다. 상기 링크에 접속하지 않으면 암호는 새것으로 변경되지 않습니다.
subject: 'Mastodon: 암호 재설정 설명'
title: 암호 재설정
explanation: 당신의 계정에 설정된 이중 인증이 비활성화 되었습니다. 이제 이메일과 암호만으로 로그인이 가능합니다.
subject: '마스토돈: 이중 인증 비활성화'
@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ ko:
failure: '"%{reason}" 때문에 당신을 %{kind}에서 인증할 수 없습니다.'
success: "%{kind} 계정을 성공적으로 인증했습니다."
no_token: 패스워드 재설정 이메일을 거치지 않고는 여기에 올 수 없습니다. 만약 패스워드 재설정 메일에서 온 것이라면 URL이 맞는지 확인해 주세요.
no_token: 이 페이지는 암호 재설정 이메일을 거쳐야 접근할 수 있습니다. 만약 암호 재설정 이메일 거치지 않았다면 사용하려는 URL이 맞는지 확인 바랍니다.
send_instructions: 당신의 이메일 주소가 우리의 DB에 있다면 패스워드 복구 링크가 몇 분 이내에 메일로 발송 됩니다. 만약 메일을 받지 못 하신 경우 스팸 폴더를 확인해 주세요.
send_paranoid_instructions: 당신의 이메일 주소가 우리의 DB에 있다면 패스워드 복구 링크가 몇 분 이내에 메일로 발송 됩니다. 만약 메일을 받지 못 하신 경우 스팸 폴더를 확인해 주세요.
updated: 패스워드가 재설정 되었습니다. 로그인 되었습니다.
updated_not_active: 패스워드가 성공적으로 변경 되었습니다.
updated: 암호를 잘 바꾸었습니다. 현재 로그인 상태입니다.
updated_not_active: 암호를 잘 변경하였습니다.
destroyed: 안녕히 가세요! 계정이 성공적으로 제거되었습니다. 다시 만나기를 희망합니다.
signed_up: 안녕하세요! 성공적으로 가입했습니다.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
confirmed: Sizning elektron pochta manzilingiz muvaffaqiyatli tasdiqlandi.
send_instructions: Bir necha daqiqadan so'ng elektron pochta manzilingizni qanday tasdiqlash bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar bilan elektron pochta xabarini olasiz. Agar siz ushbu xatni olmagan bo'lsangiz, spam jildini tekshiring.
send_paranoid_instructions: Agar sizning elektron pochta manzilingiz bizning ma'lumotlar bazamizda mavjud bo'lsa, sizga bir necha daqiqadan so'ng elektron pochta manzilingizni qanday tasdiqlash bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar yozilgan elektron pochta xabari keladi. Agar siz ushbu xatni olmagan bo'lsangiz, spam jildini tekshiring.
already_authenticated: Siz allaqachon tizimga kirgansiz.
action: Parolni almashtirish
title: Parolni tiklash

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ zh-CN:
subject: Mastodon安全密钥认证已禁用
title: 安全密钥已禁用
explanation: 你的户已启用安全密钥身份验证。你的安全密钥现在可以用于登录。
explanation: 你的户已启用安全密钥身份验证。你的安全密钥现在可以用于登录。
subject: Mastodon安全密钥认证已启用
title: 已启用安全密钥

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -122,12 +122,14 @@ es:
admin/accounts: Administración de cuentas
admin/all: Todas las funciones administrativas
admin/reports: Administración de informes
all: Acceso completo a tu cuenta de Mastodon
blocks: Bloqueos
bookmarks: Marcadores
conversations: Conversaciones
crypto: Cifrado de extremo a extremo
favourites: Favoritos
filters: Filtros
follow: Seguimientos, silenciad@s y bloqueos
follows: Seguidos
lists: Listas
media: Adjuntos multimedia

View File

@ -122,12 +122,14 @@ eu:
admin/accounts: Kontuen administrazioa
admin/all: Funtzio administratibo guztiak
admin/reports: Salaketen administrazioa
all: Sarbide osoa zure Mastodon kontura
blocks: Blokeoak
bookmarks: Laster-markak
conversations: Elkarrizketak
crypto: Muturretik-muturrerako zifraketa
favourites: Gogokoak
filters: Iragazkiak
follow: Jarraitzeak, mututzeak eta blokeatzeak
follows: Jarraipenak
lists: Zerrendak
media: Multimedia eranskinak
@ -147,9 +149,19 @@ eu:
admin:read: zerbitzariko datu guztiak irakurri
admin:read:accounts: kontu guztien informazio sentsiblea irakurri
admin:read:canonical_email_blocks: irakurri eposta kanonikoen blokeatzeari buruzko informazio sentikorra
admin:read:domain_allows: irakurri onartutako domeinu guztien informazio sentikorra
admin:read:domain_blocks: irakurri blokeatutako domeinu guztien informazio sentikorra
admin:read:email_domain_blocks: irakurri blokeatutako eposta domeinu guztien informazio sentikorra
admin:read:ip_blocks: irakurri blokeatutako IP guztien informazio sentikorra
admin:read:reports: salaketa guztietako eta salatutako kontu guztietako informazio sentsiblea irakurri
admin:write: zerbitzariko datu guztiak aldatu
admin:write:accounts: kontuetan moderazio ekintzak burutu
admin:write:canonical_email_blocks: gauzatu moderazio ekintzak eposta kanonikoen blokeatzean
admin:write:domain_allows: gauzatu moderazio ekintzak onartutako domeinuetan
admin:write:domain_blocks: gauzatu moderazio ekintzak domeinuen blokeatzeetan
admin:write:email_domain_blocks: gauzatu moderazio ekintzak eposta domeinuen blokeatzeetan
admin:write:ip_blocks: gauzatu moderazio ekintzak IP blokeatzeetan
admin:write:reports: salaketetan moderazio ekintzak burutu
crypto: erabili muturretik muturrerako zifraketa
follow: aldatu kontuaren erlazioak

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ gl:
authorized_at: Autorizada o %{date}
description_html: Estas aplicacións poden acceder á túa conta usando a API. Se ves aplicacións que non recoñeces, ou hai comportamentos non consentidos dalgunha delas, podes revogar o acceso.
last_used_at: Último acceso o %{date}
never_used: Nunca usada
never_used: Nunca empregada
scopes: Permisos
superapp: Interno
title: As túas aplicacións autorizadas
@ -149,18 +149,18 @@ gl:
admin:read: ler todos os datos no servidor
admin:read:accounts: ler información sensible de todas as contas
admin:read:canonical_email_blocks: ler a información sensible de tódolos bloqueos de email canónicos
admin:read:canonical_email_blocks: ler a información sensíbel de tódolos bloqueos de correos electrónicos canónicos
admin:read:domain_allows: ler a información sensible de tódolos dominios permitidos
admin:read:domain_blocks: ler a información sensible de tódolos bloqueos de dominio
admin:read:email_domain_blocks: ler a información sensible de tódolos dominios de email
admin:read:email_domain_blocks: ler a información sensible de tódolos dominios de correo electrónico
admin:read:ip_blocks: ler a información sensible de tódolos bloqueos de IP
admin:read:reports: ler información sensible de todos os informes e contas denunciadas
admin:write: modificar todos os datos no servidor
admin:write:accounts: executar accións de moderación nas contas
admin:write:canonical_email_blocks: realizar accións de moderación en bloqueos de email canónicos
admin:write:canonical_email_blocks: realizar accións de moderación en bloqueos de correo electrónico canónicos
admin:write:domain_allows: realizar accións de moderación en dominios permitidos
admin:write:domain_blocks: realizar accións de moderación en bloqueos de dominio
admin:write:email_domain_blocks: realizar accións de moderación en bloqueos de dominio de email
admin:write:email_domain_blocks: realizar accións de moderación en bloqueos de dominio de correo electrónico
admin:write:ip_blocks: realizar accións de moderación en bloqueos de IPs
admin:write:reports: executar accións de moderación nas denuncias
crypto: usar cifrado de extremo-a-extremo

View File

@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ hy:
mutes: Լռեցուածներ
notifications: Ծանուցումներ
push: Հրելու ծանուցումներ
search: Որոնել
statuses: Գրառումներ

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ ko:
access_denied: 리소스 소유자 또는 인증 서버가 요청을 거부했습니다.
credential_flow_not_configured: Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_from_credentials의 설정이 되어있지 않아 리소스 소유자 패스워드 자격증명이 실패하였습니다.
credential_flow_not_configured: Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_from_credentials의 설정이 되어있지 않아 리소스 소유자 암호 자격증명이 실패하였습니다.
invalid_client: 알 수 없는 클라이언트이기 때문에 클라이언트 인증이 실패하였습니다, 클라이언트 자격증명이 포함되지 않았거나, 지원 되지 않는 메소드입니다.
invalid_grant: 제공된 권한 부여가 잘못되거나, 만료되었거나, 취소되었거나, 권한 부여 요청에 사용된 리디렉션 URI가 일치하지 않거나, 다른 클라이언트에 지정되었습니다.
invalid_redirect_uri: 리디렉션 URI가 올바르지 않습니다

View File

@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ ru:
admin:read:accounts: читать конфиденциальную информацию всех учётных записей
admin:read:canonical_email_blocks: чтение конфиденциальной информации всех канонических блоков электронной почты
admin:read:domain_allows: чтение конфиденциальной информации для всего домена позволяет
admin:read:domain_blocks: чтение конфиденциальной информации для всего домена позволяет
admin:read:reports: читать конфиденциальную информацию о всех жалобах и учётных записях с жалобами
admin:write: модифицировать все данные на сервере
admin:write:accounts: производить модерацию учётных записей

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -69,6 +69,47 @@ en-GB:
enable: Unfreeze
enable_sign_in_token_auth: Enable e-mail token authentication
enabled: Enabled
enabled_msg: Successfully unfroze %{username}'s account
followers: Followers
follows: Follows
header: Header
inbox_url: Inbox URL
invite_request_text: Reasons for joining
invited_by: Invited by
ip: IP
joined: Joined
all: All
local: Local
remote: Remote
title: Location
login_status: Login status
media_attachments: Media attachments
memorialize: Turn into memoriam
memorialized: Memorialised
memorialized_msg: Successfully turned %{username} into a memorial account
active: Active
all: All
pending: Pending
silenced: Limited
suspended: Suspended
title: Moderation
moderation_notes: Moderation notes
most_recent_activity: Most recent activity
most_recent_ip: Most recent IP
no_account_selected: No accounts were changed as none were selected
no_limits_imposed: No limits imposed
no_role_assigned: No role assigned
not_subscribed: Not subscribed
pending: Pending review
perform_full_suspension: Suspend
previous_strikes: Previous strikes
one: This account has <strong>one</strong> strike.
other: This account has <strong>%{count}</strong> strikes.
promote: Promote
protocol: Protocol
devops: DevOps
@ -91,3 +132,32 @@ en-GB:
blackberry: BlackBerry
chrome_os: ChromeOS
silence: Your account %{acct} has been limited
suspend: Your account %{acct} has been suspended
delete_statuses: Posts removed
disable: Account frozen
mark_statuses_as_sensitive: Posts marked as sensitive
none: Warning
sensitive: Account marked as sensitive
silence: Account limited
suspend: Account suspended
edit_profile_action: Setup profile
edit_profile_step: You can customise your profile by uploading a profile picture, changing your display name and more. You can opt-in to review new followers before theyre allowed to follow you.
explanation: Here are some tips to get you started
final_action: Start posting
final_step: 'Start posting! Even without followers, your public posts may be seen by others, for example on the local timeline or in hashtags. You may want to introduce yourself on the #introductions hashtag.'
full_handle: Your full handle
full_handle_hint: This is what you would tell your friends so they can message or follow you from another server.
subject: Welcome to Mastodon
title: Welcome aboard, %{name}!
follow_limit_reached: You cannot follow more than %{limit} people
invalid_otp_token: Invalid two-factor code
otp_lost_help_html: If you lost access to both, you may get in touch with %{email}
seamless_external_login: You are logged in via an external service, so password and e-mail settings are not available.
signed_in_as: 'Signed in as:'

View File

@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ es-AR:
private_comment_description_html: 'Para ayudarte a rastrear de dónde vienen los bloques importados, se crearán los mismos con el siguiente comentario privado: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importado desde %{source} el %{date}
title: Importar bloques de dominio
invalid_domain_block: 'Uno o más bloqueos de dominio fueron omitidos debido al/los siguiente/s error/es: %{error}'
title: Importar bloques de dominio
no_file: No hay ningún archivo seleccionado
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ es-AR:
none: Ninguno
comment_description_html: 'Para proporcionar más información, %{name} escribió:'
confirm_action: Confirmar acción de moderación contra @%{acct}
created_at: Denunciado
delete_and_resolve: Eliminar mensajes
forwarded: Reenviado
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ es-AR:
placeholder: Describí qué acciones se tomaron, o cualquier otra actualización relacionada...
title: Notas
notes_description_html: Ver y dejar notas para otros moderadores y como referencia futura
processed_msg: 'Denuncia #%{id}, procesada exitosamente'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Tomá una acción rápida o desplazate hacia abajo para ver el contenido denunciado:'
remote_user_placeholder: el usuario remoto de %{instance}
reopen: Reabrir denuncia
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ es-AR:
status: Estado
statuses: Contenido denunciado
statuses_description_html: El contenido ofensivo se citará en la comunicación con la cuenta denunciada
delete_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>eliminar</strong> algunos de los mensajes de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Esto hará lo siguiente:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>marcar</strong> algunos de los mensajes de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>como <strong>sensibles</strong>. Esto hará lo siguiente:'
silence_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>limitar</strong> la cuenta de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Esto hará lo siguiente:'
suspend_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>suspender</strong> la cuenta de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Esto hará lo siguiente:'
delete_html: Eliminar los mensajes ofensivos
mark_as_sensitive_html: Marcar los mensajes ofensivos como sensibles
silence_html: Limitar severamente el alcance de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> haciendo que su perfil y contenido sólo sean visibles para las personas que ya lo siguen o que busquen manualmente su perfil
suspend_html: Suspender <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, haciendo su perfil y contenido inaccesibles, e imposibilitando la interacción con la cuenta
close_report: 'Marcar denuncia #%{id} como resuelta'
close_reports_html: Marcar <strong>todas</strong> las denuncias contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> como resueltas
delete_data_html: Eliminar el perfil y contenido de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> en 30 días a partir de ahora, a menos que se revierta la suspensión en ese tiempo
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> recibirá una advertencia con el siguiente contenido:"
record_strike_html: Registrá una amonestación contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> para ayudarte a escalar futuras violaciones de esta cuenta
send_email_html: Enviar a <strong>@%{acct}</strong> un correo electrónico de advertencia
warning_placeholder: Razones adicionales opcionales para la acción de moderación.
target_origin: Origen de la cuenta denunciada
title: Denuncias
unassign: Desasignar
unknown_action_msg: 'Acción desconocida: %{action}'
unresolved: No resueltas
updated_at: Actualizadas
view_profile: Ver perfil
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ es-AR:
apply_for_account: Solicitar una cuenta
change_password: Contraseña
wrong_email_hint: Si esa dirección de correo electrónico no es correcta, podés cambiarla en la configuración de la cuenta.
delete_account: Eliminar cuenta
delete_account_html: Si querés eliminar tu cuenta, podés <a href="%{path}">seguir por acá</a>. Se te va a pedir una confirmación.

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@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ es-MX:
private_comment_description_html: 'Para ayudarle a rastrear de dónde proceden los bloqueos importados, los bloqueos importados se crearán con el siguiente comentario privado: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importado desde %{source} el %{date}
title: Importar bloqueos de dominio
invalid_domain_block: 'Uno o más bloques de dominio fueron omitidos debido a el/los siguiente(s) error(es): %{error}'
title: Importar bloqueos de dominio
no_file: No hay archivo seleccionado
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ es-MX:
none: Ninguno
comment_description_html: 'Para proporcionar más información, %{name} escribió:'
confirm_action: Confirmar acción de moderación contra @%{acct}
created_at: Denunciado
delete_and_resolve: Eliminar publicaciones
forwarded: Reenviado
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ es-MX:
placeholder: Especificar qué acciones se han tomado o cualquier otra novedad respecto a esta denuncia…
title: Notas
notes_description_html: Ver y dejar notas a otros moderadores y a tu yo futuro
processed_msg: 'La denuncia #%{id} ha sido procesada con éxito'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Toma una acción rápida o desplázate hacia abajo para ver el contenido denunciado:'
remote_user_placeholder: el usuario remoto de %{instance}
reopen: Reabrir denuncia
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ es-MX:
status: Estado
statuses: Contenido reportado
statuses_description_html: El contenido ofensivo se citará en comunicación con la cuenta reportada
delete_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>eliminar</strong> algunas de la publicaciones de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Esto hará:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>marcar</strong> algunas de las publicaciones de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>como <strong>sensibles</strong>. Esto hará:'
silence_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>limitar</strong> la cuenta de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Esto hará:'
suspend_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>suspender</strong> la cuenta de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Esto hará:'
delete_html: Eliminar las publicaciones ofensivas
mark_as_sensitive_html: Marcar las publicaciones ofensivas como sensibles
silence_html: Limitar severamente el alcance de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> haciendo que su perfil y contenido sólo sean visibles para las personas que ya lo siguen o que consulten manualmente su perfil
suspend_html: Suspender a <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, haciendo su perfil y contenido inaccesibles e imposible la interacción
close_report: 'Marcar denuncia #%{id} como resuelta'
close_reports_html: Marcar <strong>todas</strong> las denuncias contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> como resueltas
delete_data_html: Eliminar el perfil y contenido de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> en 30 días a partir de ahora a menos que se revierta la suspensión en ese tiempo
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> recibirá una advertencia con el siguiente contenido:"
record_strike_html: Registra una amonestación contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> para ayudarte a escalar futuras violaciones de esta cuenta
send_email_html: Enviar a <strong>@%{acct}</strong> un correo electrónico de advertencia
warning_placeholder: Razones adicionales opcionales para la acción de moderación.
target_origin: Origen de la cuenta reportada
title: Reportes
unassign: Desasignar
unknown_action_msg: 'Acción desconocida: %{action}'
unresolved: No resuelto
updated_at: Actualizado
view_profile: Ver perfil
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ es-MX:
apply_for_account: Solicitar una cuenta
change_password: Contraseña
wrong_email_hint: Si esa dirección de correo electrónico no es correcta, puedes cambiarla en la configuración de la cuenta.
delete_account: Borrar cuenta
delete_account_html: Si desea eliminar su cuenta, puede <a href="%{path}">proceder aquí</a>. Será pedido de una confirmación.

View File

@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ es:
private_comment_description_html: 'Para ayudarle a rastrear de dónde proceden los bloqueos importados, los bloqueos importados se crearán con el siguiente comentario privado: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importado desde %{source} el %{date}
title: Importar bloqueos de dominio
invalid_domain_block: 'Uno o más bloqueos de dominio fueron omitidos debido a los siguientes errores: %{error}'
title: Importar bloqueos de dominio
no_file: Ningún archivo seleccionado
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ es:
none: Ninguno
comment_description_html: 'Para proporcionar más información, %{name} escribió:'
confirm_action: Confirmar acción de moderación contra @%{acct}
created_at: Denunciado
delete_and_resolve: Eliminar publicaciones
forwarded: Reenviado
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ es:
placeholder: Especificar qué acciones se han tomado o cualquier otra novedad respecto a esta denuncia…
title: Notas
notes_description_html: Ver y dejar notas a otros moderadores y a tu yo futuro
processed_msg: 'El informe #%{id} ha sido procesado con éxito'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Toma una acción rápida o desplázate hacia abajo para ver el contenido denunciado:'
remote_user_placeholder: el usuario remoto de %{instance}
reopen: Reabrir denuncia
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ es:
status: Estado
statuses: Contenido reportado
statuses_description_html: El contenido ofensivo se citará en la comunicación con la cuenta reportada
delete_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>eliminar</strong> algunos de los mensajes de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Esto hará:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>marcar</strong> algunas de las publicaciones de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>como <strong>sensibles</strong>. Esto hará:'
silence_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>limitar</strong> la cuenta de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Esto hará:'
suspend_html: 'Estás a punto de <strong>suspender</strong> la cuenta de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Esto hará:'
delete_html: Eliminar los mensajes ofensivos
mark_as_sensitive_html: Marcar los mensajes ofensivos como sensibles
silence_html: Limitar severamente el alcance de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> haciendo que su perfil y contenido sólo sean visibles para las personas que ya lo siguen o que consulten manualmente su perfil
suspend_html: Suspender <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, haciendo su perfil y contenido inaccesibles y la interacción con la cuenta imposible
close_report: 'Marcar informe #%{id} como resuelto'
close_reports_html: Marcar <strong>todos los</strong> informes contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> como resueltos
delete_data_html: Eliminar el perfil y contenido de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> en 30 días a partir de ahora a menos que se revierta la suspensión en ese tiempo
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> recibirá una advertencia con el siguiente contenido:"
record_strike_html: Registra una amonestación contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> para ayudarte a escalar futuras violaciones de esta cuenta
send_email_html: Enviar a <strong>@%{acct}</strong> un correo electrónico de advertencia
warning_placeholder: Razones adicionales opcionales para la acción de moderación.
target_origin: Origen de la cuenta reportada
title: Reportes
unassign: Desasignar
unknown_action_msg: 'Acción desconocida: %{action}'
unresolved: No resuelto
updated_at: Actualizado
view_profile: Ver perfil
@ -715,6 +737,7 @@ es:
profile_directory: Directorio de perfiles
public_timelines: Lineas de tiempo públicas
publish_discovered_servers: Publicar servidores descubiertos
publish_statistics: Publicar estadísticas
title: Descubrimiento
trends: Tendencias
@ -942,6 +965,8 @@ es:
apply_for_account: Solicitar una cuenta
change_password: Contraseña
wrong_email_hint: Si esa dirección de correo electrónico no es correcta, puedes cambiarla en la configuración de la cuenta.
delete_account: Borrar cuenta
delete_account_html: Si desea eliminar su cuenta, puede <a href="%{path}">proceder aquí</a>. Será pedido de una confirmación.

View File

@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ et:
private_comment_description_html: 'Pidamaks järge, kust imporditud keelud pärinevad, luuakse need järneva privaatse kommentaariga: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Imporditud allikast %{source} kuupäeval %{date}
title: Domeenikeeldude import
invalid_domain_block: 'Üks või mitu domeeniblokeeringut jäeti vahele järgnevate vigade tõttu: %{error}'
title: Domeenikeeldude import
no_file: Faili pole valitud
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ et:
none: Pole
comment_description_html: 'Täiendava infona kirjutas %{name}:'
confirm_action: Kinnita @%{acct} modereering
created_at: Teavitatud
delete_and_resolve: Kustuta postitused
forwarded: Edastatud
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ et:
placeholder: Kirjelda, mis on ette võetud või muid seotud uuendusi...
title: Märkmed
notes_description_html: Märkmete vaatamine ja jätmine teistele moderaatoritele ja tulevikuks endale
processed_msg: 'Raport #%{id} edukalt käsitletud'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Võimalus teha kiire otsus või näha raporteeritud sisu allpool:'
remote_user_placeholder: kaugkasutaja domeenist %{instance}
reopen: Taasava teavitus
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ et:
status: Olek
statuses: Raporteeritud sisu
statuses_description_html: Sobimatu sisu kaasatakse suhtlusse raporteeritud kontoga
delete_html: 'Oled <strong>eemaldamas</strong> mõnesid <strong>@%{acct}</strong> postitusi. Selle tulemusena:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Oled <strong>märkimas</strong> mõnesid <strong>@%{acct}</strong> postitusi <strong>tundlikuks</strong>. Selle tulemusena:'
silence_html: 'Oled <strong>määramas piirangut</strong> kontole <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Selle tulemusena:'
suspend_html: 'Oled <strong>peatamas</strong> kontot <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Selle tulemusena:'
delete_html: Solvava postituse eemaldamine
mark_as_sensitive_html: Solvava postituse meedia märkimine tundlikuks
silence_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> ulatuse tugev piiramine muutes tema profiili ja sisu nähtavaks ainult neile, kes teda juba jälgivad, või neile, kes just tema profiili üles otsivad"
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> peatamine, muutes tema profiili ja sisu mitteligipääsetavaks ning mitteinterakteerutavaks"
close_report: 'Raporti #%{id} lahendatuks märkimine'
close_reports_html: Märgi <strong>kõik</strong> raportid <strong>@%{acct}</strong> vastu lahendatuks
delete_data_html: Kustuta tänasest 30 päeva pärast kasutaja <strong>@%{acct}</strong> profiil ja sisu, kui vahepeal tema kontot ei taastata
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> saab järgmise sisuga hoiatuse:"
record_strike_html: Salvesta <strong>@%{acct}</strong> kohta juhtum, et aidata selle konto tulevaste rikkumiste puhul reageerida
send_email_html: Saada kasutajale <strong>@%{acct}</strong> hoiatus-e-kiri
warning_placeholder: Valikuline täiendav põhjendus modereerimisele.
target_origin: Raporteeritud konto päritolu
title: Teavitused
unassign: Eemalda määramine
unknown_action_msg: 'Tundmatu tegevus: %{action}'
unresolved: Lahendamata
updated_at: Uuendatud
view_profile: Vaata profiili
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ et:
apply_for_account: Konto taotluse esitamine
change_password: Salasõna
wrong_email_hint: Kui see e-postiaadress pole korrektne, saad seda kontosätetes muuta.
delete_account: Konto kustutamine
delete_account_html: Kui soovid oma konto kustutada, siis <a href="%{path}">jätka siit</a>. Pead kustutamise eraldi kinnitama.

