* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (Hungarian)
* New translations strings.xml (Arabic)
* New translations strings.xml (Arabic)
* New translations strings.xml (Arabic)
* New translations strings.xml (Esperanto)
* New translations strings.xml (Esperanto)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* Add theme system
A theme which follows system design.
See: https://www.xda-developers.com/samsung-galaxy-s9-update-night-mode-schedule/
* update
to be in line with https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/pull/1060/files
* Update ThemeUtils.java
* update
* Cleanup
* Update Deps
* Cleanup
* Update PreferencesActivity.kt
* Workaround to make MODE_NIGHT_FOLLOW_SYSTEM work
* Update ThemeUtils.java
* Use ThemeUtils.THEME_SYSTEM
* Update SplashActivity.kt
* Update strings.xml
* Update Deps
* Update build.gradle
* Update build.gradle
* fix tests
* Fix unnecessary reloading of notifications
This removes topId as it is not needed and just plainly uses status id
if needed. During initial loading of notifications topId/bottomId are
not set so we ended up reloading everything.
* Refactor notifications adapter
Use AsyncListDiffer for updating notifications just like in timelines.
* Cleanup in NotificationsFragment
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (Hungarian)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* Remove unnecessary //noinspection ConstantConditions
* Add autocompletion for custom emoji
* Update MentionTagTokenizer tests for emoji autocomplete support
* Move 1) emoji list retrieval notifying and 2) setting of emojiList field into setEmojiList() method of ComposeActivity
* Convert RelativeLayout in item_autocomplete_emoji.xml to LinearLayout
* Rename MentionTag* to Compose*
* Improve emoji autocomplete matching
* Make hashtag autocomplete results bold
* Use Context.getString()'s built-in formatting
* Add a divider between emoji autocomplete results that *start with* the token and those that *contain* it
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Hungarian)
* New translations strings.xml (Hungarian)
* New translations strings.xml (Hungarian)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* Russian language updated:
• Added strings for tabs customization.
• Added strings for Likes/Boosts counters.
• Added strings for external open/share.
• Some other fixes and additions.
* Added missing "maximum tabs reached" string.
* Small change to "hide compose button" string
* +attach subject when composing with shared content from other apps
* Update strings.xml
* Update preferences.xml
* Update strings.xml
* remove option for add subject of shared to composeActivity
* Update preferences.xml
* Add new Elephant Friend images. Use them in ListsActivity.
* Add error images to AccountListFragment
* Add error images to Timeline & Notifications fragment. Needs rework.
* Introduce BackgroundMessageView. Use it in AccountList.
* Use correct button style for BackgroundMessageView
Co-Authored-By: charlag <charlag@tutanota.com>
* Use BackgroundMessageView
* Add BackgroundMessageView docs
* Re-color and document elephants
* Apply feedback, disable refresh when error is shown
* Fix string typo
This removes topId as it is not needed and just plainly uses status id
if needed. During initial loading of notifications topId/bottomId are
not set so we ended up reloading everything.
* Add serialization of the meta-data and focus objects
These objects are added in some attachments. This commit adds data
classes which are able to serialize these (partially) in preparation
for the ability to honour the focal point information in image
* Implement correctly honouring the focal point meta-data in previews
This commit adds code which ensures that the image previews of media
attachments to toots are correctly cropped to always show the focal
point of the image (if it is specified). It should not in any way
influence how previews of media without a focal point are shown.
To achieve the correct crop on the image a few components were
First of all we needed a way to influence how the image is cropped
into the ImageView. It turns out that the preferred way to do this is
by setting the ScaleType to MATRIX and adjusting the matrix of the
image as needed. This matrix allows us to scale and transform the
image in the way we need to make sure that the focal point is visible
within the view. For this purpose we have the FocalPointEnforcer which
can calculate and set the appropriate matrix on an ImageView as soon
as the image is loaded.
However a second problem is that we need to make sure that this matrix
is updated whenever the size of the ImageView changes. The size might
change for example because the orientation of the device changed from
portrait to landscape or vice versas, or for a number of other reasons
such as the screen being split vertically or something like that.
