Eugen Rochko 81584779cb More robust PuSH subscription refreshes (#2799)
* Fix #2473 - Use sidekiq scheduler to refresh PuSH subscriptions instead of cron

Fix an issue where / in domain would raise exception in TagManager#normalize_domain

PuSH subscriptions refresh done in a round-robin way to avoid hammering a single
server's hub in sequence. Correct handling of failures/retries through Sidekiq (see
also #2613). Optimize Account#with_followers scope. Also, since subscriptions
are now delegated to Sidekiq jobs, an uncaught exception will not stop the entire
refreshing operation halfway through

Fix #2702 - Correct user agent header on outgoing http requests

* Add test for SubscribeService

* Extract #expiring_accounts into method

* Make mastodon:push:refresh no-op

* Queues are now defined in sidekiq.yml

* Queues are now in sidekiq.yml
2017-05-05 02:23:01 +02:00

43 lines
2 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
class UpdateRemoteProfileService < BaseService
def call(body, account, resubscribe = false)
xml = Nokogiri::XML(body)
xml.encoding = 'utf-8'
xml = xml.at_xpath('/xmlns:feed', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS) || xml.at_xpath('/xmlns:entry', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS)
return if xml.nil?
author_xml = xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:author', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS) || xml.at_xpath('./dfrn:owner', dfrn: TagManager::DFRN_XMLNS)
hub_link = xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="hub"]', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS)
unless author_xml.nil?
account.display_name = author_xml.at_xpath('./poco:displayName', poco: TagManager::POCO_XMLNS)&.content || ''
account.note = author_xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:summary', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS)&.content || author_xml.at_xpath('./poco:note', poco: TagManager::POCO_XMLNS)&.content || ''
account.locked = author_xml.at_xpath('./mastodon:scope', mastodon: TagManager::MTDN_XMLNS)&.content == 'private'
if !account.suspended? && !DomainBlock.find_by(domain: account.domain)&.reject_media?
account.avatar_remote_url = link_href_from_xml(author_xml, 'avatar') if link_has_href?(author_xml, 'avatar')
account.header_remote_url = link_href_from_xml(author_xml, 'header') if link_has_href?(author_xml, 'header')
old_hub_url = account.hub_url
account.hub_url = hub_link['href'] if !hub_link.nil? && !hub_link['href'].blank? && (hub_link['href'] != old_hub_url)
Pubsubhubbub::SubscribeWorker.perform_async( if resubscribe && (account.hub_url != old_hub_url)
def link_href_from_xml(xml, type)
xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="' + type + '"]', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS)['href']
def link_has_href?(xml, type)
!(xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="' + type + '"]', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).nil? || xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="' + type + '"]', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS)['href'].blank?)