View File

@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ eu:
reject: Ukatu
rejected_msg: "%{username} erabiltzailearen izen emate eskaera behar bezala ukatu da"
remote_suspension_irreversible: Kontu honetako datuak betiko ezabatuak izan dira.
remote_suspension_reversible_hint_html: Kontu hau kanporatua izan da bere zerbitzarian eta bere datuak %{date}(e)an behin betiko ezabatuko dira. Ordura arte urruneko zerbitzariak kontua kalterik gabe leheneratu dezake. Kontuaren datu guztiak oraintxe bertan ezabatu nahi badituzu, jarraian egin dezakezu.
remove_avatar: Kendu abatarra
remove_header: Kendu goiburua
removed_avatar_msg: "%{username} erabiltzailearen avatarra behar bezala kendu da"
@ -391,10 +392,15 @@ eu:
create: Sortu blokeoa
hint: Domeinuaren blokeoak ez du eragotziko kontuen sarrerak sortzea datu-basean, baina automatikoki ezarriko zaizkie moderazio metodo bereziak iraganeko mezuetan ere.
desc_html: |-
<strong>Mugatu</strong> aukerak, domeinu hontako kontu guztien bidalketak ikusezinak bihurtuko dira jarraitzen ez dituztenentzat.
<strong>Egotzi</strong> aukerak, domeinu hontako kontu guztien, edukiak, media eta profilen datuak ezabatuak izango dira zure zerbitzaritik. Erabili <strong>Bat ere ez</strong> aukera soilik media-fitxategiak ukatu nahi badituzu.
noop: Bat ere ez
silence: Isilarazi
suspend: Kanporatu
title: Domeinuaren blokeo berria
no_domain_block_selected: Ez da domeinu berririk blokeatu, bat ere ez delako aukeratu
not_permitted: Ekintza hau egiteko baimenik ez duzu
obfuscate: Lausotu domeinu-izena
obfuscate_hint: Domeinuaren izena partzialki lausotu zerrendan, domeinuen zerrenda iragartzea mugatzea gaituta badago
private_comment: Iruzkin pribatua
@ -427,8 +433,19 @@ eu:
resolved_through_html: "%{domain} domeinuaren bidez ebatzia"
title: E-mail zerrenda beltza
title: Baimendutako domeinuak inportatu
no_file: Ez da fitxategirik hautatu
description_html: Blokeatutako domeinuen zerrenda bat inportatzera zoaz. Mesedez, berrikusi zerrenda kontu handiz, batez ere, zuk ez baduzu zerrenda hau egin.
existing_relationships_warning: Oraingo jarraipen-loturak
private_comment_description_html: 'Inportatutako blokeoak nondik datozen zuri jakiten laguntzeko, hauek hurrengo iruzkin pribatuarekin sortuko dira: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: "%{date} %{source}-(e)tik inportatua"
title: Domeinu-blokeoak inportatu
invalid_domain_block: 'Domeinu-blokeatze bat edo gehiago ekidin dira ondorengo errorearen edo erroreengatik: %{error}'
title: Domeinu-blokeoak inportatu
no_file: Ez da fitxategirik hautatu
description_html: "<strong>Jarraitzeko gomendioek erabiltzaile berriei eduki interesgarria azkar aurkitzen laguntzen diete</strong>. Erabiltzaile batek jarraitzeko gomendio pertsonalizatuak jasotzeko adina interakzio izan ez duenean, kontu hauek gomendatzen zaizkio. Egunero birkalkulatzen dira hizkuntza bakoitzerako, azken aldian parte-hartze handiena izan duten eta jarraitzaile lokal gehien dituzten kontuak nahasiz."
@ -561,7 +578,10 @@ eu:
mark_as_sensitive_description_html: Salatutako bidalketetako multimedia edukia hunkigarri bezala eta neurria gordeko da, etorkizunean kontu honek arau-hausterik egiten badu kontuan izan dezazun.
other_description_html: Ikusi kontuaren portaera kontrolatzeko eta salatutako kontuarekin komunikazioa pertsonalizatzeko aukera gehiago.
resolve_description_html: Ez da ekintzarik hartuko salatutako kontuaren aurka, ez da neurria gordeko eta salaketa itxiko da.
silence_description_html: Kontua soilik honen jarraitzaile edo espresuki bilatzen dutenentzat izango da ikusgarri, kontuaren irisgarritasuna gogorki mugatzen delarik.
suspend_description_html: Kontua bera eta honen edukiak eskuraezinak izango dira, eta azkenean, ezabatuak. Kontu honekin erlazionatzea ezinezkoa izango da. Prozesua 30 egunez itzulgarria izango da. Kontu honen aurkako txosten guztiak baztertuko lirateke.
actions_description_html: Erabaki txosten hau konpontzeko ze ekintza hartu. Salatutako kontuaren aurka zigor ekintza bat hartzen baduzu, eposta jakinarazpen bat bidaliko zaie, <strong>Spam</strong> kategoria hautatzean ezik.
actions_description_remote_html: Txosten honi konponbidea aurkitzeko zein ekintza egin hautatu. Hau soilik <strong>zure</strong> zerbitzaria kontu honekin nola komunikatu eta bere edukia nola maneiatzeko da.
add_to_report: Gehitu gehiago txostenera
are_you_sure: Ziur zaude?
assign_to_self: Esleitu niri
@ -572,6 +592,7 @@ eu:
none: Bat ere ez
comment_description_html: 'Informazio gehiago emateko, %{name} idatzi:'
confirm_action: "@%{acct} kontuaren aurkako moderazio-ekintza baieztatu"
created_at: Salatua
delete_and_resolve: Ezabatu bidalketak
forwarded: Birbidalia
@ -588,6 +609,7 @@ eu:
placeholder: Azaldu hartutako neurriak, edo erlazioa duten bestelako berriak...
title: Oharrak
notes_description_html: Ikusi eta idatzi oharrak beste moderatzaileentzat eta zuretzat etorkizunerako
processed_msg: "#%{id} txostena ongi prozesatu da"
quick_actions_description_html: 'Hartu ekintza azkar bat edo korritu behera salatutako edukia ikusteko:'
remote_user_placeholder: "%{instance} instantziako urruneko erabiltzailea"
reopen: Berrireki salaketa
@ -600,9 +622,28 @@ eu:
status: Mezua
statuses: Salatutako edukia
statuses_description_html: Salatutako edukia salatutako kontuarekiko komunikazioan aipatuko da
delete_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontuaren bidalketa guztiak <strong>ezabatzera</strong> zoaz. Honek hau suposatuko du:"
mark_as_sensitive_html: "<strong>%{acct}</strong> kontuaren bidalketa guztiak <strong>hunkigarri</strong> gisa <strong>markatzera</strong> zoaz. Honek hau suposatuko du:"
silence_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontua <strong>mugatzera</strong> zoaz. Honek hau suposatuko du:"
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontua <strong>bertan behera uztera</strong> zoaz. Honek hau suposatuko du:"
delete_html: Bidalketa iraingarriak ezabatu
mark_as_sensitive_html: Bidalketa iraingarrien media hunkigarri gisa markatu
silence_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontuaren irismena gogorki mugatu, beraren profila eta edukia soilik bere jarraitzaileentzat eta espresuki profila aurkitzen dutenentzat ikusgarri egiten direlarik"
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontua bertan behera utzi, bere profila eta edukia iritsezin eta elkarreragin ezina izango direlarik"
close_report: "#%{id} txostena ebatzitako gisa markatu"
close_reports_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontuaren txosten <strong>guztiak</strong> ebatzitako gisa markatu"
delete_data_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontuaren profila eta edukia, gaurtik hasita, 30 egunez ezabatu, ez bada bitartean kontua berraktibatzen"
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontuak ondorengo edukia duen abisu bat jasoko du:"
record_strike_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontuak eginiko eraso bat erregistratu, kontu honek etorkizunean egin ditzakeen erasoen aurrean erabakiak hartzen laguntzeko"
send_email_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontuari abisu bat posta-elektronikoz bidali"
warning_placeholder: Moderazio-ekintzarako aukerazkoak diren arrazoiketa gehigarriak.
target_origin: Salatutako kontuaren jatorria
title: Salaketak
unassign: Kendu esleipena
unknown_action_msg: 'Ekintza ezezaguna: %{action}'
unresolved: Konpondu gabea
updated_at: Eguneratua
view_profile: Ikusi profila
@ -689,11 +730,16 @@ eu:
preamble: Kontrolatu erabiltzaileek sortutako edukia nola biltegiratzen den Mastodonen.
title: Edukia atxikitzea
desc_html: Ezarpen hau aldatu ez duten erabiltzaile guztiei eragingo die
title: Erabiltzaileei bilaketa-motorraren indexaziotik at egoteko aukera ematen die lehenetsitako aukera modura
follow_recommendations: Jarraitzeko gomendioak
preamble: Eduki interesgarria aurkitzea garrantzitsua da Mastodoneko erabiltzaile berrientzat, behar bada inor ez dutelako ezagutuko. Kontrolatu zure zerbitzariko aurkikuntza-ezaugarriek nola funtzionatzen duten.
profile_directory: Profil-direktorioa
public_timelines: Denbora-lerro publikoak
publish_discovered_servers: Deskubritutako zerbitzariak argitaratu
publish_statistics: Estatistikak argitaratu
title: Aurkitzea
trends: Joerak
@ -919,7 +965,10 @@ eu:
warning: Kontuz datu hauekin, ez partekatu inoiz inorekin!
your_token: Zure sarbide token-a
apply_for_account: Kontu bat eskatu
change_password: Pasahitza
wrong_email_hint: Helbide-elektroniko hori zuzena ez bada, kontuaren ezarpenetan alda dezakezu.
delete_account: Ezabatu kontua
delete_account_html: Kontua ezabatu nahi baduzu, <a href="%{path}">jarraitu hemen</a>. Berrestea eskatuko zaizu.
@ -955,6 +1004,9 @@ eu:
email_below_hint_html: Beheko e-mail helbidea okerra bada, hemen aldatu dezakezu eta baieztapen e-mail berria jaso.
email_settings_hint_html: Baieztamen e-maila %{email} helbidera bidali da. E-mail helbide hori zuzena ez bada, kontuaren ezarpenetan aldatu dezakezu.
title: Ezarpena
preamble_html: Zure <strong>%{domain}-(e)ko</strong> egiaztagiriekin saioa hasi. Zure kontua beste zerbitzari batean badago, ezin izango duzu hemen saioa hasi.
title: "%{domain}-(e)an saioa hasi"
preamble: Mastodon zerbitzari honetako kontu batekin, aukera izango duzu sareko edozein pertsona jarraitzeko, ez dio axola kontua non ostatatua dagoen.
title: "%{domain} zerbitzariko kontua prestatuko dizugu."
@ -1344,6 +1396,9 @@ eu:
unrecognized_emoji: ez da emoji ezaguna
activity: Kontuaren aktibitatea
confirm_follow_selected_followers: Ziur al zaude hautatutako jarraitzaileak jarraitu nahi dituzula?
confirm_remove_selected_followers: Ziur al zaude hautatutako jarraitzaileak ezabatu nahi dituzula?
confirm_remove_selected_follows: Ziur al zaude hautatutako jarraipenak ezabatu nahi dituzula?
dormant: Ez aktiboa
follow_selected_followers: Jarraitu hautatutako jarraitzaileak
followers: Jarraitzaileak

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ fi:
one: Seuraaja
other: Seuraajat
following: Seuraaja
instance_actor_flash: Tämä on virtuaalitili, jota käytetään edustamaan itse palvelinta eikä yksittäistä käyttäjää. Sitä käytetään yhdistämistarkoituksiin, eikä sitä tule keskeyttää.
instance_actor_flash: Tämä on virtuaalitili, jota käytetään edustamaan itse palvelinta eikä yksittäistä käyttäjää. Sitä käytetään yhdistämistarkoituksiin, eikä sitä tule jäädyttää.
last_active: viimeksi aktiivinen
link_verified_on: Tämän linkin omistus on tarkastettu %{date}
nothing_here: Täällä ei ole mitään!
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ fi:
following: Sinun täytyy seurata henkilöä jota haluat tukea
one: Julkaisu
other: Julkaisut
posts_tab_heading: Julkaisut
other: Viestit
posts_tab_heading: Viestit
action: Suorita toimenpide
@ -121,30 +121,30 @@ fi:
remove_avatar: Poista profiilikuva
remove_header: Poista otsakekuva
removed_avatar_msg: Käyttäjän %{username} avatar-kuva poistettu onnistuneesti
removed_header_msg: Käyttäjän %{username} otsikkokuva poistettiin onnistuneesti
removed_header_msg: Käyttäjän %{username} otsakekuva poistettiin onnistuneesti
already_confirmed: Tämä käyttäjä on jo vahvistettu
send: Lähetä varmistusviesti uudelleen
send: Lähetä vahvistusviesti uudelleen
success: Vahvistusviesti onnistuneesti lähetetty!
reset: Palauta
reset_password: Palauta salasana
resubscribe: Tilaa uudelleen
role: Rooli
search: Hae
search_same_email_domain: Muut käyttäjät, joilla on sama sähköpostiverkkotunnus
search_same_ip: Muut käyttäjät samalla IP-osoitteella
search_same_email_domain: Muut käyttäjät, joilla on sama sähköpostin verkkotunnus
search_same_ip: Muut käyttäjät, joilla on sama IP-osoite
only_password: Vain salasana
password_and_2fa: Salasana ja kaksivaiheinen tunnistautuminen
sensitive: Pakotus arkaluontoiseksi
sensitized: Merkitty arkaluontoiseksi
sensitive: Pakotus arkaluonteiseksi
sensitized: Merkitty arkaluonteiseksi
shared_inbox_url: Jaetun saapuvan postilaatikon osoite
created_reports: Tämän tilin luomat raportit
targeted_reports: Tästä tilistä tehdyt raportit
silence: Hiljennä
silenced: Mykistetty
statuses: Tilat
statuses: Viestit
strikes: Aiemmat varoitukset
subscribe: Tilaa
suspend: Jäädytä
@ -155,17 +155,17 @@ fi:
unblock_email: Poista sähköpostiosoitteen esto
unblocked_email_msg: Käyttäjän %{username} sähköpostiosoitteen esto kumottiin
unconfirmed_email: Sähköpostia ei vahvistettu
undo_sensitized: Kumoa pakotus arkaluontoiseksi tiliksi
undo_sensitized: Kumoa pakotus arkaluonteiseksi tiliksi
undo_silenced: Peru hiljennys
undo_suspension: Peru jäähy
unsilenced_msg: "%{username} -tilin rajoituksen kumoaminen onnistui"
unsilenced_msg: Tilin %{username} rajoituksen kumoaminen onnistui
unsubscribe: Lopeta tilaus
unsuspended_msg: "%{username} -tilin keskeytyksen kumoaminen onnistui"
unsuspended_msg: Tilin %{username} jäädytyksen kumoaminen onnistui
username: Käyttäjätunnus
view_domain: Näytä verkkotunnuksen yhteenveto
warn: Varoita
web: Verkko
whitelisted: Sallittu liittämiselle
whitelisted: Sallittu federaatioon
approve_appeal: Hyväksy valitus
@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ fi:
create_announcement: Luo ilmoitus
create_canonical_email_block: Luo sähköpostin esto
create_custom_emoji: Luo mukautettu emoji
create_domain_allow: Salli palvelin
create_domain_block: Estä palvelin
create_email_domain_block: Estä sähköpostipalvelin
create_domain_allow: Luo verkkotunnuksen salliminen
create_domain_block: Luo verkkotunnuksen esto
create_email_domain_block: Luo sähköpostin verkkotunnuksen esto
create_ip_block: Luo IP-sääntö
create_unavailable_domain: Luo ei-saatavilla oleva verkkotunnus
create_user_role: Luo rooli
@ -188,21 +188,21 @@ fi:
destroy_announcement: Poista ilmoitus
destroy_canonical_email_block: Poista sähköpostin esto
destroy_custom_emoji: Poista mukautettu emoji
destroy_domain_allow: Salli verkkotunnuksen poisto
destroy_domain_allow: Poista verkkotunnuksen salliminen
destroy_domain_block: Poista verkkotunnuksen esto
destroy_email_domain_block: Poista sähköpostipalvelimen esto
destroy_email_domain_block: Poista sähköpostin verkkotunnuksen esto
destroy_instance: Tyhjennä verkkotunnus
destroy_ip_block: Poista IP-sääntö
destroy_status: Poista julkaisu
destroy_status: Poista viesti
destroy_unavailable_domain: Poista ei-saatavilla oleva verkkotunnus
destroy_user_role: Hävitä rooli
disable_2fa_user: Poista kaksivaiheinen tunnistautuminen käytöstä
disable_custom_emoji: Estä mukautettu emoji
disable_custom_emoji: Poista mukautettu emoji käytöstä
disable_sign_in_token_auth_user: Estä käyttäjältä sähköpostitunnuksen todennus
disable_user: Tili poistettu käytöstä
disable_user: Poista tili käytöstä
enable_custom_emoji: Käytä mukautettuja emojeita
enable_sign_in_token_auth_user: Salli käyttäjälle sähköpostitunnuksen todennus
enable_user: Tili otettu käyttöön
enable_user: Ota tili käyttöön
memorialize_account: Muuta muistotiliksi
promote_user: Käyttäjä ylennetty
reject_appeal: Hylkää valitus
@ -231,32 +231,32 @@ fi:
approve_user_html: "%{name} hyväksyi käyttäjän rekisteröitymisen kohteesta %{target}"
assigned_to_self_report_html: "%{name} otti raportin %{target} tehtäväkseen"
change_email_user_html: "%{name} vaihtoi käyttäjän %{target} sähköpostiosoitteen"
change_role_user_html: "%{name} muutti roolia %{target}"
change_role_user_html: "%{name} muutti käyttäjän %{target} roolia"
confirm_user_html: "%{name} vahvisti käyttäjän %{target} sähköpostiosoitteen"
create_account_warning_html: "%{name} lähetti varoituksen henkilölle %{target}"
create_account_warning_html: "%{name} lähetti varoituksen käyttäjälle %{target}"
create_announcement_html: "%{name} loi uuden ilmoituksen %{target}"
create_canonical_email_block_html: "%{name} esti sähköpostin hashilla %{target}"
create_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} lähetti uuden emojin %{target}"
create_domain_allow_html: "%{name} salli yhdistäminen verkkotunnuksella %{target}"
create_domain_allow_html: "%{name} salli federaation verkkotunnuksella %{target}"
create_domain_block_html: "%{name} esti verkkotunnuksen %{target}"
create_email_domain_block_html: "%{name} esti sähköpostin %{target}"
create_ip_block_html: "%{name} luonut IP-säännön %{target}"
create_ip_block_html: "%{name} loi IP-säännön %{target}"
create_unavailable_domain_html: "%{name} pysäytti toimituksen verkkotunnukseen %{target}"
create_user_role_html: "%{name} luonut %{target} roolin"
create_user_role_html: "%{name} loi roolin %{target}"
demote_user_html: "%{name} alensi käyttäjän %{target}"
destroy_announcement_html: "%{name} poisti ilmoituksen %{target}"
destroy_canonical_email_block_html: "%{name} poisti sähköposti eston hashilla %{target}"
destroy_canonical_email_block_html: "%{name} poisti sähköpostieston hashilla %{target}"
destroy_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} poisti emojin %{target}"
destroy_domain_allow_html: "%{name} esti yhdistämisen verkkotunnuksella %{target}"
destroy_domain_allow_html: "%{name} esti federaation verkkotunnuksella %{target}"
destroy_domain_block_html: "%{name} poisti verkkotunnuksen %{target} eston"
destroy_email_domain_block_html: "%{name} poisti verkkotunnuksen %{target} eston"
destroy_email_domain_block_html: "%{name} poisti sähköpostin verkkotunnuksen %{target} eston"
destroy_instance_html: "%{name} tyhjensi verkkotunnuksen %{target}"
destroy_ip_block_html: "%{name} poisti IP-säännön %{target}"
destroy_status_html: "%{name} poisti viestin %{target}"
destroy_status_html: "%{name} poisti käyttäjän %{target} viestin"
destroy_unavailable_domain_html: "%{name} jatkoi toimitusta verkkotunnukseen %{target}"
destroy_user_role_html: "%{name} poisti %{target} roolin"
destroy_user_role_html: "%{name} poisti roolin %{target}"
disable_2fa_user_html: "%{name} poisti käyttäjältä %{target} vaatimuksen kaksivaiheisen todentamiseen"
disable_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} poisti emojin %{target}"
disable_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} poisti käytöstä emojin %{target}"
disable_sign_in_token_auth_user_html: "%{name} poisti sähköpostitunnuksen %{target} todennuksen käytöstä"
disable_user_html: "%{name} poisti kirjautumisen käyttäjältä %{target}"
enable_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} salli emojin %{target}"
@ -271,17 +271,17 @@ fi:
resend_user_html: "%{name} lähetti vahvistusviestin sähköpostitse käyttäjälle %{target}"
reset_password_user_html: "%{name} palautti käyttäjän %{target} salasanan"
resolve_report_html: "%{name} ratkaisi raportin %{target}"
sensitive_account_html: "%{name} merkitsi %{target} median arkaluonteiseksi"
silence_account_html: "%{name} rajoitti %{target} tilin"
sensitive_account_html: "%{name} merkitsi käyttäjän %{target} median arkaluonteiseksi"
silence_account_html: "%{name} rajoitti käyttäjän %{target} tilin"
suspend_account_html: "%{name} siirsi käyttäjän %{target} jäähylle"
unassigned_report_html: "%{name} peruutti raportin määrityksen %{target}"
unblock_email_account_html: "%{name} poisti %{target} sähköpostiosoitteen eston"
unsensitive_account_html: "%{name} poisti merkinnän %{target} arkaluonteinen media"
unblock_email_account_html: "%{name} poisti käyttäjän %{target} sähköpostiosoitteen eston"
unsensitive_account_html: "%{name} poisti käyttäjän %{target} median arkaluonteisen merkinnän"
unsilence_account_html: "%{name} ei tehnyt rajoitusta %{target} tilille"
unsuspend_account_html: "%{name} perui käyttäjän %{target} jäähyn"
update_announcement_html: "%{name} päivitti ilmoituksen %{target}"
update_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} päivitti emojin %{target}"
update_domain_block_html: "%{name} päivitti verkkotunnuksen %{target}"
update_domain_block_html: "%{name} päivitti verkkotunnuksen %{target} eston"
update_ip_block_html: "%{name} muutti sääntöä IP-osoitteelle %{target}"
update_status_html: "%{name} päivitti viestin %{target}"
update_user_role_html: "%{name} muutti roolia %{target}"
@ -302,9 +302,9 @@ fi:
publish: Julkaise
published_msg: Ilmoitus julkaistu onnistuneesti!
scheduled_for: Ajastettu %{time}
scheduled_msg: Ilmoitus on tarkoitus julkaista!
scheduled_msg: Ilmoitus on ajastettu julkaisua varten!
title: Ilmoitukset
unpublish: Julkaisematon
unpublish: Lopeta julkaisu
unpublished_msg: Ilmoituksen julkaisu lopetettu!
updated_msg: Ilmoitus päivitetty onnistuneesti!
@ -324,12 +324,12 @@ fi:
enable: Ota käyttöön
enabled: Käytössä
enabled_msg: Emojin käyttöönotto onnistui
image_hint: PNG tai GIF enintään %{size}
image_hint: PNG tai GIF, enintään %{size}
list: Listaa
listed: Listassa
title: Lisää uusi mukautettu emoji
no_emoji_selected: Hymiöitä ei muutettu, koska yhtään ei valittu
no_emoji_selected: Emojeita ei muutettu, koska yhtään ei valittu
not_permitted: Sinulla ei ole oikeutta suorittaa tätä toimintoa
overwrite: Kirjoita yli
shortcode: Lyhennekoodi
@ -586,6 +586,7 @@ fi:
none: Ei mitään
comment_description_html: 'Antaakseen lisätietoja %{name} kirjoitti:'
confirm_action: Vahvista moderointitoiminto käyttäjää @%{acct} kohtaan
created_at: Raportoitu
delete_and_resolve: Poista viestejä
forwarded: Välitetty
@ -602,6 +603,7 @@ fi:
placeholder: Kuvaile mitä toimia on tehty tai muita päivityksiä tähän raporttiin…
title: Merkinnät
notes_description_html: Tarkastele ja jätä merkintöjä muille valvojille ja itsellesi tulevaisuuteen
processed_msg: 'Raportti #%{id} käsitelty'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Suorita nopea toiminto tai vieritä alas nähdäksesi raportoitu sisältö:'
remote_user_placeholder: etäkäyttäjä instanssista %{instance}
reopen: Avaa raportti uudestaan
@ -614,9 +616,26 @@ fi:
status: Tila
statuses: Raportoitu sisältö
statuses_description_html: Loukkaava sisältö mainitaan ilmoitetun tilin yhteydessä
delete_html: 'Olet aikeissa <strong>poistaa</strong> joitain käyttäjän <strong>@%{acct}</strong> viestejä. Tästä seuraa:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Olet aikeissa <strong>merkitä</strong> joitain käyttäjän <strong>@%{acct}</strong> viestejä <strong>arkaluonteisiksi</strong>. Tästä seuraa:'
silence_html: 'Olet aikeissa <strong>rajoittaa</strong> käyttäjän <strong>@%{acct}</strong> tiliä. Tästä seuraa:'
suspend_html: 'Olet aikeissa <strong>rajoittaa</strong> käyttäjän <strong>@%{acct}</strong> tiliä. Tästä seuraa:'
delete_html: Loukkaavat viestit poistetaan
mark_as_sensitive_html: Loukkaavien viestien media merkitään arkaluonteiseksi
silence_html: Vakavasti rajoittaa käyttäjän <strong>@%{acct}</strong> tavoitettavuutta tekemällä profiilista ja sen sisällöstä näkyviä vain jo häntä seuraaville tai niille, jotka etsivät profiilia manuaalisesti
suspend_html: Rajoita <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, jolloin heidän profiilinsa ja sisällönsä ei ole käytettävissä ja on mahdotonta olla vuorovaikutuksessa
close_report: 'Merkitse raportti #%{id} selvitetyksi'
close_reports_html: Merkitse <strong>kaikki</strong> käyttäjään <strong>@%{acct}</strong> kohdistuvat raportit ratkaistuiksi
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> saa varoituksen, jonka sisältö on seuraava:"
send_email_html: Lähetä käyttäjälle <strong>@%{acct}</strong> varoitus sähköpostitse
warning_placeholder: Valinnaiset lisäperustelut moderointitoimenpiteelle.
target_origin: Raportoidun tilin alkuperä
title: Raportit
unassign: Määrittämätön
unknown_action_msg: 'Tuntematon toiminto: %{action}'
unresolved: Ratkaisemattomat
updated_at: Päivitetty
view_profile: Näytä profiili
@ -763,7 +782,7 @@ fi:
none: "%{name} lähetti varoituksen henkilölle %{target}"
sensitive: "%{name} merkitsi käyttäjän %{target} tilin arkaluonteiseksi"
silence: "%{name} rajoitti käyttäjän %{target} tilin"
suspend: "%{name} keskeytti käyttäjän %{target} tilin"
suspend: "%{name} jäädytti käyttäjän %{target} tilin"
appeal_approved: Valitti
appeal_pending: Valitus vireillä
@ -836,7 +855,7 @@ fi:
not_trendable: Ei näy trendien alla
not_usable: Ei voida käyttää
peaked_on_and_decaying: Saavutti huipun %{date}, nyt hiipuu
title: Suositut tunnisteet
title: Suositut aihetunnisteet
trendable: Voi näkyä trendien alla
trending_rank: 'Nousussa #%{rank}'
usable: Voidaan käyttää
@ -881,7 +900,7 @@ fi:
none: varoitus
sensitive: merkitä heidän tilinsä arkaluonteiseksi
silence: rajoittaa heidän tilinsä
suspend: keskeyttää heidän tilinsä
suspend: jäädyttää heidän tilinsä
body: "%{target} on valittanut valvojan päätöksestä %{action_taken_by} aika %{date}, joka oli %{type}. He kirjoittivat:"
next_steps: Voit hyväksyä vetoomuksen ja kumota päätöksen tai jättää sen huomiotta.
subject: "%{username} valittaa valvojan päätöksestä, joka koskee instanssia %{instance}"
@ -939,6 +958,8 @@ fi:
apply_for_account: Pyydä tiliä
change_password: Salasana
wrong_email_hint: Jos sähköpostiosoite ei ole oikein, voit muuttaa sen tilin asetuksista.
delete_account: Poista tili
delete_account_html: Jos haluat poistaa tilisi, <a href="%{path}">paina tästä</a>. Poisto on vahvistettava.
@ -1071,7 +1092,7 @@ fi:
none: Varoitus
sensitive: Tilin merkitseminen arkaluonteiseksi
silence: Tilin rajoittaminen
suspend: Tilin keskeyttäminen
suspend: Tilin jäädyttäminen
your_appeal_approved: Valituksesi on hyväksytty
your_appeal_pending: Olet lähettänyt valituksen
your_appeal_rejected: Valituksesi on hylätty
@ -1308,9 +1329,9 @@ fi:
subject: Äänestys käyttäjältä %{name} on päättynyt
body: "%{name} buustasi tilaasi:"
subject: "%{name} boostasi tilaasi"
title: Uusi buustaus
body: "%{name} tehosti viestiäsi:"
subject: "%{name} tehosti viestiäsi"
title: Uusi tehostus
subject: "%{name} julkaisi juuri"
@ -1475,7 +1496,7 @@ fi:
one: "%{count} video"
other: "%{count} videota"
boosted_from_html: Tehostettu %{acct_link}
boosted_from_html: Tehostus lähteestä %{acct_link}
content_warning: 'Sisältövaroitus: %{warning}'
default_language: Sama kuin käyttöliittymän kieli
@ -1490,7 +1511,7 @@ fi:
direct: Viestejä, jotka ovat näkyvissä vain mainituille käyttäjille, ei voi kiinnittää
limit: Olet jo kiinnittänyt suurimman mahdollisen määrän tuuttauksia
ownership: Muiden tuuttauksia ei voi kiinnittää
reblog: Buustausta ei voi kiinnittää
reblog: Tehostusta ei voi kiinnittää
one: "%{count} henkilö"
@ -1550,7 +1571,7 @@ fi:
min_reblogs_hint: Ei poista yhtään viestiäsi, jota on tehostettu vähintään näin monta kertaa. Jätä tyhjäksi poistaaksesi viestejä riippumatta niiden tehosteiden määrästä
pinned: Kiinnitetty tuuttaus
reblogged: buustasi
reblogged: tehosti
sensitive_content: Arkaluontoista sisältöä
@ -1624,7 +1645,7 @@ fi:
none: Varoitus %{acct}
sensitive: Sinun viestisi %{acct} merkitään arkaluonteisiksi tästä lähtien
silence: Tilisi %{acct} on rajoitettu
suspend: Tilisi %{acct} on keskeytetty
suspend: Tilisi %{acct} on jäädytetty
delete_statuses: Viestit poistettu
disable: Tili jäädytetty
@ -1632,7 +1653,7 @@ fi:
none: Varoitus
sensitive: Tili on merkitty arkaluonteiseksi
silence: Rajoitettu tili
suspend: Tilin käyttäminen keskeytetty
suspend: Tilin käyttäminen jäädytetty
edit_profile_action: Aseta profiili
edit_profile_step: Voit muokata profiiliasi lataamalla profiilikuvan, vaihtamalla näyttönimeä ja paljon muuta. Voit halutessasi arvioida uudet seuraajat ennen kuin he saavat seurata sinua.