To be able to hook onto this event we need to create a new extended
version of the ImageView class, which we call
MediaPreviewImageView. This class behaves exactly the same as a normal
ImageView, however if the focalPointEnforcer of this view is set, then
it will call this enforcer to update the image matrix any time the
size is changed.
So this commit changes all media previews in the item_status.xml and
item_status_detailled.xml layout files to the new
MediaPreviewImageView class. Additionally in the code for loading the
images into the previews a new case is added which tests if there is a
focus attribute in the meta-data. If so it makes sure to create and
set the FocalPointEnforcer.
* Fix typos in documentation comment
"to" -> "too"
* Use static imports to remove clutter in FocalPointEnforcerTest
Instead of duplication Assert. in front of every assertEquals, simply
statically import it.
* Move the MetaData and Focus classes into the Attachment class
Since they are very strongly linked to the attachment class and are
themselves very small.
* Refactor the focal point handling code
- All the code modifying the actual members of the
MediaPreviewImageView is now in this class itself. This class still
uses the FocalPointUtil to calculate the new Matrix, but it now
handles setting this new Matrix itself.
- The FocalPointEnforcer has been renamed to the FocalPointUtil to
reflect that it only calculates the correct matrix, but doesn't set
anything on the MediaPreviewImageView.
- The Matrix used to control the cropping of the
MediaPreviewImageViews is now only allocated a single time per view
instead of each time the view is resized. This is done by caching
the Matrix and passing it to the FocalPointUtil to update on each
* Only reallocate focalMatrix if it is not yet initialized
This helps prevent unnecessary allocations in the case where
setFocalPoint is called multiple times.
* Change checking of availability of objects to use != null
As pointed out, the 'is' keyword is meant for checking types, not for
checking non-nullness.
* Make updateFocalPointMatrix() return nothing
This makes it clearer that it actually mutates the matrix it is
* Fix bug with transitions crashing the PhotoView
Due to the android transitions for some reason copying the scaletype
from the MediaPreviewImageView to the PhotoView during the transition,
the PhotoView would crash on pictures with a focal point, since
PhotoView doesn't support ScaleType.MATRIX.
This is solved by the workaround of overriding both the getScaleType
and setScaleType methods to ensure that we use the MATRIX type in the
preview and the center_crop type in the PhotoView.
Additionally this commit also makes sure to remove the focal point
when the MediaPreviewImageView is recycled.
* Fix bug in overriden getScaleType
Instead of simply returning the scaleType we need to return the
super.getScaleType() method, to avoid crashing.
* Merge changes from master
Mainly the migration to androidx.
* Update zh-rTW translation
* Add missing translation
* Copy zh-rTW strings to HK and MO for now, per @connyduck 's request
Note that this should not be the final solution, HK and MO should be
able to understand the TW variant, but they're still different.