View File

@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ fo:
private_comment_description_html: Fyri at hjálpa tær at fylgja við í, hvaðani innfluttir blokkar koma, verða innfluttu blokkarnir stovnaðir við hesi privatu viðmerkingini:<q>%{comment}</q>
private_comment_template: Innflutt frá %{source} tann %{date}
title: Innflyt navnaøkjablokeringar
invalid_domain_block: 'Ein ella fleiri navnaøkjablokeringar vóru umlopnar vegna hesar feil(ir): %{error}'
title: Innflyt navnaøkjablokeringar
no_file: Eingin fíla vald
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ fo:
none: Eingin
comment_description_html: 'Fyri at veita fleiri upplýsingar skrivaði %{name}:'
confirm_action: Vátta umsjónaratgerð móti @%{acct}
created_at: Meldað
delete_and_resolve: Strika postar
forwarded: Víðarisent
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ fo:
placeholder: Greið frá, hvørjar atgerðir hava verið gjørdar ella aðrar viðkomandi dagføringar...
title: Viðmerkingar
notes_description_html: Vís ella skriva viðmerkingar til onnur umsjónarfólk ella teg sjálva/n í framtíðini
processed_msg: 'Rapportering #%{id} liðugt viðgjørd'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Tak eina skjóta avgerð ella skrulla niðureftir fyri at síggja meldaða innihaldið:'
remote_user_placeholder: fjarbrúkarin frá %{instance}
reopen: Lat melding uppaftur
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ fo:
status: Støða
statuses: Meldað innihald
statuses_description_html: Tilfarið, sum brotið viðvíkur, fer at vera siterað í samskifti við meldaðu kontuni
delete_html: 'Tú er í ferð við at <strong>strika</strong> nakrar av postunum hjá <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Hetta fer at:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Tú er í ferð við at <strong>merkja</strong> nakrar av postunum hjá <strong>@%{acct}</strong> sum <strong>viðkvæmar</strong>. Hetta fer at:'
silence_html: 'Tú er í ferð við at <strong>avmarka</strong> kontuna hjá <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Hetta fer at:'
suspend_html: 'Tú er í ferð við at gera kontuna hjá <strong>@%{acct}</strong> <strong>óvirkna</strong>. Hetta fer at:'
delete_html: Strika postar, ið eru farnir útum mark
mark_as_sensitive_html: Merk postar, ið eru farnir um mark, sum viðkvæmar
silence_html: Avmarka hvussu langt <strong>@%{acct}</strong> røkkur við einans at lata vangan og innihaldið hjá teimum vera sjónligt hjá fólki, sum longu fylgja teimum ella manuelt sláa vangan upp
suspend_html: Ger kontuna <strong>@%{acct}</strong> óvirkna, soleiðis at vangin og innihaldið verður óframkomiligt og ómøguligt at samvirka við
close_report: 'Merk kæruna #%{id} sum loysta'
close_reports_html: Merk <strong>allar</strong> kærur móti <strong>@%{acct}</strong> sum loystar
delete_data_html: Strika vangan og innihaldið hjá <strong>@%{acct}</strong> um 30 dagar uttan so at kontan verður gjørd virkin aftur áðrenn tað
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> ger at móttaka eina ávaring við hesum innihaldi:"
record_strike_html: Skráset eitt brot á <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, soleiðis at tað kann havast í huga í samband við møgulig framtíðar mishald
send_email_html: Send <strong>@%{acct}</strong> eitt teldubræv við eini ávaring
warning_placeholder: Møguligar eyka grundgevingar fyri umsjónaratgerð.
target_origin: Uppruni hjá meldaðu kontuni
title: Meldingar
unassign: Strika tillutan
unknown_action_msg: 'Ókend atgerð: %{action}'
unresolved: Óloyst
updated_at: Dagført
view_profile: Vís vangamynd
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ fo:
apply_for_account: Bið um eina kontu
change_password: Loyniorð
wrong_email_hint: Um hesin teldupoststaðurin ikki er rættur, so kanst tú broyta hann í kontustillingunum.
delete_account: Strika kontu
delete_account_html: Ynskir tú at strika kontuna, so kanst tú <a href="%{path}">halda fram her</a>. Tú verður spurd/ur um váttan.

View File

@ -575,7 +575,10 @@ fr-QC:
mark_as_sensitive_description_html: Les médias des messages signalés seront marqués comme sensibles et une sanction sera enregistrée pour vous aider à prendre les mesures appropriées en cas d'infractions futures par le même compte.
other_description_html: Voir plus d'options pour contrôler le comportement du compte et personnaliser la communication vers le compte signalé.
resolve_description_html: Aucune mesure ne sera prise contre le compte signalé, aucune sanction ne sera enregistrée et le sigalement sera clôturé.
silence_description_html: Le compte ne sera visible que par ceux qui le suivent déjà ou qui le recherchent manuellement, ce qui limite fortement sa portée. Cette action peut toujours être annulée. Cloture tous les signalements concernant ce compte.
suspend_description_html: Le compte et tous ses contenus seront inaccessibles et finalement supprimés, et il sera impossible d'interagir avec lui. Réversible dans les 30 jours. Cloture tous les signalements concernant ce compte.
actions_description_html: Décidez des mesures à prendre pour résoudre ce signalement. Si vous prenez des mesures punitives contre le compte signalé, une notification sera envoyée par e-mail, sauf si la catégorie <strong>Spam</strong> est sélectionnée.
actions_description_remote_html: Décidez des mesures à prendre pour résoudre ce signalement. Cela n'affectera que la manière dont <strong>votre</strong> serveur communique avec ce compte distant et traite son contenu.
add_to_report: Ajouter davantage au rapport
are_you_sure: Voulez-vous vraiment faire ça ?
assign_to_self: Me lassigner
@ -711,6 +714,8 @@ fr-QC:
preamble: Faire apparaître un contenu intéressant est essentiel pour interagir avec de nouveaux utilisateurs qui ne connaissent peut-être personne sur Mastodonte. Contrôlez le fonctionnement des différentes fonctionnalités de découverte sur votre serveur.
profile_directory: Annuaire des profils
public_timelines: Fils publics
publish_discovered_servers: Publier les serveurs découverts
publish_statistics: Publier les statistiques
title: Découverte
trends: Tendances
@ -1365,6 +1370,9 @@ fr-QC:
unrecognized_emoji: nest pas un émoji reconnu
activity: Activité du compte
confirm_follow_selected_followers: Voulez-vous vraiment suivre les abonné⋅e⋅s sélectionné⋅e⋅s ?
confirm_remove_selected_followers: Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les abonné⋅e⋅s sélectionné⋅e⋅s ?
confirm_remove_selected_follows: Voulez-vous vraiment suivre les abonnements sélectionnés ?
dormant: Dormant
follow_selected_followers: Suivre les abonné·e·s sélectionné·e·s
followers: Abonné·e

View File

@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ fr:
create: Créer le blocage
hint: Le blocage de domaine nempêchera pas la création de comptes dans la base de données, mais il appliquera automatiquement et rétrospectivement des méthodes de modération spécifiques sur ces comptes.
desc_html: "<strong>Limiter</strong> rendra les messages des comptes de ce domaine invisibles à ceux qui ne les suivent pas. <strong>Suspendre</strong> supprimera tout le contenu, les médias, et données de profile pour les comptes de ce domaine de votre serveur. Utilisez <strong>Aucun</strong> si vous voulez simplement rejeter les fichiers multimédia."
desc_html: "<strong>Limiter</strong> rendra les messages des comptes de ce domaine invisibles pour tous les comptes qui ne les suivent pas. <strong>Suspendre</strong> supprimera de votre serveur tout le contenu, les médias et données de profil pour les comptes sur ce domaine. Utilisez <strong>Aucun</strong> si vous voulez simplement rejeter les fichiers multimédia."
noop: Aucune
silence: Limiter
suspend: Suspendre
@ -438,11 +438,12 @@ fr:
description_html: Vous êtes sur le point d'importer une liste de blocs de domaine. Veuillez examiner cette liste très attentivement, spécialement si vous n'êtes pas l'auteur de cette liste.
existing_relationships_warning: Relations de suivi existantes
private_comment_description_html: 'Pour vous aider à suivre d''où viennent les blocs importés, des blocs importés seront créés avec le commentaire privé suivant : <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_description_html: 'Pour vous aider à savoir d''où proviennent les blocages importés, ceux-ci seront créés avec le commentaire privé suivant : <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importé depuis %{source} le %{date}
title: Importer des blocs de domaine
title: Importer des blocages de domaine
invalid_domain_block: 'Un ou plusieurs blocages de domaine ont été ignorés en raison des erreurs suivantes : %{error}'
title: Importer des blocs de domaine
title: Importer des blocages de domaine
no_file: Aucun fichier sélectionné
description_html: "<strong>Les recommandations d'abonnement aident les nouvelles personnes à trouver rapidement du contenu intéressant</strong>. Si un·e utilisateur·rice n'a pas assez interagi avec les autres pour avoir des recommandations personnalisées, ces comptes sont alors recommandés. La sélection est mise à jour quotidiennement depuis un mélange de comptes ayant le plus d'interactions récentes et le plus grand nombre d'abonné·e·s locaux pour une langue donnée."
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ fr:
none: Aucun
comment_description_html: 'Pour fournir plus d''informations, %{name} a écrit :'
confirm_action: Confirmer l'action de modération contre @%{acct}
created_at: Signalé
delete_and_resolve: Supprimer les messages
forwarded: Transféré
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ fr:
placeholder: Décrivez quelles actions ont été prises, ou toute autre mise à jour…
title: Remarques
notes_description_html: Voir et laisser des notes aux autres modérateurs et à votre futur moi-même
processed_msg: 'Le signalement #%{id} a été traité avec succès'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Faites une action rapide ou faites défiler vers le bas pour voir le contenu signalé :'
remote_user_placeholder: l'utilisateur·rice distant·e de %{instance}
reopen: Ré-ouvrir le signalement
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ fr:
status: Statut
statuses: Contenu signalé
statuses_description_html: Le contenu offensant sera cité dans la communication avec le compte signalé
delete_html: 'Vous êtes sur le point de <strong>supprimer</strong> certains messages de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Cela va :'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Vous êtes sur le point de <strong>marquer</strong> certains messages de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> comme <strong>sensibles</strong>. Cela va :'
silence_html: 'Vous êtes sur le point de <strong>limiter</strong> le compte de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Cela va :'
suspend_html: 'Vous êtes sur le point de <strong>suspendre</strong> le compte de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Cela va :'
delete_html: supprimer les messages incriminés
mark_as_sensitive_html: marquer le média des messages incriminés comme sensible
silence_html: limiter drastiquement la portée du compte de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> en rendant son profil, ainsi que ses contenus, visibles uniquement des personnes déjà abonnées ou qui le recherchent manuellement
suspend_html: suspendre le compte de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, ce qui empêche toute interaction avec son profil et tout accès à ses contenus
close_report: 'marquer le signalement #%{id} comme résolu'
close_reports_html: marquer <strong>tous</strong> les signalements de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> comme résolus
delete_data_html: effacer le profil de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> et ses contenus dans 30 jours, à moins que la suspension du compte ne soit annulée entre temps
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> recevra un avertissement contenant les éléments suivants :"
record_strike_html: enregistrer une sanction contre <strong>@%{acct}</strong> pour vous aider à prendre des mesures supplémentaires en cas d'infractions futures de ce compte
send_email_html: envoyer un courriel d'avertissement à <strong>@%{acct}</strong>
warning_placeholder: Arguments supplémentaires pour l'action de modération (facultatif).
target_origin: Origine du compte signalé
title: Signalements
unassign: Dés-assigner
unknown_action_msg: 'Action inconnue : %{action}'
unresolved: Non résolus
updated_at: Mis à jour
view_profile: Voir le profil
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ fr:
apply_for_account: Demander un compte
change_password: Mot de passe
wrong_email_hint: Si cette adresse courriel est incorrecte, vous pouvez la modifier dans vos paramètres de compte.
delete_account: Supprimer le compte
delete_account_html: Si vous désirez supprimer votre compte, vous pouvez <a href="%{path}">cliquer ici</a>. Il vous sera demandé de confirmer cette action.

View File

@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ fy:
private_comment_description_html: 'Om jo te helpen byhâlden wêrt de ymportearre blokkaden wei komme, wurde de ymportearre blokkaden mei de folgjende priveeopmerking oanmakke: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Ymportearre fan %{source} op %{date}
title: Domeinblokkaden ymportearje
invalid_domain_block: 'Ien of mear domeinblokkaden binne oerslein, fanwegen de folgjende flater(s): %{error}'
title: Domeinblokkaden ymportearje
no_file: Gjin bestân selektearre
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ fy:
none: Gjin
comment_description_html: 'Om mear ynformaasje te jaan, skreau %{name}:'
confirm_action: Moderaasjemaatregelen tsjin %{acct} befêstigje
created_at: Rapportearre op
delete_and_resolve: Berjocht fuortsmite
forwarded: Trochstjoerd
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ fy:
placeholder: Beskriuw hokker maatregels nommen binne of oare relatearre opmerkingen…
title: Opmerkingen
notes_description_html: Besjoch en lit opmerkingen efter foar oare moderatoaren en foar jo takomstige sels
processed_msg: 'Rapprtaazje #%{id} mei sukses ferwurke'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Nim in flugge maatregel of skow nei ûnder om de rapportearre ynhâld te besjen:'
remote_user_placeholder: de eksterne brûker fan %{instance}
reopen: Rapport opnij iepenje
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ fy:
status: Steat
statuses: Rapportearre ynhâld
statuses_description_html: De problematyske ynhâld wurdt oan it rapportearre account meidield
delete_html: 'Jo stean op it punt om inkelde berjochten fan <strong>@%{acct}</strong> <strong>fuort te smiten</strong>. Dit sil:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Jo stean op it punt om inkelde berjochten fan <strong>@%{acct}</strong> as <strong>gefoelich</strong> te <strong>markearjen</strong>. Dit sil:'
silence_html: 'Jo stean op it punt de account fan <strong>@%{acct}</strong> te <strong>beheinen</strong>. Dit sil:'
suspend_html: 'Jo stean op it punt de account fan <strong>@%{acct}</strong> te <strong>beskoatteljen</strong>. Dit sil:'
delete_html: De problematyske berjochten fuortsmite
mark_as_sensitive_html: De media fan de problematyske berjochten as gefoelich markearje
silence_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> earnstich beheine, troch it profyl ende ynhâld allinnich sichtber te meitsjen foar de minsken dyt harren al folgje of hantmjittich it profyl opsykje"
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> blokkearje, sadat it profyl en de ynhâld net mear tagonklik is en it net mooglik is om ynteraksje dêr mei te hawwen"
close_report: 'Rapportaazje #%{id} as oplost markearje'
close_reports_html: "<strong>Alle</strong> meldingen tsjin <strong>@%{acct}</strong> as oplost markearje"
delete_data_html: It profyl en de ynhâld fan <strong>@%{acct}</strong> wurde nei 30 dagen fan no ôf fuortsmiten, útsein as de account yn de tuskentiid net mear blokkearre wurdt
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> sil in warskôging ûntfange mei de folgjende ynhâld:"
record_strike_html: In ban tsjin <strong>@%{acct}</strong> ynstelle, om jo te helpen by takomstige skeiningen fan dizze acount te eskalearjen
send_email_html: Stjoer <strong>@%{acct}</strong> in warskôgings-e-mailberjocht
warning_placeholder: Ekstra opsjonele reden foar de moderaasje-aksje.
target_origin: Orizjineel fan rapportearre account
title: Rapportaazjes
unassign: Net langer tawize
unknown_action_msg: 'Unbekende aksje: %{action}'
unresolved: Net oplost
updated_at: Bywurke
view_profile: Profyl besjen
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ fy:
apply_for_account: Account oanfreegje
change_password: Wachtwurd
wrong_email_hint: As it e-mailadres net korrekt is, kinne jo dat wizigje yn de accountynstellingen.
delete_account: Account fuortsmite
delete_account_html: Wanneart jo jo account graach fuortsmite wolle, kinne jo dat <a href="%{path}">hjir dwaan</a>. Wy freegje jo dêr om in befêstiging.

View File

@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ gl:
private_comment_description_html: 'Para axudarche a lembrar de onde veñen os bloqueos importados, imos crealos engadindo o seguinte comentario privado: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importada desde %{source} o %{date}
title: Importar bloqueos de dominio
invalid_domain_block: 'Un ou varios dominios non se bloquearon debido ao seguintes erros: %{error}'
title: Importar bloqueos de dominio
no_file: Ningún ficheiro seleccionado
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ gl:
none: Ningún
comment_description_html: 'Como información engadida, %{name} escribiu:'
confirm_action: Confirma a acción de moderación contra @%{acct}
created_at: Denunciado
delete_and_resolve: Eliminar publicacións
forwarded: Reenviado
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ gl:
placeholder: Describir que accións foron tomadas ou calquera outra novidade sobre esta denuncia...
title: Notas
notes_description_html: Ver e deixar unha nota para ti no futuro e outras moderadoras
processed_msg: 'Procesada correctamente a denuncia #%{id}'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Toma unha acción rápida ou desprázate abaixo para ver o contido denunciado:'
remote_user_placeholder: a usuaria remota desde %{instance}
reopen: Reabrir denuncia
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ gl:
status: Estado
statuses: Contido denunciado
statuses_description_html: O contido ofensivo será citado na comunicación coa conta denunciada
delete_html: 'Vas <strong>eliminar</strong> algunha das publicacións de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Serán:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Vas <strong>marcar</strong> algunha das publicacións de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> como <strong>sensibles</strong>. Serán:'
silence_html: 'Vas <strong>limitar</strong> a conta <strong>@%{acct}</strong>:'
suspend_html: 'Vas <strong>suspender</strong> a conta <strong>@%{acct}</strong>:'
delete_html: Eliminar as publicacións ofensivas
mark_as_sensitive_html: Marcar as publicacións ofensivas como sensibles
silence_html: Limitar moito a visibilidade e alcance da conta <strong>@%{acct}</strong> facendo que o seu perfil e contidos sexan visibles só por persoas que a seguen ou que a busquen de xeito activo
suspend_html: Suspender a conta <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, facendo que o seu perfil e contidos non sexan accesibles e imposible interactuar con ela
close_report: 'Marcar a denuncia #%{id} como resolta'
close_reports_html: Marcar <strong>todas</strong> as denuncias contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> como resoltas
delete_data_html: Eliminar o perfil e contidos de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> para os próximos 30 días a non ser que sexa suspendida nese período
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> vai recibir un aviso co seguinte contido:"
record_strike_html: Anotar un aviso contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> para axudarche a xestionar futuros problemas con esta conta
send_email_html: Enviar un email de aviso a <strong>@%{acct}</strong>
warning_placeholder: Razóns adicionais optativas para a acción de moderación.
target_origin: Orixe da conta denunciada
title: Denuncias
unassign: Non asignar
unknown_action_msg: 'Acción descoñecida: %{action}'
unresolved: Non resolto
updated_at: Actualizado
view_profile: Ver perfil
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ gl:
apply_for_account: Solicita unha conta
change_password: Contrasinal
wrong_email_hint: Se o enderezo de email non é correcto, podes cambialo nos axustes da conta.
delete_account: Eliminar conta
delete_account_html: Se queres eliminar a túa conta, podes <a href="%{path}">facelo aquí</a>. Deberás confirmar a acción.
@ -1549,7 +1573,7 @@ gl:
'7889238': 3 meses
min_age_label: Límite temporal
min_favs: Manter as publicacións favoritas máis de
min_favs_hint: Non elimina ningunha das túas publicacións que recibiron máis desta cantidade de favoritos. Deixa en branco para eliminar publicacións independentemente do número de favorecementos
min_favs_hint: Non elimina ningunha das túas publicacións que recibiron máis desta cantidade de favorecementos. Deixa en branco para eliminar publicacións independentemente do número de favorecementos
min_reblogs: Manter publicacións promovidas máis de
min_reblogs_hint: Non elimina ningunha das túas publicacións se foron promovidas máis deste número de veces. Deixa en branco para eliminar publicacións independentemente do seu número de promocións

View File

@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ he:
private_comment_description_html: 'כדי לסייע במעקב מאיכן הגיעו חסימות, חסימות מיובאות ילוו בהערה פרטית זו: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: יובא מתוך %{source} בתאריך %{date}
title: יבוא רשימת שרתים חסומים
invalid_domain_block: 'חסימה של שרת אחד או יותר דולגו בשל השגיאה הבאה: %{error}'
title: יבוא רשימת שרתים חסומים
no_file: לא נבחר קובץ
@ -613,6 +614,7 @@ he:
none: ללא
comment_description_html: 'על מנת לספק עוד מידע, %{name} כתב\ה:'
confirm_action: נא לאשר פעולת משמעת לגבי חשבון %{acct}
created_at: מדווח
delete_and_resolve: מחיקת הודעות
forwarded: קודם
@ -629,6 +631,7 @@ he:
placeholder: תאר/י אילו פעולות ננקטו, או עדכונים קשורים אחרים...
title: הערות
notes_description_html: צפייה והשארת הערות למנחים אחרים או לעצמך העתידי
processed_msg: דיווח %{id} עוּבָּד בהצלחה
quick_actions_description_html: 'נקוט/י פעולה מהירה או גלול/י למטה לצפייה בתוכן המדווח:'
remote_user_placeholder: המשתמש המרוחק מ-%{instance}
reopen: פתיחת דו"ח מחדש
@ -641,9 +644,28 @@ he:
status: מצב
statuses: התוכן עליו דווח
statuses_description_html: התוכן הפוגע יצוטט בתקשורת עם החשבון המדווח
delete_html: 'הפעולה <strong>תמחק</strong> כמה הודעות של חשבון <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. תוצאות הפעולה יהיו:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'הפעולה הבאה <strong>תסמן</strong> כמה הודעות של חשבון <strong>@%{acct}</strong> כ<strong>רגישות</strong>. תוצאות הפעולה יהיו:'
silence_html: 'הפעולה הבאה <strong>תגביל</strong> את החשבון <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. תוצאות הפעולה יהיו:'
suspend_html: 'הפעולה הבאה <strong>תקפיא</strong> את החשבון <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. תוצאות הפעולה יהיו:'
delete_html: הסרת ההודעות החורגות
mark_as_sensitive_html: סימון המדיה בהודעות החורגות כרגיש לצפיה
silence_html: הגבלה חמורה של תפוצת <strong>@%{acct}</strong> על ידי הפיכת החשבון ותכניו לזמינים רק למי שכבר עוקב אחריו או מי שיחפשו את עמוד הפרופיל שלו ישירות
suspend_html: הקפאת החשבון <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, הפיכת הפרופיל והתוכן לנסתרים ולא ניתנים לתקשורת
close_report: 'סימון דיווח #%{id} בתור פתור'
close_reports_html: סימון <strong>כל</strong> הדיווחים נגד <strong>@%{acct}</strong> בתור פתורים
delete_data_html: למחוק את הפרופיל והתוכן של <strong>@%{acct}</strong> בעוד 30 יום אלא אם תוסר ההגבלה עליהם לפני כן
preview_preamble_html: 'שליחת אזהרה אל <strong>@%{acct}</strong> בזו הלשון:'
record_strike_html: ציין נקודה שחורה נגד <strong>@%{acct}</strong> כדי לסייע בשיפוטו בדיווחים עתידיים על חריגות
send_email_html: שליחת דואל אזהרה אל <strong>@%{acct}</strong>
warning_placeholder: צידוקים אפשריים נוספים לפעולה המשמעתית.
target_origin: מקור החשבון המדווח
title: דיווחים
unassign: ביטול הקצאה
unknown_action_msg: 'פעולה לא מוכרת: %{action}'
unresolved: לא פתור
updated_at: עודכן
view_profile: צפה בפרופיל
@ -979,6 +1001,8 @@ he:
apply_for_account: הגשת בקשה לחשבון
change_password: סיסמה
wrong_email_hint: אם כתובת הדואל הזו איננה נכונה, ניתן לשנות אותה בעמוד ההגדרות.
delete_account: מחיקת חשבון
delete_account_html: אם ברצונך למחוק את החשבון, ניתן <a href="%{path}">להמשיך כאן</a>. תתבקש/י לספק אישור נוסף.