* move reblog/fav count up in detailed status view and make them clickable
* use status object returned by api when reblogging/faving
* Reblogs -> Boosts
* add support for viewing who faved/reblogged a status
* add onShowReblogs/onShowFavs to listener, fix display bug
* remove unneeded icon from previous revision
* small code improvements
* fix liking/boosting toot with card
* upgrade to AndroidX, upgrade libraries
* move to MaterialComponents theme
* make sure the compose button looks good everywhere
* fix tollbar title/button alignment on tablet
* move to new material color theming, consolidate colors and themes
* fix build, fix imports
* set error on TextInputLayout instead of EditText
* fix imports, TootButton when
* improve snackbar style
* fix task description color
* WIP: still display mentions when toot content is hidden
* WIP: still display mentions when toot content is hidden (2)
* Still display mentions when toot content is hidden (3)
* Factorize code for setting content and spoiler on a toot
* Factorize condition
* Add visibility icons to statuses
* Remove visibility icons from timeline statuses
* Dynamically scale visibility icon according to timestamp font size
* Remove visibility icon selection logic from Status model
* Migrate visibility icon logic to StatusDetailedViewHolder
* Simplify/improve performance of visibility icon layout
* Use text size for visibility icon size (instead of view size)
* Remove unnecessary LayoutListener
* Remove unnecessary visibilityIcon check
* Updated with new strings, added new translations for mute
* Changed from nsfw to sensitive content
* translating new strings ++extra fixes
* Add files via upload
* [sv] New strings translated
* Enforce 420-character limit on media descriptions in the UI
* Persist media descriptions with drafts
* Defer media description update until after upload finishes
* Make description field 2 lines for better visibility of hint text
* Reuse Gson instance
* Force retranslation of modified string "hint_describe_for_visually_impaired"
* Add bounds check when reading serialized media descriptions
* Fix media transitions, reduce code duplication between media fragments
* Remove redundant helper
* Fix occasional crash when swiping between mixed media
* Hide controls when swiping between media
* Migrate ImagePagerAdapter to kotlin
* Migrate ViewMediaFragment to kotlin
* Make images and videos share the same activity/pager
* Show descriptions above videos
* Cleanup
* Address code review feedback
* Migrate media fragments to constraint layout
* Update Gradle plugin to work with Android Studio 3.3 Canary
Android Studio 3.1.4 Stable doesn't render layout previews in this project
for whatever reason. Switching to the latest 3.3 Canary release fixes the
issue without affecting Gradle scripts but requires the new Android Gradle
plugin to match the new Android Studio release.
This commit will be reverted once development on the feature is done.
* Update gradle build script to allow installing debug builds alongside store version
This will allow developers, testers, etc to work on Tusky will not having to worry
about overwriting, uninstalling, fiddling with a preinstalled application which would
mean having to login again every time the development cycle starts/finishes and
manually reinstalling the app.
* Add UI changes to support collapsing statuses
The button uses subtle styling to not be distracting like the CW button on the timeline
The button is toggleable, full width to match the status textbox hitbox width and also
is shorter to not be too intrusive between the status text and images, or the post below
* Update status data model to store whether the message has been collapsed
* Update status action listener to notify of collapsed state changing
Provide stubs in all implementing classes and mark as TODO the stubs that
require a proper implementation for the feature to work.
* Add implementation code to handle status collapse/expand in timeline
Code has not been added elsewhere to simplify testing.
Once the code will be considered stable it will be also included in other
status action listener implementers.
* Add preferences so that users can toggle the collapsing of long posts
This is currently limited to a simple toggle, it would be nice to implement
a more advanced UI to offer the user more control over the feature.
* Update Gradle plugin to work with latest Android Studio 3.3 Canary 8
Just like the other commit, this will be reverted once the feature is working.
I simply don't want to deal with what changes in my installation of Android
Studio 3.1.4 Stable which breaks the layout preview rendering.
* Update data models and utils for statuses to better handle collapsing
I forgot that data isn't available from the API and can't really be built
from scratch using existing data due to preferences.
A new, extra boolean should fix the issue.
* Fix search breaking due to newly introduced variables in utils classes
* Fix timeline breaking due to newly introduced variables in utils classes
* Fix item status text for collapsed toggle being shown in the wrong state
* Update timeline fragment to refresh the list when collapsed settings change
* Add support for status content collapse in timeline viewholder
* Fix view holder truncating posts using temporary debug settings at 50 chars
* Add toggle support to notification layout as well
* Add support for collapsed statuses to search results
* Add support for expandable content to notifications too
* Update codebase with some suggested changes by @charlang
* Update more code with more suggestions and move null-safety into view data
* Update even more code with even more suggested code changes
* Revert a0a41ca and 0ee004d (Android Studio 3.1 to Android Studio 3.3 updates)
* Add an input filter utility class to reuse code for trimming statuses
* Update UI of statuses to show a taller collapsible button
* Update notification fragment logging to simplify null checks
* Add smartness to SmartLengthInputFilter such as word trimming and runway
* Fix posts with show more button even if bad ratio didn't collapse
* Fix thread view showing button but not collapsing by implementing the feature
* Fix spannable losing spans when collapsed and restore length to 500 characters
* Remove debug build suffix as per request
* Fix all the merging happened in f66d689, 623cad2 and 7056ba5
* Fix notification button spanning full width rather than content width
* Add a way to access a singleton to smart filter and use clearer code
* Update view holders using smart input filters to use more singletons
* Fix code style lacking spaces before boolean checks in ifs and others
* Remove all code related to collapsibility preferences, strings included
* Update style to match content warning toggle button
* Update strings to give cleaner differentiation between CW and collapse
* Update smart filter code to use fully qualified names to avoid confusion
* set minSdkVersion to 21
* use elevation instead of additional views for shadow
* clean up code occurrences
* remove drawable compat code
* remove no longer needed resources
* remove unneeded android:clipChildren="false"
* Revert "remove no longer needed resources"
This reverts commit 67a4d6f8d87b3f116b95d90dfb48f350d342f503.