View File

@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ hu:
not_subscribed: Nincs feliratkozás
pending: Engedélyezés alatt
perform_full_suspension: Felfüggesztés
previous_strikes: Korábbi szankciók
previous_strikes: Korábbi felrótt vétségek
one: Ezt a fiókot <strong>egyszer</strong> szankcionálták.
other: Ezt a fiókot <strong>%{count}</strong> esetben szankcionálták.
one: Ehhez a fiókhoz <strong>egyszer</strong> róttak fel vétséget.
other: Ehhez a fiókhoz <strong>%{count}</strong> esetben róttak fel vétséget.
promote: Előléptetés
protocol: Protokoll
public: Nyilvános
@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ hu:
private_comment_description_html: 'Az importált tiltások forrásának könnyebb követése érdekében, az importált tiltások a következő privát megjegyzéssel lesznek létrehozva: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: 'Innen importálva: %{source}, ekkor: %{date}'
title: Domain tiltások importálása
invalid_domain_block: 'Egy vagy több domain letiltást kihagytunk a következő hiba(ák) miatt: %{error}'
title: Domain tiltások importálása
no_file: Nincs fájl kiválasztva
@ -571,10 +572,10 @@ hu:
action_log: Audit napló
action_taken_by: 'Kezelte:'
delete_description_html: A bejelentett bejegyzéseket törölni fogjuk és feljegyzünk egy szankciót, hogy segítsük az eszkalációt a fiók későbbi kihágásai esetén.
mark_as_sensitive_description_html: A bejelentett bejegyzések médaitartalmait érzékenynek jelöljük, és rögzítünk egy szankciót, hogy segítsük az eszkalációt a fiók későbbi kihágásai esetében.
delete_description_html: A bejelentett bejegyzéseket törölni fogjuk és feljegyzünk egy vétséget, hogy segítsük az eszkalációt a fiók későbbi kihágásai esetén.
mark_as_sensitive_description_html: A bejelentett bejegyzések médaitartalmait érzékenynek jelöljük, és rögzítünk egy vétséget, hogy segítsük az eszkalációt a fiók későbbi kihágásai esetén.
other_description_html: További lehetőségek megjelenítése a fiók viselkedésének szabályozásához, és a jelentett fiók kommunikációjának testreszabásához.
resolve_description_html: Nem csinálunk semmit a bejelentett fiókkal, nem jegyzünk fel szankciót, és bezárjuk a bejelentést.
resolve_description_html: Nem csinálunk semmit a bejelentett fiókkal, nem jegyzünk fel vétséget, és bezárjuk a bejelentést.
silence_description_html: A profil csak azok számára lesz látható, akik már követik, vagy kézzel rákeresnek, jelentősen korlátozva annak elérését. Ez a művelet bármikor visszafordítható. A fiókkal szemben indított minden bejelentést lezárunk.
suspend_description_html: A fiók és minden tartalma elérhetetlenné válik és végül törlésre kerül. A fiókkal kapcsolatbalépni lehetetlen lesz. Ez a művelet 30 napig visszafordítható. A fiók ellen indított minden bejelentést lezárunk.
actions_description_html: Döntsd el, mit csináljunk, hogy megoldjuk ezt a bejelentést. Ha valamilyen büntető intézkedést hozol a bejelentett fiók ellen, küldünk neki egy figyelmeztetést e-mail-ben, kivéve ha a <strong>Spam</strong> kategóriát választod.
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ hu:
none: Egyik sem
comment_description_html: 'Hogy további információkat adjon, %{name} ezt írta:'
confirm_action: Moderációs művelet jóváhagyása @%{acct} fiókon
created_at: Jelentve
delete_and_resolve: Bejegyzések törlése
forwarded: Továbbítva
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ hu:
placeholder: Jegyezd le, mi tettünk az ügy érdekében, vagy bármilyen változást...
title: Megjegyzések
notes_description_html: Megtekintés, és megjegyzések hagyása más moderátoroknak
processed_msg: 'Bejelentés #%{id} sikeresen feldolgozva'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Hozz egy gyors intézkedést, vagy görgess le a bejelentett tartalomhoz:'
remote_user_placeholder: 'a távoli felhasználó innen: %{instance}'
reopen: Bejelentés újranyitása
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ hu:
status: Állapot
statuses: Jelentett tartalom
statuses_description_html: A sértő tartalmat idézni fogjuk a bejelentett fiókkal való kommunikáció során
delete_html: 'Arra készülsz, hogy <strong>eltávolítsd</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> néhány bejegyzését. Ez a következőket okozza:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Arra készülsz, hogy <strong>érzékenynek jelöld</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> néhány tartalmát. Ez a következőket okozza:'
silence_html: 'Arra készülsz, hogy <strong>korlátozd</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> fiókját. Ez a következőket okozza:'
suspend_html: 'Arra készülsz, hogy <strong>felfüggeszd</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> fiókját. Ez a következőket okozza:'
delete_html: Sértő bejegyzések eltávolítása
mark_as_sensitive_html: Sértő bejegyzések médiatartalmainak érzékenyként történő megjelölése
silence_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> fiók elérésének jelentős korlátozása azzal, hogy ennek profilja és tartalmai csak olyanoknak legyen látható, akik követik vagy manuálisan rákeresnek"
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> felfüggesztése a profil és tartalmainak elérhetetlenné tételével, a fiókkal való interakció ellehetetlenítésével"
close_report: 'Bejelentés #%{id} megjelölése megoldottként'
close_reports_html: "<strong>Minden</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> ellen tett bejelentés megjelölése megoldottként"
delete_data_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> profiljának és tartalmainak törlése 30 nap múlva, hacsak addig nem oldják fel a felfüggesztést"
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> a következő tartalommal fog figyelmeztetést kapni:"
record_strike_html: Vétség felrovása a <strong>@%{acct}</strong> fiók ellen, hogy segítsük az eszkalációt a fiók jövőbeni kihágásai esetén
send_email_html: Figyelmeztető email küldése <strong>@%{acct}</strong> fiók részére
warning_placeholder: Opcionális kiegészítő indoklás a moderációs művelethez.
target_origin: A jelentett fiók eredete
title: Bejelentések
unassign: Hozzárendelés törlése
unknown_action_msg: 'Ismeretlen művelet: %{action}'
unresolved: Megoldatlan
updated_at: Frissítve
view_profile: Profil megtekintése
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ hu:
apply_for_account: Fiók kérése
change_password: Jelszó
wrong_email_hint: Ha az emailcím nem helyes, a fiókbeállításokban megváltoztathatod.
delete_account: Felhasználói fiók törlése
delete_account_html: Felhasználói fiókod törléséhez <a href="%{path}">kattints ide</a>. A rendszer újbóli megerősítést fog kérni.
@ -990,7 +1014,7 @@ hu:
functional: A fiókod teljesen működőképes.
pending: A jelentkezésed engedélyezésre vár. Ez eltarthat egy ideig. Kapsz egy e-mailt, ha a kérelmedet jóváhagyták.
redirecting_to: A fiókod inaktív, mert jelenleg ide %{acct} van átirányítva.
view_strikes: Fiókod elleni korábbi szankciók megtekintése
view_strikes: Fiókod ellen felrótt korábbi vétségek megtekintése
too_fast: Túl gyorsan küldted el az űrlapot, próbáld később.
use_security_key: Biztonsági kulcs használata
@ -1053,7 +1077,7 @@ hu:
action_taken: Intézkedés
appeal: Fellebbezés
appeal_approved: Ezt a szankciót eredményesen fellebbezték, így már nem érvényes
appeal_approved: Ezt a felrótt vétséget eredményesen fellebbezték, így már nem érvényes
appeal_rejected: A fellebbezést visszautasították
appeal_submitted_at: Fellebbezés beküldve
appealed_msg: A fellebbezésedet beküldtük. Ha jóváhagyták, értesítünk.
@ -1464,7 +1488,7 @@ hu:
profile: Profil
relationships: Követések és követők
statuses_cleanup: Bejegyzések automatikus törlése
strikes: Moderációs szankciók
strikes: Moderációs felrótt vétségek
two_factor_authentication: Kétlépcsős hitelesítés
webauthn_authentication: Biztonsági kulcsok
@ -1558,7 +1582,7 @@ hu:
sensitive_content: Kényes tartalom
too_late: Túl késő, hogy fellebbezd ezt a szankciót
too_late: Túl késő, hogy fellebbezd ezt a felrótt vétséget
does_not_match_previous_name: nem illeszkedik az előző névvel
@ -1588,11 +1612,11 @@ hu:
action: Ugrás a fiókodhoz
explanation: A fiókod %{appeal_date}-i fellebbezése, mely a %{strike_date}-i szankcióval kapcsolatos, jóváhagyásra került. A fiókod megint makulátlan.
explanation: A fiókod %{appeal_date}-i fellebbezése, mely a %{strike_date}-i vétségeddel kapcsolatos, jóváhagyásra került. A fiókod megint makulátlan.
subject: A %{date}-i fellebbezésedet jóváhagyták
title: Fellebbezés jóváhagyva
explanation: A %{appeal_date}-i fellebbezésed, amely a fiókod %{strike_date}-i szankciójával kapcsolatos, elutasításra került.
explanation: A %{appeal_date}-i fellebbezésed, amely a fiókod %{strike_date}-i vétségével kapcsolatos, elutasításra került.
subject: A %{date}-i fellebbezésedet visszautasították
title: Fellebbezés visszautasítva

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ hy:
contact_missing: Սահմանված չէ
contact_unavailable: Ոչինչ չկա
hosted_on: Մաստոդոնը տեղակայուած է %{domain}ում
title: Մասին
follow: Հետևել
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ hy:
confirm: Հաստատել
confirmed: Հաստատված է
confirming: Հաստատման սպասող
custom: Յատուկ
delete: Ջնջել տվյալները
deleted: Ջնջված է
demote: Աստիճանազրկել
@ -248,6 +250,8 @@ hy:
add_new: Թոյլատրել ֆեդերացիա տիրոյթի հետ
created_msg: Տիրոյթը յաջողութեամբ թոյլատրուեց ֆեդերացուելու
export: Արտահանել
import: Ներմուծել
undo: Չթոյլատրել ֆեդերացիան տիրոյթի հետ
add_new: Աւելացնել նոր տիրոյթի արգելափակում
@ -255,6 +259,8 @@ hy:
destroyed_msg: Տիրոյթի արգելափակումը ետարկուեց
domain: Տիրոյթ
edit: Խմբագրել տիրոյթի արգելափակումը
export: Արտահանել
import: Ներմուծել
create: Ստեղծել արգելափակում
@ -281,10 +287,15 @@ hy:
status: Կարգավիճակ
title: Խորհուրդ ենք տալիս հետեւել
title: Հասանելի
back_to_all: Բոլորը
back_to_limited: Սահամանփակ
back_to_warning: Զգուշացում
by_domain: Դոմեն
silence: Սահմանափակ
all: Բոլորը
unavailable: Անհասանելի է
@ -354,6 +365,7 @@ hy:
create: Ավելացնել նշում
delete: Ջնջել
title: Նշում
reopen: Վերաբացել բողոքը
report: 'Բողոք #%{id}'
reported_account: Բողոքարկուած հաշիւ
@ -365,6 +377,14 @@ hy:
unresolved: Չլուծուած
updated_at: Թարմացուած
view_profile: Նայել անձնական էջը
invites: Հրաւէրներ
moderation: Մոդերացիա
special: Յատուկ
delete: Ջնջել
administrator: Ադմինիստրատոր
add_new: Աւելացնել կանոն
delete: Ջնջել
@ -372,6 +392,8 @@ hy:
empty: Սերուերի կանոնները դեռեւս սահմանուած չեն։
title: Սերուերի կանոնները
title: Մասին
all: Բոլորին
disabled: Ոչ մէկին

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ id:
reject: Tolak
rejected_msg: Berhasil menolak permintaan pendaftaran %{username}
remote_suspension_irreversible: Data akun ini telah dihapus permanen.
remote_suspension_reversible_hint_html: Akun ini telah ditangguhkan di server mereka, dan data akan dihapus total pada %{date}. Sebelum itu, server jarak jauh dapat memulihkan akun ini tanpa efek samping. Jika Anda ingin menghapus semua data akun langsung, Anda dapat mengikuti bawah ini.
remove_avatar: Hapus avatar
remove_header: Hapus header
removed_avatar_msg: Berhasil menghapus gambar avatar %{username}
@ -432,6 +433,7 @@ id:
private_comment_description_html: 'Untuk membantu Anda melacak asal blok yang diimpor, blok yang diimpor akan dibuat dengan komentar pribadi berikut: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Diimpor dari %{source} pada %{date}
title: Impor blok domain
invalid_domain_block: 'Satu atau lebih blokir domain dilewati karena kesalahan berikut: %{error}'
title: Impor blok domain
no_file: Tidak ada file dipilih

View File

@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ is:
private_comment_description_html: 'Tið að aðstoða þig við að rekja hvaðan lokkanir koma, innfluttar lokanir verða búnar til með eftirfarndi athugasemd: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Flutt inn frá %{source} þann %{date}
title: Flytja inn útilokanir léna
invalid_domain_block: 'Einni eða fleiri útilokunum léna var sleppt vegna eftirfarandi villu/villna: %{error}'
title: Flytja inn útilokanir léna
no_file: Engin skrá valin
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ is:
none: Ekkert
comment_description_html: 'Til að gefa nánari upplýsingar skrifaði %{name}:'
confirm_action: Staðfesta umsjónaraðgerðir gagnvart @%{acct}
created_at: Tilkynnt
delete_and_resolve: Eyða færslum
forwarded: Áframsent
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ is:
placeholder: Lýstu til hvaða aðgerða hefur verið gripið eða uppfærðu inn aðrar tengdar upplýsingar...
title: Minnispunktar
notes_description_html: Skoðaðu og skrifaðu minnispunkta til annarra stjórnenda og sjálfs þín
processed_msg: 'Tókst að meðhöndla kæruna #%{id}'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Beittu flýtiaðgerð eða skrunaðu niður til að skoða kært efni:'
remote_user_placeholder: fjartengda notandann frá %{instance}
reopen: Enduropna kæru
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ is:
status: Staða
statuses: Kært efni
statuses_description_html: Óviðeigandi efni verður tiltekið í samskiptum við kærðan notandaaðgang
delete_html: 'Þú er í þann mund að fara að <strong>fjarlægja</strong> sumar af færslunum frá <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Þetta mun:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Þú er í þann mund að fara að <strong>merkja</strong> sumar af færslunum frá <strong>@%{acct}</strong> sem <strong>viðkvæmar</strong>. Þetta mun:'
silence_html: 'Þú er í þann mund að fara að <strong>takmarka aðganginn</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Þetta mun:'
suspend_html: 'Þú er í þann mund að fara að <strong>frysta</strong> aðganginn hjá <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Þetta mun:'
delete_html: Fjarlægja viðkomandi færslur
mark_as_sensitive_html: Merkja myndefni í viðkomandi færslum sem viðkvæmt
silence_html: Takmarka verulega umfangið hjá <strong>@%{acct}</strong> með því að gera notandasniðið og efni þess einungis sýnilegt fólki sem þegar fylgist með viðkomandi eða þeim sem fletta handvirkt upp upplýsingunum
suspend_html: Setja <strong>@%{acct}</strong> í frysti, gera notandasniðið og efni þess óaðgengilegt án mögulegrar gagnvirkni
close_report: 'Merkja kæruna #%{id} sem leysta'
close_reports_html: Merkja <strong>allar</strong> kærur gagnavart <strong>@%{acct}</strong> sem leystar
delete_data_html: Eyða notandasniði <strong>@%{acct}</strong> og efni þess eftir 30 daga nema viðkomandi verði tekinn úr frysti í millitíðinni
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> mun fá aðvörun með eftirfarandi texta:"
record_strike_html: Skrá refsingu gagnvart <strong>@%{acct}</strong> til að geta betur átt við brot frá þessum aðgangi í framtíðinni
send_email_html: Senda <strong>@%{acct}</strong> aðvörun í tölvupósti
warning_placeholder: Valkvæðar aðrar ástæður fyrir umsjónaraðgerðum.
target_origin: Uppruni kærða notandaaðgangsins
title: Kærur
unassign: Aftengja úthlutun
unknown_action_msg: 'Óþekkt aðgerð: %{action}'
unresolved: Óleyst
updated_at: Uppfært
view_profile: Skoða notandasnið
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ is:
apply_for_account: Biðja um notandaaðgang
change_password: Lykilorð
wrong_email_hint: Ef það tölvupóstfang er ekki rétt geturðu breytt því í stillingum notandaaðgangsins.
delete_account: Eyða notandaaðgangi
delete_account_html: Ef þú vilt eyða notandaaðgangnum þínum, þá geturðu <a href="%{path}">farið í það hér</a>. Þú verður beðin/n um staðfestingu.

View File

@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ it:
created_reports: Rapporti creati
targeted_reports: Segnalato da altri
silence: Limita
silenced: Limitato
silence: Silenzia
silenced: Silenziato
statuses: Toot
strikes: Provvedimenti precedenti
subscribe: Iscriviti
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ it:
unblocked_email_msg: Indirizzo email di %{username} sbloccato correttamente
unconfirmed_email: Email non confermata
undo_sensitized: Annulla sensibile
undo_silenced: Annulla limitazione
undo_silenced: Rimuovi silenzia
undo_suspension: Annulla sospensione
unsilenced_msg: Limitazione del profilo di %{username} annullata correttamente
unsubscribe: Disiscriviti
@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ it:
private_comment_description_html: 'Per aiutarti a tenere traccia della provenienza dei blocchi importati, i blocchi importati verranno creati con il seguente commento privato: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importato da %{source} il %{date}
title: Importare i blocchi di dominio
invalid_domain_block: 'Uno o più blocchi di dominio sono stati saltati a causa dei seguenti errori: %{error}'
title: Importare i blocchi di dominio
no_file: Nessun file selezionato
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ it:
none: Nessuno
comment_description_html: 'Per fornire ulteriori informazioni, %{name} ha scritto:'
confirm_action: Conferma l'azione di moderazione contro @%{acct}
created_at: Segnalato
delete_and_resolve: Cancella post
forwarded: Inoltrato
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ it:
placeholder: Descrivi quali azioni sono state intraprese, o ogni altro aggiornamento rilevante...
title: Note
notes_description_html: Visualizza e lascia note ad altri moderatori e al tuo futuro sé
processed_msg: 'Segnalazione #%{id} elaborata correttamente'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Fai un''azione rapida o scorri verso il basso per vedere il contenuto segnalato:'
remote_user_placeholder: l'utente remoto da %{instance}
reopen: Riapri rapporto
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ it:
status: Stato
statuses: Contenuto segnalato
statuses_description_html: Il contenuto offensivo sarà citato nella comunicazione con l'account segnalato
delete_html: 'Stai per <strong>rimuovere</strong> alcuni post di <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Questo conseguirà:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Stai per <strong>contrassegnare</strong> alcuni post di <strong>@%{acct}</strong> come <strong>sensibili</strong>. Questo conseguirà:'
silence_html: 'Stai per <strong>limitare</strong> l''account di <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Questo conseguirà:'
suspend_html: 'Stai per <strong>sospendere</strong> l''account di <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Questo conseguirà:'
delete_html: Rimuovi i post offensivi
mark_as_sensitive_html: Contrassegna i file multimediali dei post offensivi come sensibili
silence_html: Limita severamente la portata di <strong>@%{acct}</strong> rendendo il suo profilo e il suo contenuto visibili solo a persone che già li seguono o che lo guardano manualmente
suspend_html: Sospendere <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, rendendo il suo profilo e i suoi contenuti inaccessibili e impossibilitandone l'interazione
close_report: 'Contrassegna la segnalazione #%{id} come risolta'
close_reports_html: Contrassegna <strong>tutte</strong> le segnalazioni contro <strong>@%{acct}</strong> come risolte
delete_data_html: Elimina il profilo e i contenuti di <strong>@%{acct}</strong> tra 30 giorni da ora, a meno che non vengano riattivati nel frattempo
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> riceverà un avvertimento con i seguenti contenuti:"
record_strike_html: Registra un provvedimento contro <strong>@%{acct}</strong> per aiutarti a gestire meglio future violazioni da questo account
send_email_html: Invia a <strong>@%{acct}</strong> una e-mail di avvertimento
warning_placeholder: Motivazione aggiuntiva facoltativa per l'azione di moderazione.
target_origin: Origine dell'account segnalato
title: Rapporti
unassign: Non assegnare
unknown_action_msg: 'Azione sconosciuta: %{action}'
unresolved: Non risolto
updated_at: Aggiornato
view_profile: Visualizza profilo
@ -945,6 +967,8 @@ it:
apply_for_account: Richiedi un account
change_password: Password
wrong_email_hint: Se l'indirizzo e-mail non è corretto, puoi modificarlo nelle impostazioni dell'account.
delete_account: Elimina account
delete_account_html: Se desideri cancellare il tuo account, puoi <a href="%{path}">farlo qui</a>. Ti sarà chiesta conferma.