* remove no longer needed resources (this time the right ones)
* fix progressbars of footer and fragment overlapping
* add progressbar to bottom of notification list again
* fix bottom loading getting stuck sometimes
* upgrade MaterialDrawer
* improve CustomEmojiHelper so now any parent view can be used for invalidation
* cleanup MainActivity a bit
* add emojiList to account database and show compatEmojis and custom emojis in drawer
* improve perf of drawer profile update
* fix account switching
* reuse gson, break after profile item was found
* Add black theme
On amoled screens a completely black theme helps save battery,
besides looking awesome!
* Fix first set of merge request issues except the dialog.
* Black theme inherits from dark and only the different values
are declared
* Make nav bar translucent (for some reason content does not
go behind it in main activity. Need to investigate)
* Remove nav bar line
* Fix toolbar color
* Fix dialog issue with black theme.
Revert translucent navigation.
* Translations updated, as well as possible from online sources.
* Make login screen respect black theme
* Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573
* Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not
* Minimal fix for issue #573
* Add tests for compose spanning
* Clean up code suggestions
* Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward
* Add secondary validation pass for urls
* Address code review feedback
* Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again
* Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color
* new layout for AccountActivity
* fix the light theme
* convert AccountActivity to Kotlin
* introduce AccountViewModel
* Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign
# Conflicts:
# app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java
* add Bot badge to profile
* parse custom emojis in usernames
* add possibility to cancel follow request
* add third tab on profiles
* add account fields to profile
* add support for moved accounts
* set click listener on account moved view
* fix tests
* use 24dp as statusbar size
* add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts
* add button to edit own account to AccountActivity
* set toolbar top margin programmatically
* fix crash
* add shadow behind statusbar
* introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code
* move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons
* clean up stuff
* add error handling
* improve type safety
* fix ConstraintLayout warning
* remove unneeded ressources
* fix event dispatching
* fix crash in event handling
* set correct emoji on title
* improve some things
* wrap follower/foillowing/status views
* Create string.xml
* Rename string.xml to strings.xml
* Update strings.xml
* 100% done
Swedish translation 100% done.
* Corrected first line with correct path.
* Isolate usernames when formatting, to improve interaction of RTL usernames with LTR locales (and vice versa)
* Add bidirectionality safeguards in NotificationHelper
* Cache bidirectionality formatter instance in NotificationsAdapter
* show ComposeActivity as Dialog on tablets
* limit timeline width on large devices
* limit width on large devices for thread view and search
* increase media preview size on large devices
* Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573
* Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not
* Minimal fix for issue #573
* Add tests for compose spanning
* Clean up code suggestions
* Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward
* Add secondary validation pass for urls
* Address code review feedback
* Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again
* Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color
* Add circleci
* Commit to maybe fix ci
* Suppress false positives in lint
* Disable linting for tests in ci
* Add image descriptions to gallery
* Fix test
* [CI] Attempt to fix OOM error
* [CI] Attempt to fix OOM error, 2
* Add option to open status from media
* fix theme issue
* increase linespacing on media description
* Add EmojiCompat
* EmojiCompat doesn' replace all emojis anymore
* This app should be now capable of loading a EmojiCompat-font located in a file somewhere inside the device's storage
* Should now replace all emojis
* Add EmojiCompat support to EditTextTyped
* Provide EmojiCompat fonts
* The app won't crash anymore when no emoji font is available.
Emoji font should now be located at [Private external app directory]/files/EmojiCompat.ttf
* Removed BundledEmojiCompat dependency
Since this EmojiCompat-implementation does not rely on BundledEmojiCompat, there's no reason to have it enabled.
* Update EditTextTyped.kt
Since connection isn't assigned to (I tried doing so), it can be declared final/val again.
* Update README.md
* Add some non-working emoji preferences
* Add a short font list for testing
* Finished implementation
* Add Twemoji to font list
* Update documentation, more comments
* Delete AssetEmojiCompat which is obsolete now
* Update the font list
* Update the font list
* Fix font list & add Exception handling for malformed JSON files (hopefully)
* More fixes. It should work now...
* Removed AssetEmojiCompat (again)
* Add most of the changes
* Improved the EmojiCompat dialog's style
* The font list is now based on a static layout without external files
* Re-add the real font URL for Twemoji
* Emoji-font captions are now translatable
* Removed one unused String (loading)
* Removed emoji fonts from this repo
* Applied changes from the PR change requests
* The correct emoji font will be selected after cancelling a change
* Add details on the EmojiCompat fonts available (not shown yet)
* Add licensing information on Twemoji and Blobmoji
* Reworked some strings
* Moved FileEmojiCompat to its own library
* Update FileEmojiCompat to the latest version (1.0.3)
* EmojiCompat bug should be fixed
* Better handling of failed downloads
* Removed one TODO
Signed-off-by: Constantin A <10349490+C1710@users.noreply.github.com>
* Update emoji attribution strings
Signed-off-by: Constantin A <10349490+C1710@users.noreply.github.com>
* Fixed some misspelled strings
Signed-off-by: Constantin A <10349490+C1710@users.noreply.github.com>
Original English string is about "custom emojis" and therefore a better translation is "emojis personalizados". Note that "emoji" is a neologism accepted and understood in Spanish (see e.g. Spanish Wikipedia).
* Add tests for search functionality in SFragment
* Parameterize url matching tests
* Clean up / compartmentalize search tests
* Make SFragmentTest filesystem location match package name
* Query instance for toot character limit
* Move maximumTootCharacters to instance field
* Add caching for maximum toot characters, expanding on the emoji list storage
* Update formatting per review feedback
* Fix compose activity tests
* Rename mastodon api point for nicer interaction with kotlin
* Default emoji list to empty list instead of null, to appease json converters in failure cases
* Add test coverage for custom toot character limit setting
* Fix compiler warnings
* View links to statuses inside Tusky
* Only attempt to open links that look like mastodon statuses
* Add support for pleroma statuses
* Move "smells like mastodon" url check to click handler
* Add bottom sheet to notify users of post query status
* Improve architecture for managing search status
* Push everything into SFragment
* Add external lookup for non-locally-resolved account links
* Clean up copypasta from LinkHelper.setClickableText
* Apply PR feedback
* Migrate bottom sheet wrappers to CoordinatorLayout
* inject MastodonApi into LoginActivity
* inject AccountManager into MainActivity
* inject AccountManager into SplashActivity, convert to Kotlin
* inject AccountManager into AccountActivity
* inject AccountManager into LoginActivity
* inject AccountManager into NotificationsFragment and NotificationClearBroadcastReceiver, fix MainActivity
* ooops
* use same OkHttpClient for Retrofit & Picasso
* fix ordering of okhttp interceptors
* remove dependencies on TuskyApplication
* bugfix
* [OC] first version of the translation
I'll make more changes soon, so it matches the same wording as in the Mastodon UI.