View File

@ -433,6 +433,7 @@ ja:
private_comment_description_html: 'ブロックのインポート元を判別できるようにするため、ブロックは次のプライベートコメントを追加してインポートされます: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: "%{source} から %{date} にインポートしました"
title: ドメインブロックをインポート
invalid_domain_block: '次のエラーのため、1つ以上のドメインブロックがスキップされました: %{error}'
title: ドメインブロックをインポート
no_file: ファイルが選択されていません
@ -577,6 +578,7 @@ ja:
none: なし
comment_description_html: "%{name}からの詳細情報:"
confirm_action: "@%{acct} さんに対するアクション"
created_at: 通報日時
delete_and_resolve: 投稿を削除
forwarded: 転送済み
@ -593,6 +595,7 @@ ja:
placeholder: どのような措置が取られたか、または関連する更新を記述してください…
title: メモ
notes_description_html: 他のモデレーターと将来の自分にメモを残してください
processed_msg: '通報 #%{id} が正常に処理されました'
quick_actions_description_html: 'クイックアクションを実行するかスクロールして報告された通報を確認してください:'
remote_user_placeholder: "%{instance}からのリモートユーザー"
reopen: 未解決に戻す
@ -605,9 +608,28 @@ ja:
status: ステータス
statuses: 通報内容
statuses_description_html: 問題の投稿は通報されたアカウントへの連絡時に引用されます
delete_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんの投稿を<strong>削除</strong>します。この操作は:"
mark_as_sensitive_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんの投稿を<strong>閲覧注意</strong>として<strong>マーク</strong>します。この操作は:"
silence_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんのアカウントを<strong>制限</strong>します。この操作は:"
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんのアカウントを<strong>停止</strong>します。この操作は:"
delete_html: 当該の投稿を削除します
mark_as_sensitive_html: 当該の投稿に含まれるメディアを閲覧注意にします
silence_html: プロフィールとコンテンツを、すでにフォローしている人や、意図的にプロフィールにアクセスする人にのみ表示することで、<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんのリーチを厳しく制限します
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんのアカウントが凍結され、プロフィールとコンテンツへのアクセス、および投稿ができなくなります"
close_report: '通報 #%{id} を解決済みにします'
close_reports_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんに対する<strong>すべての</strong>通報を解決済みにします"
delete_data_html: 停止が解除されないまま30日経過すると、<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんのプロフィールとコンテンツは削除されます
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんに次の内容の警告を通知します:"
record_strike_html: 今後、<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんが違反行為をしたときにエスカレーションできるように、このアカウントに対するストライクを記録します
send_email_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>さんに警告メールを送信します"
warning_placeholder: アクションを行使する追加の理由(オプション)
target_origin: 報告されたアカウントの起源
title: 通報
unassign: 担当を外す
unknown_action_msg: '不明なアクションです: %{action}'
unresolved: 未解決
updated_at: 更新日時
view_profile: プロフィールを表示
@ -925,6 +947,8 @@ ja:
apply_for_account: アカウントのリクエスト
change_password: パスワード
wrong_email_hint: メールアドレスが正しくない場合は、アカウント設定で変更できます。
delete_account: アカウントの削除
delete_account_html: アカウントを削除したい場合、<a href="%{path}">こちら</a>から手続きが行えます。削除する前に、確認画面があります。

View File

@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ ko:
action: 조치 취하기
title: "%{acct} 계정에 중재 취하기"
create: 중재 기록 작성하
created_msg: 중재 기록이 성공적으로 작성되었습니다!
destroyed_msg: 중재 기록이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다!
create: 참고사항 남기
created_msg: 중재 참고사항을 만들었습니다!
destroyed_msg: 중재 참고사항을 지웠습니다!
add_email_domain_block: 이 이메일 도메인을 차단하기
approve: 허가
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ ko:
enabled: 활성
enabled_msg: "%{username}의 계정을 성공적으로 얼리기 해제하였습니다"
followers: 팔로워
follows: 팔로
follows: 팔로
header: 헤더
inbox_url: 수신함 URL
invite_request_text: 가입 하려는 이유
@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ ko:
silenced: 제한됨
suspended: 정지 중
title: 중재
moderation_notes: 중재 기록
moderation_notes: 중재 참고사항
most_recent_activity: 최근 활동
most_recent_ip: 최근 IP
no_account_selected: 아무 것도 선택 되지 않아 어떤 계정도 변경 되지 않았습니다
no_limits_imposed: 제한 없음
no_role_assigned: 할당된 역할 없음
not_subscribed: 구독하지 않음
pending: 심사 대기
pending: 계류된 검토
perform_full_suspension: 정지
previous_strikes: 이전의 처벌들
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ ko:
created_reports: 이 계정에서 제출된 신고
targeted_reports: 이 계정에 대한 신고
silence: 침묵
silenced: 침묵
silence: 제한
silenced: 제한
statuses: 게시물
strikes: 이전의 처벌들
subscribe: 구독하기
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ ko:
unblocked_email_msg: "%{username}의 이메일 주소를 성공적으로 차단 해제했습니다"
unconfirmed_email: 확인되지 않은 이메일 주소
undo_sensitized: 민감함으로 설정 취소
undo_silenced: 침묵 해제
undo_silenced: 제한 해제
undo_suspension: 정지 해제
unsilenced_msg: 성공적으로 %{username} 계정을 제한 해제했습니다
unsubscribe: 구독 해제
@ -210,12 +210,12 @@ ko:
reset_password_user: 암호 재설정
resolve_report: 신고 처리
sensitive_account: 당신의 계정의 미디어를 민감함으로 표시
silence_account: 계정 침묵
silence_account: 계정 제한
suspend_account: 계정 정지
unassigned_report: 신고 맡기 취소
unblock_email_account: 이메일 주소 차단 해제
unsensitive_account: 당신의 계정의 미디어를 민감함으로 표시하지 않음
unsilence_account: 계정 침묵 취소
unsilence_account: 계정 제한 취소
unsuspend_account: 계정 정지 취소
update_announcement: 공지사항 업데이트
update_custom_emoji: 커스텀 에모지 업데이트
@ -269,12 +269,12 @@ ko:
reset_password_user_html: "%{name} 님이 사용자 %{target}의 암호를 초기화했습니다"
resolve_report_html: "%{name} 님이 신고 %{target}를 처리됨으로 변경하였습니다"
sensitive_account_html: "%{name} 님이 %{target}의 미디어를 민감함으로 표시했습니다"
silence_account_html: "%{name} 님이 %{target}의 계정을 침묵시켰습니다"
silence_account_html: "%{name} 님이 %{target}의 계정을 제한시켰습니다"
suspend_account_html: "%{name} 님이 %{target}의 계정을 정지시켰습니다"
unassigned_report_html: "%{name} 님이 신고 %{target}을 할당 해제했습니다"
unblock_email_account_html: "%{name} 님이 %{target}의 이메일 주소를 차단 해제했습니다"
unsensitive_account_html: "%{name} 님이 %{target}의 미디어를 민감하지 않음으로 표시했습니다"
unsilence_account_html: "%{name} 님이 %{target}의 계정에 대한 침묵을 해제했습니다"
unsilence_account_html: "%{name} 님이 %{target}의 계정에 대한 제한을 해제했습니다"
unsuspend_account_html: "%{name} 님이 %{target}의 계정에 대한 정지를 해제했습니다"
update_announcement_html: "%{name} 님이 공지사항 %{target}을 갱신했습니다"
update_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} 님이 에모지 %{target}를 업데이트 했습니다"
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ ko:
create: 공지사항 생성
title: 새 공지사항
publish: 게시
published_msg: 공지가 성공적으로 발행되었습니다!
published_msg: 공지사항을 잘 발행했습니다!
scheduled_for: "%{time}에 예약됨"
scheduled_msg: 공지의 발행이 예약되었습니다!
title: 공지사항
@ -435,6 +435,7 @@ ko:
private_comment_description_html: '어디서 불러온 것인지 추적을 원활하게 하기 위해서, 불러온 차단들은 다음과 같은 비공개 주석과 함께 생성될 것입니다: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: "%{date}에 %{source}에서 불러옴"
title: 도메인 차단 불러오기
invalid_domain_block: '한 개 이상의 도메인 차단이 생략되었습니다. 에러는 다음과 같습니다: %{error}'
title: 도메인 차단 불러오기
no_file: 선택된 파일이 없습니다
@ -466,7 +467,7 @@ ko:
description_html: 이 도메인과 하위 도메인의 모든 계정에 적용될 콘텐츠 정책을 정의할 수 있습니다.
reject_media: 미디어 거부
reject_reports: 신고 거부
reject_reports: 신고 반려
silence: 제한
suspend: 정지
policy: 정책
@ -557,7 +558,7 @@ ko:
other: "%{count}개의 기록"
other: "%{count}개의 참고사항"
action_log: 감사 기록
action_taken_by: 신고 처리자
@ -579,7 +580,8 @@ ko:
none: 없음
comment_description_html: '더 많은 정보를 위해, %{name} 님이 작성했습니다:'
created_at: 리포트 시각
confirm_action: "@%{acct}에 취할 중재 결정에 대한 확인"
created_at: 신고 시각
delete_and_resolve: 게시물 삭제
forwarded: 전달됨
forwarded_to: "%{domain}에게 전달됨"
@ -589,27 +591,47 @@ ko:
no_one_assigned: 아무도 없음
create: 기록 추가
create_and_resolve: 기록을 작성하고 해결됨으로 표시
create_and_unresolve: 기록 작성과 함께 미해결로 표시
create_and_resolve: 종결 및 참고사항 기재
create_and_unresolve: 재검토 및 참고사항 기재
delete: 삭제
placeholder: 이 리포트에 대한 조치, 기타 관련 된 사항에 대해 설명합니다…
title: 기록
placeholder: 어떤 대응을 했는지 서설 또는 그 밖의 관련된 갱신 사항들
title: 참고사항
notes_description_html: 확인하고 다른 중재자나 미래의 자신을 위해 기록을 작성합니다
processed_msg: '신고 #%{id}가 정상적으로 처리되었습니다'
quick_actions_description_html: '빠른 조치를 취하거나 아래로 스크롤해서 신고된 콘텐츠를 확인하세요:'
remote_user_placeholder: "%{instance}의 리모트 사용자"
reopen: 리포트 다시 열기
reopen: 신고 재검토
report: '신고 #%{id}'
reported_account: 신고 대상 계정
reported_by: 신고자
resolved: 해결됨
resolved_msg: 리포트가 성공적으로 해결되었습니다!
resolved_msg: 신고를 잘 해결했습니다!
skip_to_actions: 작업으로 건너뛰기
status: 상태
statuses: 신고된 콘텐츠
statuses_description_html: 문제가 되는 콘텐츠는 신고된 계정에게 인용되어 전달됩니다
delete_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>의 게시물 중 일부를 <strong>지우려고</strong> 합니다. 이것은 아래의 행동이 수반됩니다:"
mark_as_sensitive_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>의 게시물 중 일부를 <strong>민감함으로 표시</strong> 합니다. 이것은 아래의 행동이 수반됩니다:"
silence_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>의 계정을 <strong>제한</strong>하려고 합니다. 이것은 아래의 행동이 수반됩니다:"
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>의 계정을 <strong>정지</strong>하려고 합니다. 이것은 아래의 행동이 수반됩니다:"
delete_html: 문제가 되는 게시물을 지웁니다
mark_as_sensitive_html: 문제가 되는 게시물의 미디어를 민감함으로 표시합니다
silence_html: 이미 팔로우하고 있는 사람에게만 프로필을 보이게 하고 나머지 사람들에게는 수동으로 확인을 해야만 볼 수 있게 하여 <strong>@%{acct}</strong>의 도달 범위를 엄격하게 제한합니다.
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>의 계정을 정지합니다. 프로필과 콘텐츠가 사용 불가능하게 됩니다."
close_report: '신고 #%{id}를 해결됨으로 표시합니다'
close_reports_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>에 대한 <strong>모든</strong> 신고를 해결됨으로 처리합니다"
delete_data_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>의 프로필과 콘텐츠를 30일의 유예기간 이후에 삭제합니다"
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>는 다음 내용의 경고를 받게 됩니다:"
record_strike_html: 향후 규칙위반에 대한 참고사항이 될 수 있도록 <strong>@%{acct}</strong>에 대한 처벌기록을 남깁니다
send_email_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong>에게 경고 메일을 보냅니다"
warning_placeholder: 중재 결정에 대한 추가적인 이유.
target_origin: 신고된 계정의 소속
title: 신고
unassign: 할당 해제
unknown_action_msg: '알 수 없는 액션: %{action}'
unresolved: 미해결
updated_at: 업데이트 시각
view_profile: 프로필 보기
@ -772,7 +794,7 @@ ko:
message_html: "%{value} 큐에 대한 사이드킥 프로세스가 발견되지 않았습니다. 사이드킥 설정을 검토해주세요"
review: 심사 상태
review: 검토 상태
updated_msg: 해시태그 설정이 성공적으로 갱신되었습니다
title: 관리
@ -793,7 +815,7 @@ ko:
title: 유행하는 링크
usage_comparison: 오늘은 %{today}회 공유되었고, 어제는 %{yesterday}회 공유되었습니다
only_allowed: 허용된 것만
pending_review: 심사 대기
pending_review: 계류된 검토
allowed: 이 출처의 링크는 유행 목록에 실릴 수 있습니다
description_html: 당신의 서버에서 많은 링크가 공유되고 있는 도메인들입니다. 링크의 도메인이 승인되기 전까지는 링크들은 공개적으로 트렌드에 게시되지 않습니다. 당신의 승인(또는 거절)은 서브도메인까지 확장됩니다.
@ -830,7 +852,7 @@ ko:
trendable: 유행 목록에 나타날 수 있습니다
trending_rank: "#%{rank}위로 유행 중"
usable: 사용 가능
usage_comparison: 오늘은 %{today}회 사용되었고, 어제는 %{yesterday}회 사용되었습니다
usage_comparison: 오늘은 %{today}회 쓰였고, 어제는 %{yesterday}회 쓰임
other: 지난 주 동안 %{count} 명의 사람들이 사용했습니다
title: 유행
@ -875,7 +897,7 @@ ko:
subject: "%{username} 님이 %{instance}에서 발생한 중재 결정에 대해 소명을 제출했습니다"
body: 아래에 새 계정에 대한 상세정보가 있습니다. 이 가입을 승인하거나 거부할 수 있습니다.
subject: "%{instance}의 새 계정(%{username})에 대한 심사가 대기중입니다"
subject: "%{instance}의 새 계정(%{username}) 검토"
body: "%{reporter} 님이 %{target}를 신고했습니다"
body_remote: "%{domain}의 누군가가 %{target}을 신고했습니다"
@ -890,7 +912,7 @@ ko:
no_approved_tags: 현재 승인된 유행 중인 해시태그가 없습니다.
requirements: '이 후보들 중 어떤 것이라도 #%{rank}위의 승인된 유행 중인 해시태그를 앞지를 수 있으며, 이것은 현재 #%{lowest_tag_name}이고 %{lowest_tag_score}점을 기록하고 있습니다.'
title: 유행하는 해시태그
subject: 새 트렌드가 %{instance}에서 심사 대기 중입니다
subject: "%{instance}의 새 유행물 검토"
add_new: 별칭 만들기
created_msg: 새 별칭이 성공적으로 만들어졌습니다. 이제 기존 계정에서 이주를 시작할 수 있습니다.
@ -926,16 +948,18 @@ ko:
your_token: 액세스 토큰
apply_for_account: 가입 요청하기
change_password: 패스워드
change_password: 암호
wrong_email_hint: 만약 이메일 주소가 올바르지 않다면, 계정 설정에서 수정할 수 있습니다.
delete_account: 계정 삭제
delete_account_html: 계정을 삭제하고 싶은 경우, <a href="%{path}">여기서</a> 삭제할 수 있습니다. 삭제 전 확인 화면이 표시됩니다.
prefix_invited_by_user: "@%{name} 님이 당신을 이 마스토돈 서버로 초대했습니다!"
prefix_invited_by_user: "@%{name}님이 마스토돈 서버에 초대했습니다!"
prefix_sign_up: 마스토돈에 가입하세요!
suffix: 계정 하나로 사람들을 팔로우 하고, 게시물을 작성하며 마스토돈을 포함한 다른 어떤 서버의 사용자와도 메시지를 주고 받을 수 있습니다!
didnt_get_confirmation: 확인 메일을 받지 못하셨습니까?
dont_have_your_security_key: 보안 키가 없습니까?
forgot_password: 비밀번호를 잊어버리셨습니까?
forgot_password: 암호를 잊었나요?
invalid_reset_password_token: 암호 리셋 토큰이 올바르지 못하거나 기간이 만료되었습니다. 다시 요청해주세요.
link_to_otp: 휴대폰의 2차 코드 혹은 복구 키를 입력해 주세요
link_to_webauth: 보안 키 장치 사용
@ -985,7 +1009,7 @@ ko:
follow_request: '당신은 다음 계정에 팔로우 신청을 했습니다:'
following: '성공! 당신은 다음 계정을 팔로우 하고 있습니다:'
close: 혹은, 당신은 이 윈도우를 닫을 수 있습니다.
close: 또한, 그저 이 창을 닫을 수도 있습니다.
return: 사용자 프로필 보기
web: 웹으로 가기
title: "%{acct} 를 팔로우"
@ -1023,7 +1047,7 @@ ko:
proceed: 계정 삭제
success_msg: 계정이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다
before: '진행하기 전, 주의사항을 꼼꼼히 읽어보세요:'
before: '진행 전, 참고사항을 주의 깊게 읽기 바랍니다:'
caches: 다른 서버에 캐싱된 정보들은 남아있을 수 있습니다
data_removal: 당신의 게시물과 다른 정보들은 영구적으로 삭제 됩니다
email_change_html: 계정을 지우지 않고도 <a href="%{path}">이메일 주소를 수정할 수 있습니다</a>
@ -1194,7 +1218,7 @@ ko:
'86400': 하루
expires_in_prompt: 영원히
generate: 생성
invited_by: '당신을 초대한 사람:'
invited_by: '초대자:'
other: "%{count}회"
max_uses_prompt: 제한 없음
@ -1246,7 +1270,7 @@ ko:
set_redirect: 리디렉션 설정
backreference_required: 새 계정은 이 계정으로 역참조를 하도록 설정되어 있어야 합니다
before: '진행하기 전, 주의사항을 꼼꼼히 읽어보세요:'
before: '진행 전, 참고사항을 주의 깊게 읽기 바랍니다:'
cooldown: 이주 뒤에는 새로운 이주를 하지 못하는 휴식기간이 존재합니다
disabled_account: 이 계정은 완전한 사용이 불가능하게 됩니다. 하지만, 데이터 내보내기나 재활성화를 위해 접근할 수 있습니다.
followers: 이 행동은 현재 계정의 모든 팔로워를 새 계정으로 이동시킵니다
@ -1258,7 +1282,7 @@ ko:
carry_blocks_over_text: 이 사용자는 당신이 차단한 %{acct}로부터 이주 했습니다.
carry_mutes_over_text: 이 사용자는 당신이 뮤트한 %{acct}로부터 이주 했습니다.
copy_account_note_text: '이 사용자는 %{acct}에서 옮겨왔으며 이전의 기록은 다음과 같습니다:'
copy_account_note_text: '이 사용자는 %{acct}에서 옮겨왔으며 이전의 참고사항은 다음과 같습니다:'
toggle_menu: 토글 메뉴

View File

@ -449,6 +449,7 @@ lv:
private_comment_description_html: 'Lai palīdzētu tev izsekot, no kurienes nāk importētie bloki, tiks izveidoti importētie bloki ar šādu privātu komentāru: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importēts no %{source} %{date}
title: Importēt bloķētos domēnus
invalid_domain_block: 'Viens vai vairāki domēna bloķi tika izlaisti šādas kļūdas(-u) dēļ: %{error}'
title: Importēt bloķētos domēnus
no_file: Nav atlasīts neviens fails
@ -601,6 +602,7 @@ lv:
none: Neviens
comment_description_html: 'Lai sniegtu vairāk informācijas, %{name} rakstīja:'
confirm_action: Apstipriniet regulēšanas darbību pret @%{acct}
created_at: Ziņoti
delete_and_resolve: Izdzēst rakstus
forwarded: Pārsūtīti
@ -617,6 +619,7 @@ lv:
placeholder: Apraksti veiktās darbības vai citus saistītus atjauninājumus...
title: Piezīmes
notes_description_html: Skati un atstāj piezīmes citiem moderatoriem un sev nākotnei
processed_msg: 'Pārskats #%{id} veiksmīgi apstrādāts'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Veic ātro darbību vai ritini uz leju, lai skatītu saturu, par kuru ziņots:'
remote_user_placeholder: attālais lietotājs no %{instance}
reopen: Atkārtoti atvērt ziņojumu
@ -629,9 +632,28 @@ lv:
status: Statuss
statuses: Ziņotais saturs
statuses_description_html: Pārkāpuma saturs tiks minēts saziņā ar paziņoto kontu
delete_html: 'Jūs gatavojaties <strong>noņemt</strong> dažas no lietotāja <strong>@%{acct}</strong> ziņām. Tas:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Jūs gatavojaties <strong>atzīmēt</strong> dažas no lietotāja <strong>@%{acct}</strong> ziņām kā <strong>sensitīvas</strong>. Tas:'
silence_html: 'Jūs gatavojaties <strong>ierobežot</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontu. Tas:'
suspend_html: 'Jūs gatavojaties <strong>apturēt</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> kontu. Tas:'
delete_html: Noņemt aizskarošās ziņas
mark_as_sensitive_html: Atzīmēt aizskarošo ziņu multivides saturu kā sensitīvu
silence_html: Ievērojami ierobežojiet <strong>@%{acct}</strong> sasniedzamību, padarot viņa profilu un saturu redzamu tikai personām, kas jau seko viņiem vai manuāli meklē profilu
suspend_html: Apturēt <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, padarot viņu profilu un saturu nepieejamu un neiespējamu mijiedarbību ar
close_report: 'Atzīmēt ziņojumu #%{id} kā atrisinātu'
close_reports_html: Atzīmējiet <strong>visus</strong> pārskatus par <strong>@%{acct}</strong> kā atrisinātus
delete_data_html: Dzēsiet lietotāja <strong>@%{acct}</strong> profilu un saturu pēc 30 dienām, ja vien to darbība pa šo laiku netiks atcelta
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> saņems brīdinājumu ar šādu saturu:"
record_strike_html: Ierakstiet brīdinājumu pret <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, lai palīdzētu jums izvērst turpmākus pārkāpumus no šī konta
send_email_html: Nosūtiet <strong>@%{acct}</strong> brīdinājuma e-pastu
warning_placeholder: Izvēles papildu pamatojums regulēšanas darbībai.
target_origin: Ziņotā konta izcelsme
title: Ziņojumi
unassign: Atsaukt
unknown_action_msg: 'Nezināms konts: %{action}'
unresolved: Neatrisinātie
updated_at: Atjaunināts
view_profile: Skatīt profilu
@ -961,6 +983,8 @@ lv:
apply_for_account: Pieprasīt kontu
change_password: Parole
wrong_email_hint: Ja šī e-pasta adrese nav pareiza, varat to mainīt konta iestatījumos.
delete_account: Dzēst kontu
delete_account_html: Ja vēlies dzēst savu kontu, tu vari <a href="%{path}">turpināt šeit</a>. Tev tiks lūgts apstiprinājums.