* Update strings.xml
* Update strings.xml
* Update strings.xml
* Update strings.xml
* Query instance for toot character limit
* Move maximumTootCharacters to instance field
* Add caching for maximum toot characters, expanding on the emoji list storage
* Update formatting per review feedback
* Fix compose activity tests
* Rename mastodon api point for nicer interaction with kotlin
* Default emoji list to empty list instead of null, to appease json converters in failure cases
* Use empty list helper
* Fix database migration
* strings: Add spanish translations
I kept more or less the same length as the original english translations so everything should fit, although I'm unable to test them at the moment.
For every string I wasn't sure how to translate I checked it against the web interface equivalent from mastodon.social
For every alert or information provided by the app I used a polite verb form, while keeping casual ones for interactions between users.
* strings: Add missing spanish translation
* Russian language updated
Please note that I made the translation with [Stringlate](https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Stringlate) so there might be some issues with formatting. Please let me know if any.
* Fixed quotes in <a href> tags
* do not add media urls to status text
* add scrolling to content
* add arrow icon and animation to replying-to toggle
* remove unnecessary compose_button_colors.xml
* improve toot button
* improve bottom bar, add bottom sheet for compose options, dedicated cw button
* fix crash on Android < API 21
* move media picking from dialog to bottom sheet
* add small style tootbutton
* fix colors/button background for light theme
* add icons to media chose bottom sheet
* improve hide media button, delete unused styles
* fix crash on dev build when taking photo
* consolidate drawables
* consolidate strings and ids, add tooltips to buttons
* allow media only toots
* change error message to show max size of upload correctly
* fix button color
* add emoji
* code cleanup
* Merge branch 'master' into compose_activity_refactoring
# Conflicts:
# app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/ComposeActivity.java
* fix hidden snackbar
* improve hint text color
* add SendTootService
* fix timeline refreshing
* toot saving and error handling for sendtootservice
* restructure some code
* convert EditTextTyped to Kotlin
* fixed pick media button disabled color
* force sensitive media when content warning is shown
* add db cache for emojis & fix tests
* reorder buttons to match mastodon web
* add possibility to cancel sending of toot
* correctly delete sent toots
* refresh SavedTootActivity after toot was sent
* remove unused resources
* correct params for toot saving in SendTootService
* consolidate strings
* bugfix
* remove unused resources
* fix notifications on old android for SendTootService
* fix crash
* German translation: der Toot becomes der Beitrag
* German translation: Toot! becomes Teilen!
* German translation: berichtet becomes gemeldet
* German translation: NSFW-Inhalte become Heikle Inhalte
* German translation: Followers become Folgende
* German translation: Followanfrage becomes Folgeanfrage
* Initial implementation of regex feed filtering
Mimics Mastodon web's functionality, but in a simpler form; a single
regular expression is shared across the home, local and federated feeds.
Strings are currently only provided in English and will need to be
* Fix buggy behaviour on filter regex update
* Validate regex filter input
Fixes buggy behaviour on inputting a regular expression feed filter by
testing the expression continuously as the user types, displaying an
error and disabling the 'OK' button of the dialog at any time it's not a
valid regular expression. Disables spelling suggestions in the input to
make the experience less frustrating and error prone.
Also fixes some generally buggy behaviour upon preference change,
specifically in cases where no Matcher was set prior to a new pattern
being set, which would cause the app to crash.
* Apply regex filter to spoiler text
* Get rid of empty catch block in regex filter code
* Make regex filter error string translatable
* Use the entire content warning text + button as the hitbox for the "Show more/less" toggle
* Move the content warning toggle button to its own line and give it a little more space
* Move content warning elements into parent layout, remove now-superfluous FlowLayout
* Use marginTop/Bottom instead of Vertical, which is only in sdk 26+
* Update minimum width for content warning toggle button
* Add zh-CN translations (first version).
满眼生机转化钧, 天工人巧日争新。
* Add zh-TW translations (converted by OpenCC).
* Add zh-HK translations (converted by OpenCC).
呢個翻譯真喺 On9!
* Fix some translations in zh-CN.