View File

@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ nl:
private_comment_description_html: 'Om je te helpen bijhouden waar de geïmporteerde blokkades vandaan komen, worden de geïmporteerde blokkades met de volgende privé-opmerking aangemaakt: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Geïmporteerd van %{source} op %{date}
title: Domeinblokkades importeren
invalid_domain_block: 'Een of meer domeinblokkades zijn overgeslagen vanwege de volgende fout(en): %{error}'
title: Domeinblokkades importeren
no_file: Geen bestand geselecteerd
@ -575,7 +576,10 @@ nl:
mark_as_sensitive_description_html: De media in de gerapporteerde berichten worden gemarkeerd als gevoelig en er wordt een overtreding geregistreerd om toekomstige overtredingen van hetzelfde account sneller af te kunnen handelen.
other_description_html: Bekijk meer opties voor het controleren van het gedrag van en de communicatie met het gerapporteerde account.
resolve_description_html: Er wordt tegen het gerapporteerde account geen maatregel genomen, geen overtreding geregistreerd en de rapportage wordt gemarkeerd als opgelost.
silence_description_html: Het account is alleen zichtbaar voor degenen die het al volgen of handmatig opzoeken, waardoor het bereik ernstig wordt beperkt. Dit kan altijd ongedaan worden gemaakt. Dit sluit alle rapporten tegen dit account af.
suspend_description_html: Het account en al zijn inhoud zullen niet toegankelijk zijn en uiteindelijk verwijderd worden en er zal geen interactie met het account mogelijk zijn. Dit is omkeerbaar binnen 30 dagen. Dit sluit alle rapporten tegen dit account af.
actions_description_html: Beslis welke maatregel moet worden genomen om deze rapportage op te lossen. Wanneer je een (straf)maatregel tegen het gerapporteerde account neemt, krijgt het account een e-mailmelding, behalve wanneer de <strong>spam</strong>-categorie is gekozen.
actions_description_remote_html: Beslis welke actie moet worden ondernomen om deze rapportage op te lossen. Dit is alleen van invloed op hoe <strong>jouw</strong> server met dit externe account communiceert en de inhoud ervan beheert.
add_to_report: Meer aan de rapportage toevoegen
are_you_sure: Weet je het zeker?
assign_to_self: Aan mij toewijzen
@ -586,6 +590,7 @@ nl:
none: Geen
comment_description_html: 'Om meer informatie te verstrekken, schreef %{name}:'
confirm_action: Bevestig moderatiemaatregel tegen @%{acct}
created_at: Gerapporteerd op
delete_and_resolve: Bericht verwijderen
forwarded: Doorgestuurd
@ -602,6 +607,7 @@ nl:
placeholder: Beschrijf welke maatregelen zijn genomen of andere gerelateerde opmerkingen...
title: Opmerkingen
notes_description_html: Bekijk en laat opmerkingen achter voor andere moderatoren en voor jouw toekomstige zelf
processed_msg: 'Rapportage #%{id} succesvol afgehandeld'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Neem een snelle maatregel of scroll naar beneden om de gerapporteerde inhoud te bekijken:'
remote_user_placeholder: de externe gebruiker van %{instance}
reopen: Rapportage heropenen
@ -614,9 +620,28 @@ nl:
status: Rapportages
statuses: Gerapporteerde inhoud
statuses_description_html: De problematische inhoud wordt aan het gerapporteerde account medegedeeld
delete_html: 'Je staat op het punt om enkele berichten van <strong>@%{acct}</strong> te <strong>verwijderen</strong>. Dit zal:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Je staat op het punt om enkele berichten van <strong>@%{acct}</strong> als <strong>gevoelig te markeren</strong>. Dit zal:'
silence_html: 'Je staat op het punt om het account van <strong>@%{acct}</strong> te <strong>beperken</strong>. Dit zal:'
suspend_html: 'Je staat op het punt om het account van <strong>@%{acct}</strong> <strong>op te schorten</strong>. Dit zal:'
delete_html: De aanstootgevende berichten verwijderen
mark_as_sensitive_html: De media in de aanstootgevende berichten als gevoelig markeren
silence_html: Het account van <strong>@%{acct}</strong> ernstig beperken, door diens profiel en inhoud alleen zichtbaar te maken aan mensen die dit account al volgen of aan mensen die het account handmatig opzoeken
suspend_html: Het account van <strong>@%{acct}</strong> opschorten, waarmee diens profiel en inhoud niet toegankelijk zijn en het onmogelijk is om interactie te hebben
close_report: 'Rapportage #%{id} als opgelost markeren'
close_reports_html: "<strong>Alle</strong> rapportages tegen <strong>@%{acct}</strong> als opgelost markeren"
delete_data_html: Het account en inhoud van <strong>@%{acct}</strong> over 30 dagen verwijderen, tenzij die in de tussentijd wordt gedeblokkeerd
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> zal een waarschuwing ontvangen met de volgende inhoud:"
record_strike_html: Registreer een overtreding van <strong>@%{acct}</strong> om je te helpen met het sneller afhandelen van toekomstige overtredingen van dit account
send_email_html: Een waarschuwingsmail naar <strong>@%{acct}</strong> sturen
warning_placeholder: Optionele aanvullende redenen voor de moderatie-actie.
target_origin: Herkomst van de gerapporteerde accounts
title: Rapportages
unassign: Niet langer toewijzen
unknown_action_msg: 'Onbekende actie: %{action}'
unresolved: Onopgelost
updated_at: Bijgewerkt
view_profile: Profiel bekijken
@ -711,6 +736,8 @@ nl:
preamble: Het tonen van interessante inhoud is van essentieel belang voor het aan boord halen van nieuwe gebruikers, die mogelijk niemand van Mastodon kennen. Bepaal hoe verschillende functies voor het ontdekken van inhoud en gebruikers op jouw server werken.
profile_directory: Gebruikersgids
public_timelines: Openbare tijdlijnen
publish_discovered_servers: Ontdekte servers publiceren
publish_statistics: Statistieken publiceren
title: Ontdekken
trends: Trends
@ -938,6 +965,8 @@ nl:
apply_for_account: Account aanvragen
change_password: Wachtwoord
wrong_email_hint: Als dat e-mailadres niet correct is, kun je het wijzigen in je accountinstellingen.
delete_account: Account verwijderen
delete_account_html: Wanneer je jouw account graag wilt verwijderen, kun je dat <a href="%{path}">hier doen</a>. We vragen jou daar om een bevestiging.
@ -1365,6 +1394,9 @@ nl:
unrecognized_emoji: is geen bestaande emoji-reactie
activity: Accountactiviteit
confirm_follow_selected_followers: Weet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde volgers wilt volgen?
confirm_remove_selected_followers: Weet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde volgers wilt verwijderen?
confirm_remove_selected_follows: Weet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde gevolgde accounts wilt verwijderen?
dormant: Sluimerend
follow_selected_followers: Geselecteerde volgers volgen
followers: Volgers
@ -1454,7 +1486,7 @@ nl:
notifications: Meldingen
preferences: Voorkeuren
profile: Profiel
relationships: Volgers en gevolgden
relationships: Volgers en gevolgde accounts
statuses_cleanup: Automatisch berichten verwijderen
strikes: Vastgestelde overtredingen
two_factor_authentication: Tweestapsverificatie

View File

@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ pl:
private_comment_description_html: 'Żebyś wiedział(a) skąd pochodzą zaimportowane bloki, zostaną one utworzone z następującym prywatnym komentarzem: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Zaimportowano z %{source} dnia %{date}
title: Importuj zablokowane domeny
invalid_domain_block: 'Jeden lub więcej blokujących domen zostało pominiętych z powodu następującego błędu(ów): %{error}'
title: Importuj zablokowane domeny
no_file: Nie wybrano pliku
@ -613,6 +614,7 @@ pl:
none: Brak
comment_description_html: 'Aby dostarczyć więcej informacji, %{name} napisał:'
confirm_action: Potwierdzenie działań moderacyjnych wobec @%{acct}
created_at: Zgłoszono
delete_and_resolve: Usuń posty
forwarded: Przekazano
@ -629,6 +631,7 @@ pl:
placeholder: Opisz wykonane akcje i inne szczegóły dotyczące tego zgłoszenia…
title: Notatki
notes_description_html: Przeglądaj i zostaw notatki innym moderatorom i sobie samemu
processed_msg: 'Raport #%{id} został pomyślnie przetworzony'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Wykonaj szybkie działanie lub przewiń w dół, aby zobaczyć zgłoszoną zawartość:'
remote_user_placeholder: zdalny użytkownik z %{instance}
reopen: Otwórz ponownie
@ -641,9 +644,28 @@ pl:
status: Stan
statuses: Zgłoszona treść
statuses_description_html: Obraźliwe treści będą cytowane w komunikacji ze zgłoszonym kontem
delete_html: 'Zamierzasz <strong>usunąć</strong> niektóre posty <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. To spowoduje:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Zamierzasz <strong>oznaczyć</strong> niektóre posty <strong>@%{acct}</strong> jako <strong>wrażliwe</strong>. To spowoduje:'
silence_html: 'Zamierzasz <strong>ograniczyć</strong> konto <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. To spowoduje:'
suspend_html: 'Zamierzasz <strong>zawiesić</strong> konto <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. To spowoduje:'
delete_html: Usuń obrażające posty
mark_as_sensitive_html: Oznacz obraźliwe media postów jako wrażliwe
silence_html: Znacząco ogranicz zasięg <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, aby ich profil i zawartość były widoczne tylko dla osób, które je już obserwują lub ręcznie wyszukują jego profil
suspend_html: Zawieś <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, co sprawia, że ich profil i zawartość są niedostępne i niemożliwe do interakcji z
close_report: 'Oznacz raport #%{id} jako rozwiązany'
close_reports_html: Oznacz <strong>wszystkie</strong> zgłoszenia dotyczące <strong>@%{acct}</strong> jako rozwiązane
delete_data_html: Usuń profil i zawartość <strong>@%{acct}</strong> za 30 dni, chyba że w tym czasie zostanie zawieszony
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> otrzyma ostrzeżenie o następującej treści:"
record_strike_html: Zarejestruj ostrzeżenie przeciwko <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, aby ułatwić sobie eskalację w przypadku przyszłych naruszeń z tego konta
send_email_html: Wyślij do <strong>@%{acct}</strong> wiadomość e-mail z ostrzeżeniem
warning_placeholder: Opcjonalne dodatkowe uzasadnienie działania moderacyjnego.
target_origin: Pochodzenie zgłaszanego konta
title: Zgłoszenia
unassign: Cofnij przypisanie
unknown_action_msg: 'Nieznane działanie: %{action}'
unresolved: Nierozwiązane
updated_at: Zaktualizowano
view_profile: Wyświetl profil
@ -979,6 +1001,8 @@ pl:
apply_for_account: Poproś o założenie konta
change_password: Hasło
wrong_email_hint: Jeśli ten adres e-mail nie jest poprawny, możesz go zmienić w ustawieniach konta.
delete_account: Usunięcie konta
delete_account_html: Jeżeli chcesz usunąć konto, <a href="%{path}">przejdź tutaj</a>. Otrzymasz prośbę o potwierdzenie.

View File

@ -573,6 +573,7 @@ pt-BR:
mark_as_sensitive_description_html: Os conteúdos de mídia em publicações denunciadas serão marcados como sensíveis e um aviso de violação será mantido para te informar sobre o agravamento caso essa mesma conta comenta infrações no futuro.
other_description_html: Veja mais opções para controlar o comportamento da conta e personalizar a comunicação com a conta denunciada.
resolve_description_html: Nenhuma ação será tomada contra a conta denunciada, nenhuma violação será guardada e a denúncia será encerrada.
silence_description_html: A conta ficará visível apenas para aqueles que já a seguem ou que a procuram manualmente, limitando severamente seu alcance. Pode ser revertido a qualquer momento. Fecha todas as denúncias desta conta.
actions_description_html: Decida que medidas tomar para resolver esta denúncia. Se você decidir punir a conta denunciada, ela receberá uma notificação por e-mail, exceto quando for selecionada a categoria <strong>spam</strong> for selecionada.
add_to_report: Adicionar mais à denúncia
are_you_sure: Você tem certeza?
@ -612,9 +613,21 @@ pt-BR:
status: Estado
statuses: Conteúdo denunciado
statuses_description_html: Conteúdo ofensivo será citado em comunicação com a conta denunciada
delete_html: 'Você está prestes a <strong>remover</strong> algumas das publicações de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Isso irá:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Você está prestes a <strong>marcar</strong> algumas das publicações de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> como <strong>sensíveis</strong>. Isso irá:'
silence_html: 'Você está prestes a <strong>limitar</strong> <strong>a conta de @%{acct}</strong>. Isso irá:'
suspend_html: 'Você está prestes a <strong>suspender</strong> <strong>a conta de @%{acct}</strong>. Isso irá:'
close_report: 'Marcar denúncia #%{id} como resolvida'
close_reports_html: Marcar <strong>todas</strong> as denúncias contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> como resolvidas
delete_data_html: Exclua o perfil e o conteúdo de <strong>@%{acct}</strong> daqui a 30 dias, a menos que a suspensão seja desfeita nesse meio tempo
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> receberá um aviso com o seguinte conteúdo:"
send_email_html: Enviar <strong>@%{acct}</strong> um e-mail de aviso
target_origin: Origem da conta denunciada
title: Denúncias
unassign: Desatribuir
unknown_action_msg: 'Ação desconhecida: %{action}'
unresolved: Não resolvido
updated_at: Atualizado
view_profile: Ver perfil
@ -703,6 +716,7 @@ pt-BR:
title: Retenção de conteúdo
desc_html: Afeta qualquer usuário que não tenha alterado esta configuração manualmente
title: Optar por excluir usuários da indexação de mecanismos de pesquisa por padrão
follow_recommendations: Seguir recomendações
preamble: Navegar por um conteúdo interessante é fundamental para integrar novos usuários que podem não conhecer ninguém no Mastodon. Controle como várias características de descoberta funcionam no seu servidor.
@ -937,6 +951,8 @@ pt-BR:
apply_for_account: Solicitar uma conta
change_password: Senha
wrong_email_hint: Se esse endereço de e-mail não estiver correto, você pode alterá-lo nas configurações da conta.
delete_account: Excluir conta
delete_account_html: Se você deseja excluir sua conta, você pode <a href="%{path}">fazer isso aqui</a>. Uma confirmação será solicitada.
@ -964,6 +980,7 @@ pt-BR:
resend_confirmation: Reenviar instruções de confirmação
reset_password: Redefinir senha
preamble: Estes são definidos e aplicados pelos moderadores de %{domain}.
title: Algumas regras básicas.
security: Segurança
set_new_password: Definir uma nova senha

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@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ pt-PT:
private_comment_description_html: 'Para o ajudar a rastrear a origem dos bloqueios importados, estes serão criados com o seguinte comentário privado: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importado de %{source} em %{date}
title: Importar bloqueios de domínio
invalid_domain_block: 'Um ou mais blocos de domínio foram ignorados devido o(s) seguinte(s) erro(s): %{error}'
title: Importar bloqueios de domínio
no_file: Nenhum ficheiro selecionado
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ pt-PT:
none: Nenhum
comment_description_html: 'Para fornecer mais informações, %{name} escreveu:'
confirm_action: Confirmar a ação de moderação contra @%{acct}
created_at: Denunciado
delete_and_resolve: Eliminar publicações
forwarded: Encaminhado
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ pt-PT:
placeholder: Descreve as ações que foram tomadas ou quaisquer outras atualizações relacionadas...
title: Notas
notes_description_html: Visualize e deixe anotações para outros moderadores e para si próprio no futuro
processed_msg: 'Relatório #%{id} processado com sucesso'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Tome uma ação rápida ou deslize para baixo para ver o conteúdo denunciado:'
remote_user_placeholder: o utilizador remoto de %{instance}
reopen: Reabrir denúncia
@ -617,9 +620,28 @@ pt-PT:
status: Estado
statuses: Conteúdo denunciado
statuses_description_html: O conteúdo ofensivo será citado na comunicação com a conta denunciada
delete_html: 'Você está prestes a <strong>remover</strong> algumas das publicações de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Isto irá:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Você está prestes a <strong>marcar</strong> alguns dos posts de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>como <strong>sensível</strong>. Isto irá:'
silence_html: 'Você está prestes a <strong>limitar a conta do</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Isto irá:'
suspend_html: 'Você está prestes a <strong>suspender a conta de</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Isto irá:'
delete_html: Excluir as publicações ofensivas
mark_as_sensitive_html: Marcar a mídia dos posts ofensivos como sensível
silence_html: Limitar firmemente o alcance de <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, tornando seus perfis e conteúdos apenas visíveis para pessoas que já os estão seguindo ou olhando manualmente no perfil
suspend_html: Suspender <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, tornando seu perfil e conteúdo inacessíveis e impossível de interagir com
close_report: 'Marcar relatório #%{id} como resolvido'
close_reports_html: Marcar <strong>todos os</strong> relatórios contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> como resolvidos
delete_data_html: Excluir <strong>@%{acct}</strong>perfil e conteúdo 30 dias a menos que sejam dessuspensos
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> receberá um aviso com o seguinte conteúdo:"
record_strike_html: Registre um ataque contra <strong>@%{acct}</strong> para ajudá-lo a escalar futuras violações desta conta
send_email_html: Enviar <strong>@%{acct}</strong> um e-mail de aviso
warning_placeholder: Argumentos adicionais opcionais para a acção de moderação.
target_origin: Origem da conta denunciada
title: Denúncias
unassign: Não atribuir
unknown_action_msg: 'Ação desconhecida: %{action}'
unresolved: Por resolver
updated_at: Atualizado
view_profile: Ver perfil
@ -943,6 +965,8 @@ pt-PT:
apply_for_account: Solicitar uma conta
change_password: Palavra-passe
wrong_email_hint: Se esse endereço de e-mail não estiver correto, você pode alterá-lo nas configurações da conta.
delete_account: Eliminar conta
delete_account_html: Se deseja eliminar a sua conta, pode <a href="%{path}">continuar aqui</a>. Uma confirmação será solicitada.

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ da:
current_username: For at bekræfte, angiv brugernavnet for den aktuelle konto
digest: Sendes kun efter en lang inaktivitetsperiode, og kun hvis du har modtaget personlige beskeder under fraværet
discoverable: Tillad kontoen at blive fundet af fremmede via anbefalinger og øvrige funktioner
email: En bekræftelsese-mail fremsendes
email: En bekræftelses-e-mail fremsendes
fields: Profilen kan have op til 4 elementer vist som en tabel
header: PNG, GIF eller JPG. Maks. %{size}. Auto-nedskaleres til %{dimensions}px
inbox_url: Kopiér URL'en fra forsiden af den videreformidler, der skal anvendes

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@ -115,8 +115,60 @@ en-GB:
text: Describe a rule or requirement for users on this server. Try to keep it short and simple
otp: 'Enter the two-factor code generated by your phone app or use one of your recovery codes:'
webauthn: If it's an USB key be sure to insert it and, if necessary, tap it.
name: You can only change the casing of the letters, for example, to make it more readable
chosen_languages: When checked, only posts in selected languages will be displayed in public timelines
role: The role controls which permissions the user has
color: Color to be used for the role throughout the UI, as RGB in hex format
highlighted: This makes the role publicly visible
name: Public name of the role, if role is set to be displayed as a badge
permissions_as_keys: Users with this role will have access to...
position: Higher role decides conflict resolution in certain situations. Certain actions can only be performed on roles with a lower priority
events: Select events to send
url: Where events will be sent to
name: Label
value: Content
acct: Handle of the old account
acct: Handle of the new account
text: Preset text
title: Title
include_statuses: Include reported posts in the e-mail
send_email_notification: Notify the user per e-mail
text: Custom warning
type: Action
disable: Freeze
none: Send a warning
sensitive: Sensitive
silence: Limit
suspend: Suspend
warning_preset_id: Use a warning preset
all_day: All-day event
ends_at: End of event
scheduled_at: Schedule publication
starts_at: Start of event
text: Announcement
text: Explain why this decision should be reversed
autofollow: Invite to follow your account
avatar: Avatar
bot: This is a bot account
chosen_languages: Filter languages
confirm_new_password: Confirm new password
confirm_password: Confirm password
context: Filter contexts
current_password: Current password
data: Data
@ -135,7 +187,85 @@ en-GB:
new_password: New password
note: Bio
otp_attempt: Two-factor code
password: Password
phrase: Keyword or phrase
setting_advanced_layout: Enable advanced web interface
setting_aggregate_reblogs: Group boosts in timelines
setting_always_send_emails: Always send e-mail notifications
setting_auto_play_gif: Auto-play animated GIFs
setting_boost_modal: Show confirmation dialogue before boosting
setting_crop_images: Crop images in non-expanded posts to 16x9
setting_default_language: Posting language
setting_default_privacy: Posting privacy
setting_default_sensitive: Always mark media as sensitive
setting_delete_modal: Show confirmation dialogue before deleting a post
setting_disable_swiping: Disable swiping motions
setting_display_media: Media display
setting_display_media_default: Default
setting_display_media_hide_all: Hide all
setting_display_media_show_all: Show all
setting_expand_spoilers: Always expand posts marked with content warnings
setting_hide_network: Hide your social graph
setting_noindex: Opt-out of search engine indexing
setting_reduce_motion: Reduce motion in animations
setting_show_application: Disclose application used to send posts
setting_system_font_ui: Use system's default font
setting_theme: Site theme
setting_trends: Show today's trends
setting_unfollow_modal: Show confirmation dialog before unfollowing someone
setting_use_blurhash: Show colourful gradients for hidden media
setting_use_pending_items: Slow mode
severity: Severity
sign_in_token_attempt: Security code
title: Title
type: Import type
username: Username
username_or_email: Username or Email
whole_word: Whole word
with_dns_records: Include MX records and IPs of the domain
name: Hashtag
hide: Hide completely
warn: Hide with a warning
activity_api_enabled: Publish aggregate statistics about user activity in the API
backups_retention_period: User archive retention period
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Always recommend these accounts to new users
closed_registrations_message: Custom message when sign-ups are not available
content_cache_retention_period: Content cache retention period
custom_css: Custom CSS
mascot: Custom mascot (legacy)
media_cache_retention_period: Media cache retention period
peers_api_enabled: Publish list of discovered servers in the API
profile_directory: Enable profile directory
registrations_mode: Who can sign-up
require_invite_text: Require a reason to join
show_domain_blocks: Show domain blocks
show_domain_blocks_rationale: Show why domains were blocked
site_contact_email: Contact e-mail
site_contact_username: Contact username
site_extended_description: Extended description
site_short_description: Server description
site_terms: Privacy Policy
site_title: Server name
theme: Default theme
thumbnail: Server thumbnail
timeline_preview: Allow unauthenticated access to public timelines
trendable_by_default: Allow trends without prior review
trends: Enable trends
must_be_follower: Block notifications from non-followers
must_be_following: Block notifications from people you don't follow
must_be_following_dm: Block direct messages from people you don't follow
comment: Comment
text: Why do you want to join?
comment: Comment
ip: IP
no_access: Block access
@ -164,6 +294,7 @@ en-GB:
role: Role
color: Badge colour
highlighted: Display role as badge on user profiles
name: Name
permissions_as_keys: Permissions
position: Priority

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@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ es:
hide: Ocultar completamente el contenido filtrado, comportándose como si no existiera
warn: Ocultar el contenido filtrado detrás de una advertencia mencionando el título del filtro
activity_api_enabled: Conteo de publicaciones publicadas localmente, usuarios activos y registros nuevos cada semana
backups_retention_period: Mantener los archivos de usuario generados durante el número de días especificado.
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Estas cuentas aparecerán en la parte superior de las recomendaciones de los nuevos usuarios.
closed_registrations_message: Mostrado cuando los registros están cerrados
@ -230,6 +231,7 @@ es:
hide: Ocultar completamente
warn: Ocultar con una advertencia
activity_api_enabled: Publicar estadísticas agregadas sobre la actividad del usuario con la API
backups_retention_period: Período de retención del archivo de usuario
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Recomendar siempre estas cuentas a nuevos usuarios
closed_registrations_message: Mensaje personalizado cuando los registros no están disponibles

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ eu:
disable: Erabiltzaileari bere kontua erabiltzea eragotzi, baina ez ezabatu edo ezkutatu bere edukiak.
none: Erabili hau erabiltzaileari abisu bat bidaltzeko, beste ekintzarik abiarazi gabe.
sensitive: Behartu erabiltzaile honen multimedia eranskin guztiak hunkigarri gisa markatzea.
silence: Eragotzi erabiltzaileak ikusgaitasun publikoarekin argitaratzea, ezkutatu bere bidalketa eta jakinarazpenak jarraitzen ez duten pertsonei. Kontu honen aurkako txosten guztiak ixten ditu.
suspend: Eragotzi kontu honek inolako interakziorik izatea eta ezabatu bere edukiak. Atzera bota daiteke 30 egun igaro aurretik. Kontu honen aurkako txosten guztiak ixten ditu.
warning_preset_id: Aukerakoa. Zure testua gehitu dezakezu aurre-ezarpenaren ostean
all_day: Markatutakoan soilik denbora barrutiko datak erakutsiko dira
@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ eu:
hide: Ezkutatu erabat iragazitako edukia, existituko ez balitz bezala
warn: Ezkutatu iragazitako edukia iragazkiaren izenburua duen abisu batekin
activity_api_enabled: Lokalki argitaratutako bidalketak, erabiltzaile aktiboak, eta izen-emateen kopuruak astero zenbatzen ditu
backups_retention_period: Mantendu sortutako erabiltzailearen artxiboa zehazturiko egun kopuruan.
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Kontu hauek erabiltzaile berrien jarraitzeko gomendioen goiko aldean ainguratuko dira.
closed_registrations_message: Izen-ematea itxia dagoenean bistaratua
@ -79,6 +82,7 @@ eu:
custom_css: Estilo pertsonalizatuak aplikatu ditzakezu Mastodonen web bertsioan.
mascot: Web interfaze aurreratuko ilustrazioa gainidazten du.
media_cache_retention_period: Balio positibo bat ezarriz gero, egun kopuru horretara iristean beste zerbitzarietatik deskargatutako multimedia fitxategiak ezabatuko dira. Ondoren, eskatu ahala deskargatuko dira berriz.
peers_api_enabled: Zerbitzari honek fedibertsoan ikusi dituen zerbitzarien domeinu-izenen zerrenda. Ez da daturik ematen zerbitzari jakin batekin federatzearen ala ez federatzearen inguruan, zerbitzariak haien berri duela soilik. Federazioari buruzko estatistika orokorrak biltzen dituzten zerbitzuek erabiltzen dute hau.
profile_directory: Profilen direktorioan ikusgai egotea aukeratu duten erabiltzaile guztiak zerrendatzen dira.
require_invite_text: Izen emateak eskuz onartu behar direnean, "Zergatik elkartu nahi duzu?" testu sarrera derrigorrezko bezala ezarri, ez hautazko
site_contact_email: Jendeak kontsulta legalak egin edo laguntza eskatzeko bidea.
@ -227,6 +231,7 @@ eu:
hide: Ezkutatu guztiz
warn: Ezkutatu ohar batekin
activity_api_enabled: Argitaratu erabiltzaile-jardueraren guztizko estatistikak APIan
backups_retention_period: Erabiltzailearen artxiboa gordetzeko epea
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Gomendatu beti kontu hauek erabiltzaile berriei
closed_registrations_message: Izen-emateak itxita daudenerako mezu pertsonalizatua
@ -234,6 +239,7 @@ eu:
custom_css: CSS pertsonalizatua
mascot: Maskota pertsonalizatua (zaharkitua)
media_cache_retention_period: Multimediaren cachea atxikitzeko epea
peers_api_enabled: Argitaratu aurkitutako zerbitzarien zerrenda APIan
profile_directory: Gaitu profil-direktorioa
registrations_mode: Nork eman dezake izena
require_invite_text: Eskatu arrazoi bat batzeko

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@ -188,13 +188,13 @@ fi:
password: Salasana
phrase: Avainsana tai lause
setting_advanced_layout: Ota käyttöön edistynyt selainkäyttöliittymä
setting_aggregate_reblogs: Ryhmitä boostaukset aikajanalla
setting_aggregate_reblogs: Ryhmitä tehostukset aikajanalla
setting_always_send_emails: Lähetä aina sähköposti-ilmoituksia
setting_auto_play_gif: Toista GIF-animaatiot automaattisesti
setting_boost_modal: Kysy vahvistusta ennen buustausta
setting_boost_modal: Kysy vahvistus ennen tehostusta
setting_crop_images: Rajaa kuvat avaamattomissa tuuttauksissa 16:9 kuvasuhteeseen
setting_default_language: Julkaisujen kieli
setting_default_privacy: Julkaisun näkyvyys
setting_default_privacy: Viestin näkyvyys
setting_default_sensitive: Merkitse media aina arkaluontoiseksi
setting_delete_modal: Kysy vahvistusta ennen viestin poistamista
setting_disable_swiping: Poista pyyhkäisyt käytöstä
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ fi:
follow_request: Lähetä sähköposti, kun joku pyytää seurata sinua
mention: Lähetä sähköposti, kun sinut mainitaan
pending_account: Uusi tili tarvitsee tarkastusta
reblog: Lähetä sähköposti, kun joku buustaa julkaisusi
reblog: Lähetä sähköposti, kun joku tehosti viestiäsi
report: Uusi raportti on lähetetty
trending_tag: Uusi trendi vaatii tarkastelua

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@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ ja:
disable: ユーザーが自分のアカウントを使用できないようにします。コンテンツを削除したり非表示にすることはありません。
none: これを使用すると、他の操作をせずにユーザーに警告を送信できます。
sensitive: このユーザーが添付したメディアを強制的に閲覧注意にする
silence: ユーザーが公開投稿できないようにし、フォローしていない人に投稿や通知が表示されないようにする。このアカウントに対する全ての通報をクローズします。
suspend: このアカウントとのやりとりを止め、コンテンツを削除します。30日以内は取消可能です。このアカウントに対する全ての通報をクローズします。
silence: ユーザーによる公開投稿を禁止し、フォローしていない人に投稿や通知が表示されないようにします。また、このアカウントに対するすべての通報をクローズします。
suspend: このアカウントによるすべての活動を禁止し、コンテンツを削除します。この操作は30日以内であれば取り消しが可能です。また、このアカウントに対するすべての通報をクローズします。
warning_preset_id: オプションです。プリセット警告文の末尾に任意の文字列を追加することができます
all_day: 有効化すると、対象期間の箇所に日付だけが表示されます
@ -71,26 +71,26 @@ ja:
action: 投稿がフィルタに一致したときに実行するアクションを選択
hide: フィルタリングしたコンテンツを完全に隠し、あたかも存在しないかのようにします
warn: フィルタリングされたコンテンツを、フィルタータイトルの警告の後ろに隠します。
hide: フィルタに一致した投稿を完全に非表示にします
warn: フィルタに一致した投稿を非表示にし、フィルタのタイトルを含む警告を表示します
activity_api_enabled: 週単位でローカルで公開された投稿数、アクティブユーザー数、新規登録者数を表示
activity_api_enabled: 週単位でローカルで公開された投稿数、アクティブユーザー数、新規登録者数を表示しま
backups_retention_period: 生成されたユーザーのアーカイブを指定した日数の間保持します。
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: これらのアカウントは、新しいユーザーのフォロー推奨リストの一番上にピン留めされます。
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: これらのアカウントは、新しいユーザー向けのおすすめユーザーの一番上にピン留めされます。
closed_registrations_message: アカウント作成を停止している時に表示されます
content_cache_retention_period: 正の値に設定されている場合、他のサーバーの投稿は指定された日数の後に削除されます。元に戻せません。
custom_css: ウェブ版のMastodonでカスタムスタイルを適用できます。
mascot: 上級者向けWebインターフェースのイラストを上書き
mascot: 上級者向けWebインターフェースのイラストを上書きします。
media_cache_retention_period: 正の値に設定されている場合、ダウンロードされたメディアファイルは指定された日数の後に削除され、リクエストに応じて再ダウンロードされます。
peers_api_enabled: このサーバーが Fediverse で遭遇したドメイン名のリストです。このサーバーが知っているだけで、特定のサーバーと連合しているかのデータは含まれません。これは一般的に Fediverse に関する統計情報を収集するサービスによって使用されます。
profile_directory: プロフィールディレクトリには、掲載するよう設定したすべてのユーザーが一覧表示されます。
require_invite_text: アカウント登録が承認制の場合、「意気込みをお聞かせください」のテキストの入力を必須にする
profile_directory: ディレクトリには、掲載する設定したすべてのユーザーが一覧表示されます。
require_invite_text: アカウント登録が承認制の場合、申請事由の入力を必須にします
site_contact_email: 法律またはサポートに関する問い合わせ先
site_contact_username: マストドンでの連絡方法
site_extended_description: 訪問者やユーザーに役立つかもしれない任意の追加情報。Markdownが使えます。
site_short_description: 誰が運営しているのか、誰に向けたものなのかなど、サーバーを特定する短い説明。
site_short_description: 運営している人や組織、想定しているユーザーなど、サーバーの特徴を説明する短いテキスト
site_terms: 独自のプライバシーポリシーを使用するか空白にしてデフォルトのプライバシーポリシーを使用します。Markdownが使えます。
site_title: ドメイン名以外でサーバーを参照する方法です。
site_title: ドメイン名以外でサーバーを参照する方法
theme: ログインしていない人と新規ユーザーに表示されるテーマ。
thumbnail: サーバー情報と共に表示される、アスペクト比が約 2:1 の画像。
timeline_preview: ログアウトした人でも、サーバー上で利用可能な最新の公開投稿を閲覧することができます。

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ko:
text: 처벌에 대해 단 한 번만 이의제기를 할 수 있습니다
autofollow: 이 초대를 통해 가입하는 사람은 당신을 자동으로 팔로우 하게 됩니다
autofollow: 이 초대로 가입한 사람은 나를 팔로우하게 됩니다.
avatar: PNG, GIF 혹은 JPG. 최대 %{size}. %{dimensions}px로 축소 됨
bot: 이 계정이 대부분 자동으로 작업을 수행하고 잘 확인하지 않는다는 것을 알립니다.
context: 필터를 적용 할 한 개 이상의 컨텍스트
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ ko:
irreversible: 필터링 된 게시물은 나중에 필터가 사라지더라도 돌아오지 않게 됩니다
locale: 사용자 인터페이스, 이메일, 푸시 알림 언어
locked: 팔로우 요청을 승인제로 두어 누가 당신을 팔로우 할 수 있는지를 수동으로 제어합니다.
password: 최소 8글자
password: 여덟 글자를 넘어야 합니다.
phrase: 게시물 내용이나 열람주의 내용 안에서 대소문자 구분 없이 매칭 됩니다
scopes: 애플리케이션에 허용할 API들입니다. 최상위 스코프를 선택하면 개별적인 것은 선택하지 않아도 됩니다.
setting_aggregate_reblogs: 최근에 부스트 됐던 게시물은 새로 부스트 되어도 보여주지 않기 (새로 받은 부스트에만 적용됩니다)
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ ko:
data: 다른 마스토돈 서버에서 추출된 CSV 파일
text: 이 정보는 우리가 심사를 하는 데에 참고할 수 있습니다
text: 이 정보는 신청을 검토하는데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
comment: 필수 아님. 왜 이 규칙을 추가했는지 기억하세요.
expires_in: IP 주소는 한정된 자원입니다, 이것들은 가끔 공유 되거나 자주 소유자가 바뀌기도 합니다. 이런 이유로 인해, IP 차단을 영구히 유지하는 것은 추천하지 않습니다.
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ ko:
disable: 비활성화
none: 아무 것도 하지 않기
sensitive: 민감함
silence: 침묵
silence: 제한
suspend: 정지하고 되돌릴 수 없는 데이터 삭제
warning_preset_id: 경고 틀 사용하기
@ -279,16 +279,16 @@ ko:
follow: 누군가 나를 팔로우 했을 때
follow_request: 누군가 나를 팔로우 하길 요청할 때
mention: 누군가 나를 언급했을 때
pending_account: 새 계정이 심사가 필요할 때
pending_account: 검토해야 할 새 계정
reblog: 누군가 내 게시물을 부스트 했을 때
report: 새 신고가 접수되었을 때
trending_tag: 새 트렌드에 대한 리뷰가 필요할 때
trending_tag: 검토해야 할 새 유행
text: 규칙
listable: 이 해시태그가 검색과 추천에 보여지도록 허용
name: 해시태그
trendable: 이 해시태그가 유행에 보여지도록 허용
trendable: 이 해시태그를 유행에 나타나도록 허용
usable: 이 해시태그를 게시물에 사용 가능하도록 허용
role: 역할

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ nl:
disable: Voorkom dat de gebruiker diens account gebruikt, maar verwijder of verberg de inhoud niet.
none: Gebruik dit om een waarschuwing naar de gebruiker te sturen, zonder dat nog een andere maatregel wordt genomen.
sensitive: Forceer dat alle mediabijlagen van deze gebruiker als gevoelig worden gemarkeerd.
silence: Voorkom dat de gebruiker berichten kan plaatsen met openbare zichtbaarheid, verberg diens berichten en meldingen van mensen die de gebruiker niet volgen. Sluit alle rapportages tegen dit account af.
suspend: Voorkom interactie van of naar dit account en verwijder de inhoud. Dit is omkeerbaar binnen 30 dagen. Dit sluit alle rapporten tegen dit account af.
warning_preset_id: Optioneel. Je kunt nog steeds handmatig tekst toevoegen aan het eind van de voorinstelling
all_day: Wanneer dit is aangevinkt worden alleen de datums binnen het tijdvak getoond
@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ nl:
hide: Verberg de gefilterde inhoud volledig, alsof het niet bestaat
warn: Verberg de gefilterde inhoud achter een waarschuwing, met de titel van het filter als waarschuwingstekst
activity_api_enabled: Aantallen lokaal gepubliceerde berichten, actieve gebruikers en nieuwe registraties per week
backups_retention_period: De aangemaakte gebruikersarchieven voor het opgegeven aantal dagen behouden.
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Deze accounts worden bovenaan de aanbevelingen aan nieuwe gebruikers getoond. Meerdere gebruikersnamen met komma's scheiden.
closed_registrations_message: Weergegeven wanneer registratie van nieuwe accounts is uitgeschakeld
@ -79,6 +82,7 @@ nl:
custom_css: Je kunt aangepaste CSS toepassen op de webversie van deze Mastodon-server.
mascot: Overschrijft de illustratie in de geavanceerde webomgeving.
media_cache_retention_period: Mediabestanden die van andere servers zijn gedownload worden na het opgegeven aantal dagen verwijderd en worden op verzoek opnieuw gedownload.
peers_api_enabled: Een lijst met domeinnamen die deze server heeft aangetroffen in de fediverse. Er zijn hier geen gegevens inbegrepen over de vraag of je verbonden bent met een bepaalde server, alleen dat je server er van weet. Dit wordt gebruikt door diensten die statistieken over de federatie in algemene zin verzamelen.
profile_directory: De gebruikersgids bevat een lijst van alle gebruikers die ervoor gekozen hebben om ontdekt te kunnen worden.
require_invite_text: Maak het invullen van "Waarom wil je je hier registreren?" verplicht in plaats van optioneel, wanneer registraties handmatig moeten worden goedgekeurd
site_contact_email: Hoe mensen je kunnen bereiken voor juridische vragen of support.
@ -227,6 +231,7 @@ nl:
hide: Volledig verbergen
warn: Met een waarschuwing verbergen
activity_api_enabled: Statistieken over gebruikersactiviteit via de API publiceren
backups_retention_period: Bewaartermijn gebruikersarchief
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Accounts die altijd aan nieuwe gebruikers worden aanbevolen
closed_registrations_message: Aangepast bericht wanneer registratie is uitgeschakeld
@ -234,6 +239,7 @@ nl:
custom_css: Aangepaste CSS
mascot: Aangepaste mascotte (legacy)
media_cache_retention_period: Bewaartermijn mediacache
peers_api_enabled: Lijst van bekende servers via de API publiceren
profile_directory: Gebruikersgids inschakelen
registrations_mode: Wie kan zich registreren
require_invite_text: Opgeven van een reden is verplicht

View File

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ sk:
digest: Zasielať súhrnné emaily
favourite: Zaslať email, ak si niekto obľúbi tvoj príspevok
follow: Zaslať email, ak ťa niekto začne následovať
follow: Niekto ťa začal nasledovať
follow_request: Zaslať email, ak ti niekto pošle žiadosť o sledovanie
mention: Zaslať email, ak ťa niekto spomenie vo svojom príspevku
pending_account: Zaslať email, ak treba prehodnotiť nový účet

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ zh-TW:
media_cache_retention_period: 當設定成正值時,已下載的多媒體檔案會於指定天數後被刪除,並且視需要重新下載。
peers_api_enabled: 浩瀚聯邦宇宙中與此伺服器曾經擦肩而過的網域列表。不包含關於您是否與此伺服器是否有與之串連,僅僅表示您的伺服器已知此網域。這是供收集聯邦宇宙中一般性統計資料服務使用。
profile_directory: 個人檔案目錄將會列出那些有選擇被發現的使用者。
require_invite_text: 如果已設定為手動審核註冊,請將「加入原因」設定為必填項目。
require_invite_text: 如果已設定為手動審核註冊,請將「為什麼想要加入呢?」設定為必填項目。
site_contact_email: 其他人如何聯繫您關於法律或支援之諮詢。
site_contact_username: 其他人如何於 Mastodon 上聯繫您。
site_extended_description: 任何其他可能對訪客或使用者有用的額外資訊。可由 Markdown 語法撰寫。
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ zh-TW:
comment: 備註
text: 加入的原因
text: 為什麼想要加入呢?
comment: 備註
ip: IP 位址

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ sk:
following: Musíš už následovať toho človeka, ktorého si praješ zviditeľniť
few: Príspevkov
many: Príspevky
few: Príspevky
many: Príspevkov
one: Príspevok
other: Príspevkov
posts_tab_heading: Príspevky
@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ sk:
destroy_ip_block_html: "%{name} vymazal/a pravidlo pre IP %{target}"
destroy_status_html: "%{name} zmazal/a príspevok od %{target}"
deleted_account: zmazaný účet
empty: Žiadne záznamy nenájdené.
filter_by_action: Filtruj podľa úkonu
filter_by_user: Trieď podľa užívateľa
title: Kontrólny záznam
@ -317,6 +318,7 @@ sk:
hint: Blokovanie domény stále dovolí vytvárať nové účty v databázi, ale tieto budú spätne automaticky moderované.
noop: Nič
silence: Obmedz
suspend: Vylúč
title: Nové blokovanie domény
obfuscate: Zatemniť názov domény
@ -344,6 +346,8 @@ sk:
resolved_through_html: Prevedená cez %{domain}
title: Blokované emailové adresy
title: Nahraj povolené domény
no_file: Nevybraný žiaden súbor
@ -476,6 +480,11 @@ sk:
resolved_msg: Hlásenie úspešne vyriešené!
status: Stav
statuses: Nahlásený obsah
delete_html: Vymaž pohoršujúce príspevky
mark_as_sensitive_html: Označ médiá pohoršujúcich príspevkov za chúlostivé
close_report: 'Označ hlásenie #%{id} za vyriešené'
title: Hlásenia
unassign: Odober
unresolved: Nevyriešené
@ -647,7 +656,7 @@ sk:
prefix_invited_by_user: "@%{name} ťa pozýva na tento Mastodon server!"
prefix_sign_up: Zaregistruj sa na Mastodone už dnes!
suffix: S pomocou účtu budeš môcť následovať ľudí, posielať príspevky, a vymienať si správy s užívateľmi na hociakom Mastodon serveri, ale aj na iných serveroch!
suffix: S pomocou účtu budeš môcť nasledovať ľudí, posielať príspevky, a vymieňať si správy s užívateľmi na hocijakom Mastodon serveri, ale aj na iných serveroch!
didnt_get_confirmation: Neobdržal/a si kroky na potvrdenie?
forgot_password: Zabudnuté heslo?
invalid_reset_password_token: Token na obnovu hesla vypršal. Prosím vypítaj si nový.
@ -677,7 +686,7 @@ sk:
already_following: Tento účet už nasleduješ
error: Naneštastie nastala chyba pri hľadaní vzdialeného účtu
follow: Nasleduj
follow_request: 'Poslal/a si žiadosť následovať užívateľa:'
follow_request: 'Poslal/a si žiadosť nasledovať užívateľa:'
following: 'Podarilo sa! Teraz nasleduješ užívateľa:'
close: Alebo môžeš iba zatvoriť toto okno.

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@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ sl:
private_comment_description_html: 'Kot pomoč pri sledenju izvora uvoženih blokad bodo le-te ustvarjene z naslednjim zasebnim komentarjem: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Uvoženo iz %{source} %{date}
title: Uvozi blokade domen
invalid_domain_block: 'Ena ali več blokad domen je bila preskočena zaradi naslednjih napak: %{error}'
title: Uvozi blokade domen
no_file: Nobena datoteka ni izbrana
@ -613,6 +614,7 @@ sl:
none: Brez
comment_description_html: 'V pojasnilo je %{name} zapisal/a:'
confirm_action: Potrdite dejanje moderiranja proti @%{acct}
created_at: Prijavljeno
delete_and_resolve: Izbriši objave
forwarded: Posredovano
@ -629,6 +631,7 @@ sl:
placeholder: Opišite dejanja, ki ste jih izvedli, ali katere koli druge posodobitve ...
title: Zapiski
notes_description_html: Pokaži in pusti opombe drugim moderatorjem in sebi v prihodnosti
processed_msg: 'Prijava #%{id} uspešno obdelana'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Opravite hitro dejanje ali podrsajte navzdol, da si ogledate prijavljeno vsebino:'
remote_user_placeholder: oddaljeni uporabnik iz %{instance}
reopen: Ponovno odpri prijavo
@ -641,9 +644,28 @@ sl:
status: Stanje
statuses: Prijavljena vsebina
statuses_description_html: Žaljiva vsebina bo citirana v komunikaciji z računom iz prijave
delete_html: 'Nekatere od objav uporabnika/ce <strong>@%{acct}</strong> boste <strong>odstranili</strong>. S tem boste:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Nekatere od objav uporabnika/ce <strong>@%{acct}</strong> boste <strong>označili</strong> kot <strong>občutljive</strong>. S tem boste:'
silence_html: 'Račun uporabnika/ce <strong>@%{acct}</strong> boste <strong>omejili</strong>. S tem boste:'
suspend_html: "<strong>Suspendirali</strong> boste račun uporabnika/ce <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. S tem boste:"
delete_html: Odstrani žaljive objave
mark_as_sensitive_html: Označi večpredstavnost žaljivih objav kot občutljivo
silence_html: Močno omejite doseg osebe <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, tako da naredite njihov profil in vsebino vidno samo osebam, ki jih že spremljajo ali ročno poiščejo profil
suspend_html: Suspendirajte <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, s čimer postaneta njihov profil in vsebina nedostopna in z njim ni mogoče komunicirati
close_report: 'Označi prijavo #%{id} kot rešeno'
close_reports_html: Označi <strong>vse</strong> prijave zoper <strong>@%{acct}</strong> kot rešene
delete_data_html: Izbriši profil in vsebine <strong>@%{acct}</strong> čez 30 dni, razen če suspenz v tem času ni preklican
preview_preamble_html: 'Oseba <strong>@%{acct}</strong> bo prejela opozorilo z naslednjo vsebino:'
record_strike_html: Izdajte opomin računu <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, da boste lažje stopnjevali svoj odziv ob prihodnjih kršitvah s tega računa
send_email_html: Pošlji <strong>@%{acct}</strong> opozorilno e-sporočilo
warning_placeholder: Neobvezna dodatna utemeljitev dejanja moderiranja.
target_origin: Izvor prijavljenega računa
title: Prijave
unassign: Odstopljeni
unknown_action_msg: 'Neznano dejanje: %{action}'
unresolved: Nerešeni
updated_at: Posodobljeni
view_profile: Pokaži profil
@ -979,6 +1001,8 @@ sl:
apply_for_account: Zaprosite za račun
change_password: Geslo
wrong_email_hint: Če ta e-poštni naslov ni pravilen, ga lahko spremenite v nastavitvah računa.
delete_account: Izbriši račun
delete_account_html: Če želite izbrisati svoj račun, lahko nadaljujete <a href="%{path}">tukaj</a>. Prosili vas bomo za potrditev.

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@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ sq:
private_comment_description_html: 'Për tju ndihmuar të ndiqni se nga vijnë bllokimet e importuara, këto do të krijohen me komentin vijues privat: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importuar nga %{source} më %{date}
title: Importoni bllokime përkatësish
invalid_domain_block: 'U anashkalua një ose më tepër bllokime përkatësish, për shkak të gabimit(eve) vijues: %{error}'
title: Importoni bllokime përkatësish
no_file: Su përzgjodh kartelë
@ -588,6 +589,7 @@ sq:
none: Asnjë
comment_description_html: 'Për të dhënë më tepër informacion, %{name} shkroi:'
confirm_action: Ripohoni veprim moderimi kundër @%{acct}
created_at: Raportuar më
delete_and_resolve: Fshiji postimet
forwarded: U përcoll
@ -604,6 +606,7 @@ sq:
placeholder: Përshkruani çveprime janë ndërmarrë, ose çfarëdo përditësimi tjetër që lidhet me të…
title: Shënime
notes_description_html: Shihni dhe lini shënime për moderatorët e tjerë dhe për veten në të ardhmen
processed_msg: 'Raportimi #%{id} u përpunua me sukses'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Kryeni një veprim të shpejtë, ose rrëshqitni poshtë për të parë lëndën e raportuar:'
remote_user_placeholder: përdoruesi i largët prej %{instance}
reopen: Rihape raportimin
@ -616,9 +619,28 @@ sq:
status: Gjendje
statuses: Lëndë e raportuar
statuses_description_html: Lënda problematike do të citohet në komunikimin me llogarinë e raportuar
delete_html: 'Ju ndan një hap nga <strong>heqja</strong> e disa postimeve të <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Kjo do të sjellë:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Ju ndan një hap nga <strong>vënia shenjë</strong> disa postimeve të <strong>@%{acct}</strong> si <strong>me spec</strong>. Kjo do të sjellë:'
silence_html: 'Ju ndan një hap nga <strong>kufizimi</strong> i llogarisë së <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Kjo do të sjellë:'
suspend_html: 'Ju ndan një hap nga <strong>pezullimi</strong> i llogarisë së <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Kjo do të sjellë:'
delete_html: Hiqi postimet fyese
mark_as_sensitive_html: Vëru shenjë si me spec mediave të postimeve fyese
silence_html: Kufizoje fort shtrirjen e <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, duke e bërë profilin dhe lëndën e tij të dukshme vetëm për persona që e ndjekin tashmë, ose që kërkojnë dorazi për profilin e tij
suspend_html: Pezulloje <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, duke e bërë profilin dhe lëndën e tij të pahapshme dhe të pamundur ndërveprimin me të
close_report: 'Vëri shenjë raportimit #%{id} si të zgjidhur'
close_reports_html: Vëru shenjë <strong>krejt</strong> raportimeve kundër <strong>@%{acct}</strong> si të zgjidhur
delete_data_html: Fshije profilin e <strong>@%{acct}</strong> dhe lëndën e 30 ditëve nga sot, veç në u pezulloftë ndërkohë
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> do të marrë një sinjalizim me lëndën vijuese:"
record_strike_html: Regjistroni një vërejtje kundër <strong>@%{acct}</strong> për tju ndihmuar të përshkallëzoni qëndrim në ras cenimesh të ardhshme nga kjo llogari
send_email_html: Dërgojini <strong>@%{acct}</strong> një vërejtje me email
warning_placeholder: Arsye shtesë, në daçi, për veprimin e moderimit.
target_origin: Origjinë e llogarisë së raportuar
title: Raportime
unassign: Hiqja
unknown_action_msg: 'Veprim i panjohur: %{action}'
unresolved: Të pazgjidhur
updated_at: U përditësua më
view_profile: Shihni profilin
@ -938,6 +960,8 @@ sq:
apply_for_account: Kërkoni një llogari
change_password: Fjalëkalim
wrong_email_hint: Nëse ajo adresë email sështë e saktë, mund ta ndryshoni te rregullimet e llogarisë.
delete_account: Fshije llogarinë
delete_account_html: Nëse dëshironi të fshihni llogarinë tuaj, mund <a href="%{path}">ta bëni që këtu</a>. Do tju kërkohet ta ripohoni.