* Fix some translations in zh-TW, too.
* Fix some translations in zh-HK, too...
* Minor fixes in zh-CN translations.
* Add zh-SG translations (the same as zh-CN).
* Update zh-TW translations.
* Update zh-HK translations, too.
Still needs to be improved...
* Add zh-MO translations (the same as zh-HK).
Now it's all set!
* Fix a character in zh-CN translations...
Don't mind, don't mind...
* Fix the same character in zh-SG translations...
It's all my fault. 😂
* correctly filter notifications on Api >= 26, other fixes and refactoring
* use correct areNotificationsEnabled method in MainActivity
* change notification led color
* basic implementation
* improve LoginActivity
* darken drawer background image
* add current avatar in ComposeActivity
* add account name to logout dialog
* multi account support for notifications
* multi account support for notifications
* bugfixes & cleanup
* fix bug where somethings notifications would open with the wrong user
* correctly set active account in SFragment
* small improvements
* Split theme definitions into day and night
* Add support for Night Mode in code
* Add theme chooser in preferences
* Fix translations
* Adjust IDs
* Adjust preferences for custom themes
* UI tweaks for custom theme support
* Added code for custom theme support 🍅
* Fixed resource display in Kotlin 🍅
* Restored styles
* Updated strings
* Fixed getIdentifier() to fit into setTheme()
* Removed redundant resources
* Reset default theme to "Dusky"
* Fixed night mode handler to maintain compatibility
* Refactor functions to use helper methods
* Added license block
* Added preview to theme selector
* Added color identifier getter helper method
* Fixed reference in AccountMediaFragment
* Cleanup
* Fixed navbar foreground not changing color
* Fix fallback theme switch(){}
* Enable location-based daylight trigger
* Cleanup
* Modified theming strategy to reduce clutter in preferences
* Updated translations for latest version
* Removed "Default" theme flavor from settings
* Updated Polish translations 🇵🇱
* Modified TwilightManager handling code to support Android M's UiModeManager features and moved it to its own function
* Updated Polish translations 🇵🇱
* Cleanup; Fixed hardcoded string
* Added missing escape in string
* Removed permission request dialog.
As we now use native UiModeManager APIs that don't need special permission for Android 6.0 and above, we no longer need to bother user with Android M+ specific location permission request dialog.
* Increased readability of ThemeUtil class
* Refactored ThemeUtils.setAppNightMode method
* Cleanup
This change allows the user to manually enter an unauthenticated proxy
configuration to be used for all API connections. This is mainly
intended for using Tusky with Tor (via Orbot or a local proxy).
• Added missing translations to timestamps (1s, 2m, 3h etc);
• Renamed "bio" section (now it's translated as "about me" since "biography" means something large and detailed);
• Renamed "thread" sections (now it uses more native word "Discussion", rather than transliterated "Thread" word);
• Changed notification string about new notifications. This change may look a bit ugly, but it solves a problem with declension of numeric values.
* Refactor ComposeActivity intent. Fix bug with URLs
When user saved toot link was removed from the text field itself,
not only from the text to be saved.
* Show what you reply to
The problem was that Tusky kept sending requests for autocompletion
while writing toots even when the user wasn't typing a username
anymore. As it happened very often we would exceed the API request
limit and user wouldn't be able to send the toot.
This happened because Tokenizer is not used as expected. In fact,
during testing, findTokenEnd() and terminateToken() were never called.
I've tried setting a Validator but it wasn't used either. I'm not
sure what is the reason.
I am afraid it still may work incorrectly for the full nicknames
(ones with the instance name, like @name@isntance) because
the search may happen for the instance name but it's not as
* Strings: FR: Update translation
* Follow is not a good term, replace it by something more relevant.
* Strings: FR: Add missing translates
* Code string 'saved' is translated 'Drafts' in English.
Use 'saved' based words in FR however.
The duplicated interface will no appeared anymore. The problem is with the "stack memory" who do weird thing with his fragments.
no more duplicated stuff after that ;)