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@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ sv:
private_comment_description_html: 'För att hjälpa dig spåra var importerade blockeringar kommer från kommer importerade blockeringar att skapas med följande privata kommentar: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Importerad från %{source} den %{date}
title: Importera domänblockeringar
invalid_domain_block: 'Ett eller flera domänblock hoppades över på grund av följande fel: %{error}'
title: Importera domänblockeringar
no_file: Ingen fil vald
@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ sv:
none: Ingen
comment_description_html: 'För att ge mer information, skrev %{name}:'
confirm_action: Bekräfta modereringsåtgärd mot @%{acct}
created_at: Anmäld
delete_and_resolve: Ta bort inlägg
forwarded: Vidarebefordrad
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ sv:
placeholder: Beskriv vilka åtgärder som vidtagits eller andra uppdateringar till den här anmälan.
title: Anteckningar
notes_description_html: Visa och lämna anteckningar till andra moderatorer och ditt framtida jag
processed_msg: 'Rapporten #%{id} har behandlats'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Ta en snabb åtgärd eller bläddra ner för att se rapporterat innehåll:'
remote_user_placeholder: fjärranvändaren från %{instance}
reopen: Återuppta anmälan
@ -617,6 +620,14 @@ sv:
status: Status
statuses: Rapporterat innehåll
statuses_description_html: Stötande innehåll kommer att citeras i kommunikationen med det rapporterade kontot
delete_html: 'Du håller på att <strong>ta bort</strong> några av <strong>@%{acct}</strong>s inlägg. Detta kommer:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Du håller på att <strong>markera</strong> några av <strong>@%{acct}</strong>s inlägg som <strong>känsliga</strong>. Detta kommer:'
silence_html: 'Du håller på att <strong>begränsa</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong>s konto. Detta kommer:'
suspend_html: 'Du håller på att <strong>stänga av</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong>s konto. Detta kommer:'
delete_html: Ta bort kränkande inlägg
target_origin: Ursprung för anmält konto
title: Anmälningar
unassign: Otilldela

View File

@ -433,6 +433,7 @@ th:
private_comment_description_html: 'เพื่อช่วยให้คุณติดตามว่าการปิดกั้นที่นำเข้ามาจากที่ใด จะสร้างการปิดกั้นที่นำเข้าโดยมีความคิดเห็นส่วนตัวดังต่อไปนี้: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: นำเข้าจาก %{source} เมื่อ %{date}
title: นำเข้าการปิดกั้นโดเมน
invalid_domain_block: 'มีการข้ามการปิดกั้นโดเมนจำนวนหนึ่งหรือมากกว่าเนื่องจากข้อผิดพลาดดังต่อไปนี้: %{error}'
title: นำเข้าการปิดกั้นโดเมน
no_file: ไม่ได้เลือกไฟล์
@ -562,10 +563,10 @@ th:
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@ -577,6 +578,7 @@ th:
none: ไม่มี
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@ -593,6 +595,7 @@ th:
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@ -605,9 +608,28 @@ th:
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@ -648,7 +670,7 @@ th:
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@ -660,7 +682,7 @@ th:
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@ -925,6 +947,8 @@ th:
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@ -972,7 +996,7 @@ th:
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use_security_key: ใช้กุญแจความปลอดภัย
@ -1044,7 +1068,7 @@ th:
approve_appeal: อนุมัติการอุทธรณ์
associated_report: รายงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง
created_at: ลงวันที่
description_html: นี่คือการกระทำที่ใช้กับบัญชีของคุณและคำเตือนที่ส่งถึงคุณโดยพนักงานของ %{instance}
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recipient: ส่งถึง
reject_appeal: ปฏิเสธการอุทธรณ์
status: 'โพสต์ #%{id}'
@ -1556,11 +1580,11 @@ th:
action: ไปยังบัญชีของคุณ
explanation: อนุมัติการอุทธรณ์การดำเนินการกับบัญชีของคุณเมื่อ %{strike_date} ที่คุณได้ส่งเมื่อ %{appeal_date} แล้ว บัญชีของคุณอยู่ในสถานะที่ดีอีกครั้งหนึ่ง
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subject: อนุมัติการอุทธรณ์ของคุณจาก %{date} แล้ว
title: อนุมัติการอุทธรณ์แล้ว
explanation: ปฏิเสธการอุทธรณ์การดำเนินการกับบัญชีของคุณเมื่อ %{strike_date} ที่คุณได้ส่งเมื่อ %{appeal_date} แล้ว
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subject: ปฏิเสธการอุทธรณ์ของคุณจาก %{date} แล้ว
title: ปฏิเสธการอุทธรณ์แล้ว
@ -1581,7 +1605,7 @@ th:
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mark_statuses_as_sensitive: ทำเครื่องหมายโพสต์บางส่วนของคุณว่าละเอียดอ่อนโดยผู้ควบคุมของ %{instance} แล้ว นี่หมายความว่าผู้คนจะต้องแตะสื่อในโพสต์ก่อนที่จะแสดงตัวอย่าง คุณสามารถทำเครื่องหมายสื่อว่าละเอียดอ่อนด้วยตัวคุณเองเมื่อโพสต์ในอนาคต
sensitive: จากนี้ไป จะทำเครื่องหมายไฟล์สื่อที่อัปโหลดทั้งหมดของคุณว่าละเอียดอ่อนและซ่อนอยู่หลังการคลิกไปยังคำเตือน

View File

@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ tr:
private_comment_description_html: 'İçe aktarılan engellerin nereden geldiğini izlemenize olanak sağlamak için, içe aktarılan engeller şu özel yorum ile oluşturulacak: <q>%{comment}</q>'
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title: Domain bloklarını içe aktar
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@ -589,6 +590,7 @@ tr:
none: Yok
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delete_and_resolve: Gönderileri sil
forwarded: İletildi
@ -605,6 +607,7 @@ tr:
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suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> hesabını <strong>askıya alacaksınız</strong>, böylece:"
delete_html: Kuralı ihlal eden gönderileri kaldır
mark_as_sensitive_html: Kuralı ihlal eden gönderilerin medyasını hassas olarak işaretle
suspend_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> hesabını askıya al, profilini ve içeriğini erişilmez ve etkileşimi imkansız yap"
close_report: "#%{id} bildirimini çözüldü olarak işaretle"
close_reports_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> hesabına yönelik <strong>tüm</strong> bildirimleri çözüldü olarak işaretle"
delete_data_html: İlgili sürede askıdan alınması kaldırılmazsa <strong>@%{acct}</strong> hesabının profilini ve içeriğini şu andan itibaren 30 gün içinde sil
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> aşağıdaki içerikle bir uyarı alacaktır:"
target_origin: Şikayet edilen hesabın kökeni
title: Şikayetler
unassign: Atamayı geri al
unknown_action_msg: 'Bilinmeyen eylem: %{action}'
unresolved: Giderilmedi
updated_at: Güncellendi
view_profile: Profili görüntüle
@ -943,6 +961,8 @@ tr:
apply_for_account: Bir hesap talep et
change_password: Parola
wrong_email_hint: Eğer bu e-posta adresi doğru değilse, hesap ayarlarında değiştirebilirsiniz.
delete_account: Hesabı sil
delete_account_html: Hesabını silmek istersen, <a href="%{path}">buradan devam edebilirsin</a>. Onay istenir.

View File

@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ uk:
private_comment_description_html: 'Щоб допомогти вам відстежувати, звідки беруться імпортовані блокування, вони створюються за допомогою наступного приватного коментаря: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Імпортовано з %{source} %{date}
title: Імпорт блокувань домену
invalid_domain_block: 'Один або кілька доменних блоків пропущено через такі помилки: %{error}'
title: Імпорт блокувань домену
no_file: Файл не вибрано
@ -613,6 +614,7 @@ uk:
none: Немає
comment_description_html: 'Щоб надати більше відомостей, %{name} пише:'
confirm_action: Підтвердьте модераційну дію щодо @%{acct}
created_at: Створено
delete_and_resolve: Видалити дописи
forwarded: Переслано
@ -629,6 +631,7 @@ uk:
placeholder: Опишіть, які дії були виконані, або інші зміни, що стосуються справи...
title: Примітки
notes_description_html: Переглядайте та залишайте примітки для інших модераторів та для себе на майбутнє
processed_msg: 'Звіт #%{id} успішно оброблено'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Виберіть швидку дію або гортайте вниз, щоб побачити матеріал, на який надійшла скарга:'
remote_user_placeholder: віддалений користувач із %{instance}
reopen: Перевідкрити скаргу
@ -641,9 +644,28 @@ uk:
status: Стан
statuses: Вміст, на який поскаржилися
statuses_description_html: Замінений вміст буде цитований у спілкуванні з обліковим записом, на який поскаржилися
delete_html: 'Ви збираєтеся <strong>вилучити</strong> деякі з дописів <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Це буде:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Ви збираєтеся <strong>позначити</strong> деякі з дописів <strong>@%{acct}</strong> <strong>делікатними</strong>. Це буде:'
silence_html: 'Ви збираєтеся <strong>обмежити</strong> обліковий запис <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Це буде:'
suspend_html: 'Ви збираєтесь <strong>призупинити</strong> обліковий запис <strong>@%%{acct}</strong>. Це буде:'
delete_html: Вилучити образливі дописи
mark_as_sensitive_html: Позначити медіа образливих дописів делікатними
silence_html: Досягнуто жорсткого обмеження <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, зробивши їхній профіль і вміст видимим тільки людям, які вже слідують за ними або вручну шукають його профіль
suspend_html: Призупинити <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, зробити їх профіль і вміст недоступним та унеможливити взаємодію
close_report: 'Позначити звіт #%{id} розв''язаним'
close_reports_html: Позначити <strong>всі</strong> звіти проти <strong>@%{acct}</strong> розв'язаними
delete_data_html: Видаліть профіль <strong>@%{acct}</strong> і вміст за останні 30 днів, якщо вони не дія не скасується тим часом
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> отримає попередження з таким вмістом:"
record_strike_html: Запис попередження проти <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, що допоможе вам посилити ваші майбутні санкції проти цього облікового запису
send_email_html: Надіслати <strong>@%{acct}</strong> попереджувального електронного листа
warning_placeholder: Додаткові причини дії модерації.
target_origin: Походження облікового запису, на який скаржаться
title: Скарги
unassign: Зняти призначення
unknown_action_msg: 'Невідома дія: %{action}'
unresolved: Невирішені
updated_at: Оновлені
view_profile: Переглянути профіль
@ -979,6 +1001,8 @@ uk:
apply_for_account: Запит облікового запису
change_password: Пароль
wrong_email_hint: Якщо ця адреса електронної пошти неправильна, можна змінити її в налаштуваннях облікового запису.
delete_account: Видалити обліковий запис
delete_account_html: Якщо ви хочете видалити свій обліковий запис, ви можете <a href="%{path}">перейти сюди</a>. Вас попросять підтвердити дію.

config/locales/uz.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
title: Haqida
follow: Obuna bolish
display_name: Ko'rsatiladigan nom
domain: Domen
email: Email
email_status: Email holati
enable: Muzlatishtan olish
enabled: Yoqilgan
followers: Obunachilar
follows: Obuna
invited_by: Tomonidan taklif qilingan
ip: IP
joined: Qo'shilgan
all: Barchasi
local: Mahalliy
remote: Masofadagi
title: Qayerda
login_status: Login holati
media_attachments: Media qo'shimchalari
memorialize: Xotiraga aylantiring
memorialized: Yodga olingan
memorialized_msg: "%{username} esdalik hisobiga muvaffaqiyatli aylantirildi"
active: Aktiv
all: Barchasi
pending: Navbatdagi
silenced: Cheklangan
suspended: To'xtatilgan
title: Moderatsiya
moderation_notes: Moderatsiya eslatmalari
most_recent_activity: Eng oxirgi faoliyat
most_recent_ip: Eng oxirgi IP
perform_full_suspension: To'xtatilgan
reject: Rad etish
'400': The request you submitted was invalid or malformed.
'403': You don't have permission to view this page.
'404': The page you are looking for isn't here.
'406': This page is not available in the requested format.
'410': The page you were looking for doesn't exist here anymore.
'429': Too many requests
'503': The page could not be served due to a temporary server failure.

View File

@ -433,6 +433,7 @@ vi:
private_comment_description_html: 'Để giúp bạn theo dõi nguồn gốc của các chặn tên miền đã nhập, các tên miền chặn đã nhập sẽ được tạo bằng nhận xét riêng tư sau: <q>%{comment}</q>'
private_comment_template: Nhập từ %{source} vào %{date}
title: Nhập máy chủ chặn
invalid_domain_block: 'Một hoặc nhiều tên miền đã bị bỏ qua do (các) lỗi sau: %{error}'
title: Nhập máy chủ chặn
no_file: Không có tập tin nào được chọn
@ -577,6 +578,7 @@ vi:
none: Không có mô tả
comment_description_html: "%{name} cho biết thêm:"
confirm_action: Xác nhận kiểm duyệt với %{acct}
created_at: Báo cáo lúc
delete_and_resolve: Xóa tút
forwarded: Chuyển tiếp
@ -593,6 +595,7 @@ vi:
placeholder: Mô tả vi phạm của người này, hướng xử lý và những cập nhật liên quan khác...
title: Lưu ý
notes_description_html: Xem và để lại lưu ý cho các kiểm duyệt viên khác
processed_msg: 'Báo cáo #%{id} đã được xử lý thành công'
quick_actions_description_html: 'Kiểm duyệt nhanh hoặc kéo xuống để xem nội dung bị báo cáo:'
remote_user_placeholder: người ở %{instance}
reopen: Mở lại báo cáo
@ -605,9 +608,28 @@ vi:
status: Trạng thái
statuses: Nội dung bị báo cáo
statuses_description_html: Lý do tài khoản hoặc nội dung này bị báo cáo sẽ được trích dẫn khi giao tiếp với họ
delete_html: 'Bạn sắp <strong>xóa</strong> vài tút của <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Việc này sẽ:'
mark_as_sensitive_html: 'Bạn sắp <strong>đánh dấu</strong> vài tút của <strong>@%{acct}</strong> là <strong>nhạy cảm</strong>. Việc này sẽ:'
silence_html: 'Bạn sắp <strong>hạn chế</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Việc này sẽ:'
suspend_html: 'Bạn sắp <strong>vô hiệu hóa</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong>. Việc này sẽ:'
delete_html: Xóa các tút vi phạm
mark_as_sensitive_html: Đánh dấu media trong tút vi phạm là nhạy cảm
silence_html: Hạn chế mức ảnh hưởng của <strong>@%{acct}</strong> bằng cách làm cho trang và nội dung của họ chỉ hiển thị với những người đã theo dõi họ hoặc tìm kiếm theo cách thủ công
suspend_html: Vô hiệu hóa <strong>@%{acct}</strong>, làm cho trang và nội dung của họ không thể truy cập và không thể tương tác
close_report: 'Đánh dấu báo cáo #%{id} đã xử lý xong'
close_reports_html: Đánh dấu <strong>tất cả</strong> báo cáo chống lại <strong>@%{acct}</strong> đã xử lý xong
delete_data_html: Xóa trang <strong>@%{acct}</strong> và nội dung 30 ngày kể từ bây giờ trừ khi bỏ vô hiệu hóa
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> sẽ nhận được cảnh báo với nội dung như sau:"
record_strike_html: Lưu lại cảnh cáo <strong>@%{acct}</strong> để giúp bạn đánh giá các vi phạm trong tương lai từ tài khoản này
send_email_html: Gửi <strong>@%{acct}</strong> một email cảnh báo
warning_placeholder: Lý do bổ sung cho hành động kiểm duyệt.
target_origin: Nguồn báo cáo
title: Báo cáo
unassign: Bỏ qua
unknown_action_msg: 'Hành động chưa biết: %{action}'
unresolved: Chờ xử lý
updated_at: Cập nhật lúc
view_profile: Xem trang
@ -925,6 +947,8 @@ vi:
apply_for_account: Xin đăng ký
change_password: Mật khẩu
wrong_email_hint: Nếu địa chỉ email đó không chính xác, bạn có thể thay đổi nó trong cài đặt tài khoản.
delete_account: Xóa tài khoản
delete_account_html: Nếu bạn muốn xóa tài khoản của mình, hãy <a href="%{path}">yêu cầu tại đây</a>. Bạn sẽ được yêu cầu xác nhận.

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ zh-CN:
destroyed_msg: "%{username} 的数据已被安排至删除队列"
disable: 冻结
disable_sign_in_token_auth: 禁用电子邮件令牌认证
disable_two_factor_authentication: 停用两步认证
disable_two_factor_authentication: 停用双重认证
disabled: 已冻结
display_name: 昵称
domain: 域名
@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ zh-CN:
sensitized: 已标记为敏感内容
shared_inbox_url: 公用收件箱Shared InboxURL
created_reports: 这个户提交的举报
targeted_reports: 针对这个户的举报
created_reports: 这个户提交的举报
targeted_reports: 针对这个户的举报
silence: 隐藏
silenced: 已隐藏
statuses: 嘟文
@ -433,6 +433,7 @@ zh-CN:
private_comment_description_html: 为了帮助您追踪域名列表来源,导入的域名列表将被添加如下的私人注释:<q>%{comment}</q>
private_comment_template: 从 %{source} 导入 %{date}
title: 导入域名列表
invalid_domain_block: 由于以下错误,一个或多个域名屏蔽被跳过: %{error}
title: 导入域名列表
no_file: 没有选择文件
@ -577,6 +578,7 @@ zh-CN:
none: 没有
comment_description_html: "%{name} 补充道:"
confirm_action: 确认对 @%{acct} 的管理操作
created_at: 举报时间
delete_and_resolve: 删除嘟文
forwarded: 已转发
@ -593,6 +595,7 @@ zh-CN:
placeholder: 描述已经执行的操作,或其他任何相关的跟进情况…
title: 备注
notes_description_html: 查看备注或向其他监察员留言
processed_msg: '举报 #%{id} 处理成功'
quick_actions_description_html: 快捷选择操作或向下滚动以查看举报内容:
remote_user_placeholder: 来自 %{instance} 的远程实例用户
reopen: 重开举报
@ -605,9 +608,28 @@ zh-CN:
status: 状态
statuses: 被举报内容
statuses_description_html: 在与该账号的通信中将引用违规内容
delete_html: 您即将<strong>删除</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 的一些帖子。 这将:
mark_as_sensitive_html: 您即将 <strong>标记</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 的帖一些子为 <strong>敏感</strong>。这将:
silence_html: 您即将<strong>限制</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 的帐户。 这将:
suspend_html: 您即将<strong>暂停</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 的帐户。 这将:
delete_html: 删除违规帖子
mark_as_sensitive_html: 将违规帖子的媒体标记为敏感
silence_html: 严格限制 <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 的影响力,方法是让他们的个人资料和内容仅对已经关注他们的人可见,或手动查找其个人资料时
suspend_html: 暂停 <strong>@%{acct}</strong>,使他们的个人资料和内容无法访问,也无法与之互动
close_report: '将报告 #%{id} 标记为已解决'
close_reports_html: 将针对 <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 的<strong>所有</strong> 报告标记为已解决
delete_data_html: 从现在起 30 天后删除 <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 的个人资料和内容,除非他们同时解除暂停。
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> 将收到包含以下内容的警告:"
record_strike_html: 记录一次针对 <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 的警示,以帮助您在这个帐户上的未来违规事件中得到重视。
send_email_html: 向 <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 发送警告电子邮件
warning_placeholder: 可选的补充理由,以说明调整的情况。
target_origin: 被举报账号的来源
title: 举报
unassign: 取消接管
unknown_action_msg: 未知操作:%{action}
unresolved: 未处理
updated_at: 更新时间
view_profile: 查看资料
@ -872,7 +894,7 @@ zh-CN:
next_steps: 你可以批准此申诉并撤销该审核结果,也可以忽略此申诉。
subject: "%{username} 对 %{instance} 的审核结果提出了申诉"
body: 户的详细信息如下。你可以批准或拒绝此申请。
body: 户的详细信息如下。你可以批准或拒绝此申请。
subject: 在 %{instance} 上有新账号 (%{username}) 需要审核
body: "%{reporter} 举报了用户 %{target}"
@ -925,6 +947,8 @@ zh-CN:
apply_for_account: 申请账号
change_password: 密码
wrong_email_hint: 如果该电子邮件地址不正确,您可以在帐户设置中进行更改。
delete_account: 删除帐户
delete_account_html: 如果你想删除你的帐户,请<a href="%{path}">点击这里继续</a>。你需要确认你的操作。
@ -971,7 +995,7 @@ zh-CN:
confirming: 等待电子邮件确认完成。
functional: 你的账号可以正常使用了。
pending: 工作人员正在审核你的申请。这需要花点时间。在申请被批准后,你将收到一封电子邮件。
redirecting_to: 你的户无效,因为它已被设置为跳转到 %{acct}
redirecting_to: 你的户无效,因为它已被设置为跳转到 %{acct}
view_strikes: 查看针对你账号的记录
too_fast: 表单提交过快,请重试。
use_security_key: 使用安全密钥
@ -1027,7 +1051,7 @@ zh-CN:
email_change_html: 你可以 <a href="%{path}">更换邮箱地址</a> 无需删除账号
email_contact_html: 如果它还没送到,你可以发邮件给 <a href="mailto:%{email}">%{email}</a> 寻求帮助。
email_reconfirmation_html: 如果你没有收到确认邮件,请点击 <a href="%{path}">重新发送</a> 。
irreversible: 你将无法恢复或重新激活你的
irreversible: 你将无法恢复或重新激活你的
more_details_html: 更多细节,请查看 <a href="%{terms_path}">隐私政策</a> 。
username_available: 你的用户名现在又可以使用了
username_unavailable: 你的用户名仍将无法使用
@ -1240,13 +1264,13 @@ zh-CN:
past_migrations: 迁移记录
proceed_with_move: 移动关注者
redirected_msg: 你的账号现在会跳转至 %{acct}
redirecting_to: 你的帐户被跳转到了 %{acct}。
redirecting_to: 你的账户正在跳转到 %{acct}。
set_redirect: 设置跳转
backreference_required: 新账号必须先引用当前账号
before: 在继续前,请仔细阅读下列说明:
cooldown: 移动后会有一个冷却期,在此期间你将无法再次移动
disabled_account: 此后,你的当前户将无法使用。但是,你仍然有权导出数据或者重新激活。
disabled_account: 此后,你的当前户将无法使用。但是,你仍然有权导出数据或者重新激活。
followers: 这步操作将把所有关注者从当前账户移动到新账户
only_redirect_html: 或者,你可以<a href="%{path}">只在你的账号资料上设置一个跳转</a>。
other_data: 不会自动移动其它数据
@ -1591,19 +1615,19 @@ zh-CN:
statuses: 被引用的嘟文:
delete_statuses: 你在 %{acct} 的嘟文已被删除
disable: 你的户 %{acct} 已被冻结
disable: 你的户 %{acct} 已被冻结
mark_statuses_as_sensitive: 你在 %{acct} 的嘟文已被标记为敏感内容
none: 对 %{acct} 的警告
sensitive: 你在 %{acct} 的嘟文今后将被标记为敏感内容
silence: 你的户 %{acct} 已被隐藏
suspend: 你的帐户 %{acct} 已被封禁。
silence: 你的户 %{acct} 已被隐藏
suspend: 你的账户 %{acct} 已被封禁
delete_statuses: 嘟文已删除
disable: 账号已冻结
mark_statuses_as_sensitive: 嘟文已被标记为敏感内容
none: 警示
sensitive: 账户已被标记为敏感内容
silence: 户被隐藏
silence: 户被隐藏
suspend: 账号被封禁
edit_profile_action: 设置个人资料

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ zh-TW:
action: 執行動作
title: 在 %{acct} 執行管理員動作
title: 對 %{acct} 執行站務動作
create: 記錄
created_msg: 已新增管理備忘!
@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ zh-TW:
undo: 從聯邦宇宙白名單移除
add_new: 新增欲封鎖域名
created_msg: 正在進行站點封鎖
destroyed_msg: 已撤銷站點封鎖
created_msg: 正在進行網域封鎖
destroyed_msg: 已撤銷網域封鎖
domain: 站點
edit: 更改封鎖的站台
existing_domain_block: 您已對 %{name} 施加了更嚴格的限制。
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ zh-TW:
reject_media: 拒絕媒體檔案
reject_media_hint: 刪除本地快取的媒體檔案,並且不再接收來自該站點的任何媒體檔案。與停權無關
reject_reports: 拒絕檢舉
reject_reports_hint: 忽略所有來自此站點的檢舉。與停權無關
reject_reports_hint: 忽略所有來自此網域的檢舉。與停權無關
undo: 復原欲封鎖域名
view: 顯示阻擋的網域
@ -413,9 +413,9 @@ zh-TW:
mx: MX 記錄
domain: 站點
domain: 網域
create: 新增站點
create: 新增網域
resolve: 解析網域
title: 新增電子郵件黑名單項目
no_email_domain_block_selected: 因未選取項目,而未更改電子郵件網域黑名單
@ -433,6 +433,7 @@ zh-TW:
private_comment_description_html: 為了幫助您追蹤匯入黑名單之來源,匯入黑名單建立時將隨附以下私密備註:<q>%{comment}</q>
private_comment_template: 於 %{date} 由 %{source} 匯入
title: 匯入網域黑名單
invalid_domain_block: 由於此錯誤,以致一個或多個網域封鎖被略過:%{error}
title: 匯入網域黑名單
no_file: 尚未選擇檔案
@ -579,6 +580,7 @@ zh-TW:
comment_description_html: 提供更多資訊,%{name} 寫道:
confirm_action: 確認對 @%{acct} 執行站務動作
created_at: 日期
delete_and_resolve: 刪除嘟文
forwarded: 已轉寄
@ -595,6 +597,7 @@ zh-TW:
placeholder: 記錄已執行的動作,或其他相關的更新...
title: 註記
notes_description_html: 檢視及留下些給其他管理員和未來的自己的註記
processed_msg: '檢舉報告 #%{id} 已被成功處理'
quick_actions_description_html: 採取一個快速行動,或者下捲以檢視檢舉內容:
remote_user_placeholder: 來自 %{instance} 之遠端使用者
reopen: 重開檢舉
@ -607,9 +610,28 @@ zh-TW:
status: 嘟文
statuses: 被檢舉的內容
statuses_description_html: 侵犯性違規內容會被引用在檢舉帳號通知中
delete_html: 您將要 <strong>移除</strong> 某些 <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 之嘟文。此將會:
mark_as_sensitive_html: 您將要 <strong>標記</strong> 某些 <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 之嘟文為 <strong>敏感內容 </strong>。此將會:
silence_html: 您將要 <strong>限制</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 之帳號。此將會:
suspend_html: 您將要 <strong>暫停</strong> <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 之帳號。此將會:
delete_html: 移除違反規則之嘟文
mark_as_sensitive_html: 將違反規則之嘟文多媒體標記為敏感內容
silence_html: 藉由標記他們的個人檔案與內容為僅可見於已跟隨帳號或手動查詢此個人檔案,此將嚴格地限制 <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 之觸及率
suspend_html: 暫停 <strong>@%{acct}</strong>,將他們的個人檔案與內容標記為無法存取及無法與之互動
close_report: '將檢舉報告 #%{id} 標記為已處理'
close_reports_html: 將 <strong>所有</strong> 對於 <strong>@%{acct}</strong> 之檢舉報告標記為已處理
delete_data_html: 於即日起 30 天後刪除 <strong>@%{acct}</strong>之個人檔案與內容,除非他們於期限前被解除暫停
preview_preamble_html: "<strong>@%{acct}</strong> 將收到關於以下內容之警告:"
record_strike_html: 紀錄關於 <strong>@%{acct}</strong>之警示有助於您升級對此帳號未來違規處理
send_email_html: 寄一封警告 e-mail 給 <strong>@%{acct}</strong>
warning_placeholder: 選填之其他站務動作理由。
target_origin: 檢舉帳號之來源
title: 檢舉
unassign: 取消指派
unknown_action_msg: 未知的動作:%{action}
unresolved: 未解決
updated_at: 更新
view_profile: 檢視個人檔案頁面
@ -927,6 +949,8 @@ zh-TW:
apply_for_account: 申請帳號
change_password: 密碼
wrong_email_hint: 若電子郵件地址不正確,您可以於帳號設定中更改。
delete_account: 刪除帳號
delete_account_html: 如果您欲刪除您的帳號,請<a href="%{path}">點擊這裡繼續</a>。您需要再三確認您的操作。